Ch 663

Regarding the name Dark Heaven Court, many cultivators have heard of it for the first time, but they have a sense of horror.

It seems that some unimaginable true power has crossed time and space and landed here, shaking everyone's minds.

"These four words can't be read easily, there will be some kind of induction in the dark."

A senior old man from Cultivation Base said, his face is extremely solemn.

The many cultivator creatures who came here were also shocked, looking at each other, thinking about the so-called Dark Heaven Court in their hearts, where is Sacred.

Those who are enlightened in black, I am afraid they all come from-this mysterious force.

I had never heard of such forces in the Upper Realm before. Even those Immortal Orthodoxy and Supreme Sect, which have a very long and ancient heritage, it is difficult to send so many enlightened people out at a time.

"Dark Heaven Court, I have never heard of such a force before. Could it be that it just emerged recently?

"But my Gu family has survived from the upper realm to the present, and has never heard of such a force."

Gu Changge frowned, and some doubts appeared on his face, as if he was muttering to himself.

Luluo Tianzun seemed to have suddenly thought of something at this time, and was a little shocked, "I think it should be an organization that has existed a long time ago. Judging from the fluctuations of the previous enlightened people, they are not the same as the cultivation technique. It can't be from the same Fang Taoist forces.

She also remembered that when the black-clothed enlightened people took action before, they had never shown similar Taoist magical powers.

Although the cultivator has come to this point, there must be a difference in that path, but if it comes from the same orthodox force, there will definitely be similar traces.

"An organization?

"If you say that, there is indeed such a possibility. Although the group of people in black seem to be taking orders from someone, they don't seem to know each other."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed a little thoughtfully, and he nodded slowly, agreeing with Luluo Tianzun's words.

"It's terrible, how can there be such an organization that really penetrates every inch of space like darkness?

Luluo Tianzun was silent for a while, and suddenly shuddered, fearing because of the darkness of Heaven Court.

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, the surrounding cultivator creatures were shocked.

If the Dark Heaven Court is really a mysterious organization, then I am afraid that it has penetrated into the interior of many Immortal Great Churches and the Supreme Orthodoxy. Otherwise, it will not send many enlightened people to come and kill Luluo Tianzun and others. .

This is simply an unimaginable horror thing, if it is spread out, it will be enough to cause a sensation in the upper realm.

"No, the other fellow daoists were also chased out by Emperor Da Yu. If they were separated, it would definitely be more fortunate.

At this time, Luluo Tianzun's complexion suddenly changed, thinking of the peak powerhouse of all races who had left from the Dayu Emperor when he was tracking the trail of the man in black.

Although they are all enlightened, they have practiced for more than millions of years, enough to overlook the world.

But under the siege of the three enlightened persons, even she almost fell.

If Gu Changge hadn't come to the rescue, she would definitely be a corpse, dead and gone.

If it were the rest of the people, it would definitely not be so lucky.

"In that case, let's hurry over and take a look. Suddenly, there are some bad predictions in my heart.

Gu Changge's expression became heavy when he heard the words.

Luluo Tianzun nodded, with a bad premonition in his heart.

At the moment, the two of them did not hesitate and turned into divine rainbows, crossing this star field and heading away.

"It looks like something extraordinary is going to happen in the upper world.

"It's not just such a few enlightened people who broke out today. Perhaps there has been an accident.

The rest of the cultivator looked at each other, faintly guessing something, and felt extremely heavy.

The terrible consequences may cause huge waves.

Soon, news about what happened here spread quickly like wings, spreading from all over the upper world.

The first reaction of all the orthodox forces who learned of this was sluggishness, and then they were extremely shocked and horrified, and felt unbelievable.

The four words "Darkness Heaven Court" also spread and spread, causing a sensation like a mountain whistling and a tsunami.

In a deserted star field, the figures of Gu Changge and Luluo Tianzun appeared. The two of them looked at the scene of the battle full of sores and fell silent.

"It seems that we are late, there are still fluctuations of the spirit fire extinguishing here.

"An enlightened man fell here."

Gu Changge sighed and shook his head, seemingly regretful.

No need for him to say more, Luluo Tianzun also noticed the residual fluctuations here, the aftermath of the enlightened person's battle, even if it is hundreds of thousands of years, it is difficult to eliminate.

She even felt that the battle here was more tragic than her battle.

"From this point of view, the other Dao brothers are also ill-fated, and their lives are hard to save."

"What is the purpose of this dark Heaven Court? Why does it stop and kill enlightened people everywhere? Even enlightened people have become their hunting targets."

