Ch 620

The butler-like man seemed to be only in his twenties, with handsome features and extraordinary demeanor. Although he was dressed in butler costumes, his expression was calm and unobtrusive.

He came with a jade plate with many melons and fruit wines on it, which was obviously ordered by the old city lord.

"Lynn, put things here first."

The Old City Lord said with a solemn expression and waved his hand to signal the butler to leave.

However, the man named Lynn did not move, but seemed to ask in surprise, "From the outside world?"

His gaze fell on Gu Changge, his eyes were slightly closed, and then he respectfully said, "Sir, I can protect the safety of you and Miss.

The Old City Lord nodded, but his expression remained unchanged, full of strong vigilance.

When Ah Qing mentioned the origins of Gu Changge, everyone in the hall was stunned and couldn't believe Own Ears.

After reacting, everyone's complexion changed drastically, their eyes widened in shock, and they couldn't help but retreated a few steps.

In their eyes, Heavenly Demon outside the territory comes from outside the universe, with mysterious origins, terrifying strength, and endless numbers.

Today's Great Sword Profound World is basically talking about Heavenly Demon outside the territories, and no one will not feel scared.

The Gu Changge in front of him is also from outside the sky.How can this not shock them?

At the moment, the old city lord and Ah Qing's mother were tense, staring at Gu Changge very vigilantly.

"Grandpa and mother, don't be like this. Gu Gongzi is a good man. He is completely different from what you think."

Ah Qing knew that things would turn out to be like this. Although helpless, he explained it again and told them that Gu Changge was different from that group of Heavenly Demon outside the domain.

He had no malice towards Jianxuan Great World, not only saved her life, but also saved Princess Xuandie.

"Oh I see?"

Old City Lord and A Qing's mother were still believing and suspicious, but they were still somewhat relieved.

If you think about it carefully, if Gu Changge really has any malice towards them24, they won't be able to resist it at all.

In addition, Princess Xuandie is also here, this matter should not be faked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, you have been misunderstood again."

A Qing apologized to Gu Changge on the side.

Gu Changge still looked like a jade, waved his hand slightly and smiled, "It's okay, it's just a small matter to me."

A Qing muttered in a low voice, with strange thoughts in her heart.

Whether it was when saving her in the upper realm, or returning to the great world of Jianxuan along the way, it was misunderstood by everyone.

Gu Changge is so gentle and gentle, as if the sky will not change his expression in the slightest.

Although she was obsessed with Taoism, obsessed with swordsmanship, and determined to surpass her father, she was only a teenage girl after all.

During this period of time, some undesirable emotions always breed in her heart. Fortunately, she was well hidden by her and did not reveal it.

For Gu Changge, it is not only as simple as a savior, but also a ray of light that pierced the darkness in despair.

"What a presumptuous move just now, I hope Master Gu will not be offended."

After all, Old City Lord is someone who has seen the world. After calming down, the cupped hands apologized to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge smiled and said, "It's okay, it's a special period, and your reaction is normal."

Seeing that Gu Changge's easy-going attitude does not seem to be false, the old city owner and others are relieved again, not as vigilant and uneasy as they were just now.

"Grandpa, who is this?"

At this time, A Qing noticed the young man dressed as a housekeeper next to the old city lord, and asked with some doubts.

In her impression, the butler of Gu Sangcheng was an old servant, very old.

How could he become a strange young man?

"His name is Lin En, the grandson of Uncle Lin. Some time ago, Uncle Lin died of illness. Lin En took a token to find him and planned to find an errand in this ancient city of Sang. Let him take over the affairs of Uncle Lin."

The Old City Lord explained that when he mentioned Lynn, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

"So that's it." A Qing nodded, then retracted his gaze to look at Lynn.

"I have seen Miss." Lynn kept smiling, standing beside the old city lord. At this moment, when he saw this, he opened his mouth and said hello to Ah Qing.

