Ch 743

Three black-clothed enlightened persons, standing in the starry sky, are overwhelmingly overwhelming, like an angry wave swept in, suppressing the collapse of the sky.

This is a desperate scene, no matter it is any cultivator, there will be fear and trembling.

"Who is going to kill Buddha like this?"

"Unexpectedly, three enlightened persons were sent out. In today's upper realm, who can have such a terrifying handwriting?,

The two monks who survived fortunately looked at this scene with horror and despair on their faces.

At this time, even if their Foshan host appeared here, it is estimated to be more fierce-good luck.

The breath of the three enlightened persons is enough to suppress any cultivator.

"You were dispatched by Gu Changge, right?"

Jin Chan Fuzi forced himself to calm down and asked in a deep voice.

At this moment, he only felt that his own body was about to explode, every inch of his skin seemed to be cracking and bleeding out.

The divine soul's fire flickered, almost extinguished.

Apart from Gu Changge, he couldn't think of anyone else who would deal with him like this.

It's just that the Buddha Jin Chan couldn't figure out what method Gu Changge could use to dispatch the three enlightened persons.

Judging from the breath, the three people in front of them did not look like the ancestors of the Changsheng Gu family.

On the contrary, it is like the dark Heaven Court character who made a lot of noise some time ago!

Upon hearing this, the three enlightened men in black just looked at him indifferently, without saying a word, as if they were looking at a dead person.


One of them didn't talk nonsense, his aura enveloped the sky, and his hands fell across the sky, like a terrifying continent, entwined with chains of rules and order, and wiped out everything.

The vast volatility, it is as if the heaven and the earth are all down, and the whole world is plunged into darkness.

"Buddha go, you can't die here."

At this moment, a shout came from the void.

An ancient monk with a radiant Buddha appeared, and the Cultivation Base of the Emperor Zhun was undoubtedly revealed. Behind him, there are thousands of Buddha's phantoms, and the Buddha's sound blooms like ripples, and he wants to block this palm for the Golden Cicada Buddha.

There is no doubt that he is the secret protector of Jin Chan Buddha.

After witnessing everything in front of him from beginning to end, he chose to do his best to fight for the golden cicada and Buddha.

However, in the face of a true enlightened person, Cultivation Base is still far from enough.

Just for an instant, he couldn't bear that kind of world-famous air machine, bleeding out.

The whole figure was broken like porcelain, the body exploded, and countless lines were densely covered with blood.

"Fuck the ants, and try to save him."

The enlightened person who took the shot said indifferently, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

The palm fell, directly covering the ancient monk in front of him, and with a pop, it exploded and turned into a cloud of blood. After following the footsteps of the monks just now, their body and spirit were destroyed, and there was no power to contend.

All the rules and orders are being shattered, cracking into a cloud of ashes.

Although there is a step difference between the quasi emperor and the enlightened person, the difference in the Cultivation Base is like a moat. One is on the ground and the other is in the sky. It is not comparable.

"Gu Changge seems to be able to deal with the little monk like this."

"He will suffer retribution sooner or later."

Seeing this scene before him, it is Jin Chan Buddha who is calm and peaceful on weekdays, but now he feels extremely unwilling, gritted his teeth and shouted, his heart is filled with despair.

He was extremely convinced that all this was definitely the strong man sent by Gu Changge.

Many monks who were responsible for protecting him died tragically here.

Three black-clothed enlightened persons guarded all directions, let alone him, even a fly could not escape.

This hatred can be described as unshakable!

But he also knows that today he may not be able to escape, let alone revenge in the future.

At that moment, the ancient Buddha's deduction was correct. He did have a bad omen and died ten years ago.

"Is there any last words to explain?"

"This sentence is what the master behind me wants to ask you."

The black-clothed enlightened man who shot, looked at the Buddha Jin Chan, his face was indifferent, and his words did not fluctuate in the slightest.

"Hehe, what a Gu Changge, it seems that everyone in the upper realm far underestimates you.

"The Dark Heaven Court is also related to you.

"If you don't get rid of it for a day, there will be no peace in the upper realm."

Upon hearing this, the Buddha Jin Chan smiled sadly, and now he has insight into the truth of everything, Gu Changge's true identity is far from being as simple as the inheritor of magic arts.

As he spoke, the relic he was holding in his palm burst instantly.

This is the life-saving thing bestowed by the ancient Buddha in an instant, and it contains a ray of his Dao Law Bodies.

At the moment when the relics exploded, a Buddha's shadow soaring into the sky suddenly appeared, and the huge Buddha's voice was turbulent, sweeping through the wasteland.

"An dare to be presumptuous!"

