Ch 635

"There is no need to keep him.

Gu Changge gently shook his head, raised his hands and the light fell, causing Tuoba Xiaoyao, who was unconscious, to agitate, suddenly opened his eyes and woke up.

There seemed to be some confusion in his head, he didn't know what was happening now, and he looked around with some doubts.

But The next moment, when Tuoba Xiaoyao's gaze fell on Gu Changge, the whole person trembled, with some unconcealed fear and hatred.

"Gu Changge, why are you here?"

Tuoba Xiaoyao asked sharply, bloodshot in the depths of his eyes.

He just remembered that he passed out in a coma when Gu Changge fought against that bloody eye, as if being taken away by a mysterious force, and then he didn't remember everything that happened.

"You don't need to know." Gu Changge shook his head lightly, his eyes not fluctuating at all.

Tuoba Xiaoyao felt Gu Changge's killing intent, and was extremely unwilling. He couldn't help but clenched his teeth, "Are you going to kill me?"

Gu Changge smiled and said, "You are not stupid yet, I will keep you to this day, and it will be the best of my kindness."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to obtain the Heavenly Sword so easily. If you have another life, remember, don't be an enemy of me, and don't even have any thoughts in the end."

What he said was an understatement, and even the corners of his mouth even wore an unremarkable smile.

However, upon hearing this, Tuoba Xiaoyao's eyes widened in disbelief.

As if the greatest secret was revealed to the public, a terrifying chill suddenly swept through his body.

The soul and throat of the whole person seemed to be held tightly by an invisible big cold hand.

He understood the meaning of Gu Changge's words!

Gu Changge knows the biggest secret of his rebirth! Otherwise, Gu Changge would not say that he still has 24 in his next life.

"So you already knew that Tuoba Xiaoyao's face was extremely pale and desperate.

Had it not been for Gu Changge to say today, he would not have believed it until he died. The biggest secret of his own rebirth had already been understood by him.

In this way, his various calculations that he believes to be seamlessly stitched are probably as ridiculous as a clown in Gu Changge's eyes.

Only he was played by Gu Changge in the palm of his hand without knowing it.

"Actually, it's not too early."

Gu Changge smiled casually and said, "Is there any last words to explain? If not, then I will kill you.

"You Tuoba Xiaoyao's complexion is pale, your soul is trembling, the shadow of Death hits, and your whole body is covered by a terrifying breath, and you can't move at all.

He still wanted to open his mouth to say something, but when Gu Changge finished speaking, he obviously didn't listen to his nonsense.


Lifting his palm down, a cluster of silver sacred fire burned away, instantly enveloping Tuoba Xiaoyao.

In just an instant, he turned into ashes, and he didn't even have time to scream.

Then there was only a golden Heavenly Dao treasure chest that jumped out, and was rolled up by Gu Changge's sleeves and took it directly.

"Let's go, go and see where the so-called Jinghu Lake is.

Gu Changge didn't plan to open this Heavenly Dao treasure chest now. He looked into the distance and said casually to A Da behind him. He stepped forward and left this stretch of immortal valley in an instant.

After the Shuzong was destroyed, he currently resides temporarily in the Nanming Dynasty, and many land sword immortals are extremely convinced by him. During this time, they have sent people to look for Heavenly Dao's will.

But now that he understands this secret, Gu Changge naturally feels that he does not need to look for it everywhere like the headless fly before.

The location of this Jinghu Lake is obviously where Heavenly Dao's will to close the town. If you want to know the whereabouts of the origin of the world, you must at least find Jinghu first.

But according to the memory of that part of Heavenly Dao's will, it is known that the real existence of Jinghu has long been reduced to rumors, and even its exact location is uncertain.

Because Jinghu Lake is not fixed in a certain area, but will migrate and wander over time.

"It seems they have to release news to tell Jinghu that their hope lies.

Gu Changge thought of this, and had a general plan in his mind, and then ordered someone to forge a broken classic and branded the Samsara rules on it to make it fake.

Soon, two days later, a piece of news spread quietly in the Nanming Dynasty.

Through the mouth of Emperor Nanming, he was accidentally told by an old eunuch beside him, which directly caused a sensation in the thirteen states.

It is rumored that Jinghu, which contains the supreme sword-making material, is likely to contain the last ray of life in the great world of Jianxuan.

This was recorded by Princess Xuandie of the Southern Ming Dynasty, who accidentally read through a broken classic book in the Library.

Although the classic is extremely broken, it records some things about Jinghu in a few words.

And the moment these news came out, the entire sword profound world boiled directly, and countless cultivator creatures began to look for the lost Jinghu.

Even Land Sword Fairy couldn't help it, and began to browse through various ancient books, trying to find clues about Jinghu Lake.

Many cultivator creatures in the many ancient warships of the Upper Realm hovering outside the world of Sword Profound Realm also learned of this news.

Some ancient enlightened people existed, and they also gave orders to send a large army to find the place of Jinghu Lake.

Their goal has always been the world origin of the sword profound world.

Some time ago, the Heavenly Dao will of the Great Sword Profound World had manifested, making many enlightened people jealous, and they had to stop thinking about the lower realm.

