Ch 642

Many people screamed and discovered that own flesh body was disappearing quickly, the whole body became transparent, and then even the bones and flesh became crystal clear, and then turned into a rain of light and dissipated.

Such a horrible scene, as if the skull was uncovered, and a basin of cold water poured down, making everyone tremble with fear.

"How does this gray fog look familiar?"

Yu Feiya's face also changed drastically, and she quickly flew back with Da Yu Xianchao behind her, to return to the ancient warship.

She always felt that this terrifying and weird gray fog seemed to have appeared before. Although she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she had also heard from various news.

"At the time when the Yinshiji family rescued their ancestors to Kunshan, they seemed to have encountered such a terrifying fog, which almost killed the Yinshian clan."

"Even the enlightened person will be killed in it, and there is no escape."

Yu Feiya's face was full of unconcealable fear.How could this kind of weird gray fog that only appeared in the life restricted zone of Kunshan at the beginning?

She didn't have time to think too much, and quickly ordered people to open the defensive pattern on the ancient warship to avoid being swallowed by the gray mist.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in her mind, making Yu Feiya shocked, her expression even more frightened and unbelievable.

She turned her head with difficulty and looked in the direction where Gu Changge was before, but there was already no one there. It seemed that Gu Changge had disappeared when the gray fog swept over it.

"At that time, Gu Changge was also on his way to Kunshan, just among the people who encountered the strange fog."

"It should be just a coincidence.

For some reason, Yu Feiya thought of a terrifying speculation, she couldn't help but stunned, and she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

The entire Guxuan site became panic and uneasy because of the sudden and terrifying fog.

Almost everyone is thinking of ways to retreat towards the outermost. Compared to the black fog before, this gray fog is obviously more terrifying.

"What happened outside, what's going on, these unconscious army of the living dead, 670, suddenly became frightened?

In the depths of the Guxuan site, there are corpses and broken ancient temples all over the place, collapsed into one piece, and the original appearance can not be seen.

A Land Sword Fairy who was exploring the way turned around anxiously, feeling that the army that was chasing them was retreating quickly like a tide, as if he had sensed something more terrifying.

"No matter what, this place is where the wave came before, and the entrance of Jinghu Lake must be right in front.

Yi Jianxian said, his eyes fell in front of this area.

There was a collapsed ruin, an ancient temple shimmering in light, hidden in it.

There are still many vines around, some of them are green and vigorous.

Such a scene is really incompatible with the environment here.

"This kind of breath seems to be wrong. Could it be that something has happened to the outside world? This feeling makes me a little uneasy. When I was in Kunshan last time, I had felt this kind of breath from a distance. How could it appear here again?"

An enlightened person frowned, perceiving the outside world as if a majestic and terrifying aura was suppressing it.

The last time the hidden Ji family broke into Kunshan, trying to rescue the ancestors, he was also among them, but he was not with the Ji family.

"Outside things can't be managed too much

"There are indeed spatial fluctuations, and there are other things in it."

The old emperor ancestor of Dayu Xianchao shook his head.

"There is indeed a spatial fluctuation hidden.

The other enlightened people were also looking at them, and immediately couldn't help showing their joy. It was all effortless, and they finally found the place of Jinghu.

"I don't know if there is any danger in it. Let them explore the way first.

The enlightened person in Shenling Mountain had a cold look, swept over Xue Jianxian and others, planning to let them enter the gateway first.

His words were recognized by the rest of the people, and they all looked at Yi Jianxian and others indifferently, and did not give them a chance to choose.

"After you say that you have opened the way, let us go."

Hearing this, a land sword fairy looked ugly, and his heart was full of humiliation and unwillingness.

In this world, he is the strongest person standing on the top, but now he is called like a dog, and the other party even turns back and does not honor the words promised at the time.

"court death."

However, as soon as the words of the land sword fairy fell, the eyes of an enlightened person from Tianhuang Mountain suddenly fell, as if a billion-dollar horrible magic mountain fell, covering and crushing the person's body.

Suddenly, there was blood and mist, accompanied by a scream, the whole sky was exploded here, and the body and spirit were destroyed.

A land sword fairy, the strongest standing in this world, died in this way.

In this scene, the expressions of Yi Jianxian and the others changed suddenly. Many people were angry and wanted to fight desperately, but they were held back by the people around them. Don't move rashly.

Facing enlightened people, which is the state of detachment in their mouths, they have no chance to contend at all, which is tantamount to ants shaking a tree.

"Let's go." Yi Jianxian gave a sorrowful laugh, had no choice, and took the lead directly into the portal.

Then Xue Jianxian and the others followed silently. The Old Emperor and the others of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty looked at each other and didn't feel any fluctuations coming from the opposite side, so they were relieved.

After passing through the door, the scene there made them feel cheerful, even a little shocked.

"This is the breath of Heavenly Dao once transformed into Dao."

