Ch 585

In Gu Changge's view, the Ji family siblings' affairs are actually very simple.

It is nothing more than a word to tell the outside world that the Ji family nowadays is something he covers.

Since the hostile forces of the Ji family were jealous, they did not dare to act easily on the Ji family.

So he let Ji Chuyue stay, which is equivalent to agreeing to the two people's request and giving a signal to the outside world.

After all, there are many forces staring at the Ji family. Now Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing suddenly left the family and came to the Changsheng Gu family.

Many people are watching in secret and watching closely.

Finally Ji Chuyue stayed here, while Ji Yaoxing returned to the family.

What does this mean?

As the Little Princess of the Ji family, Ji Chuyue walks outside. In some respects, it also represents the face of the Ji family.

She is now at the age of a flower like a jade, and she has no marriage contract. At this juncture, she went to Changshenggu's home, and then stayed in it.

As long as the hostile forces of the Ji family are not stupid or blind, you can see what this means.

Ji Yaoxing and Ji Chuyue are not stupid, and they immediately understood Gu Changge's intentions.

"Thank you, Young Master Changge."

"Your great kindness, our Ji family is not unforgettable, and we will remember it forever."

The expressions of the two became extremely grateful, and their voices were trembling slightly, so that they didn't know how to say thank you.

Before coming here, they had already planned to be turned away by Gu Changge.

But I never thought that Gu Changge agreed to them in the end. This kindness alone is worth remembering forever by all the people in the Ji family.

What's more, it was Gu Changge who helped them get out of Kunshan before.

"We owe too much to Young Master Changge."

Ji Yaoxing secretly said in his heart, and glanced at Little Sister, who had a glow on his face beside him.

Ji Chuyue understood what his Big Brother meant, and nodded a little shyly, feeling that his face was hot and his heart was beating very fast, so he didn't dare to look up at Gu Changge.

"Ji Shengchu, senior, once showed great kindness to the hundreds of millions of creatures in the upper realm. How can I stand by when the Ji family is in such a disaster."

24 Gu Changge did not look back. At this moment, he sighed lightly. It seemed that he was regretting what happened to the Ji family.

Ji Yaoxing solemnly said, "No matter what, at this juncture, Young Master Changge is willing to help my Ji family. This is great grace, and my Ji family will never forget."

Before that, he had always been arrogant and felt that he was not inferior to the others in the younger generation.

He is humble on the surface, but in fact he disagrees very much. He feels that if the Ji family returns to its previous glory, he can definitely become one of the most brilliant and powerful young supreme in the upper realm.

His fear of Gu Changge is based on power and status, but now he truly admires and respects Gu Changge.

Gu Changge smiled and waved his hand. "Brother Yao Xing Dao doesn't have to be like this, it's just a trivial matter to me.

Although Gu Changge said very lightly, he didn't take it to heart.

But Ji Chuyue and Ji Yaoxing are extremely grateful to him now.

Later, after getting Gu Changge's guarantee, the yin spirit in Ji Yaoxing's heart finally dissipated, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and then left.

During this period of time, the gloomy face also showed a smile, confident and high-spirited.

"Big Brother"

After seeing her leaving, Ji Chuyue suddenly felt a little uneasy and seemed extremely at a loss. For a while, she didn't even know where to put her hands.

After all, in the current palace, there are only her and Gu Changge.

Gu Changge's sacred island is located here, and he practiced here on weekdays.

Ji Chuyue has been spoiled since childhood. Although she has no arrogant Miss temperament, she has never served anyone.

Now standing behind Gu Changge, I only feel that Rumang is on his back, restless, and I don't know what to do.

Gu Changge let her stay?

Now she only had what Gu Changge said just now in her mind, and she thought of it a lot for a while, and her two small hands were twisted together.

When I saw Gu Changge for the first time, I was looking for the Zhangtian Pagoda near Zishan.

At that time, Gu Changge and his fiancé Wushuangxian Emperor Yue Mingkong rushed to the Shenxu Gate together.

It was the first time that she met Jiang Chen there, and learned that he could not enter the gate of the gods due to his talent, so she gave him the opportunity to worship it.

It was also at that time that Jiang Chen confessed to her that he had the inheritance of the god source master and could help her find the Heavenly Palm Tower.

Ji Chuyue put the restoration of the glory of Ji family first, so naturally he chose to believe in Jiang Chen.

At that time, Ji Chuyue felt that Gu Changge, as the descendant of the Changsheng Gu family, was powerful, and she was not in the same world at all.

So although she respects him, she is actually indifferent.

