Ch 676

After all, Hongmeng Zijian is an immortal treasure with deduction ability. Even Bai Kun suffered the disaster of life because of the Kay ship this treasure.

Gu Changge felt that the celestial body combined with this treasure might be able to play an unexpected role.

"Floating Residence, The Underworld, I don't believe you can still hide."

Gu Changge shook his head and asked people to call for nothing.

Soon, Bai Hua, who had recovered from a serious injury, came to Gu Changge under the leadership of Bai Lian'er.

Compared with the previous ones, Bai Hua still looks terrified of Gu Changge, with a delicate face, a medium figure, and an abnormally pale complexion.

Because of the deduction where Xianlu was located, he and Bai Kun were seriously injured, but compared to Bai Kun, his injuries can be said to be negligible.

"Young Master Changge, are you looking for me?"

Standing in front of Gu Changge, Bai Hua's words trembled slightly. He still couldn't forget the imprisonment of Gu Changge some time ago.

Moreover, just seven days ago, Gu Changge also called for his Master to help him figure out where the fairy road is.

The most taboo thing to know about this line of divination is to deduct things related to Heavenly Dao and the word "Xian", because this will cause unknown and backlash.

The reason why his Master Bai Kun's eyes are blind is because he has spied something that shouldn't be seen.

The avenue is fifty, the sky is 49, and people are one of them.

And the "one" they often see is the "one" that escapes. This "one" often contains unpredictable strangeness and great danger.

So Bai Kun was almost killed by the "one" lightning when he was deducing Xianlu, because of this.

"I want you to help me deduct one more thing." Gu Changge glanced at the white painting and said casually.

He could see that the state of the white painting had been completely restored. The reason for the pale and weak appearance was nothing more than pretending to show him.

Hearing that, the white picture changed, with some fears and fears, and more uneasy.

After all, even Gu Changge didn't know what it was that he needed to deduce what it was.

If you are a little careless, you will definitely be crushed, life and death will disappear, and your body will be destroyed.

"You don't need to worry, this matter is not as dangerous as Deduction Xianlu, and I will come up with a treasure to help you."

Gu Changge saw Bai Hua's worry and smiled faintly.

Bai Lian'er put his hands on his shoulders and stared coldly, wanting to know the purpose of Gu Changge's finding the white painting.

And at the moment Gu Changge finished speaking, the sleeves of his clothes were filled with radiance, and then there was an astonishing purple meaning intertwined.

It seems that there is a vast expanse of stars evolving in it, and there is a scene of the cosmos flowing, the beginning of the chaos, and the beginning of the mysterious yellow.

This breath caused Bai Hua's complexion to change, his eyes widened, a little unbelievable, and he couldn't help but say out, "This is the fairy treasure that the Master deduced back then."

He can't forget, when his Master Baikun was the military division behind the thirteen thirteen robbers in the Chaos Starfield.

If it hadn't been for the deduction of this thing and greed, how could the thirteen thieves be wiped out by Gu Changge later.


The dazzling purple light permeated, like a quaint sacred stone up and down, entwined with a rich purple cosmos.

This is a majestic breath that is as heavy as the heavens, full and vast, dazzling and dazzling, it is difficult to look away.

"What an amazing mysticism various ".

It was also the first time that Bai Lian'er saw this thing, and couldn't help but lose his voice.

With her current vision, it is natural to see that this thing is extraordinary, and the traces of Taoism are condensed and intertwined.

"Young Master Changge, what do you mean, let me use this thing to deduce?"

Bai Hua swallowed, his gaze was also difficult to move away from the Hongmeng Zijian, and there was a trembling and unbelievable voice in his voice.

He doesn't dare to move any greed, the idea of ​​daring to move Gu Changge's things in this world, what is it that is not looking for death?

"I think you should be able to do it?" Gu Changge nodded slightly.

Bai Hua took a deep breath, tried to calm her mind, and immediately assured, "Young Master Changge rest assured, as long as there is this thing, no matter what it is, I dare to divination and deduction."

In the face of such a treasure, especially when it comes to deduction, how can he not be moved?

What's more, if you can urge the use of this treasure, it will be of great benefit to his Taoist Cultivation Base.

Then, Bai Lian'er ordered someone to clear an area specifically for Baihua, and all the cultivator creatures in the surrounding mountains were sent away.

The Hongmeng Purple Mirror is suspended in the air, and strands of purple air are hanging down, like a bright mirror, which can reflect the heavens and the world.

Bai Hua made all preparations, stood underneath, his face solemn, his hands clasped together, and a word in his mouth.

The ancient writings, as if they had a strange power, radiated brilliant light, manifested all over him.

In an instant, the secret here seemed to be blurred, and suddenly it became very unclear. There were many catastrophes blowing from a distance, thick and precise.

The horrible lightning interweaves, and even the ancient palaces and pavilions are reflected. It is unimaginable, as if it can be pressed down at any time.

Even with Bai Lian'er's current Cultivation Base, I felt heart palpitations and a little uneasy.

"Is the place where the Buddha and The Underworld hide out, is it so difficult to deduct?"

She frowned slightly, she had already known what Gu Changge wanted to deduct for nothing.

This is also the problem that has been plagued her since this time.

If Bai Hua can really solve this trouble, for her, it will also save a lot of trouble.

However, The Underworld and the Buddha have been hidden for countless years, and it is difficult to find where the major forces are.

Can he succeed in white painting?

