Ch 671

"You won't leave me behind, will you?"

Jiang Chuchu looked at Gu Changge with a little expectation, and his eyes were shining. He looked at Gu Changge, as if he was afraid of hearing some words of rejection from his mouth.

She grew up in the Hall of Ancestors since she was a child, and the philosophy that she received from an early age was that of benevolence, righteousness, morality, and the common people in the world, and live by guarding the righteous way and the Hall of Ancestors.

She had always felt the same way before meeting Gu Changge.

However, some things, like light, will always shine through the broken barrier, bringing her novelty and joy.

Since then, she has understood that there is not only good and evil in this world.

If you simply judge a person with good and evil, it would be too arbitrary and too random.

For the heavens of the upper realm, even though Gu Changge is a heinous demon, every time she encounters a crisis, or trouble, or when her life is in danger, she always shows up, solves everything for her, and takes care of her. All problems.

For her, can she say that such Gu Changge is evil?

Therefore, even if you know that you are partial to Gu Changge, you will violate the rules and precepts of the ancestral hall and betray her master.

But she still did it without hesitation.

"I came to see you, in fact, to tell you about this, lest you think about it."

Gu Changge heard the words, as if sighed slightly, stretched out her hands and pulled her hair hanging on both sides of her cheeks to her ears, "You have lost so much."

"What are you going to tell me?"

Jiang Chuchu stood there in a daze, with his eyes down, letting Gu Changge help her pull up her hair.

There was some expectation in her heart inexplicably, even if she knew the relationship between the two people, it was difficult to make it public.

But Gu Changge rushed over hundreds of millions of miles away, just because she was worried about her random thoughts. This also shows her weight in Gu Changge's heart.

"You should have heard about my marriage with Mingkong, but there are some details in the middle, I want to tell you.

Gu Changge gently shook his head and said, if this matter is not handled properly, Jiang Chuchu will inevitably have conflicts with Yuemingkong in the future.

Although Renzu Temple is located in aloofness, it is actually far inferior to Wushuangxian Dynasty and other forces in terms of strength.

If conflicts arise because of such trivial matters, for Gu Changge, the gains outweigh the gains.

He didn't want to see such a situation either.

Moreover, he was still not in the upper realm at that time, it is unknown.

"Details々"?" Jiang Chuchu blinked his eyes lightly, listening to what Gu Changge said.

"Although Ming Kong has amazing wrists, there are actually a lot of criticisms about wanting to take charge of the huge Wushuang Immortal Dynasty at this age. She lacks strong support behind her. If there is no help from me, those ministers will not shut up Gu Changge. With a light sigh, he explained.

"So, your marriage with her was actually just to consolidate her current position and help her sit on the throne of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty faster?"

After Gu Changge's explanation, Jiang Chuchu also suddenly understood, a little bit authentic.

After all, Gu Changge and Yue Mingkong were just the relationship between the fiancé and the fiancé, even if there is such a relationship, nothing can be changed.

But once Gu Changge and Yuemingkong got married, the relationship was naturally different.

Many ministers in the DPRK who had criticized Yue Mingkong before could only shut up and did not dare to say anything more.

With that thought, her mood suddenly improved a lot.

"There is such a relationship, and now the upper realm world is about to change drastically, maybe in the near future, I will leave the upper realm, so some things have to be explained to you."

"Of course, I also want you not to worry." Gu Changge nodded.

"Then you promised me that you would marry me. When was it?" Although Jiang Chuchu is as simple as a blank sheet of paper in terms of feelings, it does not mean that she is stupid.

At this time, she wanted to get a definite answer from Gu Changge.

"When this upper bound is no longer obstructed." Gu Changge whispered softly.

Jiang Chuchu gave a light hum, nodded, haze appeared on his face, but his heart was a little dazed, but more of it was joy.

She knew that Gu Changge had another hidden identity, and once that identity was exposed, it would be an enemy of the world.

Even if the human ancestor palace, the longevity Gu family and many other forces stand behind it, it is difficult to contend with the entire upper realm.

"Then I am waiting for you." Jiang Chuchu looked at Gu Changge with bright eyes.

She knew that with her current strength, it would be difficult to help Gu Changge.

But someday in the future, she will definitely be able to help him, just as Yue Mingkong can do now.

"Trust me, this day won't be too long." Gu Changge smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to embrace her.

There is no words, but everything is silent.

In the next few days, Gu Changge stayed in the Ancestral Hall, and had a strong love for Jiang Chuchu. It was so leisurely.

Many people's ancestral hall Elder, although he knew about Gu Changge's arrival, he didn't dare to ask any more, he could only pretend to be unaware.

As the Holy Maiden, Jiang Chuchu has a close relationship with Gu Changge. Who dares to say that she is not?

Even those ancient existences that serve as the foundation have one eye closed.

During this period of time, Gu Changge was actually not idle except to accompany Jiang Chuchu in practicing and discussing the Tao.

The Golden Ding of Qi Luck that he placed in the Ancestral Hall a long time ago has now gathered and condensed many powers of faith.

Those powers of faith were enough for him to make the Dark Heaven Court appear holy in the world again.

Moreover, Gu Changge has another plan. The upper realm is the hub of the heavens and all realms, connecting hundreds of millions of lower realms.

Among those billions of lower realms, there are many existences similar to son of luck.

Therefore, he could try it and absorb those sons of luck as his believers, thereby strengthening the power of the Dark Heaven Court.

After all, he walked this way, and there are many sons of luck that died in his hands, and son of luck of various genres emerges endlessly.

Gu Changge is also very familiar with these routines, so he wants to find those sons of luck in this billions of lower realms, but it is not difficult.

The believers who snatched the heavens and lands, although it sounds crazy, it is easy for Gu Changge now.

"~If we condense the faith in the Dharmakaya, it doesn't make much sense to me now. The power of these beliefs can become a certain medium."

"Through these media, I can create something similar to a golden finger.

"Then there will be a golden finger rain."

In the silvery palace, Gu Changge Lotus Position is sitting, his eyes are deep, and there are many terrible scenes evolving in it, and there is a vast atmosphere surging around, like a square ancient world is sinking (of Wang Qian) Floating valley.

He eyes reveal thought to pay, and said softly.

A golden tripod for luck stands in the center, simple and majestic, majestic but vicissitudes of life, the power of hundreds of millions of silver faiths has gathered.

These are all the powers of faith that have been absorbed and gathered since the people's ancestral hall in many epochs. The amount is unimaginable, and it is like an invisible ocean.

As Gu Changge's thoughts moved, in the space in front of him, the power of inexplicable rules emerged, and then there was an invisible and invisible large net spreading out between the world and the earth, instantly passing hundreds of millions of miles.

At this moment, countless cultivator creatures in the upper realm all have gratitude in their hearts. There seems to be a voice telling them, chanting the real name of a certain supreme existence, and finding a certain realm, they can get eternal life.

Hundreds of millions of silver rays fell into the lower realm one after another, like a rain of silver light.

In those lower realms that are endlessly far away from the upper realm, a young man suddenly picked up a mysterious ancient ring and a broken jade ring in one day.