Ch 705

In fact, there is no need to be promoted by someone with a heart, and the upper realm is also undercurrents during this period.

Since the collapse of The Underworld, many Taoist traditions have been searching for clues to the Buddha, another killer country.

Among them, many secrets about the Chunfeng Jade Building were also traced by various traditions, revealing clues.

Many ancient figures who have deep knowledge of deduction have started to calculate one after another, wanting to trace the origin of Chunfeng Biyulou.

Of course, Gu Changge had anticipated this.

So long ago, I ordered Bai Lian'er to let Baihua and Baikun cover the secret of Chunfeng Jade Tower.

Said this is not a long-term solution, and Gu Changge does not expect to cover his life, just to delay it for a while.

The rumors that Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic skills in the heavens of the upper realm are also unavoidably swept by the sparks of a prairie fire.

In the beginning, it was only spread among the major teachings.

In the back, the rumor intensified.

Not only the disciples of major teachers and Elder discuss, but also the ordinary cultivator and Rogue Cultivators.

"As long as the situation continues to develop, I believe Gu Changge will soon be unable to resist the rumors.

"And then it will be a good opportunity for me to wait for a shot."

"He will never endure such black water splashing on himself."

In the deepest part of many Immortal Great Religions and supreme Orthodox clan lands.

The terrifying figures that continued to circle the chaotic mist looked far away at the end of the sky, and couldn't help but sneer.

All of this was in their expectation, and it was even under their instruction and promotion that it would have such a big impact.

After all, Gu Changge is so dazzling that everyone is afraid of it, and they have to make the best move.

Of course, such things are not uncommon since ancient times.

How many amazing Tianjiao, more or less for some reason, collapsed on the road, unable to truly push the invincible.

In their view, Gu Changge's destiny is already doomed, and how splendid and dazzling it is now is doomed to be just a short-lived firework, a meteor that passes by in an instant.

In the long river of history, at most, there can only be a 24 small wave, which is fleeting.

"This is from all ethnic groups and different traditions. Are you planning to do something against my Gu family?"

"Doesn't you want to kill the heavens to collapse, and the eternal overthrow?"

And in the Changshenggu Family, a very magnificent palace.

Many elders who got the news gathered here, their faces were very heavy, and they also showed a bit of coldness and killing intent.

In the depths of the Great Hall, many scary figures stand.

Everyone seems to be walking in the outer world, their eyes are extremely cold, and there are many terrible scenes evolving.

The moon and meteorites were destroyed, the universe collapsed, sentient beings wailed, and ten thousand ways shattered.

They are all ancestor-level figures of the Changsheng Gu family, who have recovered in this life in order to compete for the opportunity of Immortal Ascension.

For them, Gu Changge is not just as simple as a simple descendant, but also the hope of the countless ages of the longevity Gu family.

How can it be allowed that the powers of the upper realm are calculated and targeted in this way?

"How can Changge get in touch with the inheritors of magic?

"What they want is just a reasonable excuse. As for evidence, it doesn't need to be."

An old patriarch said with an ugly expression, naturally knowing what kind of abacus the various ethics are playing.

It's nothing more than seeing that Gu Changge's Guanghua is really dazzling, and worrying that he will grow one step further and destroy the balance that the Upper Realm has maintained for countless years.

Of course, the biggest reason is that they can't watch a young man grow up quickly, and grow up to the point of shock and fear.

The collapse of The Underworld is the best example.

"After all, Changge was too high-profile, and without even letting me wait for the shot, he used his own power to destroy The Underworld."

"All of them are terrified, deeply disturbed, and want to erase this worry in advance."

An ancestor in the depths of the palace sighed. Although it didn't take long to wake up, he had already figured out the cause and effect.

An ancestor next to him, his eyes are extremely cold, slowly said,

"I didn't expect that after so many years, so many forces will almost forget me and wait. I really think that my Gu family is really what they can handle?'

"It seems that I have been waiting for too long. The immortal gates in this world are open, and the immortal domains are drawn in. What if it kills the upper realm and collapses?"

Another ancestor was also talking, his voice was murderous and angry.

The longevity of the Gu family is so ancient that it can be traced back to before the Taboo Era.

Later, because of the collapse of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, many practice rules were shattered.

There is absolutely no connection between the fairyland and the upper realm, and it is difficult to connect.