Seeing Gu Changge, who looked calm on the other side, as if he was outside the world, Bai Lian'er gently shook his head again, letting go of the thought.


The next moment, as a few bright purple lights were emitted from the Hongmeng Zijian, a strong Karma power emerged, which turned into inexhaustible long silver threads, spreading into the void.

A terrifying thunder pierced Xiao Han, as strong as a mountain, it fell all at once, and went straight to the white painting below.

"Wow "

The white picture changed slightly, blood spurted out, and it was at the critical moment of the deduction. There was no time to avoid this thunder.

But at this moment, inexplicable fluctuations suddenly appeared in his body, as if his breath disappeared from the world.

The thunder that was about to be smashed was also like a cloud of smoke, suddenly dissipating in the air, as if it had never appeared before.

"It seems that this is the mystery of the celestial body, which can cover the celestial secret…"

Noting this scene, Gu Changge nodded suddenly.

"I, I saw it"

At this moment, Bai Hua also yelled excitedly, only a white eye was left in his eyes, and there was blood flowing down in it, which looked extremely terrifying.

But he couldn't feel it, and he opened his eyes tightly, as if he had seen something amazing.

After saying this, Bai Hua also snorted, shaking his face all over, then vomited blood and foam, and passed out.

"It seems that The Underworld and the Buddha have news.

Upon seeing this, Gu Changge also smiled.

The Battlefield of Hundred Realms is located in the east of Cangxian Tianyu.

Many terrifying fierce beasts uttered sky-shaking roars, making the distant Star trembling and about to fall.

Looking from a high altitude, we can see the vast mist and endless miasma blowing from a distance, covering everything.

In some places, bones and bones can be seen. There are human races and other races, which is difficult to distinguish.

Opportunities and dangers coexist here. There are the magical powers Cultivation Technique left by the sages in ancient times. There are also stone tablets and stone forests carved by Sage and the Supreme, which record their feelings when they practiced.

There is even a cultivator here to find the Dao Fa Emperor Sutra passed down by the existence of the Emperor Realm.

However, if you want to enter the battlefield of Hundred Realms, you must pass through Sifang Town Boundary City, get the permission of the patrol guard, and make sure that there is no obstacle before you can step into it.

The battlefield of Hundred Realms brings together the elites of the lower realms from all sides. It can be said that it is the best place for all the Daoist forces from all sides in the upper realm to come here to absorb fresh blood.

Some preachers of the great religion will also come here to find followers or servants.

However, chaos and massacre will always be the first main color of the Hundred Realms Battlefield.

This place is not so much a battlefield as it is a place specially used by the upper realm to feed.

There are six areas in the Hundred Realms Battlefield, and each area has many cities, but they hate each other and have always been enemies.

There are rumors that the rulers of the six regions have ordered that they are enemies and cannot be peacefully compatible.

Therefore, any cultivator from the outside world must join one of the six regions if there is no strong background support, and plan to be an enemy of the other five regions.

Those cultivator creatures who have passed through the Nether Teleportation Array are even more so, without any choice.

If you don't choose to join the area, you can only wander outside or be killed by the cultivator in the six areas.

Every hundred years, the Hundred Realms Battlefield will hold a big competition to select many young blood from the lower realms.

Tianjiao and forces with the highest rankings will receive extremely generous rewards.

Therefore, even if you know that the Battlefield of Hundred Realms is a place where there is no return, but the lower realms are still happy to cultivate young seeds and come here to fight and fight.

The Battlefield of Hundred Realms, the gate of the town in the east, is now gathering many cultivator creatures, waiting for the patrol guards at the gate to let them go and enter it.

The breath of these creature cultivators is obviously different from that of the native creatures in the upper realm. Their faces are shocking and unimaginable. They are standing here, looking extremely embarrassed and difficult to keep calm.

Around them, there were some Elders or teachers following, but their expressions were not much better than them, as if it was the first time I saw such a sight.

In this vast universe, there is a magnificent giant city sitting in front, the weather is so varied, it is unimaginable, there are dragons and phoenixes coming from, under the stars and the moon (the king of money is good), eternal Immortal.

Everyone is looking at this ancient city. It has a vast atmosphere, flowing with Immortal power, and can live forever.

*~Is this the first city that the Hundred Realms War will enter?

Many young creatures were surprised and murmured.

It is very majestic and mysterious. It is not located on the Planet, but directly suspended in the Universe starry sky. It is baptized by the endless stars, which is very shocking to people's vision.

It occupies a very wide area, the city wall is like a mountain, stretches endlessly, the tower is tall and magnificent, it seems to stand at the end of the world.

A pair of heavy city gates are closed, as if they can block thousands of troops and all the saints from ancient times!

"Are these creatures all from the Lower Realm? They all look humble, and the Cultivation Base is so weak. It seems that after entering the Hundred Realms battlefield, they are also going to die."

"After all, he is a person from the lower realm. I guess it is the first time in my life to come to the upper realm."

In the other direction, many upper realm cultivator creatures, looking at these creatures coming from the lower realm in the distance, all shook their heads slightly, looking down and detached, and they looked extremely disdainful and contemptuous.

The cost of the teleportation array that crosses from the lower realm to the upper realm is extremely terrifying.

So every time I can only bring a very small number of people over, for those Sect forces, it is also a painful one, and it takes a long time to cultivate.

And after they came to the upper realm, they were still contaminated with the lower realm aura, and their cultivation was a big problem, and it took a long time to get rid of it.

Or all major forces will take all actions to help them. .