Luluo Tianzun shuddered, feeling an unknown fear coming.

Gu Changge glanced at her with a strange color in his eyes and gave her a calm look.

Now he is only building momentum for the Dark Heaven Court, and there is still a long way to go before the day when he truly emerges.

But even enlightened people are so fearful, so the rest of the cultivator may be even worse.

In fact, it was right. In his expectation, the darkness of Heaven Court was like a shadow shrouded in the upper realm, penetrating every inch of void and every corner.

Even if it is the oldest group of forces, it will be feared as a god.

Afterwards, Gu Changge and Luluo Tianzun went to another star field and saw a scene very similar to this place.

The surrounding Stars were all shattered, and the Galaxy Cluster was interrupted, turning into dust and ashes, leaving no vitality.

With sores and diseases, it is like having experienced a battle to destroy the world. Even the sea of ​​thunder is exhausted, and the chaos is overflowing, and it is about to break through this star field.

It can be imagined what a terrible battle took place here before.

"It seems that everyone is dead. Only I survived fortunately.

Luluo Tianzun said with some lingering fear, very scared.

"Go back." Gu Changge sighed lightly, as if he couldn't bear to look again.

Luluo Tianzun nodded, and then the two of them took a step, tore the void, and quickly went away, planning to return to Dayu Immortal Chao.

Soon, the history of the war that took place in these places was not concealed. It was noticed by many cultivators, and the news spread, which once again caused a great sensation.

The matter of the Dark Heaven Court in this world caused a lot of panic among many forces.

No one thought that such an extremely terrifying and mysterious organization was hidden in the dark.

Those who are enlightened in black have unfathomable strength, hidden in every corner like a shadow.

Tianhuang Mountain, Dayu Immortal Dynasty, Primitive Lake, Wanjiandao Gate, these forces have been greatly affected, and some enlightened people have fallen.

However, even though they were furious, they were helpless. They were helpless with the Dark Heaven Court, and they didn't even know where this organization came from.

In the eyes of many cultivators, the chaos of the Dayu Immortal Dynasty is probably caused by the dark Heaven Court.

Those black-clothed enlightened people suddenly appeared that night, and failed to attack the seriously injured Gu Changge, and then tore the void to escape.

Then the enlightened people of all races chased after him, and they were intercepted and killed on the way.

Only Luluo Tianzun was rescued by Gu Changge, and survived. The rest of the people died in the star field.

If you look at it in detail, there are a total of four enlightened persons who have died.

The upper realm has been peaceful for too long, and it has been a long time since such a sensational event has happened.

After all, the enlightened person is an ancestor-like existence in every force's orthodoxy, with respected status, and can suppress the foundation.

Such a tragic death really caused all the forces to be traumatized, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

However, through this incident, many cultivators can see one thing clearly. Even with a seriously injured body, Gu Changge can fight three black-clothed enlightened men and force them back.

At this age, there is such a terrifying strength, it is really shocking.

There are cultivators in ancient cities and ancient stars who are talking about this, and there is a lot of talk. Some people even see pictures of the war at the time being auctioned in the market.

Someone saw the picture and was shocked for a long while unable to speak, and was speechless for a long time.

That battle was really terrifying. The star field within a radius of one million miles was sunk, chaotic energy soared through Xiaohan, and all the ancient stars around him turned into ashes.

Had it not been for Gu Changge's sudden appearance and repulsed the three black-clothed enlightened persons, the killing would have been even more terrifying.

Tianzun Luluo in Primitive Lake, like the others, will die.

Compared to the others, she is really lucky.

In the following few days, the entire upper realm was discussing this matter every day, such as the True Immortal Academy and the Taoist Celestial Immortals Palace, and it was no exception.

Although Gu Changge is no longer practicing in it, his deeds are still circulating in it.

Many previous peers, such as the Heavenly Phoenix Girl, Sixth Crown King, Golden Cicada Buddha, and others, were silent on the picture stone of that battle, and then chose the deep Closed Door Training.

Gu Changge has become an insurmountable mountain of terror in their hearts.

At the age of more than 20 years old, he can contend with the existence of near immortals.

Everyone thinks that Gu Changge must be the reincarnation of a certain supreme figure in the ancient times. At the peak, Cultivation Base was the king of immortals. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have such a terrifying speed of cultivation.

...For flowers...…

During this period, the inheritors of magic arts also made a lot of troubles, but compared to the darkness of Heaven Court, it was like a small wave, and it soon became calm.

