Ch 657

Seven days passed quickly.

Today's Dayu Emperor is extremely lively, and the mighty army descends outside the city and stands in the clouds.

The black mist is surging, the Killing intent is overwhelming, the iron cavalry is rolling, and there is a posture of breaking into the imperial city at any time.

Armies from all over Dayu also gathered quickly, holding heavenly soldiers and wearing armor outside the city wall, waiting in full battle.

Both sides are Dayu's armies, but the people they belong to are different. Many powerful people in Dayu don't want to see the scene of the two soldiers fighting.

Waiting for the end of this battle, and all the dust settles, that is the best way.

After the news came out, countless cultivators swarmed from various ancient cities from all over the world. They were already crowded with all the inns and pavilions of the Imperial Capital of Dayu, watching them not far away.

There is a shocking supreme realm cultivator swept away with divine thought, and then his face was full of surprise.

Today, billions of cultivators are gathered in this ancient city!

Primordial Royal Family, Supreme Sect, Immortal Orthodoxy, Longevity Family, Handed down Immortal

Among these forces that can't stand down, disciples and ancient existences have appeared, and Pingli can hardly see them.

On the ancient street thousands of meters wide, there are busy and bustling traffic.

Pixiu, gluttonous, firefinch, blue dragon, these ancient fierce beasts, which are usually hard to see, all have figures.

There are also ancient beasts and flying boats coming from all over the world to witness this battle.

The overlap of Immortal's imperial dynasty's throne was a matter of reason, but it touched on the secrets of Dayu's immortal dynasty.

It is likely to lead to a major turnaround in the situation, leading to changes in the vigorous situation of all ethnic groups.

This has to be taken seriously.

Many important officials of Dayu have been waiting in various places as early as possible, dispatching the strong among the 677 tribes to guard the surroundings to prevent people with bad intentions from sneaking in.

In addition, there are many concubines and children of Emperor Dayu, who also gathered here to witness this battle with their own eyes.

In their view, Emperor Yu was the lord of the Great Yu Immortal Dynasty. He ruled the endless and vast territory, and hiding his feet would shake the world and shudder in all directions.

Anyone who dares to provoke him will pay a terrible price and die here.

They couldn't wait to see the scene where Yu Tianzheng was shot to death by Emperor Yu himself.

"That Yu Tianzheng is just a defeated general under the father's hand. He even dared to come and die. He really didn't know how to live or die."

A young prince who was already sharp and sharp said that he was full of hatred and disdain for Yu Tianzheng.

There are many princes and princesses standing around him, all of them are extraordinary, with divine light in their bodies, brilliant eyes, and terrifying strength.

But they didn't say much, but silently looked at the direction of the city wall, as if waiting for something.

Time flows slowly, the setting sun goes west, the full moon rises east, everything is silent.

The entire imperial capital was shrouded in a layer of misty rays of sunlight, and patterns emerged from various places, dazzling, and the clouds were transpiring, just like the fairy city in the myth.

Countless eyes fell on the top of the imperial capital, and they all held their breath and did not dare to speak softly.

Even though it was the ancient existence of the Immortal masters, they frowned, and did not speak, for fear of disturbing everything.


But at this moment, at the end of the quiet long street, a slight cough suddenly came out, breaking the silence of the atmosphere.

Many cultivator creatures involuntarily looked over, looking surprised.

The people (cedh) of the Primordial Royal Family, Supreme Master, and Immortal Orthodoxy were also shocked. They thought of something and looked over.

"Gu Changge!"

"he came!"

A crowd of young supreme shook their fists secretly, their bodies tight and uncomfortable.

In that direction, a young man wearing a moon-white robe with a pale face walked up.

The stunning woman next to him was holding a clean white silk scarf, wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth.

On the long street, almost all the cultivator creatures, seeing this scene, couldn't help but back up a few steps, did not dare to block the way, and hurriedly let out.

Many people have only heard the news that Gu Changge was seriously injured and the original source was injured, but did not see the real person.

Now, no one had expected that at this time, he would show up and would come to watch the battle.

Even the ancient existence of the various races changed their complexion slightly, suddenly became uncomfortable, no longer as random and natural as before.

Although Gu Changge was injured and coughed up blood in front of everyone, no one dared to match him.

Under this circumstance, Gu Changge definitely still has the power to kill enlightened people.

"It seems that we have come at the right time. The battle at the top of the imperial city has not yet begun."

Looking at the situation in front of him, Gu Changge seemed a little surprised, and smiled slightly at Yin Mei beside him.

"If the son comes a little later, wouldn't it be missed?"

Yin Mei is dressed in white, with beautiful hair like a cloud, pursed her lips, a beautiful smile, graceful, beautiful and thrilling.

Many young men cast amazing gazes at her, secretly envy and jealousy in their hearts.

"Young Master Changge came at the right time.

"How can you miss Young Master Changge in this battle of the imperial capital?"

