Ch 695

But even at this moment knowing that this black mask represents weird unknown.

Jian Luo didn't have the possibility to refuse. After a moment of silence, he put the black mask on his face.

The next moment, an inexplicable and weird aura appeared on him, as if a black light lingered around him, like a war fairy who had come to kill through the underworld.

"A Er has seen the Lord.

This breath changed quickly, even after only a breath, Yan Luo's expression had already returned to calm, and he saluted Gu Changge with respect.

Compared with what they were just now, they were totally different from each other.

At this time, even if the many subordinates who are most familiar with him appear here, it is hard to imagine that this person will be their loyal Four Palace Lord, the second strongest of The Underworld.

An invincible existence in the realm of remnants of immortality.

"Speaking of which, Ah Da is now just the Cultivation Base of the quasi emperor. It happens that the many scattered origins of this world's collapse can help him to make a breakthrough."

Looking at Ah Er standing respectfully behind him, silent like a magic mountain.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, thinking of Ah Da, who had taken the initiative to express his submission to him when he was at the bottom of the Demon Burial Abyss.

24 Compared with Ah Er in front of him, Ah Da Nai was conceived by the breath of a drop of true blood from the Demon Lord.

So as long as Gu Changge does not die, Ah Da is almost immortal, will not fall, and there are no natural enemies.

This has many benefits.

But Ah Da's advancement was still too slow, and he is still at the quasi-emperor level today.

This time the war of encirclement and suppression The Underworld, the dead are countless, and even some enlightened ones are hardly spared.

In Gu Changge's view, many sources scattered in various circles can help Ah Da's breakthrough Cultivation Base.

Then Gu Changge passed the reading to Ah Da, asking him to find the right time to breakthrough.

It is estimated that the appearance of the Dark Heaven Court will not be long, and now Gu Changge is also lacking people.

If the masters of the halls of The Underworld submit in this way, then Gu Changge can naturally spare them their lives and not erase their minds.

"The strongest person in The Underworld seems to be the most mysterious master of The Underworld.

"It's just that he hasn't appeared yet? What are you waiting for?"

Gu Changge looked at the ruins of the broken world right now, and his figure stepped forward and quickly disappeared in front of him.

The ancient world of Canglan collapsed into ashes during the battle between Yan Luo and him, and has been submerged by the vast chaos.

Only some broken barriers of the world float in the void.

It looks like a collapsed and decayed ancient world, which has long lost all its vitality.

But Gu Changge still doesn't understand something.

It stands to reason that The Underworld has survived to this day, and its depth should not be weaker than that of any Immortal masters.

But when he broke into the Fourth Hall, he didn't find the slightest trace of the inside story.

Although a candid immortal sits in town, it is already comparable to any background.

But the empty Fourth Hall still made Gu Changge feel that things were a bit unspeakable.

"Speaking of which, the fourth hall of The Underworld should be the strongest hall among the ten Great Halls, but it doesn't even have the magic weapon to suppress the foundation.

"It is said that countless years ago, The Underworld experienced a major change. It was originally called the Underworld, but in order to avoid taboos in the dark, it had to be changed to The Underworld.

"Could it be that the background of The Underworld was lost in that big change?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows lightly, thinking of this possibility, a little thoughtful.

But he didn't ask Ah Er, since it involves taboos, it is something that cannot be said.

There are too many unspeakable things in this world.

There seems to be a weird and unknown force in the dark, controlling all this.

Before the Taboo Era, the fairyland and the upper realm were never isolated.

The immortal palace governs the heavens, the immortal overlooks everything from aloft, and the longevity is almost endless, immortal and immortal.

At that time, too many incredible lives and existences were born.

In the Post-Xian Ancient Era, the rules of heaven and earth are incomplete, Taoism is blurred, and life matter is no longer as common as it used to be.

Therefore, if an enlightened person wants to prolong his life, he must do everything he can to delay the passage of life.

But in the dark, there are still rules before the Taboo Era, affecting this world.

The depths of the broken starry sky.

The remnants of the fourth hall, fleeing everywhere, tried to go to the rest of the ancient world, to find the other hall masters of The Underworld, and seek refuge.

Their faces were full of despair and panic, and even the invincible fourth hall master was defeated, life and death unknown.

The strength of Gu Changge surpassed all their imaginations.

Until now, that horrible breath still lingers in everyone's hearts, making them tremble.

"I'm so weak, I don't even have the qualifications to watch the battle, let alone help the four hall masters.

"The Fourth Hall will no longer exist from today

Some old people in the Fourth Hall were full of sorrow.

They witnessed the scene of the ancient world being torn apart by Gu Changge's sword.

Countless skyfire meteors descend like a catastrophe, destroying everything.

Even the many runes inscribed in the Fourth Hall for countless years collapsed under the breath of the sky, and were washed away like a torrent.

Gu Changge is too strong.

Just a ray of breath suppressed everyone's immobility, and the whole body would collapse.

"The life and death of the four hall masters is unknown. Now our only way is to find the other hall masters and explain all this to them."

"Otherwise, it will be too late until Gu Changge finds the position of the rest of the world.

Several enlightened people who had suffered serious injuries from their origins looked dignifiedly behind them.

They are the other ancient existences in the Fourth Hall except for the Lord, and Cultivation Base is also unfathomable.

But in the battle between Gu Changge and the Lord of the Four Palaces just now.

Just being rubbed by the aftermath, the body burst, blood flowed long, and the source suffered 693 massive injuries.

This made them feel shocked and terrified.

In today's upper realm, is there really anyone Gu Changge's opponent?

But just as they talked.

In the depths of the distant stars, there were several terrifying auras rising.

The vast black fog swept from all around.

Several figures, dressed in black, with invisible faces, appeared in all directions.

"Enlightened One"

The remnants of the four hall masters of The Underworld looked at this scene, their expressions couldn't help being dignified, and they felt an extremely dangerous aura.

"Moreover, there are still a lot of people coming."

The hearts of the enlightened persons in the fourth hall sank even more. They looked at each other, and they all saw worry and anxiety in each other's eyes.

They were traumatized at their roots and lost their previous peaks.

The aura of these enlightened persons in front of them is not weaker than when they were at their peak.

If a war breaks out at that time, they will definitely not be their opponents.

"The Lord of the Fourth Hall has returned. If you don't want to die, please obediently tie your hands and feet, wait with me back, and still have a chance to survive."

And just when the remnants of the Fourth Hall were on guard.

The several black-clothed enlightened men who appeared in the front had already spoken, their voices were cold and ruthless, as if they had no emotion at all.

They are enlightened puppets sent by Gu Changge.

It is definitely more than enough to deal with these The Underworld remnants in front of you. .