Ch 693

The army crusade against The Underworld is mighty and almost endless.

Powerful men of all races and traditions drove the ancient warship to kill from the end of the sky.

The sound of angry killing shook the world, causing many star regions to tremble.

When it comes to the back, strong people like Supreme and Zhundi can hardly take care of themselves, ~ they have to take action.

This is an extremely terrifying war of chaos, and the territory involved is enough to describe it as endless.

Even the cultivator in the Holy Land cannot save his life in this battle.

Ordinary cultivator fell in pieces, like a mustard, one after another, falling to the ground.

At the end of the heaven and the earth, the supreme is fighting, and the supreme device is suspended above the head, and hundreds of millions of brilliant brilliance fall down.

For the ordinary cultivator, the existence of the Supreme Realm is no different from a god, lifting the palm of the hand to destroy the territory of thousands of miles, and smash the countless stars outside the territory.

The fluctuations in the battle at the quasi-emperor level were even more terrifying.

Around them, a series of light gates stand, filled with shocking spatial fluctuations, connecting the universe of all parties.

In the light gate, a torrent of troops rushed out, like a terrifying black python, shuttled through the universe.

Such a war is extremely rare, and almost all forces have participated in it.

Even if it was the last time that a longevity war broke out between the Changsheng Gu family and Zifu, it had never been so terrible.

This almost swept the entire upper bound.

The trail of The Underworld spreads across many corners of the upper realm, spreading like a spider web.

Although the battlefield of Hundred Realms is the center of it, how vast is the territory involved.

Even Gu Changge cannot guarantee that The Underworld will be completely wiped out.

"The Underworld survives for one day, and I wait for a day to be restless, and today I am bound to destroy The Underworld."

"Repay my grandson's life!

During the war, an old man was roaring, his whole body glowing, and his blood was mobilized to the extreme.

For this assassin organization, it can be described as hate penetrates the bone.

He loved his grandson the most, and he died at the hands of The Underworld.

Even now, I don't know who paid the big price to ask the killer of The Underworld to assassinate his grandson.

The cultivator who tries to have a deep hatred with The Underworld like this is actually not a minority. They have endless hatred for The Underworld.

In addition to some Immortal Great Masters and Supreme Orthodoxy, some of the descendants of powerful Rogue Cultivators have also been assassinated by The Underworld.

"The time is almost here. Even though The Underworld has the foundation, it is not escaped this time."

Gu Changge looked at the tragic scene here, but his expression did not change much.

He disappeared in steps, directly tore through the universe, and headed to the hiding place of The Underworld headquarters.

Canglan Ancient Realm is one of the countless lower realms around the Hundred Realms Battlefield.

In terms of ranking, it is not even in the top 100.

And it is this ancient world that actually hides the biggest secret of The Underworld.


The space altar manifests, as if summoned from ancient times, walking through the passages of the Universe, tearing chaos and nothingness.

In this Universe passage, there is also a mighty army coming to kill the ancient world of Canglan.

This is a torrent of shocking scenes, the sound of shouting and killing shakes the sky, as if the ancient worlds of all sides are fighting.

The gate of the hidden world was found, and then it was shattered by several mysterious enlightened persons, which made the halls of The Underworld difficult to escape and could only be exposed under the sky.

From the broken gate, countless killers of The Underworld rushed out.

They hide in the dark world on weekdays, but from the moment the war broke out, they had nowhere to hide and could only fight with the powerful of all races.

"The Underworld's luck has decayed, and it will be destroyed today. You still want to wait?"

Above the sky, there is the presence of the Emperor Zhun.

With a golden clock hanging on its head, a wisp of clock patterns spread like ripples, sweeping across, and all the strongmen of The Underworld vomited blood and exploded, and their bodies and spirits disappeared.

Opposite him, there is a quasi-emperor of The Underworld, hidden in the darkness.

There is only a blood-dropping divine sword, which seems to open up the world. When it is cut out, it is endless blood and chaotic energy, drowning everything.

"Even though my The Underworld will be destroyed one day, all of you will pay a heavy price. What's more, the fire of my The Underworld will never be extinguished. Where there is darkness, there will be my inheritance of The Underworld."

The quasi-emperor powerhouse of The Underworld sneered sneerly, setting aside life and death and didn't care at all.

"Do you still think you have a way to survive?

Facing the quasi-emperor's existence in The Underworld, even if he is a fellow Realm, this person is also dignified and dare not care.

Soon, the two fought together again, and the brilliance of the sky overwhelmed all directions and crushed all the surrounding creatures.

Except for the outbreak of war between the quasi-emperors, the fighting in other places was equally cruel.

Except for the enlightened, almost all Realm's cultivators are killing them.

The strong smell of blood wafted, and the whole sky seemed to be stained with blood, revealing palpitating blood.

"Life is overwhelmed by charcoal"

"It's a pity that it doesn't do much to me.

Gu Changge appeared here, looked at the scene here, and shook his head gently.

If his Cultivation Base has not yet reached the realm of enlightened people, he can condense the broken source of this place with the treasure bottle of the avenue and turn it into his own use.

It's a pity that his current Cultivation Base has almost reached the late stage of Nirvana.

Even the roots of ordinary enlightened beings are of little use to him.


Gu Changge walked by, walking through the battlefield as if his figure looked faint.

Everyone who was fighting around seemed to be unable to see him.

Even if the Emperor Zhun existed, he couldn't feel the slightest breath of Gu Changge, even if Gu Changge stayed around them for a moment.

"it's here "

Gu Changge stopped for a while, but didn't stay too much, but reached out and stroked towards the world below.


The infinite vast divine power exploded at this moment, as if opening up chaos, the world in front of it split suddenly, and the universe was also separated.

