Ch 740

The one-eyed Daoist itself is the inner figure of Mt. Tianhuang.

So even if I met Gu Changge yesterday, it doesn't prevent him from stumbling for Gu Changge at this time.

Moreover, he didn't think Jin Chan Buddha would be like a reckless person. It must be because of some evidence that he dared to confront Gu Changge at this time.

At this time, the one-eyed Daoist definitely wants to watch the excitement and wants to know how Gu Changge responds.

"What the one-eyed senior said is extremely true, Young Master Changge is so afraid of these rumors."

Hearing that, the rest of the people in the central Great Hall also showed interest.

Especially the Head Teacher of the endless fire country, even more directly spoke, with a touch of gloat.

He is a handsome man wearing a red robe, his face is blurred, and there is a sky fire rune around his eyebrows, and there is a terrifying heat around him.

Some time ago, in front of the absolutely cloudy sky, an enlightened person in the endless fire country was abolished by Gu Changge, and the Cultivation Base was wiped out.

This matter caused huge waves in the entire upper realm, and all the orthodox forces talked about it.

His endless fire country has become the laughing stock of everyone, and his face is discredited.

"It's about the great matter of the inheritor of magic power, I think it's better to ask Tianzun to confirm it again, so as not to leave a big trouble for the upper realm in the future."

"Since Young Master Changge is so confident, he is naturally not afraid of my doubts and speculations."

On the other side, the Head Teacher in Zixiao Valley also gently stroked his long beard, and spoke with a slightly deep and playful voice.

He was dressed in a Da Luo Dao robe, with wide sleeves, and his whole body seemed to be surrounded by stars, as if there were stars in the sky.

"Bold, what status is Young Master Changge now? When you do this, will you not be afraid of causing chaos in the upper realm and erupting a longevity war?"

An old uncle of the Wushuang Immortal Dynasty, his face sank at this moment, and he yelled at the Head Teacher of the Purple Cloud Valley and the endless fire country.

The longevity Gu family and Wushuangxian Dynasty were married, and advancement and retreat were related, and he was naturally on the side of Gu Changge.

"That's true. From the bottom of the eye, you are provoking Young Master Changge. Is it because you want to provoke a chaos in the upper realm, and provoke life to charcoal?"

An ancestor of Dayu Xianchao also spoke lightly, mockingly.

In addition to many characters in the Central Great Hall.

The rest are big figures with real power in the upper world.

Either the lord of a sect, or the patriarch of the longevity family, hiding and hiding will cause great waves and earthquakes.

They have spoken like this now, which naturally represents the different wills of the forces behind them.

Some people are on Gu Changge's side, and some people are trying to drag Gu Changge down the abyss and make him irresistible.

The goddess of the Golden Sun of the Taixu Protoss, her brows were slightly frowned at this moment, and she could feel the attack on Gu Changge by the various Daoist forces.

She showed a little dissatisfaction on her face, and said, "Well, you are waiting for a senior, but now you are so embarrassed for such a junior, and you really feel embarrassed, isn't it embarrassing?"

"Jinyang senior's statement is wrong, it is related to the inheritor of magic arts, that is, it is a major event involving the entire upper realm, how can we generalize it?"

Hearing that, the mountain lord of Tianhuang Mountain also spoke lightly, his eyes were deep, and the terrible scene of the moon and stars evolving in it.

As a junior, he dared to speak to the golden sun goddess like this, naturally because he had the one-eyed Daoist behind him.

"Do you dare to talk to me like this?"

The turbid old eyes of the Golden Sun goddess suddenly narrowed, looking at the lord of Tianhuangshan, a frightening atmosphere filled it.

At this moment, the surrounding void collapsed suddenly, causing many people to feel palpitations and a sense of fear from the soul.

But at this moment, Gu Changge, who had been watching all this with great interest, didn't say a word, and suddenly waved his hand.

He interrupted the golden sun goddess and smiled faintly,

"Senior Jinyang calms down. How can this bother you because of Changge? And since you all want to know what Jin Chan Dao brother asked, why shouldn't it be the case?

The latter sentence was naturally addressed to everyone in the central Great Hall.

Samsara Gu Tianzun gave him a surprised look when he heard Gu Changge say this.

He showed his own displeasure just now, but in some respects, he was protecting Gu Changge.

Because he felt that Gu Changge had many secrets hidden in him.

Including this so-called inheritor of magic power, I don't know if it has anything to do with him.

