Ch 698

This sudden scene caused all the orthodox forces to fall into shock and horror.

Everyone found that the rules of heaven and earth in this world were changing.

The red glow of the sky, from the Eight Desolations of the World, runs through the Xiao Han, connecting the lead clouds everywhere, billowing as thick as a tide of clouds.

Between the heavens and the earth, there seems to be some kind of terrorist force infiltrating, making many people unable to move.

Even an enlightened person was hit, his complexion changed drastically, and he felt that the vastness of his body was like the magic power of a sea of ​​smoke.

"No, The Underworld has already set up an ancient formation, just waiting for me to step into this world and sacrifice enough souls before opening it.

"At that time, I am afraid that everyone will die here and be buried with The Underworld.

Seeing this scene, there is a dramatic change in the expressions of older generations who are quite knowledgeable about formation.

They quickly saw the red color that lit up between the sky and the earth ~ what Shen Xia was.

This is a kind of sacrificial essay in ancient times.

With so many sacrificial texts ignited together, I am afraid that the whole world will be integrated with sacrificial texts, and the consequences cannot be imagined.

Gu Changge is also paying attention to all this, compared to everyone's worries.

Instead, he wanted to meet the Lord of The Underworld at this time.

Judging from the real world in the palm of the Lord of the Three Halls, the Lord of The Underworld is obviously from a monstrous origin.

The time in the world is absolutely unimaginable.

If allowed by the rules of heaven and earth, Cultivation Base definitely surpasses the enlightened person and even reaches the fairyland.

"If the Lord of The Underworld is really an ancient god that survives, then its origin is definitely of great use to me, and it even allows me to break through to the late stage of Nirvana."

Gu Changge's eyes moved slightly, looking deep into The Underworld, intending to wait for the Lord of The Underworld to appear.

He knew that at this point, The Underworld had no retreat.

The only way is to destroy all the invading troops, and all the forces have suffered heavy losses and bleeding.

So at the end, the Lord of The Underworld will definitely be unable to hold back, either find a way to escape, or just take action.

"Is this the calculation of The Underworld?"

The complexions of many enlightened persons also changed, alternating green and white.

They have a deep vision, and they naturally know the terrible consequences of this matter.

At that time, it is not just the army behind them, I am afraid that even they will have to die here.

"when "

And at this moment, in the palace deep in The Underworld, a terrible bell appeared vigorously.

A long bronze bell emerged, traveling for millions of miles.

The whole world was murderous all at once, and then Sword Qi was vertical and horizontal, billions of Sword Rays, smashed in this direction overwhelmingly.


The Immortal Grandmaster named Zixiao Valley was the first among them.

Several battlefields hovering high in the sky suddenly turned into animal powder, and all the masters inside even screamed before they could scream, and they exploded into a cloud of blood.


Sword Qi swept across, breaking everything, and colorful lights fell across the sky.

Across the endless distance, it makes the body hurt, and the soul and light are swaying, seeming to be annihilated here.

"Do not "

The complexion of the enlightened person in Zixiao Valley suddenly changed, and he just wanted to stop him, but he felt a terrible divine mind that suddenly locked him.

The rules and order around him also seemed to be intertwined as a chain of gods, turning into an invisible giant net, firmly locking all around him.

"Still delusional to make a move? Looking for death?"

The enlightened person of The Underworld stared at him, his figure flashed, and suddenly across countless distances, he appeared in front of the enlightened person in Zixiao Valley.

The two quickly fought together, fierce and astonishing, and there were vast rules surging in the palm of the hand, enough to crush any creature into flesh and blood.

However, at this time, this world was covered with blood.

The Lord of the Three Halls controls the real world, looks indifferent, and begins to concentrate on dealing with everyone.

A series of terrifying sword lights hung from the sky, directly blasting the large cultivator to ashes.

call out!!

In the distance, there was a shocking sword light, and an enlightened person from The Underworld also joined the battle.

For countless thousands of years, no one has come to the deepest part of The Underworld and forced The Underworld to this point.

And everyone today also saw the horror of The Underworld.

The resurrected long bronze clock is a remnant artifact. There is an invincible god sleeping inside, and the worldly atmosphere is permeated. The coercion alone is enough to crush everything.

Scenes of tragedies were staged everywhere, and The Underworld was shocking despite its lack of glory.

Everywhere is full of murderous intent, whoever breaks in will have to pay the price of blood.

Moreover, the most important thing is the Lord of The Underworld, who has not yet appeared.

Just took out the real world in the palm and let the three hall masters control, thus controlling the integration of this world, and destroying everyone.

At this time, even those who are enlightened can never want to escape from this world.

The real world in the palm is a true kingdom of ancient gods.

Once you enter this realm, it means that life and death will be firmly controlled by that god, and no one can avoid it.

You must know that the real world in the palm has not been completely integrated with this world, and the enlightened people of various forces have already felt a kind of difficulty, and it is difficult to return to the peak before.

...For flowers…


This final battle is inevitable.

With the blessing of the power of the world in The Underworld, everyone in The Underworld is even more eye-catching, desperately killing all the invading enemies.

Soon, Gu Changge noticed that the three hall masters who had been offering sacrifices to the real world in his palm suddenly disappeared.

"Where did this go?"

He was a little surprised, and moved his steps, the emptiness of his body was blurred, and he immediately followed.

The rules of heaven and earth in this world are not strong enough to affect him.

Even if the Lord of The Underworld personally controls the Kingdom of God, the same result is true.

On the contrary, Gu Changge even has the means to affect the surrounding world and environment, even the enlightened person can't find his trace.

In the deepest part of The Underworld, the exhausted colors are heart palpitating.

There is dark mist and dew flowing slowly between the sky and the earth, and dead silence and coldness are the eternal theme.

There is not even the slightest sound here, like a piece of eternal death.

The Lord of the Three Halls passed through many Restrictions formations all the way and came here, kneeling in front of a palace.

His complexion was a little pale, and it was still too hard for him to control the real world, requiring a lot of energy and magic power.

Although it is not at the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, it obviously won't last long.

"How's it going?"

In the hall, there is actually another person, a young man who looks quite handsome.

He was dressed in black, with purple vertical eyes tightly closed between his brows.

He looked at the three hall masters who rushed over, and couldn't help but ask, and he seemed quite anxious in words.

If the rest of The Underworld is here, you will find that this person is a palace master who has disappeared since the beginning of the war.

That is, the only disciple of the Lord of The Underworld known to all the high-levels of The Underworld.

However, the Lord of the Three Palaces knows a little bit more, he knows that this person is not just a disciple of the Lord of The Underworld, but the parent and heir of the Lord of The Underworld.

Many times he came here to meet the Lord of The Underworld, but he was actually seen by the man in black in front of him.

Even the real world in the palm of his hand was given to him by the man in black.

This made the Lord of the Three Palaces faintly worried, fearing that the Lord of The Underworld might have something unexpected and might have already sat down.

"It has been delayed for a long time, and it has shocked many people."

After a moment of silence, the Lord of the Three Halls looked at the deepest part of the hall with complicated eyes, and slowly said.

ps: Since this period of time, I have been beaten by feelings and have been in a state of no state. Starting tomorrow, all time and energy will be devoted to codewords and strive to return to Wangen. superior,