Even at the back, she learned that Gu Changge was looking for Zhangtian Pagoda, but she did not hide from him, and went to Zishan with Jiang Chen and others.

But it was precisely because of that incident that made her deeply understand what power is.

Later, their whereabouts were followed by Chen Ning'er. The Ji family was worried that they would offend Gu Changge, and they did not hesitate to send the Heavenly Palm Wheel to Gu Changge.

There would be no superfluous intersection between her and Gu Changge.

But Ji Chuyue did not expect that Gu Changge would become the savior of the entire Ji family.

Even today I would stand behind him, so shy and nervous.

All this can only be said to be good fortune.

She knew clearly that after the Kunshan incident, she really had an unspeakable admiration for Gu Changge.

Because he is indeed a perfect man who can hardly pick out the flaws.

Ji Chuyue believes that any woman in this world will have this idea as long as she has been in contact with him.

Even though he was in the dungeon of Kunwu City, Gu Changge teased her like this in front of Jiang Chen.

Ji Chuyue was not angry either, but felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Don't worry, after today, all the great powers should not dare to make Ji's ideas again."

At this time, it seemed that he had sensed Ji Chuyue's tension, Gu Changge in front of him gave a chuckle and said.

Ji Chuyue listened to his gentle, natural and gentle voice, and for some reason, she suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Hmm, I know."

Ji Chuyue's little chicken nodded as if pecking at the rice, and then whispered in a mosquito-like voice, "Churyue doesn't know how to be grateful to Young Master Changge for his great kindness.

Gu Changge smiled, turned around and interrupted her, and said, "So you plan to agree with your body?"

Ji Chuyue didn't expect Gu Changge to speak so bluntly. Her face was darker and she lowered her head, even more shy.

She suddenly remembered that when she was very young, a grandmother next to her teased her and said that if she met a man who was kind to her in the future.

So if you want to return it, you have to see how the parents are doing.

The average-looking person is going to be a cow and a horse in the next life.

If it is good-looking, then naturally it is to agree with the body.

At the time, she thought her grandma was joking, but looking at Gu Changge for some reason today, these words will come to mind.

"Young Master Changge, there should be no shortage of women like Chu Yue, but if you don't dislike it."

She raised her eyes and looked at Gu Changge's expression carefully, as if she was afraid that he would be unhappy by saying a wrong sentence.

Gu Changge smiled casually, but noncommittal.

If Jiang Chen hasn't died yet, how do you feel when you see this scene?

In fact, Ji Chuyue's luck point is not low. According to the normal trajectory and routine, she might become an existence like the heroine next to Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen is still dead. What is the future trajectory of the pending heroine Ji Chuyue? This is no longer what Gu Changge needs to think about now.

If it were in the past, he might still think about the value of luck and destiny.

But now it is no longer needed.

"Come to my side and talk." Gu Changge smiled faintly and motioned for Ji Chuyue to come over.

"Young Master Changge."

Ji Chuyue's voice stuttered slightly, and she walked forward with her head buried, revealing a white and slender neck, like a frightened deer in the forest.

"Remember what I said to you in Kunwu City?" Gu Changge smiled faintly, and put his hand on her hair.

" still remember."

Ji Chuyue nodded, naturally not forgetting the scene in the dungeon at that time.

"Then you know why your Big Brother has to come?" Gu Changge asked, seemingly interested.

Ji Chuyue naturally didn't dare to lie at this time, so she had to be honest and her voice was slightly trembling, "Because Big Brother wants me to please Young Master Changge, so that you can save our Ji family."

"Oh, it seems that you are quite honest." Gu Changge smiled.

Ji Chuyue thought he was going to blame, so she hurriedly raised her eyes and explained, "But Master Changge, you didn't embarrass me and the Big Brother, so you agreed to help our Ji family. I and Big Brother are very grateful.

"But I don't think you seem to be willing, don't worry, after a while, you can return to Ji's house by yourself, and I will not force you to stay."

Hearing this, Gu Changge still said with a faint smile on his face.

Ji Chuyue didn't expect Gu Changge to say this, she was stunned for a moment, and her heart was very sour and complicated, and she was a little bit unspeakably lost.

In her opinion, this is just a rhetoric that Gu Changge doesn't like her.

How could this kind of thing be involuntary and forced.

Even if her Big Brother was at this moment of family disaster, it was impossible for her to be wronged.

"Chu Yue knows that she is clumsy, knows nothing, and will not please Young Master Changge. But in fact, these things can be learned in the first month. I can do what Qing Xuan and others can do. I am no worse than them. of."

