Ch 733

Jiang Luoshen's cold attitude made the complexions of the young supreme in front of him slightly ugly and embarrassed.

Even the six crown kings Junyao, Tianhuangnv and others are a little uncomfortable.

After all, judging from the events that erupted in front of the absolutely cloudy sky, Gu Changge was indeed not in touch with the inheritors of magic power.

Although they knew that the rumors were the black water deliberately poured by the Daoist gangs, they did not stop them. Instead, they chose to watch silently.

"Before catching the real inheritor of magic power, who the hell is, this cannot be a conclusive conclusion-.

Daozi Lan Yifei of the Dao Xian League stood up at this moment,-shook his head slightly and said.

Elegant and easy-going face, with a gentle smile.

There is a kind of transcendent temperament in him, it is difficult to ignore him, as if his breathing and actions are blending into the whole world.

"What Daozi said is extremely true, who knows that the golden cloud in Purple Cloud Valley was brutally murdered, and would it be a way for the inheritors of magic power to confuse the eyes and ears?"

"What's more, there are many secret methods in this world, not to mention the always mysterious taboo magic arts. Who can be sure that the person who killed Jin Yun is the real inheritor of magic arts?"

"How can you say that these two things are so coincidental? It happens to be such a coincidence that Young Master Changge's suspicion is washed away?"

Hearing Lan Yifei's words, the young leader of the Wanbao Merchant League who had been joining in the excitement suddenly opened his mouth, holding a folding fan and shaking his words slightly.

As the young leader of the Wanbao Business League, he has a lot of resources in his hand, and his subordinates are also strong like forests.

Even here, it has the right to speak that people dare not ignore.

As soon as he said this, the complexions of many young supreme beings suddenly changed, and the Tianhuang Girl narrowed her eyes, and a crimson light flashed past.

What Wang Shun said was simple, but he was not just telling everyone that Gu Changge still had suspicions that were difficult to clear.

After all, the timing of these two events is really too coincidental.

But how dare he question Gu Changge?

You must know that today, let alone the younger generation, even the old enlightened people are afraid of this.

An enlightened person in the endless fire country was abolished by a palm outside the overcast sky. The achievements of the Cultivation Base for thousands of years have all been turned into nothing.

Regarding this matter, the endless fire country only dared to shut up, and did not dare to avenge this enlightened person.

This matter caused an uproar in the upper realm.

The power of Gu Changge has reached such a terrible level.

Even Master Immortal, facing this kind of thing, can only endure the humiliation and shut up.

How dare a little Wang Shun say this?

"what are you saying?"

Jiang Luoshen's beautiful eyes suddenly narrowed, with a dangerous meaning flowing, staring at Wang Shun in front of him.

A horrible aura permeated her, and the golden light seemed to burn under the sunset, leaving the void with some twisted traces.

Seeing this scene, many young sages here have slightly changed expressions, showing fear.

Even the six-time champion was slightly sinking in his heart, but Jiang Luoshen didn't expect that Jiang Luoshen's strength had reached this point now.

"Why is this Princess Luoshen? Since Young Master Changge is not the inheritor of magic power, why should others criticize him."

Wang Shun smiled faintly, and raised his eyebrows at Jiang Luoshen very frivolously, with a tone of interest, and said, "Princess Luoshen's behavior, on the contrary, will attract people to take advantage of it. Young Master Changge sits upright, this If you make a small criticism, how can you care? Your situation is probably too small."

He deserves to be the young leader of the Wanbao Business League. He has a deep research on people's hearts. A few words completely blocked Jiang Luoshen, making her beautiful eyes become colder and more murderous.

"Do you dare to talk to me like this?"

Her words were cold, even if she was facing the young leader of the Wanbao Merchant League, she did not have any fear at all.

It seemed that Wang Shun's life could be killed at any time.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the courtyard changed their faces and began to retreat towards the surroundings, with a foreboding that a great war might break out here.

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl, Sixth Crown Prince and others frowned, but they didn't say much.

As the princess of the Taixu protoss, Jiang Luoshen had a respected position and a terrifying talent. He once dared to scold Gu Changge and confront him.

How can her own strength be underestimated.

It is unceremonious to say that with this alone, she is enough to get rid of the many younger generations in the upper realm today.

"Why, is it possible that Princess Luoshen wants to kill me?"

Wang Shun still smiled faintly, as if he wasn't worried, he had confidence.

The Wandao Merchant League and the Wanbao Merchant League are now the top business alliances in the upper realm, covering the heavens of the upper realm.

On weekdays, there are mostly conflicts and conflicts, and I can't wait to replace the other party.

And Gu Changge itself is inextricably linked with the Wandao Commercial League.

Wang Shun had long learned the news that the various Taoist traditions intend to start with Gu Changge, and even intend to join forces with the Wanbao Merchant League.

That's why at this time, he unabashedly revealed his hostility towards Gu Changge.

After all, the two have long been on opposite sides.

Jiang Luoshen has brilliant blonde hair, a slender figure, a slender waist and thin legs.

