Ch 599

Of course, the news that the successor of Samsara Gu Tiangong was killed by Gu Changge was only circulated in the court of the Overcast Emperor. Nowadays, many people in the outside world still believe that Gu Changge was inherited by Samsara Gu Tianzun.

Jialuo respects Gu Changge. This is one of the reasons. The Imperial Court of Absolute Yin pays attention to strength. At such an age, Gu Changge has reached the point where no one can match in the past and present, and is naturally respected by Jialuo.

On the other hand, in the future, Absolute Cloud Palace will still need the help of Gu Changge to build the Samsara Terrace.

The Samsara station is extremely important to the creatures of the extremist Yin, and even related to the birth and gestation of the creatures of the extremist.

"It seems that Young Master Changge and Jue Yin Imperial Court have already dealt with before this." Yu Huang laughed, and a different color flashed in his eyes. If it weren't for this Jialuo mentioned, he didn't know Gu. Changge actually had a connection with Jueyin Imperial Court.

Not just him, it is estimated that not many people know about the huge upper bound.

Gu Changge's "Sixty-seven" is really hidden too deep.

"I have met Prince Jialuo's elder sister by chance before, but the intersection is not very deep." Gu Changge smiled.

"If there is a chance, Young Master Changge must come to our Jue Yin imperial court as a guest. I think the emperor sister and father emperor should have seen you very much. During the period of returning to the imperial court, the emperor sister is often in front of us. I'm talking about you." Jialuo's face was full of smiles, and he invited Gu Changge.

What he said made everyone here think about it, a princess of Absolute Yin imperial court, remembering Gu Changge?

Many people even thought of a stormy wind and snowy moon, before and after the moon.

Judging from the words of Prince Jialuo, the identity of his emperor sister in Jueyin Imperial Court should not be simple.

Of course, this is also what Jialuo deliberately did. He deliberately said so, just to get closer to Gu Changge.

His eyes are always higher than the top page, and the rest of the people here don't pay attention to it. Even if it is the Emperor Yu in front of him, it is because of his identity that makes him have such an attitude.

"After a while, Gu is indeed going to the Jueyin Imperial Court. At that time, he was troubled by Prince Jialuo leading the way." Gu Changge still smiled when he heard the words.

"Naturally, there is no problem. If Young Master Changge comes, it must be an honor for me." Jialuo showed a surprised expression on his face.

The attitude of the prince of Jue Yin imperial court towards Gu Changge and the others is completely different.

Even if it is Princess Yu Feiya, the target of the marriage, she does not necessarily have that kind of heart. Seeing this scene, many ministers here have different thoughts. It feels that this Prince Jialuo should have also been ordered to come, not admiring Princess Yu Feiya for a long time. .

"Emperor sister, this person's attitude is very perfunctory. If the father really agrees, I am afraid that you will receive grievances and neglect there if you marry.,

Although Yu Ming was careless and accustomed to it in normal days, at this time, he was really thinking about Yu Feiya and was a little worried.

Even if he is the prince, he still can't influence the decision of Huang Yu, even his second brother Yu Lie can't.

Although he said this lightly, he was surrounded by the advanced generations of Cultivation Base, and he could naturally hear it.

Since Huang Yu didn't order anything, many ministers naturally didn't dare to talk more.

Yu Feiya's expression remained the same, but she shook her head lightly without saying much.

Jialuo naturally heard this, not only smiled, but looked at Yu Feiya and said, "Because I see the people who have always been respected, I can't help but feel a little agitated, and I hope Princess Feiya doesn't mind."

Yu Feiya smiled decently, "Prince Jialuo is surprised, how can Feiya care about such trivial matters.

"Haha, Prince Jialuo is a talented person with extraordinary talent. How could Feiya be wronged even if she married in the past?" Yu Huang smiled at this moment, and she seemed extremely happy.

When many ministers heard this, they all agreed, and there was a lively scene here.