Upon seeing this, the peak powerhouses of all races also appeared secretly and invited Gu Changge to go with them. Standing with them at the highest point of the pavilion, standing in the most advantageous position, you can enjoy the battle.

Before, they were only hidden in the dark, without revealing their real bodies.

No one thought that Gu Changge would come over suddenly.

Everyone knows that he is currently wounded, and if someone suddenly attacks him for a while, then if they hide in the dark, wouldn't they be the target of suspicion.

This scene made many young princes here bitter, and then they were at a loss and despair.

They are still secretly taking Gu Changge as the target to pursue, but even the ancestor-level figures behind them have to be cautious and uneasy in front of Gu Changge.

"It seems that the people on both sides have not shown up yet."

Gu Changge stood at the highest point of the pavilion, the night breeze came, and his robe danced lightly.

"The time is up, it seems that Yu Tian is afraid to show up."

At this moment, as his words fell, a majestic voice suddenly resounded through the world.

A tall figure wearing a purple gold crown and purple gold dragon robe appeared on the city wall.

He walked slowly, and there seemed to be Emperor Dao and Dragon Qi intertwined behind him, there were thousands of Dao, and they resonated constantly, sending out a terrifying sound that shook the world.

All the cultivator creatures felt a kind of attack with great coercion, and couldn't help but tremble with fear, as if facing the collapse of mountains and seas and the collapse of the universe.

They almost prayed in that direction and knelt down.

Even the enlightened person frowned, and his face was uncertain. He felt that the Emperor Yu at this moment seemed to be based in the Realm of the enlightened person, not the quasi-emperor.

Huang Yu finally appeared, very casual, walking slowly, and landing on the top of the imperial city.

Surrounded by billions of dragons, heaven and earth resonate, and many visions intertwine and resonate, powerful and terrifying, Xiantian is invincible.

However, many ancient existences still feel that behind Yu Huang, there are other powerful forces hidden.

They guessed that a lot of Da Yu Xianchao's old antiques were hidden in the secret, but they didn't show up, and they planned to take action when there was some kind of hard-to-find accident.

"It seems that Huang Yu is relaxed on the surface, but also quite cautious in secret."

Many ancient existences of Immortal Orthodoxy cast their eyes off, thinking so.


And with the appearance of Emperor Yu, the originally silent Imperial Capital of Dayu immediately boiled, and many of the courtiers felt excited.

In the eyes of many cultivator creatures, the Dayu Immortal Dynasty under the rule of Emperor Yu was flourishing, and all ethnic groups were peaceful.

Sudden disasters arose at this time, which was obviously the work of Yu Tianzheng.

They naturally hope that Huang Yu can slay this former rival and return Da Yu a peace.

"The time has come, where are you Yu Tianzheng?"

Emperor Yu stood on the top of the imperial capital with a deep light in his eyes and gave a soft drink.

At this moment, the spirit of spirit has reached a peak, there are faint signs of breakthrough, and many subjects are whispering his name, the power of belief and luck converges, and the power is even more terrifying, which can be described as the right time and place.

How does Yu Tianzheng fight him?

"This battle tonight seems to be doomed. Under this circumstance, I can hardly say that I can defeat Yu Huang."

"What's more, he still has many methods and national weapons in his hands. This will be a battle without suspense.

Several ancient beings all shook their heads, thinking that this battle was doomed, and that Yu Tianzheng did not show up, that was a wise move.

The terrifying army outside of Dayu's imperial capital might soon be destroyed or surrendered.

"But there may also be accidents. Yu Tianzheng is not like a fool. He should have the confidence to dare to choose to invite the battle at this time."

Another ancient existence did not agree with this. He lived for a long time, and his eyelashes were empty, so he vaguely felt that this engagement had an unspeakable strange feeling.

"Things may not be that simple. I can just wait and see how it changes."

"What is Young Master Changge's opinion on this?" The other ancient beings all looked at Gu Changge who was aside, wanting to know his thoughts.

Gu Changge seemed to come back to his senses after hearing this, and smiled somewhat surprised, and said, "No matter what the result is, this is an internal matter of Dayu Xianchao. As an outsider, I think it is better to be cautious. ."


And not long after Gu Changge's voice fell, outside of the Imperial Capital of Dayu, there was a monstrous Killing Intent suddenly soaring into the sky.

An aura covered the world, collapsed the clouds, and shattered the terrifying figure of the Star outside the domain, killing it in stride.

His hair was scattered, his eyes flashed with cold electricity, like a no enemy emperor, holding a golden heavenly sword, directly split the formation pattern outside the city wall, and broke into here all the way.

"Yu Tianyong, it's time to settle the matter between you and me. Either you die or I die today.

Yu Tianzheng finally showed up, looking at Emperor Yu coldly and saying.

Yu Tianyong is exactly the real name of Huang Yu. No one has called this name for many years. .