On the face that was as beautiful as delicate marble, with a cold and frosty expression, he said, "Just now, would you dare to say this in front of Gu Changge?"

She said this relentlessly, which is equivalent to saying that Wang Shun only dared to criticize behind Gu Changge, and did not have the courage to speak directly in front of him.

This is simply humiliating Wang Shun.

Hearing that, Rao Shi Wang Shun's face was also stiff, a little ugly.

But he recovered quickly and said lightly, "I just told the facts below. If Princess Luoshen feels something is wrong, you can point it out.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

The killing intent in Jiang Luoshen's eyes became more and more obvious, and he made no secret of it.

"It's a sinister villain who only criticizes others behind his back. Forgive you for not having the guts to appear in front of Gu Changge."

At this moment, a clear and beautiful voice came from the other side.

A young girl in Tsing Yi appeared, with exquisite features and flawless facial features, her eyebrows resembling distant mountains, her eyes faint and translucent.

The whole person has a kind of amazing fairy air, and the face is beautiful and beautiful, as if it was from the hands of the creator, without a trace of commonality.

She walked on her own from outside the courtyard. She was slender, with a white and delicate complexion. She was followed by a listless big red bird with her eyelids pulled on her shoulders.

It was Gu Xian'er who also came to the city of God.

"This is

"It's the Little Princess of Changsheng Gu's family"

"She has also appeared, is it possible that Young Master Changge is also here?"

The moment I saw Gu Xian'er appeared, this place immediately caused a great sensation and discussion.

Many cultivators looked over in shock, as if they didn't expect her to show up.

The six crown kings, Tianhuang Girl, Jin Chan Buddhazi and others also frowned. They looked behind Gu Xian'er, as if they wanted to see if Gu Changge showed up.

Jiang Luoshen's beautiful eyes fell on Gu Xian'er, and quickly withdrew it calmly.

She naturally recognizes Gu Xian'er. She had seen it when she was in the tomb of Taixu God. One of her clan brothers wanted to snatch an exotic treasure that Gu Xian'er got first, but Gu Changge was on the spot. Shoot to death.

Because of this, she also became enmity with Gu Changge, and was suppressed later by him, was forced to stay by her side, and worked as a maid for a period of time.

Even she didn't expect that Gu Xian'er would actually show up here.

"Could it be that Gu Changge is here too

Jiang Luoshen turned his head to look, his eyes fell outside the courtyard.

However, she did not see Gu Changge's figure, which made her feel a little disappointed.

"Gu Xian'er"

Wang Shun naturally recognized Gu Xian'er. Knowing his identity, his expression became very unnatural.

He was not afraid of Gu Xian'er, but worried that Gu Changge would be behind her.

Nowadays, the heroes are gathered in the city of God, and many backgrounds are also appearing, but Gu Changge has not shown up for a long time.

No one knows what Gu Changge is doing now.

"Don't look, Gu Changge is not with me."

"Since you are so afraid of him, why bother talking behind your back?"

Gu Xian'er's expression was still cold, as if she could see through Wang Shun's mind at a glance, she said flatly.

In front of all the young supreme, saying this to Wang Shun was even more humiliating than Jiang Luoshen's words just now.

Especially her cold expression so understatement, with fairy aura, is even more difficult to refute.

It seems to be stating a small matter.

"Gu Xian'er, don't you think that everyone is afraid of you because of Gu Changge?"

Wang Shun's expression turned ugly all of a sudden, he snapped the folding fan in his hand and asked in a deep voice.

Gu Xian'er just glanced at him lightly when she heard the words, as if she didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"I want to see what you can do. This big God City can't be used by your longevity Gu family to cover the sky with just one hand."

A coldness flashed in Wang Shun's eyes.

As the young leader of the Wanbao Business League, who of the younger generation dares to ignore and humiliate him so much?

Today, one after another, Jiang Luoshen and Gu Xian'er were humiliated in front of the young supreme.

If he is still silent and forbearing, I am afraid that he will be faceless to see people after today.

What's more, Wang Shun didn't believe it. In the God City where people of all ethnic backgrounds are now appearing, Gu Changge dare to act arbitrarily?

"Then you can give it a try."

Gu Xian'er raised her eyes and glanced at him, her expression still cold, she looked unmoved by the outside world.

Although Gu Changge often bullies her, it does not mean that she can allow outsiders to slander Gu Changge in front of her.

"very good.

Wang Shun smiled coldly.


The next moment, red golden brilliance rose into the sky, and suddenly covered the sky.

It can be seen that one of the Magical Items is ups and downs. The golden small cauldron, the black Taoist sword, the red god furnace, the purple gold small pagoda, and the black rosary all exude dazzling brilliance and ripples, which seem to destroy everything.

Wang Shun deserves to be called Wanbao Xiaotianzun, and the Magical Item in his hand is simply unimaginable.

As soon as he made his move, he showed his wealthy side.

Each of the Magical Items is intertwined with Dao marks, which is so powerful that even the cultivator dare not touch it lightly.

