Ch 774

Gu Changge's idea of ​​intending to make the immortal ranking list is actually not new. Long ago, he was thinking about how to use this thing since he has the Era Dao Fruit.

He didn't think he could be great enough to immortal ascension all the characters in the upper realm.

However, there are still a lot of difficulties in how to refine the Fengxian List. First of all, there must be enough immortal objects, at least the Daoist objects must be indestructible.

"This plan can only be implemented after I have achieved Sendo Realm.

Gu Changge thought so in his heart, his eyes were very deep.

Half a month later, he left the Changsheng Gu's house without telling anyone, and went on the road alone, heading for the universe where the era tree is now.

Although he left a ray of the Law Bodies in the God Ruins where the Era Tree is located, Gu Changge's picture is very large. When fishing the entire Upper Realm, the Bodhisattva will naturally go there.

What's more, he has already chosen the day when he will achieve "Seven Forty Seven" Immortal Realm, and now he just needs to wait for all the big fish to enter the net.

At this time, he will definitely go to collect the net.

And on the same day that Gu Changge left the Changsheng Gu family, a shocking news that shook the upper realm suddenly came. And wave.

All the creature cultivators who heard the news were shocked and sluggish in place, unable to recover for a long time.

"A trace of Jiyuan Daoguo appeared, in a remote Universe very far from the center of the upper realm."

"The name of that Universe is Kunji Universe. In a place called the Northern Dipper star field, someone perceives the rich fluctuations of the Era Tree.

This is a message from an enlightened person.

He is now very close to the Universe. He is afraid of rushing and screaming. He doesn't dare to approach him rashly, so he had to send the news back, but he never thought that he would be intercepted by other characters.

When this news came out, the Upper Boundary suddenly fryed, and it boiled directly.

From the background characters to the ordinary cultivator, they are all excited to the point of being overwhelmed.

This is how many epochs and years have passed before they finally know the trace of the era tree.

For the Era Tree, the Upper Realm has launched many battles in the Eight Desolation and Ten Territories, and the rest is nothing.

Some of the older generations were so excited that they were crying, joyful and compassionate.

Suddenly, all the Orthodox forces moved upon hearing the wind, and began to send a mighty army to the Universe. Ancient warships smashed across the sky, full of horrible air machines, and they were going to snatch the era tree.

In their view, the era tree is the supreme fetish of the upper realm, which can nurture the fruit of the era and repair the broken rules of the upper realm.

The drastic changes in the upper realm world environment are definitely a sign of the maturity of Era Dao Fruit.

For the characters in the background, the significance of Jiyuan Daoguo is even more significant, because what is bred there is the sense of heaven and earth that they have always lacked.

"Dao Guo, but Immortal Ascension."

Many people in the background, eyes reveal, could not conceal the excitement in their hearts. They left the center of the upper realm one after another, began to hit the road, and rushed to the Universe.

The previous drastic changes caused by the environment of the world, because of this news, have become more violent.

Many authentic traditions of Immortal, such as Buddhist temples, Primordial Immortal Clan, Hidden Immortal Clan, Longevity King's Family, Primitive Lake, finally revealed their heavy and terrifying background at this time.

There are more than three or four figures who are born in the background.

Those Taoist traditions that only have one or two background figures are sitting here, but at this time, they look extremely shabby, a bit embarrassing, and I'm sorry for the word Immortal.

Of course, on this day, they will almost no longer cover up, the background is endless, unimaginable, and even carry a lot of fairy weapons that have been passed down since ancient times, as well as some forbidden weapons that can erupt beyond the level of enlightened beings.

Moreover, some ancient characters with short life spans of vitality and blood were also sealed among the gods, and they were carried together as weapons and used at critical times.

The existence of those, struggling to die, may even pull the characters from the inside into the water.

This is a terrifying force with a terrifying background. The most ancient Orthodox forces are starting to compete in the water. The Boundary-Breaking Teleportation Array blooms with immense light, tearing the big Universe and turning it into a terrible void channel, directly Run through the other side.

The mighty army, like the torrent of the universe, rushed to the Kunming Universe along the space channel.

Among the Tianhuang Mountain, among the underground palaces, the one-eyed Daoist looked excited and pacing back and forth.

On the futon in front of him, the two auras are extremely terrifying, not weaker than his background characters. They are sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed.

"Two Dao brothers, this time is rare in a thousand years. I have confirmed the news about the location of the era tree. It is completely true. It is definitely not a fraud." One-eyed Daoist said, his words were very determined.

He was very cautious, even if the upper realm was in chaos during this period, and the various characters were searching for news about the era tree, he chose to stay at Tianhuang Mountain and never left half a step.

In the dark, he had a feeling that this time the upper realm was in chaos, and there seemed to be an invisible big hand pushing behind him.

After knowing that Gu Changge was the reincarnation of a supreme being in the Forbidden Era, the one-eyed Daoist became more careful, worried that now that the upper realm is in chaos, he will be attacked and killed by Gu Changge when he leaves Tianhuang Mountain by himself.

Before that, he had discussed with the rest of the traditions and figures that he wanted to find a way to get rid of Gu Changge, so as not to cover the sky with his hands in the upper realm in the future.

But who could have imagined that the dramatic changes in the environment of the world and the earth had come so fast that the people who had discussed with him before, no longer cared about Gu Changge's affairs, but were looking for an opportunity for Immortal Ascension.

At this time, everything can be put down, not to mention the fear of a young man.

Therefore, the one-eyed Daoist has nothing to do with this. How can he dare to deal with Gu Changge alone?

Gu Changge's strength is unfathomable, he has long been able to reach the sky, and an ordinary figure in the background is definitely not his opponent.

On the day that Gu Changge and Yue Mingkong got married, he sent a strong man to ambush. How could this hatred be resolved so easily.

One-eyed Daoist doesn't believe Gu Changge can't find him on his head.

However, when the news of the era tree came, the one-eyed Daoist3.7 really couldn't sit still anymore.Every day, I saw the ancient warships of the other Taoist forces, broke the Universe channel, and rushed to Kunji Universe. .

After all, Immortal Ascension, he also longed for it.

According to the information he received, Kunji Universe is extremely far away from the upper bound, very remote, the rules of heaven and earth are incomplete, and there are absolutely no characters in the world.

The era tree will appear there, although no one knows why, but it is undeniable that this is extremely exciting.

The characters in the background couldn't sit still, and there was an immense desire for Immortal Ascension.

"Tianhuang Mountain now contains three of my foundations. If I wait to leave, Tianhuang Mountain will only be empty, and a powerful enemy is coming. How can I resist it?"

"Gu Changge of the Changsheng Gu family, don't you have an enemy? Can you see him leaving?"

Hearing the words of the one-eyed Daoist, the old man sitting cross-legged on the right also slowly opened his eyes and said calmly. .