Ch 731

Samsara Gu Tianzun obviously didn't expect Gu Changge to be such a rascal, so he would just cut first and then play, and without asking his opinion, he exposed his existence.

Of course, Samsara Gu Tianzun had long expected such a day to come.

But I don't want to be so passive, even like Gu Changge's tool man.

"Before this, why didn't the disciple talk to the teacher first?"

However, Samsara Gu Tianzun is not an ordinary person after all, his emotions are invisible, even if his heart is abnormally gloomy, his face quickly recovered, and he asked with a kindly smile.

"Tui'er thought that this matter would affect the situation in the upper realm. Sooner or later, Master's traces would be revealed in the world, so I wanted to announce it sooner.

Gu Changge replied with a smile when he heard the words.

He naturally knew that Samsara Gu Tianzun must be very unhappy in his heart.

But in the realm of Changshenggu's family, he had to swallow this gloomy breath honestly.

What's more, Samsara Gu Tianzun must have studied the mysterious runes from the ancestors of Jueyin Sankou Origin during this time.

Then Samsara Gu Tianzun must have noticed his tricks.

In this way, Samsara Gu Tianzun must really want to know what secrets he has hidden, and want to take them as his own.

So at this time, even if Samsara Gu Tianzun had too much dissatisfaction in his heart, he could only swallow his breath and pretend that there was nothing.

From the very beginning, when Gu Changge deliberately left obvious flaws in those runes, he was already calculating Samsara Gu Tianzun.

Including Gu Changge's introduction of Samsara Gu Tianzun into the longevity Gu family, so that he did not dare to act rashly, did not dare to have a mentality of pretending to be a ship, and he was also calculating.

Samsara Gu Tianzun will feel that he is afraid of his strength and heritage, so he will use family power to give him a superiority.

In this way, Samsara Gu Tianzun is bound to be small, and thus give birth to the idea of ​​doing it yourself.

Afterwards, Samsara Gu Tianzun will want to draw herself away from the family, or even take it to a certain ancient universe that deviates from the upper realm.

"It's really gratifying for the disciple to think about being a teacher in this way."

Seeing Gu Changge's explanation in this way, Samsara Gu Tianzun's complexion was slightly stagnant, and it quickly returned to normal, which seemed to be extremely gratifying and authentic.

Only he himself knew at this moment how much he wanted to slap Gu Changge, a cheap apprentice, to death.

His Samsara Gu Tianzun has mastered many epochs in the upper realm. He was once in the Immortal Ancient Era, and he was even more a resounding giant, and no one was afraid or awed.

Has it ever been reduced to the point where it is now calculated and used as a tool?

At this moment, Samsara Gu Tianzun could only tell himself in his heart to be patient.

A small leak will sink a great ship.

He is very interested in the many secrets of Gu Changge.

"It's great that the master can appreciate the disciple's hard work."

Gu Changge smiled and said, "If this is the case, the disciple will order to go on. Seven days later, in the city of God, the master will show up there, and will discuss with the Daoist forces of the upper realm to solve the problem of overcast sky."

Hearing this, Samsara Gu Tianzun's face became stiff again, but he did not expect that Gu Changge had already arranged everything.

He really has no room for rejection.

Soon, various news about Samsara Gu Tianzun.

Under Gu Changge's intentional arrangement, it was even more like wings, and it passed quickly.

Seven days later, Samsara Gu Tianzun will appear in the city of God, and discuss with many Taoist forces to solve the problem of overcast sky, which will cause stormy waves.

Just like a meteorite, smashed into the deep sea.

I previously suspected that Samsara Gu Tianzun lived in many cultivators, his eyes widened for the first time, and he planned to leave for God City to find out.

The whole Upper Realm was a sensation because of this news.

The Taixu God Clan, Dayu Xianchao, Wushuang Xianchao, and Yinshian Clan have too many Taoist forces, and they have sent out characters at the ancestor level and even the level of the foundation, or tear the universe, or control the ancient world. The warship is going to come to God City to meet this mythical figure of the ancient times in person.

In terms of generation, Samsara Gu Tianzun is even older than the human ancestors in Renzu Temple.

The news that he is alive can only be understood by those who clearly know what Samsara Gu Tianzun means.

The wind and thunder and clouds in the upper realm are moving, and every day, a lot of divine rainbows can be seen flying across the sky, rushing to the city of God.

