Ch 604

"I'm actually very curious, why you are so hostile to me, it seems that we have never seen it before."

A door split in the void, and Gu Changge walked out of it, dressed in white.

He smiled, and his hair was shining with brilliance, and three thousand gods appeared and manifested behind him, revealing an aura of horror that made the heart palpitating and trembling.

Just as Tuoba Xiaoyao had anticipated, the many Restrictions formations here seemed to be imaginary to Gu Changge.

Even the sleeping enlightened persons in the depths of the sky cell can hardly find his breath and traces.

Tuoba Xiaoyao calmed himself down, stood up and looked directly at Gu Changge, "Didn't you already know the reason? What's the use of asking me now?,

Rebirth is one of his greatest secrets.

He will not be easily exposed to anyone.

"There are no outsiders here, Gu Changge, just put away your hypocritical set." He said coldly.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and then said unhurriedly, "Since you want to say that, it should be clear that I came to you "Six-Five-Zero" to get something from you."

"If that thing falls into your hands, it will only bring you disaster and misfortune. If you are interested, give it to me, and I may spare your life.,

However, when he heard this, Tuoba Xiaoyao had expected it a long time ago, and he was very disdainful, and sneered.

"Hehe, Gu Changge, just die this heart. Even if you kill me, you won't get the sword.

In order to guard against this day, he used the secret method he learned in his previous life to practice the Sword Embryo into the Hunyuan Sword Embryo a few years ago.

Hun Yuan Zhang Tian Sword Embryo is closely related to his life spirit, and the two are inseparable.

Even if Gu Changge killed him, it was impossible to get the Heavenly Sword.

There is no way to crack the upper bound today.

The only way to solve it is hidden in the sword pavilion of Sect Shuzong where he practiced in the previous life.

Even he himself has no way to crack it.

It is for this reason that Tuoba Xiaoyao has no fear and feels that Gu Changge will not kill him.

Because once he dies, the Heavenly Sword will be destroyed at the same time, and Gu Changge will not be able to make up seven heavenly weapons.

"Oh, you are so self-confident, it seems that you have already had a countermeasure.

Hearing that Gu Changge's mouth was choked with a faint smile, and he didn't care.

As a rebirth, Tuoba Xiaoyao must have anticipated this day, so he will definitely do his best to ensure that the Heaven Hand Sword will not be obtained by himself.

So in fact, you don't need to think too much, Gu Changge can guess it.

Tuoba Xiaoyao should have tied the Heavenly Sword to his life and death through some method, that is, the so-called sword is in the presence of people, and the sword is dead.

But Tuoba Xiaoyao is alone after all, and Gu Changge doesn't believe he can ignore the safety of those around him.

Before coming, he thought of Tuoba Xiaoyao's many reactions.

"That's why you die of this heart. You can't get the Heavenly Sword."

Tuoba stared at him coldly, not knowing what Gu Changge was thinking at the moment.

Gu Changge shook his head and smiled casually, "I don't know why you are so hostile to me. You will hand the Heaven Sword to me, and I will spare your life. This is the best of both worlds. The Heaven Sword is here. Is it possible for you to have other effects?

"Why do you have to fight against me like this and keep the Heavenly Sword firmly in your hand."

"Don't you like Yu Feiya? But now she is going to marry the prince of the overcast imperial court, but you are being held in a jail. And I still remember that you have several brothers and sisters, are you? Think I can't deal with them?"

Tuoba Xiaoyao's face sank. Whether it was Yu Feiya, Tuoba Qiongling and others, it was his weakness.

But he had already made plans to burn the jade and the stone, and his voice was very decisive.

"Gu Changge, if you want them to threaten me, then you should die as soon as possible. Then I will destroy Sword Embryo by myself. You don't want to collect the seven heavenly weapons."

"You never want to get a sword in the sky."

Although this is the most helpless and the least choice, but if things develop to that point, Tuoba Xiaoyao will naturally have no scruples.