The vast majority of the god-tier clansmen had no choice but to leave the clan land and thrive in the fairyland again.

Over the past countless years, the Changsheng Gu family and Xianyu have actually had a deep connection, and they are not afraid of any Daoist forces in the upper realm.

This time, if the various Daoist forces really dare to attack Gu Changge, they will naturally make him pay a very heavy price.

"With the words of the ancestors, then Lintian is relieved."

"Changge was not in the clan during this time. As a father, I don't know what his plans are."

"However, Changge has been smart and steady since he was a child, and he must have already figured out a countermeasure before the destruction of The Underworld."

"I don't have to worry too much when I wait.

The speaker was Gu Lintian, Gu Changge's father. He nodded, his face a little serious.

As the head of the Changsheng Gu family, although from the Cultivation Base, he is far inferior to Gu Changge.

But in many matters, they still have the right to speak.

Soon, a large army began to gather on the many Shendao peaks of the Changshenggu family.

From some Minor Worlds, there are also bright doors and bright places, and space portals emerge one after another.

Walking out of many knights, Killing intent is monstrous, billowing bloody fog, and shattering the sky.

Among the many Immortal forces such as the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty and the Divine Sect of the Primordial Beginning.

Many ancient existences began to discuss and discuss countermeasures because of the news circulated by the heavens of the upper realm.

The early spiritual religion is the most solid ally of the Changsheng Gu family. There are even rumors that the early spiritual religion was actually split from the longevity Gu family many years ago.

Of course, there is no way to know whether this rumor is true or not.

In short, if the Longevity War and Immortal Tribulation occurred in the Upper Realm, the Changsheng Gu Family and the God Sect of the Beginning would definitely be together.

There is no doubt about this.

The Wushuang Immortal Dynasty also had a close relationship with Gu Changge because of the marriage between the current Empress of Ming Kong and Gu Changge.

At that time, she will definitely stand on the side of Changsheng Gu's family.

In addition, there are many hidden forces in the upper realm, which are connected with Changsheng Gu Family and Gu Changge.

This turbulent undercurrent is quietly sweeping the entire upper realm.

Many cultivator creatures feel a kind of tranquility before the storm.

I am deeply disturbed about this and do not want to be involved.

And all the forces are in line with Gu Changge at the moment, wanting to know his actions and reactions to this.

But what disappoints many people is that after the destruction of The Underworld, Gu Changge seems to have suddenly evaporated from the world.

Even the many elders of the Changsheng Gu family do not know his traces.

Many cultivators speculated that Gu Changge had a premonition that there would be a catastrophe against him, so he deliberately found a place to avoid the limelight.

Of course many people think this is impossible.

In terms of Gu Changge's character, is he the kind of escape from the world?

At this moment, Gu Changge, as a man of the world, has quietly left Tao Village.

According to the token given to him by Princess Canaan, the princess of the Supreme Court, he planned to go to the Supreme Court.

In Tao Village, after Gu Xian'er reacted to his leaving without saying goodbye, the whole person was going to explode, both grievances and grievances.

She has been thinking about how to speak to Gu Changge to prevent the catastrophe in the future.

But Gu Changge secretly left Tao Village behind her back, she didn't even know where Gu Changge had gone.

"Damn it"

Gu Xian'er was really confused, and she was really angry about Gu Changge's actions.

The Palace of Absolute Clouds is located in the deepest part of the sky, and it is the most mysterious place.

But the absolutely cloudy sky does not belong to any place in the heavens of the upper realm.

But basically all creatures and cultivators in the upper realm know the name of Absolute Cloud, and feel amazed and terrified about it.

Because the absolutely cloudy sky is too terrifying and contains an unimaginable crisis.

How many powers and traditions were swallowed by the overcast sky, disappeared, and no longer existed.

A few years ago, many forces in the upper realm also took action to establish the True Immortal Academy.

Just to cultivate a true immortal in this life and prevent the disaster of overcast sky.

The ancestors who used to be the temple of the ancestors also took it as their responsibility to smooth out the cloudy sky.

When it comes to absolutely cloudy days, there is no cultivator that will not become scary.

Now, Gu Changge is holding Canaan's token in his hand, standing on a very mysterious land.

The dark land, without any vegetation, can't see the end at a glance, and can't see any life.

Only the corpses of various colors piled up, and the blood even stained the ground black.

