Ch 712


In the depths of the absolutely cloudy sky, the gray mist is overwhelming, the rules and order are broken, and the vast energy surges.

"I want to see what you six old ghosts do."

Gu Changge stepped in, strong and fierce, his eyes were cold, and he didn't care that the place was absolutely cloudy.

He patted it with big hands, like a huge wave, enough to drown everything.

It was silent for eternity, and red-gray land was everywhere.

But now they all collapsed and cracked. The Great Rift Valley ran across and was completely penetrated. The world seemed to be pierced away.

The gray mist was completely torn apart.

The dark black thunder and lightning seemed to penetrate through a universe, reflecting the deeper darkness there, without the slightest light.

"Junior, dare you!"

"You really think that you are invincible in the outside world. In our Realm, you can still run wild! Today, you have to pay a huge price. You understand that the world is far beyond your imagination.

The expression of the ancient ancestor who stepped out of the Earth of the Overcast Clan was extremely cold, and at the same time extremely angry.

Gu Changge's act of breaking into the depths of the clan soil in one fell swoop, in his view, was already in front of all the absolute Yin races, slapped them in the face.

As the ancient ancestors who are absolutely cloudy, how can this make them bear?

"Suppress him and take him down!"

Another ancient ancestor spoke, equally indifferent and ruthless, and it was even harder to hide the killing intent in the depths of his eyes.

The six of them did not work together.

In any case, as the ancient ancestors who are absolutely cloudy, they still disdain at this time, Qi Qi shot down Gu Changge such a junior.

Moreover, in their subconsciousness, Gu Changge is not strong enough to require six people to deal with it.


Three of the ancient ancestors have taken action, and there are no profound and vast principles.

It's just the real body manifested, to get out of the clan soil.

But this piece of Universe seemed to be unable to bear the aura that they showed, and it was about to collapse all together.

Especially in their frontal bones, the brilliance is shining, and the endless Mental Energy is surging like a river bursting its banks.

Everyone will suffocate under this kind of breath, their bodies will explode, and Taoism will disperse.

"It turns out that Mental Energy has gone to immortals?"

"The flesh is rotten, Mental Energy Transcendent is sanctified. It seems that this is the confidence you are waiting for."

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows, feeling that the majestic spirit of the clan soil was suppressing him.


The next moment, he was surrounded by radiance.

A black-and-white intertwined Taoist picture appears like Yin & Yang picture 703. The vast primordial Qi revolves, which seems to be able to divide chaos and evolve into a prehistoric state.

This is the Taishang Dao map that was left behind when Taishang Dongtian fought the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories at the beginning, and contains the supreme defense power.

This picture was obtained by Gu Changge on the coast of the boundary marker.

But he rarely uses it, because there are few cultivator powers that can threaten him.

The strength of the six ancient ancestors Mental Energy in front of them is enough to crush everyone in the upper realm.

Gu Changge didn't want to capsize in the gutter, so he chose to be more cautious.

Although he has many methods, he does not want to be exposed to others unless he destroys the entire cloudy sky at that time.

In addition, he always feels like someone is staring at the absolutely cloudy sky.

The Samsara station is obviously the coordinates that someone left behind.

"Perhaps it was a game set by Samsara Gu Tianzun."


When his thoughts came back, Gu Changge's expression became more and more indifferent.

His head hangs too high, and his body is filled with colorful fairy lights.

A punch fell, and the surging power of blood seemed to be mixed with endless chaotic energy.

The immense power surged, rushing through the sky, and it was a complete mess.

"You will regret it, junior."

The ancient ancestor who took the first shot said indifferently, his eyes were cold, and a terrifying light beam shot out, like a heavenly sword that split the universe.

At the same time, the vast Mental Energy in his cheekbones is evolving, as if opening up chaos, and an ancient world is about to emerge.

The sacrificial ceremonies sounded huge and boundless.

There are three thousand gods and Buddhas appearing in them, lifelike, as condensed by rules, either happy or sad, or angry or angry, and they all come to the suppression of Gu Changge.

However, under Gu Changge's punch, the vast chaotic energy and blood were filled, crushing all tangible things in front of him.


The three thousand gods and buddhas began to collapse, and horrible cracks appeared, and then the flavors exploded and turned into ashes.

