Ch 640

"According to the investigation, the Sword City that once sank into the depths is buried in the Jinghu Lake. It is the origin of the various factions in the world of Sword Profound today."

The other enlightened person also spoke softly at this moment, his eyes slowly sweeping across the ruins of silky mist in front of him.

Even in their Realm, it is difficult to see through the many Restrictions at a glance, which shows the mysteriousness and weirdness of this place.

And the most palpitating thing is that the secret here is extremely chaotic, full of a lot of unknown aura.

Gu Changge looked inexplicable, and shook his head when he heard the words, "I just heard the news here, and I don't know much about it."

The reason why he appeared to help Princess Xuandie, in fact, the biggest purpose is to let everyone help him find the entrance of Jinghu Lake.

In this way, he will have the opportunity to sneak in secretly.

After all, anyway, if the origin of the world falls into his hands, and then returns to the upper realm, it will inevitably cause great disturbances.

Although Gu Changge is not afraid of trouble, but adhering to the principle that one thing can be missed is one thing, he still intends to secretly seek the origin of the world.

For those who have stood in the realm of enlightened beings, the temptation of the origin of the world is self-evident, enough to drive them crazy and fight with their lives.

"In that case, how about Young Master Changge, I will wait for a shot together and break open here to see if we can find the entrance to the Jinghu Lake?"

Dayu Xianchao, the old emperor's ancestor, moved his eyes slightly when he heard the words, and asked.

While talking, Dayu Xianchao, Princess Yu Feiya and others who followed the old emperor's ancestor, all got off the ancient warship and came here.

Feiya Yu gave Gu Changge a slight salute, which was regarded as a greeting.

Although she and Gu Changge are also acquainted, it's not easy to come forward to say hello under this kind of occasion.

In fact, Yu Feiya also had a lot of doubts in her heart, and wanted to ask Gu Changge if he knew the whereabouts of Tuoba Xiaoyao.

After learning about Tuoba Xiaoyao's death, she sent someone to investigate, but nothing happened.

Although she didn't know why weird intuition came into her heart, she thought that Gu Changge might know this.

"I won't be involved in this matter, I'm just here to join in the fun."

Gu Changge24 waved his hand, smiled faintly, and rejected Dayu Xianchao's request.

Hearing this, there are all the enlightened people of the other forces. Although it was a disappointment on the face, he was relieved in his heart.

They are actually very worried that Gu Changge will come and get involved.

With its strength and background, no one here really dares to provoke.

At that time, if they really discover the origin of the world, they may find it hard to bear the temptation to do something about it.

In this way, Gu Changge will inevitably be offended to death.

"With the strength of Young Master Changge, it's really a pity

Dayu Xianchao, the old emperor ancestor, shook his head somewhat regrettably, but he was relieved in his heart like everyone else.

Gu Changge smiled slightly and didn't say much. Ada stood beside him, like a horrible magic mountain, standing with him on the periphery, and did not choose to enter the ruins.

The Guxuan site is very large, covering a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In addition to many broken Hengshan, there are some collapsed ruins, showing the former palaces and many mural pillars.

As the so-called extraterritorial Heavenly Demon descended here, the many powerful Sect powerhouses who rushed here before did not dare to move or send their disciples to search for the whereabouts of Jinghu Lake.

At the outermost periphery of the Guxuan site, almost everyone in the Jianxuan world gathered here.

Many land sword immortals such as Yi Jianxian and Xue Jianxian also stood silently here, looking at the many powerful upper realms not far away, offering various secret methods, and exploring the strangeness and strangeness of this place.

"Where Jinghu is located, if they were the first to board, the consequences would be hard to imagine."

Yi Jianxian said softly, his eyes worrisome.

The Snow Sword Immortal on the side looked at Gu Changge who was talking with many enlightened people in the upper realm not far away, and his mood was rather unquiet.

"You said if Gu Gongzi made a word to stop all of this, how likely would it be to succeed?" She asked Yi Jianxian.

Yi Jianxian didn't expect that she would say this suddenly, and he was a little surprised for a while.

"Although Young Master Gu is not malicious towards our realm, how could he try to rescue our realm?"

Afterwards, he shook his head and said that this possibility was basically zero.

Xue Jianxian also gave a wry smile, thinking that he was fantastic. Why are they worth Gu Changge to save them like this?

Prior to this, they had concealed Gu Changge and never told him about Jinghu.

And when everyone around the Guxuan site began to explore this place, it was in the depths enveloped by the dense silky mist.