The fog and electricity shrouded the endless territory, even the sky and the earth were black, and the edge was invisible.

By Gu Changge's side, he was still standing next to the dead-yin creature, who was a middle-aged man who looked very similar to the human race.

Generally, only those creatures with the bloodline of the Absolute Yin royal family will have the same appearance as the human race.

"I have seen the lord, the villain's name is Jiaming, who is the servant of the Royal Princess, and she ordered the villain to come here to pick you up.

The middle-aged man said respectfully, knowing the identity of Gu Changge.

The sky is extremely cloudy and mysterious, and the outsiders have almost never set foot here.

"What about Canaan? Why didn't she come to see me in person."

Gu Changge randomly glanced at the person in front of him, a little surprised.

"The eldest princess is busy with the ancestor worship recently. It is difficult to get away and cannot come to meet the adults in person. I hope that the adults will not blame it."

The middle-aged man's face was slightly solemn when he heard the words, and he hurriedly explained for fear that Gu Changge would be angry.

"An important event for ancestor worship?"

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows. In fact, he was the first time he came to the kingdom of the deadly creatures, and it was also the first time he heard about Chazu.

"Yes, my lord, it is a great event to worship the ancestors.

"It is related to the casting of the Samsara station. In recent years, the number of our Jue Yin clan has decreased."

"Even if it is buried in the deepest part of the clan for tens of millions of years, it is difficult to give birth to a pure and deadly creature."

Seeing Gu Changge's doubts, the middle-aged man hurriedly explained.

Because the eldest princess Canaan has told him before, everything about the Samsara station can be revealed to Gu Changge.

"A pure and unyielding creature?"

Hearing this sentence, Gu Changge was even more surprised.

Is it possible that the creatures of the Jueyin clan are divided into pure and impure, and there is a difference between the two?

"My Lord, in fact, our Jue Yin clan is not as the outside world thinks, it is actually very difficult to be born."

700 "Those creatures from the outside world that are contaminated by the breath of Absolute Yin only contain a trace of breath of Absolute Yin, they are not real beings of Absolute Yin."

"Even if they are in our world, they can only survive in the lowest level. They exist like slaves and cannot survive for life."

"And true Jie Yin creatures can only be conceived and born in the deepest part of the clan soil, or born by Jie Yin creatures with extremely pure blood..

The middle-aged man continued to explain, telling Gu Changge the difference between the deadly creatures.

When the eruption of absolute cloudy sky swept across the upper realm, the pervasive aura of absolute darkness would transform many creatures into creatures of absolute darkness.

But such a creature of extremity is not pure, and it cannot really be called a creature of extremity.

Because they are mentally and mentally disabled, they even only leave behind a brutal nature.

"The deepest part of the clan soil?"

Hearing this explanation, Gu Changge felt a little thoughtful. The source of Absolute Yin that he needs may come from the deepest part of the earth of Absolute Cloud.

The princess Canaan of Absolute Yin imperial court, the Samsara platform he wanted to cast, should also be related to the birth of Absolute Yin creatures.

"If this is the case, will Samsara Gu Tianzun be involved?

"When I was in Xiangu Continent, I felt that Samsara Gu Tianzun left a lot of backhands and inheritance. It should not be that simple to sit down and fall."

"Samsara's way is very special, involving the profound meaning of life and death. Then if he has been hidden in the world, no one can detect it.

"Then what is he plotting?"

Gu Changge suddenly felt that something unexpected might happen during this trip to the Imperial Palace.

Maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

Samsara Gu Tianzun's handwriting, he had learned it when he was in Xiangu Continent.

Except for the Dragon Clan, the rest of the ancient immortal races were all calculated to death by him.

If it weren't for Gu Changge to intervene horizontally, I'm afraid that the true descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun would have inherited everything logically, standing on the top of the upper realm.

After all, Samsara Gu Tianzun is a real wonderland.

He is also good at mastering Samsara, the power to control time, and it is not impossible to see a piece of future fragments.

Thinking about this, Gu Changge's expression became intriguing.

Soon, the middle-aged man led him through this black and barren land, and came outside this gloomy and dead barrier.

Being isolated from the outside world by absolutely cloudy days contains great danger and crisis.

It is difficult for ordinary people to get here, let alone pass through the barrier outside.

"I have met your lord.

There have long been waiting here, waiting for Gu Changge's arrival.