The next moment, a great Buddha appeared here, with white eyebrows to shoulders, with a calm and serene expression, holding a purple gold bowl, and with a whistle, it turned into a terrifying purple mountain and suppressed the three black-clothed enlightened people who were facing forward.

Seeing the sight in front of him, he suddenly screamed. The thin figure, which was originally thin, quickly swelled and turned into a glaring Vajra, trying to surrender demon.

Although it is not the instant that the deity of the ancient Buddha appeared here, there is also a certain connection between this ray of Taoism and the deity.

"The three enlightened people really did their best."

Suddenly, the ancient Buddha swept across the three black-clothed enlightened men in front of him, his expression no longer merciful, and he directly chose to shoot.

As a figure in Foshan, his strength is naturally far from comparable to that of ordinary enlightened people.

But now, he is just a ray of Dao law body, not the deity.

Therefore, he can only do his best to take Jin Chan Buddha from here.

"The master had expected this a long time ago.

Facing the instant ancient Buddha who appeared here, the three black-clothed enlightened people still looked cold and ruthless, as if they had expected it long ago.

One of them even directly sacrificed a rusty ancient mirror, the edge part was even stained with colorful blood stains, and there were strands of black mist around.

This ancient mirror emits billions of lights, falling into the void, brilliance, rules and order intertwined, like a vast sea.

Gu Changge had long expected that the ancient Buddha would leave a life-saving thing to the golden cicada and Buddha, so he gave such a forbidden device to the three of them.

This is a heavy weapon that Gu Changge got when he wiped out The Underworld, and it was cursed on it.

Some blood stains may even come from real immortals.


The ancient mirror sinks and floats under the sky, shrouded in black mist, and becomes crystal clear, and the brilliance falls in strands, as heavy as chaotic air, crushing the void.

In the next moment, a terrifying war wave broke out here, almost like turning the world over.

The Stars in the surrounding starfields twisted and trembled, all collapsed and burst into child powder.

All this made the Golden Cicada Buddha feel desperate. He thought that there would be a ray of life to sacrifice the secret treasure given by the Buddha Rinagu.

But since Gu Changge is determined to kill him, he won't let him have any chance to escape to heaven.

At this time, Gu Changge, who was far away in the city of God, had a drink and was talking with an unexpected character.

The Tianniu Demon King is tall, without white beards, dressed in ancient human clothing, with amazing energy and blood, just like an oven walking in the world.

He brought many big monsters from Demon Mountain to visit, and he was in the courtyard now, talking with Gu Changge.

"This is the Lord of the Demon Mountain, what he told me to tell Young Master Changge.

Tian Niu Demon King cupped hands said, the attitude is neither humble nor overbearing.

As a figure of background comparable to the one-eyed Daoist, the golden sun goddess, and the ancient Buddha, he did not dare to be big in front of Gu Changge.

Moreover, at this time, only he himself knew how upset he was, with cold sweat on his back, and he just wanted to leave the courtyard quickly.

If it wasn't for the Red Devil Cicada's personal instructions, let him give Gu Changge a message.

He never wanted to be alone with Gu Changge.

That kind of invisible pressure, like a big invisible hand, strangled his throat, making him about to breathe.

A supreme figure in the Forbidden Era, but now in front of him, I am afraid that I can't calm down who it is.

"I know, but I have bothered the Demon King."

Gu Changge put down the wine glass, smiled, and then said with interest, "Just, why are you afraid of me?"

The face of the Tianniu Demon King slightly changed, and a little sweat appeared on his forehead.

In front of others, he is indifferent and ruthless, regards all beings as butterfly ants, and will not speak easily.

Today, however, not only he noticed it himself, but even the many big monsters behind him also noticed his abnormality.

He was indeed afraid of Gu Changge.

"Did Chan Hongyi tell you something?"

Seeing that the Tianniu Demon King hadn't spoken, Gu Changge didn't mind, and smiled faintly, and then took out an invitation card that seemed to have been prepared a long time ago from his arms.

He knew that the ancestor of the Tianniu Demon King was related to the Taboo Era.

However, I did not know that the ancestor of the Tianniu Demon King had seen the true face of the demon lord, and left a picture scroll.

Therefore, Gu Changge guessed this way.

"If this is the case, then please give this invitation to the Demon King." He continued.

This so-called marriage contract, in Gu Changge's view, is to send someone to the magic mountain sooner or later.

However, Chan Hongyi took the initiative to send someone to ask for it, which surprised him a bit.

From the mouth of Su Qingge, Gu Changge learned that Cicada Red Clothes might be done on the day of his wedding with Yue Mingkong.

As for how she would choose to do it, Gu Changge couldn't guess it now, but just came up with a few countermeasures.

"Yes, it will live up to what Young Master Changge has entrusted, so let's say goodbye first.