It will take time for the inheritors of magic power to grow up, but this dark Heaven Court has already had a scale, hidden deep in the dark, it is difficult to find its trace.

This is the scariest place.

At the same time, the magic mountain is located in the most taboo place in the upper realm.

The devil cloud covers a radius of a million li, and the surrounding is all kinds of terrifying mountains, shrouded in chaotic fog, as if it existed at the beginning of the ancient times.

There is an ancient and prehistoric atmosphere permeating here, and there are many terrifying and fierce beasts dormant.

On each mountain peak, there is a vague figure.

Either hesitated the Dao Qi between the heavens and the earth, or condensed the Heavenly Dao aura, or sat there, comprehending the heavenly secrets, and trying to go further.

Ever since the Red Devil Chan was born in the Burial Demon Abyss, now the Great Demon, Great Demon, Ancient Demon, and Ancient Demon from all over the upper realm have followed and are entrenched here in the Demon Mountain.

For a while, it has even become a forbidden zone outside the world, even if the enlightened person dare not get involved, they must stay far away.

In the battle of siege and suppression of God City, the red devil smashed out endless grace, and all the forces who went to participate in the war suffered heavy losses.

Now at the deepest point, above the highest mountain, there is a calm and tranquility.

There is a hut with a slow stream flowing on one side, and many bluestones are suspended in the air, built into stone steps, and connected to the cold pool on the other side.

The mountain breeze blows, accompanied by a little mist, it looks very calm and natural.

A thrilling and beautiful woman in red is standing on the blue stone, her eyes are peaceful and deep, looking into the distance, three thousand blue silks dance in a flurry, the skin is white as jade, shimmering and shining.

She looked extremely calm, like Fairy under the moon, whether she liked it or not, and could not see the slightest ferocious air.

If an outsider is here, I can't believe it, this will be the scarlet Demon Chan's red dress who had previously frightened and frightened the upper realm.

Today, she can't see the slightest magical energy, let alone the slightest fluctuation of Magic power, it is more like returning to the basics, and the truth is in the world.

Behind Chan Hongyi, there is a woman in a white dress standing with a beautiful face, a green silk like a waterfall, and a daisy eyebrow like a distant mountain. Her figure is slender and tall, like a jade fairy. Su Qingge, the inheritor of magic power who is looking for.

But now she, compared with before, has a huge gap, and she has perfectly integrated another soul.


Su Qingge whispered softly, commensurate with the ancestor of Chan Hongyi.

Tracing back to the source, the other soul before her was actually the real inheritor of magic skills. She once fell into the burial abyss, and by chance, she got the teaching of Chan Hongyi from it.

Later generations experienced many evolutions and became the inheritors of magic power.

She called Chan Hongyi the ancestor, but it was reasonable, and another soul had told her that if she encountered the most dangerous situation, she could seek refuge in the magic mountain.

Chan Hongyi would certainly help with the teaching of the Fa.

Originally, Su Qingge didn't believe this, but because some time ago, he shot and killed a preacher of the great religion and was chased by his protector.

Now it takes half a year to avoid it.

After seeing Chan Hongyi, Su Qingge originally thought that the other party would be as fierce and mighty as the rumors, killing the heavens, but never thought it was so calm and calm, showing aloofness.

With this tolerance, she even saw Gu Changge's shadow in a daze. It was so similar.

"Are you leaving?"

Chan Hongyi spoke lightly, her eyes still unchanged, deep and peaceful, as if everything in the world could not mess her mind.

"Yes, thanks to Patriarch for taking in during this period of time, the outside world is in chaos, I should also leave." Su Qingge replied.

Although she is in the magic mountain, she also knows that the outside world is in chaos due to the darkness of Heaven Court.

She also heard the news that Gu Changge was seriously injured, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Then you go." Chan Hongyi nodded, although his voice sounded like a natural sound, but there was no wave of waves.

"Patriarch, before I leave, there is still something unclear. Recently, the darkness of Heaven Court, which is raging in the upper realm, is related to you?" Su Qingge was a little confused and couldn't help asking.

After all, many rumors are speculating that the Dark Heaven Court is closely related to the inheritors of magic power.

Chan Hongyi shook his head, and then seemed to think about it before saying, "It has nothing to do with him, but it should be related to him."

"He?" Su Qingge wondered again.

"Naturally it is him. You should be familiar with this person."

The corners of Chan Hongyi's mouth suddenly rose up, as if with a certain purpose, it destroyed this calm nature in an instant, and it seemed to have deep meaning. superior,