Ch 674

"Let's say, who are you? Or is it just a pawn used by the real inheritor of magic skills to cover people's ears."

"Even if you survived a catastrophe, now it's impossible to be my opponent. You could run away at the beginning, but today you think you still have such good luck."

In the secluded courtyard, Lan Yifei stood with his hand holding his hand, and said lightly, it seemed that there was endless light surging throughout his body.

He was extremely confident, did not look back, but with a calm smile on his face, as if he had predicted that someone would not be his opponent.

As Dao Yuan Zhen's body, this extremely mysterious physique has not appeared in the upper realm several times since ancient times.

He does have such confidence.

This physique is innately compatible with Tao, and even at the time of birth, the true essence of Tao is born in the body, which can draw the power of everything in the world.

As long as there is no end to the spirit, the magic power is endless, it can be called endless, Xiantian is invincible.

Even in the face of opponents far stronger than him, he still has the means to protect himself and escape, and he is not worried about falling.

Before, I didn't know what was going on, the news that he had Dao Yuan's true body accidentally leaked out.

Then, when I was out on a certain trip, I was attacked and killed by the inheritors of magic power.

Originally, due to many rumors, Lan Yifeifei was extremely jealous of the inheritors of magic arts, and understood that the origin of own was very scarce and precious.

If it is spread out, it is bound to suffer the triumph of the inheritor of magic power.

So when he was attacked by the inheritor of magic power, he was ready to fight to the death.

But "Six and Eighty Three" never expected that he really greatly overestimated the strength of the inheritors of magic skills who came to attack and kill him.

The opponent's Cultivation Base strength is even lower than him.

In the face of such an opponent, Lan Yifei did not dare to be too slack, after all, the shadow of the famous tree of man.

The younger generation in the upper realm, who will not be embarrassed when facing the inheritors of magic power?

However, in the ensuing battle, he discovered that this so-called inheritor of magic power was not as scary as external rumors thought.

Although the opponent's methods were tricky and weird and unpredictable, they did not reach the point where they could easily sweep the younger generation.

After all, in Lan Yifei's view, the inheritor of magic skills is the only one who has escaped many lives under Gu Changge.

How could such a character be simple? With the huge upper realm, who is sure to retreat under Gu Changge and save his life?

But the inheritor of magic power did it.

Thinking about it makes the scalp numb and creepy.

However, with this idea at the time, he soon discovered that he was wrong again.

This dared to attack and kill his inheritor of magic arts, and finally seemed to find that the situation was not right, and began to retreat, intending to escape far.

Lan Yifei understood that it was because he was too low-key and had never shown strong power in the outside world.

Therefore, he chased the past without hesitation, and there were no surprises in the subsequent events.

After some battle, this magician inheritor who stirred up the situation in the upper realm was not his opponent. He fled all the way and was almost killed by him.

In the end, he fled outside the territory where the Devil Mountain was.

Afterwards, after Lan Yifei returned to Sect, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He felt that the inheritor of magic skills who shot at him should be just a fake, or a replacement, not the real body of the deity.

If he were a true inheritor of magic power, he would have been killed long ago.

After all, in front of the real inheritors of magic skills, no matter what physique they are, they are all prey.

Since ancient times, there has been no so-called prey that can escape the hands of hunters.

Although Lan Yifei is confident in own strength, it does not mean that he is blindly arrogant.

These years of low-key practice, did not make a big reputation in the outside world, it is also because of this.

After thinking about it carefully, he felt more and more that he had accidentally broken a big secret.

He didn't say anything about this, even Elder and Master had never told it.

To this day, the magician inheritor who seemed to him to be a counterfeit, unexpectedly appeared again, and planned to take revenge on him.

This made Lan Yifei find it ridiculous.

However, he even wanted to know whether there was a real inheritor of magic skills hidden behind the other party.

Who is that real inheritor of magic power?

"You are so confident, think I can't kill you this time? Can't take your origin?"

The indifferent and calm voice sounded, unable to distinguish between men and women, and only revealed a stern murderous intent, which made people shudder.

In the courtyard, it is extremely quiet and quiet, with small bridges gurgling, and rockeries and pavilions. If it weren't filled with astonishing murderous intent, this place would be extraordinarily elegant.

When his thoughts came back, Lan Yifei turned around unhurriedly and looked at the source of the sound.

"Then you can give it a try. I really want to know how you can grow in these few months."

"However, I would even like to know who you are." He spoke indifferently, looking extremely calm and natural.

This place has been laid by him with a net of heaven and earth, with the god pattern along with the heaven and the earth, linking the rules and order, and sealing the heaven and the earth.

Even if it's a fly, I don't want to escape.

The other party was so bold and entered so confidently, it really made him feel ridiculous and stupid.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you are going to die today.

The voice in the dark is still indifferent and does not seem to contain the slightest emotion.

After all, a terrifying black wind swept across the road rune and flew towards Lan Yi in front of him.

This is a shocking murderous opportunity, containing the terrifying sound of the avenue, which is enough to shatter the cultivator's soul and annihilate all tangible things.

However, Lan Yifei seemed to have sensed this murderous intent a long time ago and raised his eyebrows.

Then rushed out from the foot of the sky, and condensed a heavy rune mountain, blocking this shocking opportunity.

As the Dao Yuan Zhen body, born in the unity of Dao, standing under the heaven and the earth, he is the darling of the heaven and the earth, the magic power is endless, enough to suppress everything.

He can feel the strength of the opponent. Compared with a few months ago, he has made a lot of diligence. It is likely that he was pointed out by an expert during the period of injury.

But if you want to defeat him, it is still too naive.