Gu Xian'er's expression did not change, but with a squeak, the delicate fist under the sleeves suddenly fell forward.

...For flowers…

The golden glow permeated, as if forged by some kind of Immortal immortal gold.


The terrible impact spread. Under Gu Xian'er's fist, all the Magical Items in front of him were shattered and exploded, and the scars in them were worn out. If there were no formations in the gods, the place would soon be lifted. opened.

Upon seeing this, everyone in the courtyard was a little surprised and unexpected, and hurriedly retreated to the surroundings.

I thought that Jiang Luoshen would act on Wang Shun just now, but Gu Xian'er stepped up unexpectedly.

Moreover, no one had expected that Gu Xian'er's strength was so amazing, even younger than everyone present.

But that kind of power has already caused the Sixth Champion and others to frown, feeling that it will be a great enemy.

Soon, the two of them fought in the courtyard, and the rune flashed, which was unusually bright.

The violent fluctuations surged up here like angry waves, and the Divine Armament was sacrificed one by one, but it was quickly crushed by Gu Xian'er, annihilated into fragments, and scattered all over the place.

Wang Shun's expression was extremely ugly, and he didn't expect that he was not an opponent of such a little girl.

If it weren't for the large number of Magical Items, he wouldn't even be able to hold one palm.


The next moment, behind Gu Xian'er suddenly there was a brilliant rune condensing, the purple and gold brilliance intertwined, turning into a sea of ​​thunder, crackling and crashing.

She raised her bare hand, and the vast sea of ​​thunder fell, as if she was in charge of Heavenly Tribulation, which contained an aura of destruction, which was truly terrifying.

The complexion of the many young supreme beings present changed, even the Sixth Crown and others had their pupils shrunk.

"This is the long-lost method of rectifying thunder." Jin Chan Buddha's expression was solemn.

"not good "

Watching this scene, Wang Shun's complexion changed drastically, and it was too late to react, so he could only offer a silver suit to try to resist.

But when Thunder Sea fell and narrowed to the area where he was, the damage and power it brought was terrifying, directly causing his suit to burst and explode.

"So strong."

"It deserves to be the Little Princess of Changsheng Gu's family, this style is almost like the shadow of the original young master Changge.

"I feel that she is enough to be tied with the Sixth Crown and others."

This scene shocked everyone here, full of admiration, and was shocked.

Before, they only knew that Gu Xian'er was extraordinary, and Gu Changge loved him very much.

I have never seen her really make a move.

Lan Yifei looked a little thoughtful. From the beginning, he was paying attention to Gu Xian'er's expression. I don't know if it was his illusion. I always felt that Gu Xian'er looked at him a few times just now, as if he wanted to be sure. generally.

"You are too weak to even qualify for Gu Changge's eyes.

Gu Xian'er didn't care much about defeating Wang Shun so easily.

The expression was still very flat and looked at him, seeming to state a simple fact.

"Don't be proud of you."

"If it is a life and death fight, I have every means to kill you."

Wang Shun's face was ugly, he climbed up from the ground with difficulty, his whole body was scorched, and blood was constantly gushing out of his mouth.

He still has a lot of forbidden devices that he has not sacrificed, just because he is worried about accidents. After all, from the bottom of his heart, he still does not want to become life and death enemies with Gu Changge.

But I never thought that Gu Xian'er could be so strong.

"Kill me?" Gu Xian'er suddenly raised her eyebrows gently, as if to be sure.


However, at The next moment, the void shuddered, and an old man in grey clothes suddenly appeared beside Wang Shun, looking at Gu Xian'er blankly, with killing intent flashing in his eyes.

The quasi-emperor's breath was undoubtedly revealed, as if to crush the void in front of him.

All the expressions of the young supreme are changed, there is a feeling of suffocation, and the physical body is about to collapse.

Although behind them, there are guardians of this strength, but they won't show up like this until the moment when their lives are at stake.

They felt that this quasi emperor suddenly appeared, and it was not an accident.

Perhaps it is a temptation to respond to Gu Changge from all the orthodoxy in God City today.

After all, how can Gu Xian'er and Wang Shun's fight fluctuate just now, how can they hide the many background-level figures in the city?

"The young master puts an end to his anger. Today's God City is not easy to go to war."

"I hope you put the overall situation first."

The gray-clothed old man looked at Wang Shun, who had a disheveled hair and was extremely wolf and fox, and said in a low voice.

"But" Wang Shun knew the identity of the gray-clothed old man in front of him, but he was still very unwilling. Today, he lost his face in front of everyone.

"How do I swallow this breath?" He clenched his fist tightly.

"If you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. Young master, you must understand. The gray-clothed old man whispered and persuaded, "Today's things will be returned in the future. "

"Since you can't swallow this breath, Gu will help you swallow it."

But at this moment, in the void outside the courtyard, a dull male voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately after that, a big golden hand suddenly pressed down from the sky, the void collapsed, the rules broke, and it fell directly on Wang Shun with a pop. superior.