"Using imaginary reality is far from real reality."

Gu Changge understood all of this, although in terms of breath, these three thousand gods and Buddhas have reached the level of enlightened people.

But it was just the breath, the flesh was as fragile as paper.

On the other side, another ancient ancestor's ultimate move has also arrived.

He was surrounded by the gray fog, only a rotten and sharp claw like a heavenly sword, easily pierced all the rules of order in front of him, tore all the matter, and was about to collide with Gu. Changge's fist.


However, The next moment, there was a crisp bone cracking sound, and a muffled hum.

This cyan claw splashed black blood, and the white bones splashed all over, and it was directly hit by Gu Changge's punch into a blood mist, breaking into the thick fog.

When the other ancient ancestors saw this scene, their expressions changed, and they were no longer as calm and natural as they were just now.

"We are underestimating you."

Another ancient ancestor appeared, feeling that Gu Changge's strength was a bit beyond their imagination.

Gu Changge said lightly, "I overestimated your abilities."

Such a physical body is far less powerful than the Yama that he conquered when he wiped out The Underworld.

Soon, what was called the most terrifying battle since the birth of Absolute Clouds broke out in the horrified eyes of all Absolute Clouds.

Accompanied by a thrilling roar and a beam of light that penetrates the sky and the earth.

Several vague figures, shrouded in the fog, gave out earth-shaking roars, as if to crush this universe.

A space barrier was torn apart, and large tracts of Dao patterns were obliterated.

The gray fog dissipated, and some of the terrible scenes appeared in front of everyone.

"How can this be.."

"He is facing the three ancient ancestors alone!"

Even the powerhouses of the Jueyin imperial clan had a fear and tremor. They wanted to kneel on the ground and couldn't control themselves.

Canaan, Jiajiu'er and others were even more shocked to the extreme.

From their vision, it can be seen that endless regulations are gushing out there.

Three indomitable figures are fighting with Gu Changge, and they all drive endless divine light and Taoism between their gestures.

The vast Mental Energy evaporates all the surrounding matter, and even the void is melted into nothingness.

This kind of battle was too horrible and terrifying, and the dead Minor World all around exploded.

Gu Changge is really too strong, Sword Ray is full of him, there are endless fairy lights emerging, it is not like the three ancient ancestors are fighting him.

On the contrary, it was like he was suppressing the three, still appearing calm and relaxed.

"If we don't take action again, I'm afraid there will be an accident."

At this time, the three ancient ancestors who have not done anything, their expressions are much more solemn.

They did not expect that the three ancient ancestors would not be able to win Gu Changge if they joined forces.

That black and white Taoist picture is really mysterious and weird. It has evolved into Yin & Yang in the early days and can resolve many attacks.

Gu Changge stood there, surrounded by endless silver lights.

It can evaporate all the attacks on him, including Mental Energy.

It is as if Wanfa does not invade.

And just when the other three ancient ancestors were about to take action.

Suddenly, a horrible avenue of light appeared in the battlefield that was being fought.

It looked like a heavenly sword condensed by a regular order, it shone brightly, tearing through the sky, turbulent for a long time, and slashed towards the head of an ancient ancestor.

This is really too fast, there is no sign, the abruptness seems to appear out of thin air.


(cedh) Blood and light splashed all over, and a rotten head covered with various corpses was thrown away in an instant.

Then the remaining remnant directly collapsed to pieces and exploded into a cloud of blood.

"The ancient ancestor has fallen."

"How can this be."

Seeing this sudden scene, all the souls of Absolute Yin stared in amazement, their scalp numb, and they couldn't believe it.

Many people are even more sluggish and stay in place, seeming to be stupid.

Immortal's immortal ancient ancestor, how could he be beheaded today, and even his body exploded into an endless mist of blood.

The other ancient ancestors on the absolutely cloudy sky also did not expect that Gu Changge suddenly offered such a method, and their complexion changed.

But they didn't show too much worry, and they didn't worry that their companions would fall and die.

"There is a problem with that Calabash, you can kill our souls with one blow, be careful."

"Although our Immortal is indestructible, it would be ridiculous if we were cut off physically because of such a small method."

An ancient ancestor stared at Calabash in Gu Changge's hands with deep gaze.

