Ch 746

I'm afraid you have to continue to be kept in the dark and used by you. "

"How courageous! The real deity dare not kill you?"

After hearing this, Samsara Gu Tianzun's face suddenly became extremely cold, and there seemed to be no emotion on his face, and many terrible sights appeared in the depths of his eyes, causing the surrounding star field to collapse and collapse.

He was extremely furious, so he shot without leaving any room, and decided to kill Gu Changge in this universe.


All directions trembled, and the entire universe was almost broken.

The vast coercion fell like the might of heaven, enough to destroy everything.

The entire Universe cracked under this force, and large cobweb-like cracks emerged.

Endless wind and chaos, blowing from far away, turning into a storm, destroying the sky and the earth.

Now that he and Gu Changge have torn apart, he no longer hides his own intentions at this time.

The killing intent was revealed and turned into darkness like the substance. Divine Armament clanked and pierced this universe.

"Where is the master, why do we have to face each other?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, stretched out his hand, and the void in front of him began to separate, and a terrible black hole appeared like an endless starry sky, consuming all the light and rules of this world.

At this time, he naturally wanted to kill Samsara Gu Tianzun and replace him with everything.

Moreover, in Gu Changge's opinion, this place is just right for burying Samsara Gu Tianzun.

"The deity wants to see what you are capable of, so infatuated and bold, you dare to calculate the deity."

Samsara's face was sinking like water, his robes glowed, and one avenue rune flew out, evolving various heavenly soldiers, such as the Dark Heavenly Sword, the ancient golden bell, and the bronze emperor clock. These were all Divine Armament manifested in the myth.

It is not a phantom, but it seems to be summoned solidly, possessing a vast and terrifying power.

Every heavenly soldier burst out with endless rays of light, like the scorching sun, with unpredictable power, blooming continuously, and rushing towards Gu Changge.

In addition, behind Samsara Gu Tianzun appeared a terrifying black and white grinding disc.

The strong anger and lifelessness are intertwined and permeated. Pieces of broken time fragments are flying around, rumbling and rolling down, causing the entire universe to burst continuously, and it is difficult to withstand this kind of energy.

This is the grinding wheel of life and death, with Samsara's power, just a ray of energy contains the power of extinction.

I have to say that as a character in the age of mythology, even in this period, Samsara Gu Tianzun also has terrifying means.

Any enlightened person can never be supported by his current methods, he will be penetrated, and his body and spirit will be destroyed.

Even the real Canxian is definitely not his opponent.

"You came down from the real fairyland, so you are more powerful than Canxian.

Gu Changge saw the reality of Samsara Gu Tianzun, and there were also black and white colors flowing in his eyes.

He could clearly see that the rules of immortality that appeared in Samsara Gu Tianzun's body, although not complete, were real.

These immortal rules are extremely condensed, turned into swords, and turned into heavenly swords, slashing towards him from all directions, extremely tyrannical.

There are ants under the Immortal Dao, and even the enlightened ones are just slightly larger ants.

"What do you see, it's just a mere immortal way, how about slaying it? The pursuit of the deity, you will never be able to come into contact with it."

Samsara Gu Tianzun sneered and said, the method was even sharper, and the Samsara grinding plate continued to fall.

At the same time, a crippled flag was raised, and it spread out with an instant boom, covering the sky and the sun, covering this universe.

A breath of vicissitudes of iron Blood Qi suddenly came from it.

The banner is incomplete, and there are even holes in some places, stained with colorful blood, even now, it has not dried up.

It can be seen that the stars of the heavens are circulating among the banners, forming a world of its own, endless and unpredictable.

Those colorful blood is extremely terrifying, reflecting the universe of the heavens.

Just the wisp of Qi that pervaded the Universe exploded, and the Chaos Qi rushed towards the edge of the Universe.

"Iron-blooded battle flag, once stained with the blood of an immortal king, use it to kill you, you are honored enough."

Samsara Gu Tianzun's eyes were cold, and at this moment Gu Changge had already been regarded as a dead person.

There are many treasures in his body, although he can't exert his true power.

But in his opinion, killing Gu Changge is definitely more than enough.

No matter how powerful Gu Changge is, he is still only a junior.

What's more, in terms of means, he also thinks that he is far superior to Gu Changge.

