Ch 591

Tuoba Xiaoyao's words made Yu Feiya fall into contemplation.

In fact, in her opinion, it is difficult to determine something with such unfounded things.

Huang Yu would not believe it, unless Tuoba Xiaoyao produced evidence, why would Gu Changge send someone to assassinate the second prince?

How did he know Tuoba Xiaoyao?

There are many doubts in Yu Feiya's mind.

However, she still chose to believe in Tuoba Daoyao, nodded and said, "I will try my best to persuade the emperor to let him pay attention."

"I will keep you secret on your side."

Tuoba Xiaoyao smiled and said, "I know, then thank you Feiya."

At this time, he still didn't want to be exposed and let the rest of the people know his details.

At that time, if Yu Huang asked, Yu Feiya would fool around at will.

After the matter was over, he would find a suitable time for Yi to clear everything to the emperor Yu.

Afterwards, Tuoba Daoyao bid farewell and left, his figure turned into a burst of blue smoke and disappeared into the void.

Feiya Yu went to the own palace after pondering for a while, but she thought carefully about Fu Tuoba Xiaoyao's words in her heart.

"Three days later?

She murmured softly.

At the same time, after being sent to the temporary residence by Emperor Yu, Gu Changge first sealed off the surrounding void to prevent someone from spying by spirit.

Then he ordered his hands to investigate things about Tuoba Xiaoyao.

The Wandao Merchant League straddles the upper realm all over the world, and also has branches within the Dayu Xian Dynasty.

He only needs to order to go down, and someone will naturally go and submit the information he wants.

"Are you asking people to investigate the disaster of overcast skies?"

Jiang Chuchu walked along while wiping the green silk, draped in a tulle, darts like a mist.

There are still some traces of water on the arm, it is obvious that I went to take a shower just now.

At this moment, the veil on her face had already been taken off, revealing a flawless fairy face, a little red lips, not stained and red, and her skin was crystal clear, white and delicate, just like the finest suet jade.

Gu Changge turned around when he heard the words, smiled and said, "Not yet, just let me investigate another guy that interests me.

"The guy you are interested in, is it the princess Yu Feiya in the palace?"

Jiang Chuchu blinked, and then asked in a casual tone.

Hearing this, Gu Changge laughed and reached out to hug her.

As a result, Jiang Chuchu drew back lightly, avoiding his hand.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Her eyes are crystal clear and beautiful, and if there is fairy light flowing between them, "Don't fool me anymore."

Gu Changge said helplessly, "Why are you still jealous? People just toasted me a glass of wine in the Great Hall, look at your pettyness."

Jiang Chuchu was a little annoyed and said, "When you were in the palace, you kept staring at others. Don't think I didn't see it.

"I'm just thinking about what kind of physique she is, and where do you want to go.

Gu Changge sighed, seemingly helpless.

"She is not as good as you in terms of appearance, and she is not as good as you in terms of being good-looking, why do you say I would be interested in her?"

Jiang Chuchu sniffed, his eyes condensed on his face, and said, "Really? You can't lie to me anymore.

"This is naturally true, even more true than real money." Gu Changge had a serious expression on his face.

He did not explain Tuoba Xiaoyao because it was unnecessary.

What Jiang Chuchu wanted was just an attitude, not an argument.

Even if Gu Changge is really interested in Yu Feiya, the princess of Dayu Xianchao, she doesn't really care about anything.

Because she didn't need much.

However, during this period of time, Gu Changge found that Jiang Chuchu really liked sticking to him too much.

Although it is not to the point that he can't leave every step of the way, but sometimes I have to see if he is by his side, it seems that I will feel relieved.

This makes Gu Changge feel a little headache, and Yue Mingkong is not as clingy as Jiang Chuchu.

Especially after the absolutely cloudy scourge that broke out in other areas, he sent Ah Da to solve it.

Jiang Chuchu completely let go of his heart, and handed over many other affairs of the Human Ancestral Hall to the rest of Elder.

In this way, she likes to stick to him without cultivating all day long.

"Then let's rest early tonight."

Seeing Gu Changge's assurance, Jiang Chuchu couldn't help but smile, and buried his head in his arms, and a nice fragrance filled the damp blue silk.

"You rest so early, don't forget the business of your coming to Dayu Xianchao.

Upon seeing this, Gu Changge showed a gentle expression.

Hearing that, Jiang Chuchu raised a pair of Yingying eyes and looked at him, "Isn't there you still? I don't want to think about Renzu Temple at all. I just want you to be with me."