He is of medium build, with extremely handsome facial features, and his expression is indifferent and steady, giving people a convincing feeling.

"During this period of time, I have also taken care of Lynn a lot, otherwise Gu Sangcheng didn't know what the chaos was going to be. Some time ago, your father's enemy came to the door, and it was Lynn who helped him deal with it.

A Qing's mother on the side also said, very satisfied with this young housekeeper.

"Mother, don't worry, after I come back, let me leave those enemies' matters to me. If they dare to come, I will let them come and go." A Qing's face was a bit cold and murderous.

"Steward?" Gu Changge's thoughtful eyes fell on the man named Lynn.

Not long after the original housekeeper died of illness, his grandson came to the door with the token?

This kind of thing is too coincidental.

Besides, he felt an unusually familiar breath on this man.

son of luck!

Moreover, it is still an extremely large amount of luck.

From the perspective of Fang Jianxuan's great world, there is also an existence like Son of Luck, and he will be hit by him in this place by such a coincidence.

This makes Gu Changge feel a little inexplicable. If it is a coincidence, he actually doesn't believe it.

Before, he felt that this ancient city of Sang was not simple. Although it looked extremely remote, it had a spirit and beauty, and it was the source of ten thousand sects.

Thinking about it this way, this son of luck will come here, and it is not as simple as it seems.

In addition, with the identity of the steward of the City Lord's Mansion, no matter what you do in this ancient Sang City, it is easy and will not arouse the slightest suspicion.

"And I always feel that this person is not a real person, more like an incarnation

"The enemies of Ah Qing's father were probably solved by him."

Gu Changge thought of this and couldn't help but smile, but he didn't choose to behave like a joke. He actually wanted to know what this son of luck really wanted to do.

If it's just an incarnation, where should he be?

Because of Ah Qing's return, the entire ancient city of Sang became lively.

The city lord's mansion held a big banquet, and at the moment when the war was tight and the clouds were overwhelming, it finally dilutes a little bit of the haze that is shrouded in everyone's minds.

However, the origin of Gu Changge was only circulated in the city lord's mansion, and did not spread outside, so as not to cause unnecessary sensation.

At the banquet, I learned in detail about Ah Qing's tragic experience during this period, and even nearly shot to death as a captive tiger.

The Old City Lord and the others were scared for a while, and their hearts were frightened. The last doubt in their hearts about Gu Changge was also dispelled.

Without Gu Changge, Ah Qing would have been buried in the sky a long time ago, and there would be no way to return safely.

With emotion and reason, Gu Changge is their great benefactor.

"It turns out that the outside world is such a vast world, the place where the heavens meet."

At the banquet, silently instructed many maids to deliver a variety of delicacies to the young butler Lynn.

He kept listening to the conversation from Gu Changge, his expression was rather moved.

At the very beginning, he thought that the land of the sword fairyland in the Great Sword Profound World was the pinnacle of this world.

It wasn't until later that he learned that Heavenly Demon had invaded outside the territory and that there was another world outside Heavenly Demon.

It turns out that the Land Sword Wonderland is just another starting point, and there is a wider world waiting for him there.

"The world is vast, and Realm is also endless. Above the land sword fairy, what kind of world is it?"

Lynn couldn't help but feel fascinated.

He felt that he had reached the limit that this world could bear, to the point of being shattered and void, but it was still difficult to take that last step.

Perhaps only by detaching from this world and going to the so-called place where the heavens meet can we make the final breakthrough. Orange.

"It is said that this ancient sang city was the reclusive place of a peerless fairy sword 800,000 years ago, and he is also the only one who has ever successfully broken the void."

"It's a pity that I have been searching here for half a year, but still can't find the handwritten relics he left behind."

After the banquet was over, Lynn stepped between the courtyards, his eyes gradually deepening, and a temperament that was completely different from before appeared on him.

Gu Sangcheng has been tainted with the breath of that peerless sword fairy for 800,000 years.