Lyn was glowing all over, and even her hair was golden, like a son of a god, standing solemnly in front of a collapsed ancient temple, with a brilliantly glowing key in his hand.

He can clearly feel that there are ancient Sword intent fluctuations intertwined here, and from his perception, there is definitely more than one Sword intent.

Perhaps many divine swords of the ancient mysterious dynasty were enshrined in this ancient temple, and over time the breath of those divine swords remained here.

The key given to him by the white-robed old man in the boundless fairy valley, after arriving here, also exudes a misty brilliance.

It is obvious that something is attracting it in the depths of this collapsed ancient temple.

Lin En felt that it was the sword city buried in Jinghu Lake, which definitely implies the universe.

"Outside the ancient mysterious site, too many powerful people have gathered, and even the peak powerhouse among the Heavenly Demon outside the domain has also come. I must be careful."

Thinking of this, Lynn took out the key, gradually calmed down in his heart, and began to walk towards the collapsed ancient temple in front of him.


Soon, waves of brilliance were exuded in front, as if there was an invisible portal in the void.

"There really is a hidden space here

Lynn walked, his expression was a little surprised and impatient, and he saw the scene in the ancient temple.

Here is a piece of Minor World, with vast green forests, tall mountains and vast sky, a sea of ​​surging clouds.

And he is now standing at the entrance, surrounded by many high peaks.

Along the mountain peaks, you can see a series of steps, incomparably Sacred, leading to the bottom, as if going on a pilgrimage.

In the deepest part of this space, Lynn saw a tower that reached the sky, golden, brilliant and magnificent, standing tall among the clouds.

In addition, there are many birds and beasts in this space. They are extremely holy, and even their feathers are shining brightly.

"Could it be that Jinghu Lake is beside the tower of heaven?"

Lynn looked at the distant scene, his figure moved, walked along the mountain peak, towards the stairs below, and quickly disappeared into the deep forest.

Near the pagoda of the whole body, there is a gleam of silver, as if an ancient and flaming lake sits, reflecting the brilliance of the sky, and it is gorgeous to the extreme.

Lynn felt that the heaven and earth environment here, and the outside world environment, had a large area, and there was a strong divine and holy breath flowing, which made one couldn't help but feel relieved.

You must know that when you are in the outside world, there is an astonishing and unknown aura lingering, and even weirdness occurs.

But in this space, there is a completely different and peaceful scene, which is a bit weird indeed.

But Lynn didn't have time to think about it now. Instead, he seized the time to go deep, planning to walk to the tower in the first place.

And when Lin En stepped into this place, a huge change took place in the ancient Xuan ruins.

The terrifying whistling sound did not know where it came from. With the screaming in the sky, many unjust souls appeared, walking out like ghosts from every corner of the ruins.

At the same time, the black fog here is also frantically surging, flooding the area where various cultivators gather.

"What happened, why is this place suddenly like this?

"Why are there so many unjust souls appearing?"

This sudden scene caused all the people in the Great Jianxuan World to change their faces drastically, showing paleness and horror. They were very frightened and uneasy about all of this, and retreated toward the marginal area.

But the speed of this black mist is too fast, and there are even strange auras intertwined in it, which can cover the spirits of the cultivator, making it difficult for them to perceive the surroundings, and they are plunged into darkness.

Many people screamed as soon as they were swept in by the black mist, and then the sound stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a toothy sound of bone shattering and chewing, as if there was some terrifying beast hidden in it, waiting for the opportunity to choose someone to eat.

"What is in this black mist?"

Yi Jianxian and the others sacrificed their fateful swords and cut out the monstrous Sword Qi, trying to separate the black fog, but the next result made them shocked and a little unbelievable.

The weird things hidden in the black fog, even their Sword Qi can swallow them, like a mud cow entering the sea, and suddenly disappear without a trace.

"Can't even be frozen?"

On the other side, Snow Sword Xiandai frowned and was also trying, hitting a cloud of ice and snow with her bare hands.

It contains absolute freezing rules, but when it touches this black fog, it also collapses and breaks in the taste, turning into a sky full of child powder ashes.


At the same time, the entire Guxuan site seemed to come alive suddenly. There were vibrations everywhere, rocks broke, and ghosts appeared in the collapsed palace.

The weird breath continues to permeate, making everyone terrified and their skin chills.

"A corpse came alive?"

A Qing and Princess Xuandie turned pale and couldn't help but step back, feeling that everything in front of them was too illusory and not real.

Just in front of them, several earthen graves cracked open, and thick black mist filled them, and then they continued to crack on both sides.