One thing is worse than one thing less. If it is accidentally exposed, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

But who would think that Gu Changge would take the initiative to say so and take the matter over, making Samsara Gu Tianzun quite puzzled.

"Young Master Changge is a refreshing person, admired by the old Dao."

One-eyed Daoist smiled faintly when he saw it, planning to watch the excitement, and wanted to see what Gu Changge had to deal with.

The people in the hall also looked different from each other. They were surprised, gloating, gloomy, and confused.

"Amitābha, then I am very open to ask Young Master Changge, does he deny that he has a cultivator named Ye Ling?"

Buddha Jin Chan is not talking nonsense at this moment, in short, he raised the question of own.

His eyes are clear and energetic, like a clear lake.

Although he was dressed in monk clothes, the whole person was detached. Asking this question at this moment, there is Buddha's light and the phantom of Buddha Bodhisattva is condensed in the back of his head.

The name Ye Ling also made everyone in the Great Hall look suspicious, searching for the name in their minds.

The Heavenly Phoenix Girl, Sixth Crown Prince, Jiang Luoshen and many other young supreme beings are also trying hard to think back to see if they know this person.

However, no one knows who Ye Ling is, including many background figures, the leader of the archbishop, and the younger generation, and he has never heard of this name before.

At this time, it was Samsara Gu Tianzun's brows that frowned slightly, somewhat surprised by the words of the Golden Cicada Buddha.

If he remembers correctly, Gu Changge did mention to him before that the true heir he chose was actually a small cultivator called Ye Ling.

"Could it be because of this?"

Samsara Gu Tianzun took a look at Gu Changge, but suddenly wanted to know how Gu Changge would solve the matter.

It seems that the Golden Cicada Buddha knows who is the real descendant of Samsara.

In this way, Gu Changge is not the true successor of his choice and will soon be exposed.

"I ask Young Master Changge to help the little monk. Do you deny that you have a cultivator named Ye Ling?"

At this time, Buddha Jin Chan spoke again and stared at Gu Changge very seriously.

He did have a lot of evidence in his hands.

Of course, if Gu Changge doesn't admit it, he also has a way to let the ancient Buddha know everything and expose Gu Changge's lies.

"It seems that Ye Ling's identity should not be simple." One-eyed Daoist smiled deeply, looking not too big.

"The cultivator named Ye Ling, I do know one, but I don't know if the Ye Ling mentioned by the Golden Cicada Buddha is the one that Gu knew.

Gu Changge, who had expected the Golden Cicada Buddha to inquire about this, his expression remained unchanged, and he smiled faintly.

The Golden Cicada Buddha's expression moved slightly. It seemed that Gu Changge would be so calm, and continued, "The Ye Ling that the little monk said and the Ye Ling that the young master Changge said should be the same person."

"Then Young Master Changge can know the identity of Ye Ling?"

He once went to the Ye Clan of the Taikoo Immortal Clan to investigate the matter.

Ye Ling is a collateral disciple of the Ye Clan of the Primordial Immortal Clan. His mother is a doctor, and his father is a collateral family head. He has not been seen since childhood. Later, after his mother died of illness, he separated from the collateral line and had nothing to do.

This talent is the real descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun.

And many signs have also shown that the token left by Samsara Gu Tianzun originally fell in his hands.

These evidences and news are all personally explored by Jin Chan Buddha, and there will be no falsehoods.

Gu Changge nodded and said earnestly, "Naturally know that when he first experienced in the ancient continent, this person had hidden his true face, entered the Celestial Immortals forbidden land on the back of the palace, entered the ancient continent, and stole all the tribes of the ancient ancient continent. The remains of the ancestors, devouring its original practice.

"I played against him later and almost shot him to death, but his method was amazing, and he escaped abruptly."

"Furthermore, I suspect that he is still alive today, and he is still hiding somewhere in the upper realm. Of course, the true inheritor of magic power may be him."

And hearing Gu Changge's words, the expressions of everyone in the Great Hall changed.


"The real inheritor of magic power?"

Heavenly Phoenix Girl, Sixth Crown Prince, Jiang Luoshen, and many other young sages, their expressions changed drastically, and they almost blurted out, extremely shocked.

They had no idea that Gu Changge would know the identity of the true magician inheritor, his name and his origin.

Before that, Gu Changge had never revealed this news.

How did Buddha Jin Chan learn about all this?

"Inheritor of magic power?"

Buddha Jin Chan obviously didn't expect Gu Changge to explain this way, frowning, and said, "But in the little monk's investigation, this person is not a successor of magic arts, but the successor chosen by Samsara Gu Tianzun."

