Ch 762

Gu Changge showed the strength of the remnant immortal, and the three enlightened persons who were set ambush here and many sacred dead men were solved in the light of lightning.

This made all the people around who had witnessed it all been unable to recover for a long time, and their hearts were full of shock.

Before, everyone doubted Gu Changge's strength and wanted to know what kind of Realm he has reached now.

But now that I knew it, I lost my voice, my eyes were terrified, and my head was buzzing.

Gu Changge is definitely using his own strength to shock the current upper realm.

Many scenes here were passed back by the eyes of the various Daoist forces at the first time. I believe it will not be long before they will spread throughout the upper realm.

On the way to welcome the team back to the Changsheng Gu's house, the three enlightened people set up the Restrictions formation to ambush, but they were lifted and destroyed by Gu Changge, which did not exceed three breaths.

Such a record, even if other people from the background come, I am afraid that it will not be possible.

Among the stars, Gu Changge stands tall, slender and vague, with mysterious clothes hunting, and the roots of the black hair are crystal clear, shimmering and shiny, and there is even chaos faintly intertwined.

The whole person is like a young fairy king, with indifferent and deep eyes.

He slowly swept around, and as his eyes flickered, there was light passing by, like a terrifying chaotic real thunder across the Universe, splitting the rules and order, making the heart trembling.

"The team keeps going."

He faintly ordered to let the Gu family welcoming army continue to move forward and return to the Changsheng Gu family.

On weekdays, no matter what happens, Gu Changge always has a modest and gentle image of a fairy in front of the world. He treats people peacefully and elegantly, rarely so indifferent and ruthless. In the eyes of 743, it is almost murderous, and there is a horrible scene of the collapse of the universe. Emerging.

In the surrounding Universe, there was silence. Even the many peak powerhouses hidden in the dark couldn't help but shook their faces, their souls trembling.

But they can also understand that, after all, this is the way Gu Changge and Yue Mingkong are going to get married, even when they are receiving relatives.

Those Confucian traditions in secret, sent enlightened people to interfere, wanting to be disgusted by Gu Changge and the Changsheng Gu family when they are overjoyed.

It is them who can't stand this kind of thing.

"The action of the three enlightened persons seems to be similar to Changge's guess."

"In that case, there are at least three forces that have all taken action. There is definitely more than that."

Among the welcoming team, Yue Mingkong, who was sitting in the fairy jade cart, was also indifferent. She did not open the curtain to look at the scene outside.

For her, Gu Changge's strength is nothing to worry about.

In today's upper realm, unless it is a figure of the background holding an immortal weapon and besieging him, there will be no danger.

But no matter how you say it, such a thing is tantamount to a sign that her wedding to Gu Changge will not be held smoothly this time.


A series of golden handwritings flashed in the void, imprinted on a decree, and then passed out and disappeared.

Over the years, Yue Mingkong has been training Shura guard secretly in accordance with Gu Changge's request.

It was an extremely terrifying force, and the strength of every Shura Guard was comparable to the Holy Realm.

Because of the practice of the secret method, they are not afraid of life and death, fear, or pain, and they even have a hundred ways to fight together.

The leader of Shura Wei is even more in the Supreme Realm, Quasi-Emperor Realm, and even enlightened ones.

This terrible power has been hidden in many Minor Worlds, and has never really been revealed in the upper world.

Yue Mingkong planned to wait for the right time to make this force emerge and catch those opponents by surprise.

Soon, the mighty welcoming team stepped on the process again, the Universe shook, the stars Yan Li, the longevity Gu family and several enlightened persons flew out.

Open the way in the front of the team, with indifferent eyes and killing intent, slowly sweeping the surrounding star universe to prevent the situation from happening again.

The news about this place also spread to the heavens of the upper realm for the first time.

The one-eyed Daoist, the golden sun goddess, the ancient Buddha of the instant, and many other characters are silent. Before that, they can sigh for the fearfulness of the afterlife, but at this time, they obviously have no such qualifications.

"The three enlightened people were killed by him in this way. This son is really hidden. The old Tao originally thought that he was just worthy of entering the ranks of enlightened people. It is also possible to eliminate The Underworld by some kind of treasure or method."

In the depths of Tianhuang Mountain, the one-eyed Daoist's face was extremely ugly, and he slapped the mountain in front of him into ashes with a palm.

Among the three enlightened persons, one was sent out by him. It was an early follower who had been sealed for many years. He had already exhausted his vitality and blood. There was not much time, and he had no chance to aspire to a higher Realm.