The other four ancient ancestors nodded. After learning about Gu Changge's methods, they were not as contemptuous as they were at the beginning.

After all, every reshaping of their bodies is a painful torture for them.

Both the body and the soul must be reshaped, rebuilt and rebuilt.

Although they have long been accustomed to this kind of pain, they still don't want to suffer another time.

"The origin has dissipated, the soul has been wiped out, and even the traces have been eliminated."

"Is this kind of body and spirit still alive?"

Gu Changge paid attention to the expressions of the remaining five ancient ancestors, and became even more interested in the secrets hidden in the depths of the clan soil.

He didn't wait for the five people to work together, but took the lead.

This time the attack was even more terrifying. The surging divine fire burned, reflecting the three thousand worlds, and directly burned all the gray fog around.

The depths of the family soil, which was already extremely faint and vague, now seemed to be more and more barren.

Everyone can see the ruin and loneliness there.

The earth collapsed, and it was full of cracks. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as fragmented.


This time the war was even more tragic, and the five ancient ancestors all started together.

Although they are not real cannibals, Mental Energy is terrifying.

The method evolved, even the Canxian would not dare to make a fuss.

But Gu Changge protects the whole body with ether on the road map.

The lunar sun revolves, life and death are intertwined, and the universe has evolved into chaos, unpredictable and vast, which can eliminate all attacks.

This makes the five great ancient ancestors look so gloomy that it is difficult to hurt Gu Changge.

They are also not sure whether Gu Changge still hides many methods and has not shown real strength.

Because of Gu Changge's look, it seemed too relaxed.

It even began to make them wonder if it was too long for them to decay.

"The level of the Taishang Dao map itself does not seem to be as simple as an ordinary Dao Item or a fairy…

Gu Changge did not show any real strength.

If he wants to destroy the six ancient ancestors, it is not difficult, but the secret of subsequent resurrection is difficult to understand.

Soon, there was a bursting sound again here. The sky was filled with blood mist.

With a puff, an ancient ancestor exploded. Instead of being decapitated by Calabash, Gu Changge was forcibly blown to death.

This scene made the other four ancient ancestors start to frighten.

Whether Gu Changge fought with the three of them or the five, they all acted calmly and calmly, and there was not much difference.

Moreover, he still has time to kill other people.

All the Absolute Yin creatures were so shocked by all this that they were speechless, their scalp was numb, and their bodies were cold.


Just when the ancient ancestor's form and spirit were all destroyed, the depths of the Jueyintian clan's soil suddenly appeared gloomy and glowing.

Like a mist blowing from an unknown place, it is heavy and majestic, suppressing everyone's trembling, and it is almost tempted to breathe.

It suddenly became extremely dark there, and then three hazy ancient wells appeared, the brilliance was shining, and it seemed to be reflected in the heavens and the world.

There is a strange black substance floating up and down at the head of the well.

The ancient ancestor who was killed by Gu Changge with Calabash, is now sitting cross-legged at the mouth of the well.

His body was extremely vague and faint, and strands of black matter penetrated into his body and helped him reshape his body.

This scene shocked all the deadly creatures and could hardly imagine it.

"Is this the ancestral well? The secrets of the ancient ancestors' immortality are all in the ancestral well?"

Some creatures of Jue Yin opened their eyes wide and muttered to themselves. For the first time, they witnessed the ancient ancestor's reshaping of the flesh.

"It turns out that this is the reason why the Immortal of the ancient ancestors is immortal. No matter how many times it is destroyed, it can be reshaped in the ancestral well?"

Canaan stared at all this, and discovered the secret that the ancient ancestors had been hiding.

Had it not been for Gu Changge to disperse the fog around the clan soil, it would be difficult for them to see the scene clearly in their lifetime.

"It turned out to be three wells?"

"Is this the ancestor of the overcast sky?"

Gu Changge's eyes fell there too, and he felt a breath that made him extremely familiar.

He understood that it was the smell of Absolute Yin Origin.


But at this moment, the Samsara platform that had not yet been cast in the center of the Supreme Yin Palace suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately after everyone's horrified gaze, the Samsara station on the other side began to take the initiative to disintegrate.

A series of mysterious runes appeared, rising into the sky, lighting up and reflecting in the void.

An extremely mysterious and deep road appeared in a distant place in the reflection of those runes. .