This is a very strange scene. The old graves are cracking open, and the white and even rotten bones are sticking out and slowly climbing up.

Such a picture is really unbelievable and terrifying.

Even the rotted and ugly bone scum forms the skeleton, and they grow bloody flesh quickly.

And the heavenly soldier Jiaqing, who had already become dust in the tomb, also reversed the time, clanging loudly, turning into battle clothes and covering them.

The heavenly soldiers were pale, expressionless, and covered their stomachs, and then walked out step by step with weapons in their hands, arranged in a square array, and pushed forward.

"Resurrection of the dead? What a heaven-defying method is this?"

This made everyone who witnessed this scene almost couldn't believe it. The scalp exploded and the pores poured cold air into it.

They don't understand, can someone really live forever? Or is it that these heavenly soldiers have never died and have been sleeping in the ancient mysterious site?

Are they the heavenly soldiers and generals of the Ancient Profound God Dynasty?

"There is indeed weirdness here. These corpses are half-dead and half-alive, and they seem to have some sage.

An enlightened person from the upper realm who descended here narrowed his eyes slightly and filled with golden light, and then said so.

The other enlightened persons also nodded. They did not do anything, but still stood at the outermost periphery of the site, and did not intend to act rashly.

It's very weird here, even they don't have much confidence.

"These heavenly soldiers should have received a terrible curse. They can't leave this place for life or death. They can only guard this place in the state of the living dead.

"The old man has only seen it somewhere in the upper realm, and the number of living dead at the time is far less than here."

The old emperor of Dayu Xianchao's complexion slightly sinks, trying to pat it with a palm, and suddenly Lei Guangha roars, and the world-shaking power emerges.

The vast force crushed and fell, destroying the sky and destroying the earth, directly smashing 670 heavenly soldiers in front of them into powder.

But The next moment, the soldiers who had turned into child fans, began to reorganize due to the strange power, and restored to their original appearance.

Such a scene not only changed the color of the enlightened people, but also made the Yi Jianxian and others not far away frightened, their hands and feet chilled.

They didn't expect at all that there was such a terrible crisis in this Guxuan site.

"It seems that general methods are not feasible, nor can they go through. It should be someone who entered the depths of the ruins ahead of time and touched something.

A strange color passed by Gu Changge's gaze, and then he remained silent, shook his head as if somewhat guessing.

He felt that it should be Lynn, the son of luck in this world, and found the entrance to Jinghu Lake, which would cause a big change in the outside world.

Contacting the memory of the will of Heavenly Dao that had been swallowed before, Gu Changge understood that the ancient Xuan Shenchao had touched the taboo of the Battle of Extinguishing the Heavens, trying to build an ancestral temple and communicate with the ancient heroic souls, and only then was the awakened part of Heavenly Dao's will. Extinct.

All the living dead here, as well as many strange auras, can be said to be the handwriting of Heavenly Dao's will.

But these things have nothing to do with him.

"Since the entrance to Jinghu Lake has been opened, things are much simpler

Gu Changge does not intend to leave, he is still waiting, the time has not yet arrived.

"Don't be caught up first."

And hearing Gu Changge's words, the old emperor of Dayu Xianchao and several enlightened people were all in their hearts. They were a little worried that they would be taken first, and they had taken away their fruits in advance.

At the moment, they eyes reveal coldly, digging out with big hands, covering the sky, and arresting a few land sword fairies, planning to let them explore the way first.

"If you can't walk in, then you don't even want to leave alive today.

"Everyone will be buried with you."

The incomparable indifference of their words, the unquestionable will, and the terrifying coercion caused everyone in the Great Sword Profound World to shatter, and they were almost exploding into blood mist.

Facing these so-called ants, they did not have the humble fear when they were in front of Gu Changge.

Even if it was Yi Jianxian, Xue Jianxian and others, they were also arrested and asked to explore the way ahead and go deep into the black mist.

They have no choice. If they resist, they will only be photographed in a bloody mist, and they will end up in a dead end.

At this time, they finally understood the gap between Gu Changge and the peak powerhouses, and their hearts were even more bitter.

Gu Changge's attitude is ten million times better than this group of peak powerhouses.

At this time, they are the real building ants, maybe not as good.

"If you want to survive, don't try to resist.

Gu Changge seemed to shook his head slightly with pity, and said to Yi Jianxian and the others.

The rest of the Jianxuan Great World were all shuddering, afraid to move, staying in place like a group of prisoners.

ps: I came back a bit late. I owe one more tonight and make up tomorrow. By the way, the plot ends. .