"The battle flag that has been stained with the blood of the fairy king, but it is a pity that years have decayed it

Gu Changge shook his head and sighed, his expression unchanged.

A black avenue rune ups and downs, like a flaming dark ocean, suddenly swept forward, turning into a dark fairy furnace.

Among them, the scorching dark sacred fire rushed out to counter the coercion of the iron-blooded battle flag.

Although his Cultivation Base is indeed not as good as Samsara Gu Tianzun, but in terms of strength, Gu Changge does not feel that there are still people in the upper realm that are his opponents.

"Although it is rotten, it is enough to kill you.

"A person of sensibility will hand over the origin rune that he got in the overcast sky. The deity can keep you a whole body.

The time under Samsara Gu Tianzun's feet was disillusioned, he swaggered the iron-blooded battle flag, hung the Samsara grinding plate on his head, and quickly slew to Gu Changge.

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and the clouds lightly raised his palm to greet him. The endless rules and order, like an ocean, directly hardened the iron-blooded battle flag, sending out a terrifying momentum that shook the river for a long time.


The fluctuations of the battle between the two have already broken through this universe, sweeping many worlds around them, space bursting, and the world collapsed.

All the cultivator creatures who worked together to fight the fairy gate monster before couldn't help but shudder, their fear reached the extreme, and they felt their souls were about to freeze.

This kind of breath is far beyond their imagination, and even the monster in the fairy gate is far behind.

At this moment, they even felt that the real fairy had come to the world.

"What happened? Why do you suddenly feel that there is a supreme existence fighting against each other?"

"Jing Ran has even revealed the legendary long river of time."

They knelt down trembling, trembling in fear and horror.

It's a pity that Gu Changge and Samsara Gu Tianzun have already smashed beyond the Universe, their figures are blurred, as if they are fighting in a long river of years.

There was a sea of ​​nothingness and chaos all around them, the rules and order were boiling, the fragments of the avenue were flying, and the scene was astonished to the extreme.

"Actually, I also want to know what secrets you still have, besides feeding these enlightened people for you to devour, what other layouts are there."

"Where is the Tao fruit you have accumulated all the time?"

Gu Changge smiled faintly, and then threw a punch. The golden light was surging and filled the space, colliding with Samsara Gu Tianzun, and the vast waves bloomed like suns exploding.

There are endless primordial divine light permeating his body, like the ups and downs of three thousand ancient worlds, fuzzy and supreme, silver light shining, shaking out the vast power and obliterating all the means in front of him.


As if the power of the entire universe was overwhelmed, the horror had reached its extreme, and even the chaos gas had burst.


Samsara Gu Tianzun spouted blood and flew out. The arm that collided with Gu Changge had some pain and contraction. He made the sound of bone cracking, blood pouring wine, and dyeing the robe red.

His face gradually became difficult to look, and he didn't expect that even the iron-blooded battle flag stained with the blood of the Immortal King would not help Gu Changge.

Although due to the relationship between the world and the environment, the iron-blooded battle banner can not exert one ten thousandth of the mighty power, but it is definitely not something that an enlightened person can contend.

There seems to be an invisible field around Gu Changge, which can swallow all the means to attack him.

Just like Wanfa does not invade, immune to the laws of the world!

"What is your origin? Are you just testing me?"

At this moment, Samsara Gu Tianzun finally noticed something was wrong and shouted in a low voice.

Unless he really broke out of the immortal way, there is absolutely nothing to do with Gu Changge. The strength of the two in this area has completely reached a kind of extreme.

Moreover, he felt that Gu Changge seemed to be testing his methods, and did not offer his real hole cards.

That kind of uneasiness suddenly swept over him and began to devour his mind.

Samsara Gu Tianzun couldn't believe it. He has survived since the age of mythology. He has a lot of calculations and tricks, but why can't even Gu Changge be able to deal with it.

The other party is like a deep and bottomless horrible black hole. The more you understand, the more your heart palpitates and fears.

"It's really boring, did you notice it at this moment?"

"Since you have not said anything, then I have to explore it myself."

Gu Changge shook his head, the faint smile on his face also subsided.

He has been testing Samsara Gu Tianzun, just to be able to figure out its methods thoroughly, but does not want to completely erase it.

After all, this is an excellent puppet for Gu Changge.

"What do you mean?"