Even though it has been so long, it is still extraordinary. There are inexplicable qi and rhyme marks in many areas, which can help people understand the Tao and practice.

But what he cares about is not the perception of the peerless sword fairy, but the Cultivation Technique left by the peerless sword fairy.

Since the day he was born, he has possessed an extraordinary talent for horror cultivation.

The same Cultivation Technique, the first time you practice, the speed is one.

Then the next speed will become two, four, and eight, showing a terrifying geometric multiplication speed.

This also led to a result, any Cultivation Technique in his hands, can quickly reach the realm.

In a short period of time, his Cultivation Base has reached a terrifying level that his peers can hardly match.

But the next problem he faced was that he couldn't find a Cultivation Technique to breakthrough a higher Realm.

Even the major Sect forces in the Great Sword Profound World, such as Shuzong, Kongshan, and Jianya, could not find a Cultivation Technique suitable for him.

Finally, by chance, in an ancient book, he saw the record about Gu Sangcheng, and then he came to try his luck and tried to find the inheritance left by the peerless sword fairy 800,000 years ago.

"If I can't find it in the last few days, then I can only return to Shuzong.

"Senior brother, he suddenly used the sword immortal order to summon the sword immortal under heaven, what is it?"

Lin En's figure gradually faded away, disappearing into the courtyard, and looking again in the ancient city of Sang.

He was originally a disciple of the Shu Sect, but because of the higher seniority of the master he followed, he had a high status in the Shu Sect and was honored as the little master.

But in terms of his true age, he is only in his twenties.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Gu Changge temporarily lives in a 660 extremely quiet and quiet courtyard.

There are small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and cornices, there are flowing flowers and clear springs, and it is very elegant.

The piano sound played by Princess Xuandie can be heard next door, which is clearer and more moving, like a hundred birds tactfully, but it seems quite leisurely.

"It looks like that guy is looking for something."

Since then, Gu Changge's spiritual thoughts swept out, almost covering the entire ancient city of Sang, so he quickly found the trace of the young butler Linn.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, he turned into a blue smoke, wandering around the city, seeming to be looking for something.

This makes Gu Changge a little interested.

But suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and looked at a certain area of ​​Gusang City.

There was originally a lush ancient woods, with large areas of ancient mulberry and ancient locust, but most of them have died.

The trunks of the old trees are stubborn, and many of the trunks are hollow, but they are stubbornly alive, like dragons lying here.

From among those tree trunks, a vision is now manifesting.

Strands of purple gas transpired between the heavens and the earth, and even phantoms appeared in the trance, and thousands of Sword Qi were intertwined and blooming.

It seems that there was a supreme sword fairy practicing sword here, and his Dao Yunqi machine was imprinted by heaven and earth. After many years, it was contaminated on this land.

"Great. I finally found it." Lynn's figure appeared in this ancient mulberry forest, with a rare excitement on his face.

Even after hundreds of thousands of years, he can feel the supreme Sword Qi imprinted here, even if it is just a trace, he can see the power of the original master.

Worthy of being a peerless sword fairy!

"If you feel it here, you might be able to feel the inheritance of that sword immortal."

At the moment, Lin didn't hesitate to play a few sword tactics at will to prevent anyone from coming to disturb him, then came to the depths of the ancient sanglin and began to sit cross-legged.

Gu Changge's spirit has been paying attention to this scene. When he saw the excitement on Lynn's face, his eyes suddenly became a little interesting.

"Since you want to pass on, then I will give it to you.

He smiled, and then interpreted an ancient language with vast spiritual thoughts.

To be precise, this is not any language, but just a kind of divine thought, which seems to have passed through the ages and passed for hundreds of millions of years, as if penetrating a star universe and reappearing in the world.


Lynn's Divine Sense is so powerful, but under the aftermath of this sound and spirit, his face is extremely pale, and a mouthful of blood spurts from the corner of his mouth, almost torn apart.