In addition to the older generation, the younger generation is also extremely interested in this matter.

Even if they know the inheritors of magic arts, they are likely to be hidden in the dark, and they are all likely to become their target prey, but they are fearless.

The god city is majestic and majestic, like a fairy que falling into the world, the sun is shining brightly, and the mist is shrouded in light.

There are many islands in the fairy mountain ups and downs, and silver waterfalls fall down, dotted all over, like an ancient Minor World.

Countless palaces and pavilions are located in it, and the gates alone are like pillars of the sky and the earth, which can open the four poles of the Universe, revealing the atmosphere of the vast and wild.

In the upper realm, there are not many ancient cities that can be called the city of the gods. After the red devil was born in the Devil Abyss, Gu Changge once united with the powers and besieged in a certain god city that she must walk through.

The city of God was almost destroyed in that great battle, and a large wall of the city collapsed and the ruins were wiped out.

Countless runes collapsed and were wiped out forever.

Today's God City is different from that God City, but on the city wall, there are endless runes.

The divine light is brilliant, even in the daytime, it is also dazzling, as if standing in the depths of this universe.

In the city, there are the ups and downs of the treasures of the world, and hundreds of millions of brilliance fall down, and the breath is terrifying and intimidating.

Unless the enlightened, no one dares to act rashly.

These days, the gates of the city have opened wide, and many ancient warships as well as flying boats and dragons have descended. Almost all the big figures in the upper realm have arrived.

Many cultivators were even shocked to discover that some immortal master-level figures were careful to accompany some gray-haired, cloudy-eyed elders, and their attitude was extremely respectful.

This discovery made them horrified and horrified. They found the Cultivation Base of the elders, which can only be described as unfathomable and unimaginable.

Even those who are enlightened are much worse.

"Unexpectedly, the background figures of the Immortal Great Masters are gradually appearing.

"These may be the remnants of immortals, or the characters who are going to be close to that Realm."

The countless cultivators in the God City were shaken by it, and stormy waves were set off in their hearts.

After the news that Samsara Gu Tianzun was about to live, no one could still sit still.


Void trembling, a huge ancient warship smashed across the sky, waving its flags, and the words "~Tai Xu" were extremely obvious, and finally landed in the depths of the city of God.

The strong of the Taixu Protoss has also arrived.

Standing on it was a slender, slender, blond woman with a noble aura, with a beautiful face, and her eyes seemed to have two rounds of golden sun scorching, revealing a fierce and terrible aura, as long as the cultivator who looks at her is all In fear, he lowered his head deeply.

Jiang Luoshen, the princess of the Taixu Protoss, once was in the tomb of Taixu God, and had a deep intersection with Gu Changge.

Later, she was taken as a prisoner by Gu Changge into the demon world and spent some time together.

Although she hasn't appeared in Upper Realm for a long time, many cultivators have not forgotten her.

After all, this is the strange woman who dared to scold Gu Changge at the beginning, although Gu Changge seemed to be bullied by Gu Changge.

But this did not affect her majestic beauty in the eyes of everyone, her blond hair was supple, and she seemed to have a layer of golden light flowing, perfect like a face carved in marble, and she was hung with the cold and arrogant and noble overlooking (Zhao Le Zhao) everything.

This time she appeared in the city of God, which was unexpected by many cultivators, especially the younger generation.

But the older generation didn't care about it. What they cared about was a blond old lady next to Jiang Luoshen.

The old woman pierced her waist and coughed for help from time to time, with a piece of the dry trunk of a tree in her hand sticking to it.

Although his face was kind, there was an aura of horror pervading the heart.

It seemed that it was not an ordinary old Ji, but a big fierce beast with blood and blood, which could lift his palm and crack the sky.

Jiang Luoshen carefully supported her, and walked into the city of God, followed by many Taixu God Race powerhouses behind him.

This scene attracted the attention of many people, and they were all speculating about the identity of the blond lady.

On the contrary, there are some older generations who have some understanding of ancient secrets. Their faces changed, and they suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning.

They muttered in disbelief, "Could it be from the Taixu Protoss"

In the next few days, the Immortal Immortal Dynasty such as Wushuang Xianchao and Dayu Xianchao, also powerful people appeared.

Although Yue Mingkong, the current female emperor of Wushuangxian Dynasty, did not show up, she also sent enough people to come. .