"You are not my opponent, you tell me who the real inheritor of magic power is, I might consider letting you go and save your life."

Lan Yifei said lightly.

Su Qingge, who had never appeared in secret, frowned upon hearing this, feeling that things still seemed to be tricky.

She thought that during this period of time in the magic mountain, after being pointed by the ancestor of the magic power line, the red-clothed female magic Chan, the Cultivation Base is much more sophisticated, and can come to get the origin of Lan Yifei in return for the original pursuit. hatred.

But Lan Yifei's strength is still very strong, and it seems that she is not the only one who is making progress.

In today's upper realm, almost every younger generation is trying all kinds of ways to catch up with that person's footsteps.

"A real inheritor of magic power? Do you even think I am fake?"

Su Qingge spoke indifferently, thinking that since this period of time, he has been fooled and deceived by Gu Changge, controlled by him in the palm of his hand without knowing it, a bit of hostility and hatred can not help appearing in his eyes.

She knew that she would hate Gu Changge, more or less because of the influence of Chan Hongyi.

If Wuchan Hongyi told her, she might still be kept in the dark by Gu Changge until today, thinking that she is the real inheritor of magic skills.

And he is the leader of the righteous path, today's leader of the upper realm, the celestial splendor is bright, such as the sun, and the glory covers the ages.

The deeper the love at the beginning, the deeper the hatred is now that I understand the truth.

After she left the magic mountain, she thought about finding Gu Changge and asking him about all this.

But Su Qingge was even more afraid to see Gu Changge's indifferent and merciless eyes after tearing off the gentle disguise on the bottom.

It was he who brought her up from the Lower Realm, and let her gradually understand the world.

Even unceremoniously, if there were no Gu Changge, there would be no her now.

It was Gu Changge who shaped her now.

The person who had given her unlimited hope and warmth, after removing that layer of hypocritical mask, left behind only endless indifference and cruelty.

"Oh, it seems that you didn't realize that you are a fake inheritor of magic art until now? So, you have been holding the black pot for the deity all the time?"

Lan Yifei seemed to think this matter was extremely funny, and his eyes were full of mockery and ridicule.

Su Qingge said with a cold voice, "It's no different to say more, today it is bound to take your origin."

Seeing that Su Qingge, who was hiding in the dark, wanted to continue to do it, Lan Yifei's expression also fell cold, and said, "I don't know what is good or bad, you really think that this strength is really comparable to a real inheritor of magic arts. Want to kill me? you?"

Su Qingge's face became colder when he was hit by his words, his bare hands were clenched, and the terrible air lingered.

After she understood that she had merged with another soul, her mood was no longer as indifferent and peaceful as before.

On weekdays, many things will trigger an unimaginable murderous spirit in her heart.

"It seems that you are just a poor chess piece, and you don't know who the true inheritor of magic is.

Lan Yifei shook his head, then sneered.

Su Qingge fell silent suddenly, and it was difficult to refute this. Although she understood that it was too late, what Lan Yifei said was an unquestionable fact.

In Gu Changge's eyes, she may be just such a pawn.

"I know who he is."

Su Qingge's expression returned to her calm and indifference, and she still hid her mouth in the dark.

"you know?"

Lan Yifei's face was taken aback, then he seemed to be a little bit unbelievable, and asked in a deep voice, "How can I trust you?"

Not only him, I am afraid that no one in the upper realm today does not want to know who the real inheritor of magic power is.

There was a kind of excitement in his heart for a while, maybe it was after seeing Su Qingge's method that he had a clearer understanding of own strength.

"Thanks to the namelessness for twenty years, I was born into the world to know."

"If this true inheritor of magic arts is exposed by my hands, then my low-key forbearance these years will not be necessary."

Lan Yifei's eyes were full of spirits, and his mood was quite agitated, and he thought of a lot of it all at once.

"I naturally know that to me, he is my enemy."

Su Qingge said indifferently, and made an own request, "I know you want to know who he is, so we are actually making a deal. I will tell you everything you want to know, and you, as the Dao Xian Meng Dao Zi, collect the physical origin for me. ."

Hearing that, Lan Yifei sneered, appearing quite disdainful, "You really have no fear, I want to know this, after killing you, it is enough to search for souls, and do you still need to make a deal with you?"

He is not stupid, once the matter of collecting the origin is exposed, the Dao Xian League will not be able to keep him.

3.7 "Since I dare to show up here, I don't worry that you can kill me."

"If you don't agree, then I will add one more condition. I will tell you what I know about Swallowing Immortals."

Su Qingge seemed to be not surprised by Lan Yifei's reaction. A sneer was drawn at the corner of his mouth, and she continued to speak lightly.

Since Gu Changge uses her as a pawn, why can't she learn Gu Changge and use others as pawns?

Hearing this, even in Lan Yifei's state of mind, he suddenly became silent at this moment, frowning, and appearing a little struggling.

Although all the forces in the upper realm are unified, they hate the inheritors of magic skills and can't wait to wipe it out.

But if the inheritance of magic power falls into his own hands, who can really be unmoved?

Su Qingge looked at his expression and was not surprised, and did not speak.

In the courtyard, he fell into dead silence for a while, and it seemed that after a long time of silence, Lan Yifei's expression recovered.

"Yes, I promise you."

He agreed. In the depths of his eyes, something like wildfire was burning and spreading, and soon fell silent again, calmly confident.

Seeing him like this, Su Qingge chuckled an idiot in his heart, but his face remained unchanged.

Even if Lan Yifei knows that Gu Changge is the real inheritor of magic skills, what use is it?

Does he dare to question or investigate?

Then the ending is nothing more than practicing magic, which attracted Gu Changge's attention, and then became a new backer. .