In her view, these things are completely taken for granted.

"I feel like I'm almost spoiling you." Gu Changge smiled and reached out and hugged her.

Jiang Chuchu's mouth twitched slightly, stretched out a pair of snowy lotus-like jade arms around his neck, and said, "It's always good to be like this anyway."

Gu Changge couldn't help shaking his head and chuckles.

He believed that besides him, no one else in this world had seen Jiang Chuchu look like this.

In the next few days, the entire Dayu Immortal Dynasty was preparing for the hunting meeting, which was extremely lively.

Almost every day, flying boats and divine rainbows can be seen everywhere, rushing in the direction of the capital of Dayu.

In addition to the forces in the Dayu Immortal Dynasty, the rest of the Immortal Great Sect and Supreme Taoism will also come to observe the ceremony.

And this time Gu Changge came to Dayu Xianchao, which naturally caused a great sensation.

Many cultivators and creatures are discussing this matter.

Especially after learning about the hunting meeting three days later, Gu Changge will also go to watch the ceremony.

Many younger generations are gearing up, secretly looking forward to it, hoping to shine in this hunting meeting and be valued by Gu Changge.

The families and clans of the Dayu Xian Dynasty also made great preparations for this hunting convention.

There is also news about Tuoba Xiaoyao that Gu Changge asked to investigate.

However, judging from the events of these years, it is difficult to find any clues.

Because Tuoba Xiaoyao is recognized as a mediocre general in the imperial capital, he is dull and honest, with ordinary talent, and he is only interested in swordsmanship.

But its Cultivation Base is said to be inferior to six-year-old children.

All of these are in line with the personality of waste wood, but in Gu Changge's view, there is still something missing.

It is because it is difficult to find clues that makes this seem strange.

Tuoba Xiaoyao, as the third son of the Zhenguo General of Dayu Xianchao, is extremely distinguished. The brothers and sisters are also considered to be united and united. There is no news of any quarrels and contradictions.

Therefore, in Gu Changge's opinion, Tuoba Xiaoyao is either hiding his clumsiness and keeping a low profile.

Either it's a late bloomer, and it hasn't really become a son of luck.

To determine which possibility is actually very simple, you only need to test the people around Tuoba Xiaoyao to find out.

Doesn't he have a Big sis and Little Sister?

Gu Changge intends to try Tuoba at the hunting meeting of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty.

At that time, it can be determined whether he is the master of the Heavenly Sword Sword.

However, on the second day, an unexpected person suddenly visited, but Gu Changge was interested.

"Yu Tianzheng has met Young Master Changge.

The visitor is a middle-aged man, majestic and majestic, black hair like a waterfall, eyes deep, very powerful.

The most important thing is that his face is similar to the current Yu Huang.

However, it is more vicissitudes, and it seems to be a little older.

Moreover, his arrival came quietly and didn't disturb anyone.

Had it not been for Gu Changge that he was not malicious, he had already taken action just now.

In this palace, you can sneak in quietly.

Either the strength is overwhelming, or the hands and eyes are open to the sky, with a lot of eyeliners inserted.

In the eyes of Gu Changge, the person who claims to be Yu Tianzheng should belong to the second possibility.

This gave him some guesses.

"Why did you come to me?"

Gu Changge asked, with a little interest in his eyes, looking at the strength of the person in front of him.

Half-step enlightenment!

And judging from the depth, it was a bit better than the Emperor Yu that I saw in the palace that day.

Yu Tianzheng was dressed in a gray robe, his complexion was solemn, with a bit of grandeur and grace, and he was obviously a figure in the top for a long time.

"Come here to take refuge in Young Master Changge, and I would like to offer the whole country of Dayu Xianchao."

When Yu Tianzheng heard this, he said in a deep voice, his expression was extremely serious, and there was no element of joking at all.

When he came to see Gu Changge, he had already figured out his excuses.

Because he understands what kind of person Gu Changge is and will not listen to any nonsense from him.

So he is straight to the point.

"It's kind of interesting, would you like to offer Dayu Xianchao the whole country to take refuge in me?"

"But is it up to you?

Gu Changge's eyes were slightly different, and after a slight smile, his expression quickly returned to normal.

Either he was not stupid, or he dared to say such rebellious things to him in this way.

You know that Gu Changge only needs a word now, and many masters will appear in the palace instantly and take him down.

What's more, Gu Changge did it himself.

This person has so much guts, he is obviously making a bet.

"Naturally rely on me, Young Master Changge, and listen to me tell you the whole story."

