Ch 611

In the original world of Ah Qing, kendo multiplied to its peak.

Everyone will be accompanied by a sword spirit when they are born. For this reason, since ancient times, they have divided the sword spirit into various levels such as heaven and earth mysterious yellow, spirit, and god.

Those with strong talents will do more with half the effort in practice, and their future achievements will be limitless.

However, the god-level sword spirit hadn't appeared in many years, and the spirit-level sword spirit had belonged to the genius who had been fighting vigorously for various factions.

Just like A Qing herself, she owns a spirit-level sword spirit, and this is because her father is a powerful land sword fairy.

We must know that the Land Sword Fairy in their world has stood at the highest level of the world, only one step can break the void and fly away from Transcends Tribulation.

But it is so difficult to break the void.

The last old Sword Fairy of Shuzong who reached the peak of the Land Sword Fairy Realm, failed in his own Transcends Tribulation at Houshan.

Since then, I have never heard of anyone reaching that Realm.

"The Land of Sword Fairy?"

Gu Changge lightly forehead, listening to the many news A Qing said, a little thoughtful.

The rules and environment of the world are different in different worlds.

But the level of Broken Void has obviously reached the maximum extent that the world can bear.

As for the life-saving thing that Qing said, Gu Changge didn't care.

After all, this is affected by the environment of heaven and earth, and some worlds lack long-term biomass. If the peak powerhouse life of the upper realm is included in it, it will be difficult to live for hundreds of thousands of years.

Therefore, in his opinion, this so-called land sword fairyland should not be enlightened, at most between the supreme realm and the quasi-emperor realm.

But it's not certain before I have witnessed it with my own eyes.

"Thank you, my benefactor, I will definitely find a way to repay your kindness."

Satiated with wine and food, even Cultivation Base has recovered a lot, Ah Qing got up very contentedly and said to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge was still thinking about what she had said, and when she heard the words, she waved her hand and smiled.

"If the people in this world are as good as your benefactor, then that would be fine." A Qing's eyes fell on Gu Changge's face, earnestly.

"Oh, is it too early for you to say this?" Gu Changge smiled lightly.

A Qing's sharp and beautiful face showed a suspicious look, feeling that Gu Changge's words seemed a little inexplicable.

However, Gu Changge didn't explain anything to her. He smiled and said, "It's too early. Girl Aqing go to rest early. I see you seem to have been learning swords since childhood. Sword."


A Qing was a little surprised, but he waved his hand hurriedly, "The benefactor has been good enough to me, so I can't bother you anymore.

Although she does need a suitable sword now, she always troubles Gu Changge, which makes her feel very sad.

"It's just a matter of effort." Gu Changge still had a faint smile on his face.

"It can't be like this, my benefactor, your kindness to me, I have no idea to repay. "" A Qing insisted.

She has the own principle, and she owes enough to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge seemed to sigh, "All right, in that case, Aqing girl, please rest early."

He could see that the girl in front of him had that kind of stubborn and rigid personality, and the things he believed would not easily change.

After a while, Gu Changge plans to go to the world where Yi Zhao was before, and she still needs to be used for some things.

A Qing glanced at him, as if a little hesitant to speak, but still didn't say much, cupped hands left.

Parents always confess that there is no good thing for no reason in this world.

Gu Changge, a person who had only met her for a few days, was so kind to her, but she could not figure out Gu Changge's intentions.

But in all of Gu Changge's actions, he couldn't see what his intentions were. It seemed to be a simple act of kindness.

After seeing Ah Qing leave, the smile on Gu Changge's face quickly converged, and a different color flashed in his eyes.

From Ah Qing's mouth, he learned that her father was a land sword fairy, but he disappeared while fighting the so-called Heavenly Demon outside the territory, that is, the army of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty.

She also had the purpose of searching for her father's whereabouts, and only then passed through the gap in space, and was later caught by Dayu Xianchao.

In her original world, she is still extremely fame and status.

In the next few days, the news about the traces of the ancient great world appeared in the Dayu Immortal Dynasty suddenly spread like wildfire. I don't know who passed it out, and it alarmed many surrounding forces.

Many Immortal Great Masters and Supreme Taoist Schools have noticed and started to send people to investigate, and some people came directly to inquire about Emperor Yu.

Yu Huang was naturally very angry about this and ordered a strict investigation of who had leaked the news.

Of course, he had suspected Gu Changge, but there was no evidence that Gu Changge knew about it.

However, among the people responsible for guarding the space portal, there is the eldest son of Tuoba Mansion, that is, Dage of Tuoba Daoyao.