But they didn't expect that the Heavenly Dao will would be torn apart by Gu Changge's palm and disappeared.

This shocked them.

They don't have such a powerful and terrifying strength as Gu Changge, so until now, they can only stay here and wait for the opportunity.

"Xiaoyao's life card, how could it be broken?"

"In the end what happened?"

On the ancient battleship of Dayu Xianchao, the princess Yu Feiya's complexion was slightly pale, her hands were tight, her finger bones were all white, she looked at the broken life card in front of her in disbelief.

The fate card here is left by the many young sages of the Dayu Xian Dynasty, and there is a ray of soul left by them.

If there is an accident in the Great Sword Profound World, the strong person responsible for guarding here can also be aware of it for the first time.

As soon as she learned that the Tuoba Xiaoyao Life Card was broken, she rushed back from the Great World of Jianxuan, wanting to determine whether the matter was true or false.

But I never thought that this turned out to be true.

Tuoba Xiaoyao actually lost his life in the Great Sword Profound World?

"What did he encounter in it? With his strength, it is difficult to keep his life." Yu Feiya has a sad expression on her face.

She and Tuoba Xiaoyao's friendship is not shallow, and even contains a trace of inexplicable affection. Now that she is buried in the Great World of Jianxuan, it is really unacceptable.

In the next few days, the Great Jian Xuan world was extremely restless, and many relics were uncovered every day.

A large number of cultivators poured into the past, only to touch a nose of ash, not to mention Jinghu Lake, I didn't even see the trace of the lake.

This makes many people wonder whether this rumor is true or false, and whether Jinghu really exists.

"Judging from the classics, the existence of Jinghu Lake should be true, and the Sword City has also appeared next to Jinghu Lake. Many of the swords of the Shu Sect actually come from Jiancheng."

Although Shuzong was destroyed, the Sect Leader Yi Jianxian and others are still there.

They lived much longer than the rest of the cultivator, so they had a deep understanding of Jinghu. The few Zhenzong divine swords that were used when the Shu sect was established were actually inseparable from Jiancheng.

So they firmly believe that Jinghu exists, but they haven't found its exact location yet.

"If Jinghu is true, then Sword City should have existed. Maybe we can use the remaining breath of Sword City to deduce the location of Jinghu."

Xue Jianxian looked forward to his thoughts. As the master of Jianya, she naturally knew some secrets. In fact, the few divine swords in Jianya today are also related to Jiancheng.

It was even cast in the sword city at the beginning, because of this relationship, they can use these divine swords to see if they can determine the location of the sword city sinking into the mirror lake.

"This is a feasible way." Shuzong Sect Leader and the others were all bright before they heard the words, and they suddenly realized.

A few days later, the god swords of the major forces were sacrificed, and then through the method of occupancy, to search for the aura, the Sect Leader of the Shu Zong and others finally had a harvest, and they were extremely surprised and excited.

"All signs of divination are pointing to the ancient Xuan site in Qiqi 667. The ancient Xuan dynasty, which was once extremely large, is actually related to Jinghu?"

While they were excited, they were also extremely confused.

Ancient Profound God Dynasty, that is the most god-tier dynasty ever recorded in the history of Jianxuan Great World. No one has even unified eight of the thirteen states. The vast territory is far from the current Nanming dynasty.

Even if it is the ancient Xuan site, the area is quite large. Strictly speaking, the former eight states were once included in their territory.

At that time, there was no such dynasty as Nanming, nor were there such forces as Shuzong and Kongshan, so the territory was boundless.

The mysterious ancient Xuan Ancestral Temple is located in the heart of the dragon veins of Jian Xuan Great World, occupying the good fortune of heaven and earth, and taking away the mystery.

This was originally a heaven-defying secret place. However, tens of millions of years ago, somehow, this extremely prosperous and powerful Ancient Profound God Dynasty collapsed overnight, and even the last emperor was crazy.

Later, it is said that he touched the taboo Realm that shouldn't be touched, and suffered the heavenly trick.

"Guxuan site?"

Gu Changge was a little thoughtful, and then he didn't hesitate much. He took Ah Da and set off directly to this place.

He himself used the hands of Shuzong Sect Leader and others to find this place, and now all the signs indicate that the Guxuan site is related to Jinghu, and he naturally wants to take a look.

As for his intentions, Gu Changge didn't mind.

On the other side, many land sword immortals such as Yi Jianxian and Xue Jianxian also took their hands and rushed to the Guxuan site non-stop. In order to prevent the news from leaking, they must rush there before the world knows.

The ancient Xuanzu Temple was once the most prosperous place in the Jianxuan Great World, where the heaven and the earth are the perfect confluence of Spiritual Qi.

But now it is a broken wall, shrouded in black mist all day long, with many broken mountains and terrifying cracks.

If you are not careful, you will be torn apart by the wind rushing out of the cracks, and there is an unknown aura lingering here.

Crows and vultures often look around, densely packed, with blood-red eyes, with a vicious meaning, standing among the dry treetops, looking at the many cultivators coming here. .