Ch 749

For the next few days, Gu Changge stayed in the palace of the crape myrtle dynasty, sitting meditationly, waiting for the lord of crape myrtle to send all kinds of news and secret records.

In terms of time, he was not in a hurry. He planned to wait for a thorough understanding of everything about this Universe before he started to start the layout.

Emperor Ziwei did not dare to disclose the news of Gu Changge, and did not dare to mention it to the others.

Although he only has the Cultivation Base at the peak of the Supreme Realm, he can also feel the horror of Gu Changge's vastness and void, as if it could swallow everything in this time.

Even if it is Dao Item's recovery, it is far less than one-tenth of this terrifying power.

In front of Gu Changge, the universe of the heavens seemed to collapse.

Such a character can destroy the entire Ziwei dynasty with a single thought, how dare he offend?

"Senior, these are all the secret ancient history that I can collect, and I dare not hide anything."

Emperor Ziwei carefully carved various Jade Slips and placed them in front of Gu Changge.

In "Seven Three Seven", he not only got all the classics recorded in the Ziwei God Dynasty, but also spent a great price to exchange it with other big powers in order to satisfy Gu Changge.

"Go down." Gu Changge opened his eyes and nodded indifferently.

"Yes, senior."

The Emperor Ziwei breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly retreated, but he did not dare to slacken his efforts and continued to send people to collect various secret ancient histories.

He didn't know the purpose of Gu Changge doing this, and he didn't dare to ask.

"After the Taboo Era, it turned out to be an ancient history that was almost destroyed. There is no record, and there is no inheritance or tradition left."

"The follow-up Orthodox forces are based on the excavated classics and inscriptions, and they have slowly developed to this level.

After the Lord Ziwei left.

Gu Changge also slowly flipped through these ancient histories.

Among them, he was most interested in the dark faults in this universe.

After the Taboo Era, the heavens collapsed, and all the universes were affected by the spread, which had a great impact.

After that time, it takes a very long time to return to the prosperous practice.

This long period of time has become a fault in the classics.

Without the emergence of the Era of Practice, there will naturally not be the birth of enlightened persons.

The impact on this Universe is obviously extremely serious. The period of the dark fault spans far more than tens of millions of years and spans many eras.

After that, the Universe slowly returned to life.

"In this way, as long as the node coordinates of the long river appear after the end of the dark fault, the layout can be started.

Gu Changge nodded, a little surprised.

However, he still has one thing unsure, that is, whether there is an ancient cultivator in the dark fault.

After all, there is no record in the classics. If he travels over the years and is spotted by the ancient cultivator during that period, it may affect later generations and even the future. The backlash Karma is huge, leaving terrible injuries.

"Maybe you can give it a try, even if there is a cultivator in that dark fault, as long as it is erased, it will naturally not affect the present."

"At least there is no ancient cultivator alive now."

Gu Changge slowly closed many ancient books and began to think about other things.

The Ziwei god dynasty has survived for a long time, almost running through a large piece of ancient history after the taboo era.

There are many masters in the dynasty, and there are enlightened weapons sitting in the depths, and quasi-emperor figures who are sealed in the source of the gods in the imperial treasury.

Although so far, only one enlightened person has been born in the Ziwei god dynasty.

However, the existence of Realm is difficult to count with both hands.

Speaking of it, for many super powers in this Universe, this matter is also like a curse, and it cannot be broken at all.

However, there is almost no possibility that the enlightened person was born in the ancestors, and the younger generations want to break through the realm.

No matter what the physique is the same, when you reach the peak of the Emperor Zhun, you are already at the top, and you can't make any further progress.

Many people speculate that the blood of the ancestors was too tyrannical, and they were unable to break the tangerine by following the path that their ancestors had walked.

"A super power can only give birth to one enlightened person. This is because the fruit of the Qi Luck has already been picked, which is equivalent to that the road has been blocked. If the younger generation wants to get out, the only way is to take another path. come out."

"But with the protection of the ancestors' shadow, no one has the courage to go and find another way."

Gu Changge was not surprised by this. In a way, it also confirmed his guess.

The will of heaven and earth in this Universe is extremely incomplete, and it is no longer able to make up for those missing Qi Yun Dao Fruits.

So over the years, no enlightened person has been born in this Universe.

"This is just right, and it can be explained that, for the era tree to grow, it must swallow the luck of one universe. This is an irreversible process.

Thinking about this, Gu Changge no longer hesitated.

A road rune flew out, time rules were condensed, and immortal intentions loomed.

Vast fluctuations came from behind him, and an endless and mysterious river emerged, making a clattering sound

There are fragments of time flying in it, and the chaos is vast, falling down, as if falling from the end of the sky and the earth, the incomparably vastness, showing all the mystery of this world.

The river is extremely fuzzy, not very clear, but just a small branch of a long river.

Because Gu Changge hasn't made a breakthrough in the fairyland yet, and can't really control the rules of time, naturally he can't make the long river of time fully manifest.

But for him now, it is enough to determine a node in the long river of time.

Because of the good fortune fairy boat, Gu Changge does not need to cross the long river in his body to bear the unimaginable backlash Karma.

Soon, a blue mysterious inscription appeared in his palm, with a strong meaning of time and space flowing on it, emitting a misty light, and it was extremely mysterious.

"The space-time stele, when the space node is determined, use it to locate, and you won't get lost in the long river of time."

Gu Changge whispered softly, the light flowing in his eyes, staring at the river of time, determining the location of some of the nodes, and perceiving the vast aura coming from that place.

This process must be cautious, if the wrong node is determined, then trekking away will only waste time.

The Dark Fault is inseparable from the Forbidden Era.

Gu Changge's eyes flickered, and he sensed Karma coming from the dark, and immediately identified a small node in the long river of time.

The time-space monument turned into a streamer, hit it there, then fell rumblingly, suddenly uplifted, and hit the river.

The long river ahead has collapsed, and there has been a terrifying dry flow. It is difficult to see the scene at the other end of the long river. You can only see the vast long river rolling by, and there are 3.7 terrible waves.

"It should be that place." Gu Changge was sure.


The next moment, good fortune, the immortal boat emerged, and the strong cyan light manifested, wrapping Gu Changge's whole person, directly turning into a stream of light, and fleeing towards the long river of time.

The vast fluctuations rise in the sky here, and then pass by like a meteor. The horrible long river of phantoms also slowly dissipates, as if they have never appeared before.

"What the hell happened just now? Why is my mind about to break

"The senior suddenly disappeared."

The Emperor Ziwei, who sensed the aura of this place, rushed in trembling.

He was horrified to the extreme, and almost burst into pieces under the remaining breath, and his whole body suddenly fell to the ground, shaking non-stop.

A premonition in the dark told him that there seemed to be something in the whole world, which was about to be rewritten and reversed.