Samsara Gu Tianzun stared at Gu Changge, and the big Samsara millstone above his head dropped a vast black and white air. He became Samsara, endless, able to resist everything and completely envelope him.

The feeling of restlessness and palpitations came again,

There seemed to be an invisible big net in the darkness, slowly closing towards him.

The next moment, a terrifying black light smashed from the front, as if it shattered the eternity, broke the sky, crossed the Universe and the long river of time, and any traces of the edge and Taoism were eliminated under this halberd and turned into Produce powder.


Samsara Gu Tianzun's eyes widened in disbelief, and he didn't even have time to react. He only felt a cold brow, as if there was something cold that suddenly penetrated his head.

*"~What is this?"

His voice came intermittently, and his mind had already been swallowed by endless silence and fear.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that in the Forbidden Era, the halberd light that crossed the heavens and the world was so vast and terrifying, exterminating everything and breaking everything.

Samsara Gu Tianzun's heart was full of horror, disbelief, and trembling to the extreme.

How can it be?

How could Gu Changge be that one?

Unfortunately, at this time, his vitality was already dissipating, and no one answered his questions.

Even though the soul is extremely strong and has been tempered for countless years, it is now full of cracks, and it is starting to dissipate and break like porcelain.

Gu Changge held the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, pointed diagonally at Tiannan, and walked slowly, crossing the entire universe in an instant.

The expression on his face did not change, but he looked at Samsara Gu Tianzun with some pity.

"Speaking of which, you are lucky to die under the Eight Desolate Devil Halberd."

"After all, it's the first time in so long that I have truly used the Eight Desolation Demon Halberd.

In the central area of ​​the upper realm, Gu Changge had never really deployed the Eight Desolate Demon Halberd, let alone exerted its Heavenly Demon power.

This is a weapon to destroy the world.

If a ray of real aura escaped, it would be an unimaginable catastrophe for the entire upper realm.

Of course, even if Gu Changge is now, he can't even want to show his true aura.

Thanks to Samsara Gu Tianzun's blessing, he brought himself to such a remote area.

Gu Changge dared to sacrifice the Eight Desolate Devil Halberds so brazenly.

No matter how far the wave of the battle spreads here, it is impossible to reach the center of the upper realm and alarm the cultivator there.

All this was doomed from the beginning, but Samsara Gu Tianzun had no idea at all, and thought he had a chance to win.

"What a poor guy, in that case, you (Zhao Haohao) everything, I laughed at it."

For Gu Changge, these spirits are not only nutrients, but also many secrets left by Samsara Gu Tianzun.

In addition, in the soul palace space of Divine Soul, there is also the accumulation and heritage of Samsara Ancient Tianzun for so long.

Taoist celestial scriptures, Xiantian artifacts, incomplete celestial artifacts, Immortal medicinal species, longevity roots, too many good things.

The so-called dojo is actually here.

After his death disappeared, these backgrounds naturally became Gu Changge's.

As for the body of Samsara Gu Tianzun, Gu Changge also accepted it casually, planning to wait for time to refine it.

Now he is most concerned about the Taoist fruits accumulated over the countless years of Samsara Gu Tianzun.

In the plan of Samsara Gu Tianzun, these Taoist fruits are the key to his breakthrough in the realm of the fairy king.

At the beginning, Samsara Gu Tianzun practiced Samsara's law and delved into the Avenue of Time, but it was a pity that he didn't make any progress until later. It was even more difficult to cultivate the Immortal King's status.

So Samsara Gu Tianzun slashed himself into the fairyland with great perseverance, fell down, and began to seek the immortal king's Taoism with alternative methods.

"The Tao fruit he has accumulated is contained in every Taoist Dharma body, and such Taoist Dharma bodies are all over the vast ancient Universe, and the number is huge.

"In this way, there are still a lot of such Dao fruits. For me, it is a shortcut to Ascension Realm after breakthrough in the fairyland. It saves me a lot of trouble.

Gu Changge's mind turned, looking at the ancient universes he and Samsara had passed through.

Speaking of which, Samsara Gu Tianzun is really his great benefactor and gave him such a great gift.

Gu Changge's gaze fell, and then the aquarium of Avenue appeared in the palm of his hand, and the black light fell down, engulfing Samsara Gu Tianzun's escaping spirit. .