This was a terrifying sight, even if the warring quasi-emperor existed, it was shivering and trembling all over.

In the other deep and vast space, the palace was in a piece, and the black mist was rolling.

A monstrous figure of Killing Intent stands, like an eternal magic mountain.

But at this moment, they felt chills all over, and couldn't help but look up at the sky, as if there was a gaze slowly falling down there.

"He got here anyway.

The tall figure sitting in the middle of the Great Hall calmly spoke, then slowly got up, holding a black Tiange, the monstrous breath boiled, seeming to cut through eternity, running through the years.

"The Lord of the Four Palaces

All the figures knelt down together, with killing intent and determination in their eyes.

The Underworld has ten halls in total, but the recognized as the strongest hall is the fourth hall.

The Lord of the Four Halls is named Jian Luo, and no one knows how long he has been in this world, or even where he has reached the Cultivation Base.

I only know that he existed before The Underworld was still called the Underworld.

Even the Lord of The Underworld was extremely polite when he summoned the Lord of the Four Halls.

"This is the most incredible person in all ages, but I want to see it today."

The Lord of the Four Halls is tall, holding Tian Ge and stepping out of the Great Hall, looking at Tianyu in the distance. The heroic face has the intent to fight for a battle.

He knew that Gu Changge had definitely found this place, otherwise he wouldn't have had such a terrifying breath just now, and he would even feel dangerous.

You must know that his Cultivation Base has reached the stage of Canxian. In the past countless years, although there is no way to go further, it is enough to sweep the strongest force in the upper realm.

"I am waiting to fight against foreign enemies together with the four hall masters and do everything possible.

The moment the Lord of the Four Halls stood up, behind him also sounded like a mountain whistling and a tsunami, and many The Underworld seniors shouted, murderous and omnipresent.


Luo among the four halls screamed angrily, holding Tian Ge, one step towards the end of the sky.

He had already sensed that Gu Changge was tearing apart this world and was about to come here.

…For flowers…

"Chī, taste

However, a Sword Ray is faster than the speed of the four hall master Jian Luo, like the first ray of light before the opening of the sky, crystal clear and gorgeous.

The light beam was so dazzling, Sword Qi spread like a sea, shaking the eternal starry sky.

This world is collapsing and disintegrating, it is difficult to bear the power of this Sword Ray.

All the senior leaders of The Underworld are trembling and shivering, as if they have become a reality. Ants are common, life and death are out of control.

"It turned out to be Canxian."

"It really didn't disappoint me."

Immediately after this Sword Ray, Gu Changge appeared here, tearing through the barriers of this world, and staring at the Four Palace Lord Yama with interest.

Yan Luo's eyes were solemn, giving birth to an inexplicable feeling of being stared at like a prey.

And at this time, in a place extremely far away from the battlefield of Hundred Realms.

On the other sky, there are also many scary figures standing there.

They looked at the war in the distance, their eyes were deep and vast, like a universe evolving in it, and many scenes of moon sinking and star destruction were emerging.

"Since Gu Changge was secretly promoting this campaign against The Underworld, he must have another purpose.

"I still have to be careful. In recent years, the spring breeze Jasper Tower's rise has been unstoppable.

"I suspect that the big reason why Gu Changge would take action on The Underworld is related to the Spring Breeze Jasper Tower.

They were talking softly, discussing the pros and cons of encircling The Underworld.

There is no doubt that these people are all enlightened people, but the ancestor-level figures of various orthodox forces.

Although they had never personally been on the battlefield, they were all clear about any disturbances that took place.

"There is no doubt about this. Behind the Chunfeng Jade Building, Gu Changge must be."

"On the face of it, he is pursuing The Underworld, but he is actually excluding dissidents, but it is a pity that I waited until now to find out.

The other ancient being shook his head, his words with regret.

"In just a few years, Gu Changge has gained wings. I don't think it will be long before he will wait for me to start."

Another horrible figure with a completely different appearance from the human race said indifferently, and the words had a bit of killing intent.

This is not groundless guessing, but inferred from various clues.

Although Gu Changge looked gentle and elegant in front of everyone.

But how many things he did secretly can actually be seen by all races and traditions.

The mere launch of a crusade against The Underworld between the lightning and the fire made everyone feel palpitations and fear and anxiety.

What if Gu Changge did not attack The Underworld this time, but the other forces?

Who can guarantee that the encounter will not be the same as The Underworld?

Many Immortal orthodoxy and supreme great religions, since they existed in this world, enemies are definitely not in the minority.

Moreover, Upper Realm is such a place where The Weak are Prey to the Strong. The wall is pushed down by everyone, and no one will be merciful.

After all, it is the power and energy that Gu Changge now possesses, which makes everyone deeply jealous.

"Gu Changge is definitely not a good kind. Now that Xianlu is about to manifest, the upper realm will change drastically, and I don't know whether it is good or bad.

"He has grown to the point where he threatens all of us. If he doesn't deal with it, he may suffer endless troubles and break the balance that has existed since ancient times.

Another figure shrouded in golden flames said, his eyes are radiant, like two rounds of brilliant sun, with terrifying coercion.

"The longevity Gu family's background is unfathomable, and it is inextricably linked to Xianyu."

"This matter can't be rushed. If we don't arrange it first, I'm afraid I will lose a lot. The last time the Changsheng Gu family destroyed the Purple Mansion, it only showed part of the inside story."

Hearing this, another female enlightened person opened her mouth with a soft voice, but everyone here couldn't help but look terrified.

Although they are all enlightened, there are still many gaps between them.

The female enlightened person in front of me was a cruel figure who killed all sides.

No trace has been revealed for tens of millions of years, and now the strength is even more unfathomable, I am afraid that it is not far from the threshold of Immortal Dao. Up