Yu Huang was suspicious. A few days ago, Tuoba Xiaoyao left to open up the mansion, and then went to the border to find him Dage. He naturally knew about this.

So he inevitably has some doubts in his heart, will the news exposure have anything to do with Tuoba Xiaoyao?

Time is also right.

But now that it had been exposed, Emperor Yu couldn't figure out a way to monopolize the ancient world. Faced with the messengers sent by the various forces, he revealed a lot of known news.

This kind of ancient world that has never been opened up means abundant resources.

At the moment, all the Daoist forces began to send people to rush to the place where the space portal is, and at the same time discuss how to conquer the ancient world with Yu Huang.

Because of the space barriers and the rules of heaven and earth, going to that world does not give full play to the original strength.

However, the various Taoist forces have long been experienced, but they don't want to delay it and let Dayu Xianchao take the majority.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Immortal Masters also dispatched outstanding disciples from the clan. Compared with the older generation, even if the younger generation entered it, they were less suppressed.

Moreover, as a preacher of the great religion, there are many treasures on his body, so there is no need to worry about his life.

Yu Huang was naturally unwilling to be preempted by other forces, so he selected a lot of people from his own heirs and planned to let them go together.

The second prince, Yu Lie, is the future successor of Dayu, and there can be no accidents, so Emperor Yu did not let him go with him.

The marriage contract between the eldest princess Yu Feiya and Jue Yin Prince Jialuo has not yet been negotiated.

In the past few days, Jialuo also left due to incidents and went back to his life first, planning to come back later.

Therefore, Huang Yu discussed for a while and asked Feiya Yu to lead people to go. The ancient world is no small thing, and may even contain gods like the origin of the world. Huang Yu attaches great importance to it.

An ancient warship flew across the sky, with a mighty army, crushed across the star field, and rushed to the far border of Dayu Xianchao.

The young girl Aqing looked a little worried at this scene.

She learned the news of these days from Gu Changge. The ancient world of her life has been exposed to the eyes of the powers of the upper realm.

Previously, only Dayu Xianchao sent a large army to go, and now the rest of the forces are also intervening.

A more terrifying and terrifying disaster is about to come to her hometown.

In the face of such a disaster, they could not contend. The only result was to fall and be divided up by these forces.

"~Benefactor, aren't the forces behind you interested in this matter?" Ah Qing was suddenly a little confused and couldn't help asking Gu Changge beside him.

"Because I am not interested, the forces behind me are naturally not interested." Gu Changge said casually.

Ah Qing nodded and understood.

It depends on Gu Changge's attitude. If he wants to, he can also dispatch such a terrorist army like other Taoist forces.

It's just that he doesn't seem to be interested in it.

"You don't have any plans next?" Gu Changge asked with a smile on his lips.

"I may have to go back. Mother, she must be very worried about my safety, and I want to prevent this disaster with my compatriots." A Qing was silent, and then replied.

Although she knows that own power is insignificant in this disaster, she still has to do her own part.

And she has been away from home for a few months, and her mother must be very worried about her.

In addition, knowing that her father was not dead and survived, she was already very satisfied.

"It's just the great kindness of the benefactor. I am afraid it will be difficult to repay in my life." A Qing glanced at Gu Changge and said.

Regarding this, Gu Changge just smiled and said, "In fact, have you ever considered that you can solve this scourge.

"Can I solve it?" A Qing was stunned. With her power, she definitely couldn't do all of this.

Are there other options?

The border land of Dayu Immortal Dynasty is actually an extremely open star field.

(Wang Lihao) There are many floating stars and continents around, which are extremely vast, and the central area is also surrounded by many cities, scattered and inseparable.

With the mighty army coming from all over the place, this place became the focus of attention of all parties for a time.

Even some Rogue Cultivators came after hearing the news and tried to fish in troubled waters.

In addition to the Dayu Xianchao, the surrounding Daoist Taoism also dispatched a large number of manpower, and they were already stationed around the star field at this moment.

"Without the order of His Majesty Yu, we can't walk through that space portal at will. There are many strong guards around us, even if it's me, we can't approach it easily.

"So you can only wait for all the troops to arrive before you can get in and follow us.

In a city here, Tuoba Daoyao was talking to a young man with extremely tough facial features in front of him.

The facial features of the young man are somewhat similar to him, and it is his Dage who is in charge of guarding the space portal in the border land.

"There is not much time left for me, I must go there to find a way to rescue Jingyu."

Tuoba Daoyao said in a low voice, and the expression on his face looked a little anxious.

It has been a few days since he came here, and he is now extremely convinced that the world behind the space portal is exactly the world he practiced in his previous life.

But it was less than five days before Gu Changge asked him to hand over the Heaven Sword.