The Tianniu Demon King didn't dare to say much, so he picked up the invitation from Gu Changge and planned to stand up and leave.

...For flowers...…

He is worried that if he continues to stay here, he will see what Gu Changge will see.

His ancestors are too far away. Some things have long been cut off in the long river of history as secrets, and they have become taboos and cannot be talked more about.

Moreover, if Gu Changge knew about his identity, what would be the consequences?

But just when the Tianniu Demon King just left this courtyard.


Frightening fluctuations suddenly came from a pagoda in the west.

The cultivator and creatures of the entire God City felt this terrifying fluctuation, and their complexion changed drastically.

Gu Changge raised his eyebrows lightly, and his face showed an expected smile.

But the smile disappeared quickly.

He seemed to be surprised, "This direction seems to be the place where Foshan people live temporarily?"

"This is "

"The moment the ancient Buddha was angry?"

The Tianniu Demon King frowned and his eyes fell to the pagoda.

It can be seen that an ancient Buddha with white eyebrows is standing in the void, with infinite Buddha light all over his body, but his expression is full of anger, like a glaring Vajra.

"What happened? Why did the ancient Buddha suddenly be like this in an instant?"

"Did something major happen?"

Many cultivators reacted and were shocked. They hurriedly flew high into the sky and rushed over there.

Enlightened figures from all the orthodoxy also showed up one after another, eyes reveal were shocked and rushed over there.

"What caused the ancient Buddha to be so angry?,

The one-eyed Daoist, Jinyang Tiannv, and other figures who are still in the background of the god city, also appeared in the sky at this moment, looking at the ancient Buddha in the distance, with a puzzled expression.

Their speed was so fast that almost immediately, they rushed to the pagoda and planned to ask them out loud.

Gu Changge naturally knows what the ancient Buddha's wrath is about at that moment.

But at this time, he still wants to join in the fun.

After all, no one has any evidence to prove that he did it on Jin Chan Buddha.

Seeing Gu Changge rushing over there, the Tianniu Demon King hesitated and followed.

"I don't know why the ancient Buddha was angry?"

In the residence of Foshan, many pagodas and temples are located.

A lot of gods rushed from all over Tianyu quickly, and they were all great figures in the ethics of all parties.

Seeing all this, they couldn't help but ask in doubt.

In an instant, the ancient Buddha stood in the void, with all his hair and beard, no longer the color of compassion in the past.

There was a deep anger in his eyes, and many horrible scenes appeared, which made his heart tremble.

On weekdays he is compassionate and peaceful, but when he is angry, he is like a Vajra, which can kill everything.

"The Golden Cicada Buddha was killed by others on the way back to Foshan."

He said in a deep voice, the killing intent was raging, and his voice was a bit cold, as if it came from The Underworld.

Especially when the other party completely destroyed his ray of law body, no matter how he deduced it, he couldn't deduct who did it.

As soon as the Dao Ze law body was destroyed, he had no idea what had happened there, he could only perceive that the Golden Cicada Buddha's life card had been destroyed.

It stands to reason that Foshan has basically no enemies until now.

Who would deal with the golden cicada and Buddha in a good manner?

Before, he had a foreboding that the Jin Chan Buddha would be more ill-fortuned on his way back to Foshan this time.

But never thought that it was so dangerous that he had already given the body protection secret treasure, and it was of no use.

The rest of the monks in Foshan who accompanied them also lost their lives, and their bodies and spirits were destroyed.

"What? Buddha Jin Chan was killed?"

"How is this possible? Who is so courageous at this time? Isn't this provoking Foshan?"

Hearing this, everyone who rushed was stunned.

The one-eyed Daoist and Jinyang Heavenly Girl's brows are also frowned.

Jiang Luoshen, Tianhuang Girl, Sixth Crown King and others who followed their parents, almost doubted if they had heard it wrong.

Some time ago, they all saw the Golden Cicada Buddha in the Central Great Hall.

But in a blink of an eye, the other party had already encountered a murderous man and was killed on the way back to Foshan.

All this happened too quickly, it was almost dreamlike.

"Who has hatred with Jin Chan Buddha? Will choose to attack him at this time?"

This doubt appeared in everyone's mind, and then almost coincidentally thought of a figure, could not help but shudder.

Suddenly, the ancient Buddha's face sank like water, and instantly thought of someone, slowly reducing his intention to kill.

After all, when he was in the Central Great Hall, Jin Chan Fuzi once provoked and questioned the other party and forged hatred.

At this moment, a figure not far away was also falling quickly.

He is dressed in a black long coat, is tall and straight, Gu Chang, and his face is handsome and transcendent.

It is Gu Changge.

"I don't know what's going on, alarming the ancient Buddha, so angry?"

He asked with a slightly surprised expression that he didn't know what was happening. superior,