"After everything is done, I am willing to offer Dayu Xianchao cupped hands.

Seeing that Gu Changge had no plans to do anything, Yu Tianzheng also showed some joy on his face, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He seems to be betting right.

How could a person like Gu Changge have no idea about Dayu Xianchao.

"Three hundred years ago, I competed with the current Emperor Yu, that is, Yu Tianhe, for the throne, and we were evenly matched. He and I were originally female compatriots, and we were brothers and sisters. I also promised him a few years ago. After finally clearing the other obstacles, we will I gave him the cupped hands of the throne, but I never thought that he would be assassinated in the end and sent someone to assassinate my wife and children."

"~Even our mother was poisoned by him, and finally blamed me."

A deep hatred appeared in Yu Tian's front face, telling Gu Changge about many things about the battle for the throne of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty three hundred years ago.

Including how he was defeated and how he was exiled outside Dayu.

In the past few years, how have you tried your best? How have you planned to recapture everything that belongs to own.

Gu Changge listened with interest, without interrupting him.

As for the remarks made by Yu Tianzheng, Gu Changge naturally would not believe it. Only they knew the grievances between him and Emperor Yu.

Gu Changge now considers what benefits Yu Tianzheng can bring to him.

That's it.

If what Yu Tianzheng said can't satisfy him, then Gu Changge doesn't mind sending him to see Emperor Yu personally.

"If I take over as the throne of Dayu Immortal Dynasty, I will be Lord Changge Lord. I can swear by the Heavenly Dao oath. If I break the oath, Dao heart will be destroyed and the ashes will be wiped out. I will not enter Samsara!"

Seeing that Gu Changge hadn't spoken for a long time, Yu Tianzheng couldn't help but promise.

"Then what do you need me to help you?"

Hearing this, Gu Changge paused slightly before continuing to ask.

He actually didn't want to place a bet on Yu Tianzheng, but who made this bait really too big.

Dayu Xianchao is no better than the Yinshiji family and the Yinshian clan.

This is the famous Immortal force in the upper realm, with a long heritage, enough to rank in the forefront of the upper realm, and its background is even more unfathomable.

Of course, Gu Changge actually has other plans.

He doesn't need Yu Tianzheng's Heavenly Dao oath, he just needs to plant a magic seed in his Dao heart.

At that time, even if Yu Tianzheng's plan fails, he doesn't need to worry about exposing him as the man behind the scenes.

"I need Young Master Changge to send troops to help me calm the chaos!"

Seeing Gu Changge's breath loosening, Yu Tian's front face also showed a sense of excitement.

He had actually waited for this day for a long time, but no one helped him.

In the past few years, he has also deployed a lot of means in the palace, otherwise he would not sneak into the palace so easily.

"It's okay, but before that, I need to see that you are worthy of my help." Gu Changge nodded.

Yu Tianzheng took a deep breath, his eyes flickered, "Young Master Changge, don't worry, I actually had a plan."

"At this hunting conference, I have arranged for the manual assassination of Yu Huang's second son. He is very precious to this son. As a future successor, I will not tolerate any mistakes."

"After I sent someone to kill his son, Emperor Yu would be furious and search for the killer. By then, there would be chaos in Dayu. I took the opportunity to sneak into the palace and kill Emperor Yu."

"As a result, Da Yu Qunlong had no leader and fell into a panic. I then showed up. In my capacity, I would naturally succeed Yu Huang as justified. At that time, what needs to be considered is Yu Tianhe's loyalty and the resistance of various places."

Once Emperor Yu died, the territory of Dayu was bound to become more chaotic.

Maybe it will attract the rest of the forces to peep at the Kai ship, so Yu Tianzheng needs Gu Changge to send troops to help him quell the chaos.

Moreover, Gu Changge's deterrence can also let those restless forces take heart, and dare not act rashly.

"Your plan is indeed perfect, but have you ever considered whether those strong men hidden in the palace, and those ancestors of Dayu, would agree to your succession.

Gu Changge said lightly, and didn't think the chances of success in this matter were very high.

Borrowing from the great Dayu Xianchao, the background has a long history. If a Yuhuang dies, he will fall into chaos, that would be too whimsical.

"Young Master Changge, please rest assured about this. Whether it is me or Yu Tianhe, it is Dayu's blood.

"For those ancestors, whoever succeeds to the throne is the same. As for the chaos in Dayu, there are other arrangements underneath."

Yu Tianzheng seemed very confident when he heard the words. He had considered these worries a long time ago, and he had a countermeasure.