Ch 755

The universe here has changed a lot. Just judging from the rules of heaven and earth and breath, it can be seen that it is different from the past.

Gu Changge stepped between the stars, swept across the divine mind, and began to explore the impact of changing ancient history on this world.

What he cares most about is actually the existence of legends about Shenxu.

The other changes are actually insignificant and do not affect his layout and plans.

"Compared with before, many Sacred Lands and ethnic groups have been destroyed and disappeared in ancient history, but there are also many new ethnic groups and forces rising, and the number of enlightened people born in this world has not been affected. ."

"Some ancient stars of life have long been annihilated. The crape myrtle dynasty that I saw last time when I came to this Universe has also disappeared. As my ancestors had not yet attained the status of enlightened people, naturally there would be no follow-up.

"However, the disappearance of the Ziwei Dynasty, on the contrary, fulfilled the power named Yuhuaxian Dynasty. At its peak, it was even bigger than the Ziwei Dynasty.

"The founder of the Yuhua Immortal Dynasty was an enlightened person with the blood of the Immortal Phoenix. Later generations called her the Emperor Huangyu. In her early years, she strayed into the legendary God Ruins and encountered a supreme figure in it. After being carefully taught by him for thousands of years, he then left the gods and practiced hard for 800,000 years, and finally carried the destiny."

"It seems that this matter will still have a great impact on later generations. After all, she has proved to be the emperor and opened up a fairy dynasty."

Gu Changge found a lot of useful news, his spiritual thoughts swept through many ancient stars of life, and he also learned many records about the little fairy phoenix back then.

Among them, many of the forces' orthodox choices were actually in his expectation.

And in this rolling ancient history, the ruins of the gods have indeed left a strong and colorful stroke.

Even now, there are still strong cultivators who are desperately searching for the traces of the God Ruins, wanting to gain insight into the truth of Immortal Ascension.

The most powerful ancient force in this Universe today is Yuhuaxian Dynasty.

As the era of the Great Extinction, even after the Dark Fault, the female emperor Huang Yu was the first to achieve the throne.

What she represents is extraordinary.

Many cultivators feel that the reason why she can carry the destiny and become an enlightened person in such a short period of time is greatly related to the opportunity to stray into the gods.

If it hadn't been for this incident, even if the Emperor Huang Yu wanted to be enlightened, she would have to survive for nearly a million years.

With the changes in the environment of the world and the disappearance of living substances, the life span of today's enlightened persons will naturally decrease, let alone a million years, even if it is a hundred thousand years, it will be extremely difficult.

So many people are looking for the location of the gods, wanting to find the Immortal Ascension method to prolong life.

Naturally, there are many opinions about Shenxu. Some people say that it was a forbidden place that existed before the Dark Fault, or even before the Taboo Era.

Shenxu connects with the legendary fairyland. Among them is a tree that reaches the sky, named Jianmu. You can find the fairy gate along Jianmu.

Of course, some people say that the ruins of the gods are actually taboo. Two beings beyond the fairyland fought, and after smashing the fairy palace, they were left in the ruins of the red world.

In the ruins of the gods, there are countless treasures of immortals buried, any one of them can be found to reinvent the cultivator.

However, the most and most convincing statement came from the Yuhuaxian Dynasty.

In the ruins of the gods, there is actually an extremely mysterious white-clothed master of the ruins of the gods, and it is the gods he built.

Not only that, he also planted a peach tree to guard something in the god ruins.

This statement is circulated throughout the universe, and countless cultivators believe it.

After all, Empress Huang Yu, the founder of the Yuhua Immortal Dynasty, had strayed into the God Ruins and survived from it.

In less than a million years, he achieved the throne, and his cultivation speed was far faster than the sages of that era.

She knows more about Shenxu than the world knows.

"That's right, everything is evolving as I expected."

Gu Changge couldn't help showing satisfaction.

Then he found the god ruins hidden in a certain ancient star of life based on the Restrictions aura he left behind.

There were many formations laid around by him, even after a long time, there was no trace of being worn away.

"This is the trace she left. It seems that she will find this place again later."

"It's just that I haven't stepped into the ruins of the gods."

Gu Changge's figure appeared outside the god ruins, and outside the many Restrictions formations, he saw an inscription.

On this inscription, the atmosphere of the Emperor Huang Yu was left.

"After enlightenment, she once looked for the location of the gods."

But at that time, Gu Changge had already left, so naturally she couldn't find anything.

So in the end, I can only go away with regret and leave the traces of my past on this inscription.

"It seems that later, when her life was about to end, she came again

"Why is this?"

Gu Changge sighed lightly, and saw a vague figure emerging from the stele.

He was dressed in a feather robe, with a beautiful face, looking into the depths of the Shenxu, but his eyes could not hide his gloom.

This ancient star of life is extremely broad, with many ethnic groups and forces standing there.

Among them, the most powerful are several royal families and Sacred Land. Enlightened people have been born in the ancestors, and they have the background of imperial weapon suppression.

In addition to these royal families and Sacred Land, there are several life restricted areas on this ancient life star, which are some timeless enlightened people. In order to continue their lives, avoid the five decays of Deva, and hide after being killed. land.

Their Cultivation Base surpassed the quasi-740 emperor, but compared to the real enlightened person, it was still far behind.

In the vast ruins of the gods, the fairy mist is lingering, the peaks are steep, and the gods are tall, revealing the desolation and ancient times.

Now, as Gu Changge appeared in it, the surrounding Restrictions gave off a glorious brilliance, covering the entire sky, turbulent in all directions, making the entire universe rumbling.

The next moment, a breath of terror is like the collapse of the heavens and the earth, permeating out from here.

Countless Stars are trembling in Lailai, about to fall towards here.

The majestic and ancient atmosphere of the world began to interweave, suppressing the trembling of this universe.

Gu Changge's eyes were deep, and he started to take action, taking the Era Tree from the inner universe, and planting it in the deepest part of the God Ruins with the supreme Magic power.

Countless Restrictions and brilliance are as glaring as the sun, and billions of rays and laws converge like the ocean.

This is an ancient tree that is terrifying and appalling. Its trunk alone is bigger than Star.

On the dry branches, there are sparse branches and leaves, and every branch and leaf bears the sky full of stars and hung a vast chaotic air.

And as the branches and leaves swayed, the terrifying sound of the collision of the ancient world suddenly sounded here, as if pushing the epochs to rumble.

Even those who are enlightened here will be full of blood and blood, and they dare not approach.

The Era Tree is finally born.