He simply told the truth about the matter and didn't want to continue to cover it up.

At this time, he wanted to know how Gu Changge would explain his sophistry.

"What? The descendant chosen by Samsara Gu Tianzun?"

But as soon as Jin Chan Buddha said these words, it immediately caused a huge wave in the hall.

Everyone was shocked, a little bit unbelievable, and couldn't recall it for a while.

Gu Changge is not the true descendant of Samsara?

And the true heir is actually someone else?

Then how did the Samsara Gu Tianzun inheritance in Gu Changge's hand come from?

Didn't Gu Changge just say that Ye Ling is the real inheritor of magic skills?

Buddha Jin Chan is not stupid, he dares to ask this at this time, there must be conclusive evidence and certainty.

In this way, Gu Changge's words are not self-contradictory?

One by one, the puzzles flashed in the hearts of everyone, turning into suspicion and speculation, and it felt like this matter was enveloped in a thick mist.

Many people shuddered, and it would be difficult to accept it for a while, and it feels like something big will happen today.

After being shocked by the one-eyed Daoist, Jinyang Tiannv and others, they also reacted quickly, staring at Gu Changge with extremely complicated expressions.

"There is still such a thing. In this way, this guy looks like a real inheritor of magic skills."

The one-eyed Daoist narrowed his eyes and sneered at the corners of his mouth, becoming more interested.

The head teachers of Immortal Taoism, such as Zixiao Valley and the endless fire country, flashed deep meaning in their eyes and sneered in their hearts.

They feel that today's matter can be a big fuss. Even if Gu Changge has an explanation, it is still difficult to get rid of suspicion.

At this time, after the Golden Cicada had asked this, he did not wait for Gu Changge to answer, and then continued to look at the expressionless Samsara Gu Tianzun, and said, "Is it possible that Tianzun knows about this?"

He felt that until now, Samsara Gu Tianzun may not know that Gu Changge is a counterfeit, not the real descendant of Samsara Gu Tianzun.


At this moment, everyone in the hall also felt that Samsara Gu Tianzun seemed to be really angry and unhappy.

Some people began to gloat in their hearts, thinking that Gu Changge was so bold that he dared to deceive Samsara Gu Tianzun.

"The deity's inheritance is naturally the deity's successor.

"Before this, Changge had also told the deity that part of his inheritance was indeed taken from another person."

But at this moment, what Samsara Gu Tianzun said suddenly made Jin Chan Buddha's expression stiff, and seemed a little puzzled.

"what "

The expressions of the others who were gloating suddenly froze on their faces, wondering if their ears had misheard them?

Why does it feel that things are completely different from what they expected.

The one-eyed Daoist's sneer also froze abruptly, and then his brows quickly frowned.

Samsara Gu Tianzun actually knew about this for a long time?

Then he was angry just now, isn't it because of these words spoken by Buddha Jin Chan?

Many people suddenly thought about it, and they were extremely shocked.

"Want Tianzun to make it clear?"

The ancient Buddha, who had not spoken all the time, had to speak at this moment, with a tentative tone.

However, Samsara Gu Tianzun ignored him, his face was slightly sinking, as if he was extremely unhappy, making everyone here feel a little panicked.

"The things mentioned by Brother Jin Chan can also be understood by the next. The master inheritance obtained at the beginning is indeed partly from the cultivator named Ye Ling, but you don't seem to understand what is going on."

"The Ye Ling at the time was not Bi Ye Ling."

"Ye Ling, who really owns the master inheritance, has been killed long ago and was killed by the real magical inheritor, so part of his inheritance falls into his hands. Then the magical inheritor disguised as Ye Ling and sneaked in. In Immortal Ancient Continent, after fighting against him, he was wounded and escaped, and the token left by the master was also seized from his hands at that time."

At this moment, Gu Changge smiled faintly and unhurriedly explained it for the golden cicada, and also for everyone.

He made it clear how the Samsara Gu Tianzun inheritance he obtained came from.

At the same time, I also made it clear, why Jin Chan Fuzi had to be so suspicious just now.

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the Great Hall, which seemed to lift the mist that had just been shrouded.

Everything became stunned, and the explanation made sense.

The real inheritor of magic power killed the descendant chosen by Samsara Gu Tianzun, took away his tokens, and disguised his appearance.

Then he encountered Gu Changge, who saw it through and took away Samsara's tokens, and then he was seriously injured and escaped.

Jin Chan's suspicion that Gu Changge is the inheritor of magic skills is naturally groundless.