Therefore, the one-eyed Daoist will send him out, wanting to feel sick about the Changsheng Gu family, and at the same time, try to find out which strong people are hidden in the welcoming team this time.

But I never thought that just by Gu Changge's move, he would destroy these people by lifting his palm.

This made his mood fluctuate, a little unstable, and he felt that it would not be long before he would really encounter Gu Changge, and he might not even be his opponent.

At the point of Canxian, the one-eyed Daoist was not incapable. His other eye was blinded by spying on the secret.

At this moment, the feeling of being in the dark was as strong as never before.

His eyebrows were so painful that he even began to split, and blood (cedh) came out, which was terrible.

"No, you must get rid of Gu Changge, or I will really die in his hands."

The one-eyed Daoist had an ugly face, a blurry figure, and the void in front of his eyes split open. He stepped directly into it and appeared in an extremely magnificent palace.

This square palace does not seem to exist in the world, and it is even a little fuzzy, which makes the void unstable and many cracks in the road surface.

Some depleted stars are floating around, and even the traces of time flow have slowed down.

In these halls, there are three terrible figures sitting on the futon surrounded by the chaotic mist.

Just sitting here, there is a horrible atmosphere of crushing the heavens, and the rules and order are even blurred.

"If the three Dao brothers are not born again, I am afraid that the Taoism of Tianhuangshan will be cut off from this life.

"The opportunity of Immortal Ascension is right in front of me, and I hope the three Dao brothers will wake up quickly."

After the one-eyed Daoist came here, he also sighed for a long time, and then spoke to the three figures in front of him.

Tianhuang Mountain has a long history, and once ruled thousands of Taikoo tribes. The rulers that were born came from various tribes, and their bloodlines were different.

The three people in front of him are the other three treasures of Tianhuangshan that have survived today, and the Cultivation Base is not weaker than him.

After sensing the breath of the one-eyed Daoist, the eyes of the three people sitting on the futon were also slightly widened, as if they were about to open slowly.

Upon seeing this, the face of the one-eyed Daoist also showed joy.He still does not believe that the four characters of Tianhuangshan sit in the house, there are many immortal artifacts, can Gu Changge have a way to use him?

Several days passed in a blink of an eye, and the team in charge of receiving relatives finally passed through the long Universe tunnel and returned to the star field where the Changsheng Gu's family was located. There was no accident along the way.

All the stars are dressed in red makeup, the sun is intertwined, and the auspicious scenery is reflected in all parts of the sky, making this universe a festive scene.

In the vast territory, there are countless star fields, and countless ancient stars of life. As the dependent force of the longevity Gu family, on almost every star of life, there are lights and colorful lights, cranes spreading their wings, and flying across the sky.

Among the star fields close to the central area, the ancient mountains of the gods are even more majestic, stretching beyond the end.

Long before this, the peak powerhouse of Changsheng Gu's family was shot and refined, and it became the residence of the guests.

After all, this wedding is really huge. Almost all the oldest and ancient Orthodoxy forces in the upper realm will come. The ordinary forces have no chance to enter the most central area and can only temporarily live in the outermost area.

But even so, these outermost areas are still fully occupied, extremely lively, and there are cultivator creatures everywhere.


The Universe rumbling, welcoming the return of the prosperous army, walking all the way to the direction of Gu's main island, walking along the red Milky Way intertwined with sunlight.

"His wedding

Among the sacred mountain islands, many distinguished guests are here today, watching the fairy jade car falling to the deepest part of Gu's house.

The Empress Xiyao of the demon world was dressed in a phoenix dress, she was slim and slender, and her face was indifferent and beautiful, but at this moment, looking at the figure of Gu Changge riding the Dragon Horse away, she was also stunned for a while, and the corners of her mouth became bitter.

Although it has not been a few years since Gu Changge left the demon world, it seemed very long to her because she knew that such days would only be longer in the future, perhaps forever.

After all, it's just that the falling flowers are deliberate, but the flowing water is ruthless, and things will blow away like a spring breeze and there will be no trace.

"Gu Gong

There are also several figures in the direction of the other islands. Looking at this scene in the distance, they are both sour and envious in their hearts.

Yan Ji and Lin Qiuhan used to have a deep intersection with Gu Changge. However, as Gu Changge's strength and status became more terrifying, they gradually couldn't keep up, and they couldn't see him anymore.

Occasionally, when I see him, it is only from some of the pictures of the photo stones that have been circulated throughout the upper realm. .