He is now convinced that Gu Changge intends to hold the Heavenly Sword and dare not do anything to him.


Gu Changge squinted his eyes, then laughed again, still appearing not to care, "According to what you said, it's a big deal for me not to hold the heavenly sword, but your loved ones will pay a lot for your stupid choice in the future. cost."

"You have to know that I have thousands of ways to make them regret living in this world.

"Perhaps you can think of it without me saying more."

Although Gu Changge said these words understatement, Tuoba Xiaoyao felt a terrible chill, which made him horrified and couldn't help trembling.

For a moment, Tuoba Daoyao's expression was extremely ugly, and he fell into silence.

In fact, these words that Gu Changge said are what he worries about the most, and he has thought about it before.

As far as Gu Changge is concerned, the Heavenly Sword is just a foreign object. He is now at the pinnacle of the upper realm. Even if he can't get the Heavenly Sword, he won't lose anything.

But Yu Feiya, Tuoba Qiongling, Tuoba Qingyu and others are a hurdle that he can't cross. It is his scale and weakness.

Because of the rebirth, he always felt that he could avenge himself in this life, and this has been tolerated until now.

But when Gu Changge saw through his disguise and confronted Gu Changge, he understood how big the gap between the two was.

This is simply desperate, and the many efforts he has put in over the years have not been able to play any role.

If he continues to persist, he will definitely follow in the footsteps of his previous life.

But if he succumbed to Gu Changge in this way, he would not be reconciled. Many hatreds in his previous life are still vividly visible.

"I will give you time to think about it.

"Next time I come to you, I hope you will give me an answer."

Gu Changge noticed Tuoba Xiaoyao's uncertain face and smiled faintly, knowing that his heart was shaking.

He already had six of the Seven Heavenly Artifacts in his hands, and he had to get this Heavenly Sword anyway.

Since Tuoba Xiaoyao bound his life and death with the survival of Heaven Sword, he must have a solution.

Even if there is no way, he has to figure out a way.

Hearing these words, Tuoba Xiaoyao's face reappeared with an uncertain look.

He knew that he couldn't keep holding the Heaven Sword anyway, and he had to make a choice between holding the Heaven Sword and his family's beauty.

If he hadn't encountered Gu Changge so early, he had other options, but now he can't help him anymore.

At the moment, Tuoba Daoyao took a deep breath,

"The Heavenly Palm Sword has merged with me. I can use its power, but it cannot separate it from its own body.

"Today's upper bound, there is no solution. Including me."

Hearing this, Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, his smile gradually disappeared, and said, "Do you think I really won't kill you?"

Speaking of him, he leaned forward, and in Tuoba Daoyao's somewhat stunned expression, broke open the Sword intent in front of him, strangled his throat, and lifted it up like a chicken.

For a moment, Tuoba Xiaoyao felt that he was about to breathe.

The terrifying cold air swept over, as if a vast abyss was overwhelming and pressed down, making him tremble, and his skin almost cracked.

The bones all over the body were creaking, and the spine bones would be crushed. There was blood flowing out of his seven orifices, and his vision became blurred.

"I can swear by Dao heart, there is no falsehood in these words.

Tuoba Xiaoyao's face turned pale, his soul trembled, and he once again had the fear of facing Death.

He replied intermittently while coughing blood from his mouth.


Gu Changge's complexion returned to calm, no joy or anger could be seen.

At this time, Tuoba Xiaoyao should have no guts to deceive him.

This situation actually went beyond his expectations.

Tuoba Daoyao is also a ruthless person, in order to prevent the Heavenly Sword in the palm of the hall from being taken away, he did not hesitate to take this tactic.

However, Gu Changge thought of the good fortune immortal boat before. If Tuoba Daoyao is used to refine the sword, can he refining the Heavenly Palm Sword?

As the high priest of fate, Xiao Ruoyin might have a solution. .