"Heavenly Dao will definitely hide here."

An enlightened person sounded with a surprise voice, and his face trembled slightly.

When I arrived at their Realm, I could naturally clearly feel the holy breath that permeated this place, which was left after Heavenly Dao transformed into the Tao.

As for why Heavenly Dao transforms into Taoism, they are not interested. Here is what they need, it is enough.

"Is this the legendary God Realm, so Sacred?"

"That tall tower should be the Tongtian Pagoda in the classics. It was a tower specially built by the ancient gods to worship the sky. It is said that praying on the top of the tower allows the sky to hear the sound. For this reason, the ancient gods became a sword. The most powerful god in the history of the mysterious world" Yi Jianxian's voice was also shocked. At first glance, he saw the silver light of the (cedh) seat in the distance.

The splendid tower.

They are now standing on the top of a mountain, surrounded by misty clouds surging, as if they were in the gods.

This world is really peaceful and peaceful, without the slightest breath of killing, everything is so reassuring, it seems to be able to give up all hatred.

"There is a silver lake there, it's not right, as expected, someone has already climbed up first."

The vision of the old emperor of Dayu Xianchao was amazing. Even though this place had great suppression on Cultivation Base, he still saw the silver lake next to the Tongtian Pagoda at a glance.

Incomparably flaming, without seeing the border, there is a mist of emptiness floating on the surface, like a silver mirror.

"The whereabouts of the origin of the world lies in it.

The other enlightened person is also greedy by eyes reveal at the moment, and his actions are very fast, directly turning into a divine light, and stepping towards the silver lake.

However, he hadn't walked a few steps yet, a silver thunder suddenly fell from the sky and the earth, like a mighty silver real dragon, directly slamming him down, trying to knock him down from the sky.

This voice is really too big, long and endless, as if it angered the sky.

The complexions of Yi Jianxian and the others changed, and they remembered a rumor that they must be pious in the ancient Xuanzu Temple, otherwise they would provoke the sky thunder and encounter sky anger.

Flying here is even more disrespectful to Heavenly Dao!

"This is God's punishment. They are horrified and trembling all over. Under this kind of thunder, they feel like strands of ants.

"Tian Lei, what can I do? The old man has been enlightened for 30 million years, how can he be afraid of this?"

However, in the face of these silver real thunders, the enlightened person who walked away was extremely disdainful, raised his hand and fell to the sky, directly smashing these thunders.

He could feel the breath of these thunders, but he was not at the level of quasi-emperor, and he was still far from being enlightened.

Seeing this, the other enlightened people did not hesitate, and turned into divine light, stepping forward, facing the sky thunder, and falling into the mirror lake.

Xue Jianxian and the others didn't dare to fly over directly like them, so they could only walk over honestly and like a pilgrimage.

Many people planned to take the opportunity to leave, but they suddenly discovered that the door to leaving this space seemed to have been ruined from the outside.

There was brilliance pouring down there, shattering everything, and the void turned into powder.

"What's the matter, the portal was ruined?"

The faces of several land sword immortals who tried to leave this place turned pale, a little desperate.

Xue Jianxian and the others also stopped walking down the mountain, frowned and looked back, wondering who would ruin the entrance here at this time.

Is it the intention to trap everyone here?

"Why do you feel some fear in this world?" Xue Jianxian frowned and looked up at the vast thunder sea ahead.

And just when they were puzzled, they had collapsed into a portal of nothingness behind them, and suddenly two figures came out.

The headed person is dressed in white, and his hair is dazzling. Transcendent is refined, handsome and graceful, as if he is in a fairy tale.

Behind him, followed by a burly figure, dressed in a dark iron god's clothing.

"Gu, Master Gu?"

Seeing the people coming, Xue Jianxian, Yi Jianxian and others opened their eyes instantly, some of them couldn't believe it, wondering if they were going to read it wrong.

Gu Changge didn't mean he planned to return to the upper realm, didn't he come here just to join in the fun?

How could he show up here and ruin the door to leave?

"Oh, it seems that you are still alive." Gu Changge seemed a little surprised that they were still alive, and smiled slightly.

However, this smile made Xue Jianxian and the others cold, and couldn't help but shudder, feeling that Gu Changge in front of them was completely different from the person they had known before.

This is a kind of fear that comes from the deepest part of the soul.

"Gu Gongzi, you"

Xue Jianxian forced himself to calm down and wanted to say hello.

However, Gu Changge just smiled slightly, and didn't mean to continue talking to them. He took a big step forward and disappeared at the foot of the mountain.

His speed was so fast that he disappeared out of thin air almost instantly, and then appeared thousands of miles away.

But what made Xue Jianxian and the others even more frightening was that the thunder did not come down here to impose a natural punishment on Gu Changge?

"Is this world afraid of him?" Yi Jianxian's mouth was dry, and she felt a little tingling on her scalp.