Only Tuoba Xiaoyao remained silent, looking at Yu Feiya from time to time, unable to hide his worry.

Because of the arrival of the prince of Jue Yin imperial court, the hunting meeting ended early.

Subsequently, the minister in charge of presiding over this conference announced the rankings for the disciples of various forces, and at the same time gave many rewards.

Tuoba Xiaoyao exposed his own strength, although the colorful and exquisite Xuanhuang Pagoda never revealed how he survived, leaving a suspense.

But it is still in the top five rankings.

The strength of the scarred man is obvious to all, extremely terrifying, even many royal children can hardly defeat it.

Tuoba Xiaoyao is naturally well-deserved for getting such a ranking. You must know that even his second sister is only ranked in the top 30.

After the hunting meeting ended, many flying boats and ancient warships passed through the space and returned to the Imperial Capital of Dayu.

Huang Yulong looks joyful, discusses merit and deeds, holds a banquet, and bestows treasures Cultivation Technique for many young princes.

Of course, on the one hand, it was also because the second prince Yu Lie had never encountered the assassination, which made him feel relieved.

At the banquet, although many ministers were curious about why Tuoba Xiaoyao had to hide his strength to this day, they didn't ask much.

Instead, Huang Yu took advantage of this matter and asked Yu Feiya where she learned about the assassin's assassination.

Regarding this, Yu Feiya only said that she got some wind noise, and it was not very clear who came out.

As for why no assassin appeared in the end, it is also very likely that the other party saw that Emperor Yu was extremely guarded, so he gave up.

Many ministers, including Yu Huang, could hear Yu Feiya's perfunctory.

However, he didn't say much. Huang Yu shook his head and smiled, knowing that Yu Feiya deliberately concealed it. In front of everyone, especially Gu Changge, it was naturally difficult to ask any more questions.

If Gu Changge knows that Yu Feiya secretly said that he intends to send someone to assassinate the second prince Yu Lie.

Yu Huang didn't know how to end it.

In this banquet, Tuoba Xiaoyao is undoubtedly the focus outside the prince of the emperor.

Many ministers intend to let their daughters approach him. From a certain point of view, Tuoba Xiaoyao does not have a marriage contract, and his father is today's important minister. He has a boundless future, and he naturally became a sweet pastry in the eyes of everyone.

However, Tuoba Xiaoyao declined one by one, and he remained calm and unmoved by foreign objects.

"It seems that the third son of Tuoba Mansion has great ambitions. Why doesn't His Majesty Yu take this opportunity to grant a marriage?"

At this moment, Gu Changge, who was on top of the first place, drank a drink slowly, suddenly smiled and said to the Yu Huang next to him.

Hearing this, many ministers below were all stunned, and then showed envy and jealousy.

Gu Changge opened his mouth to personally gift the marriage?

What is this Tuoba Xiaoyao?

Even Tuoba Yuntian looked a little excited and flattered.

In his opinion, Gu Changge talked about seeking marriage for his son's 3.7 son, that is, he valued his son.

If Tuoba Xiaoyao can be seen in his eyes, it would be a beautiful thing.

Only the expression on Tuoba Xiaoyao's face was a bit stiff, a bit ugly, and the palm of his hand holding the wine glass was also stiff and extremely unnatural.

With a bad hunch in his heart, Gu Changge opened his mouth to marry him. There was absolutely no peace of mind, and it was not as simple as he might think.

"Haha, what Young Master Changge said is that such a young and handsome man is naturally worthy of the emperor's daughter.

"This is a good opportunity."

When Yu Huang heard the words, he laughed. Gu Changge said that he had this plan in his heart.

After taking a look at Tuoba Xiaoyao carefully, I couldn't help but appreciate eyes reveal, and asked aloud, planning to choose a princess and Tuoba Daoyao to conclude a marriage contract.

ps: After sorting out the following plot, we will resume normal updates tomorrow. .