It seemed that it had been pouring for a long time, Ji Chuyue suddenly plucked up the courage, raised her eyes, and looked at Gu Changge, wanting Gu Changge to give her a chance.

However, Gu Changge just smiled lightly at this, not commenting on it.

Since Ji Chuyue wants to learn, she will learn slowly. Gu Changge doesn't have so much time to waste on her.

After Ji Yaoxing returned to the family, the Ji family's affairs were naturally solved.

Today's Upper Realm, even if it is a force that has nothing to do with the Gu family, does not want to provoke Gu Changge at this time.

Gu Changge intends to protect the Ji family, so all the major forces at this time can only eliminate the thoughts and thoughts of moving the Ji family.

In the next few days, Ji Chuyue seemed to have adapted to the current life, put down her status as the Little Princess of the Ji family, and began to ask the maids who usually served Gu Changge about Gu Changge's various habits and preferences.

She believed in a truth, dripping water through the stone.

Starting from a trivial matter, she will surely impress Gu Changge one day.

However, after Gu Changge stayed in the clan for a few days, he took Ah Da to leave Gu's house and head to the territory where the Ancestral Hall was located.

Since Yue Mingkong, there has been no news of the sword master holding the Heavenly Sword, so Gu Changge is not in a hurry.

It happened that during this period of time, the scourge of Jueyuntian was extremely serious. He stood in the name of the ancestor, and he couldn't justify it without taking a look.

On Jiang Chuchu's side, he found a few areas where the disaster of absolutely overcast sky had erupted.

It's just that she can't solve it with her current ability.

Gu Changge wants to collect the source of Absolute Yin, so he has to go to 637 to find her.

At the same time, Upper Realm, Tianyu.

As the most prosperous and ancient center of the territory.

A majestic palace standing in the sky is located here, magnificent and Sacred, like a fairy palace standing here.

The palace was built with great magnificence, with flawless white jade glaze as the tiles, with million-year-old purple sandalwood as the eaves, and pure obsidian star stone as the floor.

Majestic, simple, majestic and solemn, in the meantime, there is even more immortal air that is as thick as the sea, like a fairyland.

This palace overlooks the endless stretch of old city and old pond below.

The Great Hall rises and falls as the sun rises and the moon sets, with runes intertwined on it.

Reflecting the Nine Heavens Star every moment, the universe is like the supreme god seat, and it also shows the transcendent status of this place.

A huge immortal plaque is hung in front of the hall, with purple immortal gold as the base, and gold immortal gold inlaid with words.

The three ancient characters in the book, the ancestral hall.

It can be seen that there are inextricably stranded silver threads between the heaven and the earth, and they are rushing crazily from here. They want to gather in it, and they look sacred and white.

These silver threads are the chanting and chanting of the great deeds of human ancestors by the cultivators from all over the world.

At this time, a beautiful woman in a flawless white coat with a scarf on her face was sitting cross-legged in the Great Hall.

Her complexion is fair and delicate, her eyebrows are picturesque, and her eyes are like flawless black gems, shimmering with a moving luster.

However, her expression was very calm, and apart from Jing, she could not see the rest of the emotions.

This seems to be so natural, it is more like abandoning the seven emotions and six desires.

It is Jiang Chuchu who is one of the two Holy Maidens in the Ancestral Hall.

Now in front of her, there is a solid gold crown of luck, and it can be seen that the silver threads that have gathered in the Human Ancestor Hall are pouring into it.

She is cultivating with the help of this golden crown of luck, and the strange sound of merit is like a vast ocean, manifesting everywhere.

It was the god Gu Changge left in the Ancestral Hall at the beginning. Later, Jiang Chuchu discovered that he was practicing by the side, and the progress was extremely fast.


When she was practicing, many visions were manifesting here.

The shadow of a vague fairy, magnificent and mysterious, seems to pass through the meridians, ups and downs behind her, as if to come across time and space from ancient times.

"Enlighten Holy Maiden, in the southwest of the sky, there is another news of the outbreak of the deadly evil. The neighboring Dayu Xianchao has sent people to investigate.

"Should we send someone to take a look?"

But at this moment, an old lady in white suddenly rushed to the hall, reporting with a bit of anxiety.

Jiang Chuchu frowned when he heard the words, stopped his practice, and asked, "Is this the first ever overcast disaster that erupted this month?"

Although she is stepping up time to practice every day and night.

But in the face of the sudden eruption of absolutely cloudy scourges, he still seemed powerless, and there was no way to do it.