Ch 776

The palace is magnificent, the pavilions are sprawling, and today's feathered emperor is full of sorrow, looking at the vast territories, his fists under his dragon robe clenched.

"This emperor is at such a juncture, how can he leave easily?"

"These are the people and territories of the emperor."

"The clan of my feathered immortal dynasty is in the Northern Dipper star field, and it has existed since ancient times. Is it because today I have to leave my hometown, far away from my homeland, and go to other areas?"

He was full of unwillingness to give up all this.

An unforeseen crisis is about to come, the entire Northern Dipper star field will be turned into dust, and even the Kunji Universe will be wiped out.

The Emperor Yuhua naturally knows all this, he knows better than anyone else, but he really can't let go of the people and land of the Yuhuaxian Dynasty.

The Yuhuaxian Dynasty is the oldest and oldest power in the Northern Dipper star domain, and it was established by the first enlightened person after the era of the Great Extinction, that is, the Emperor Huangyu.

In the Northern Dipper star field, the female emperor Huang Yu has extraordinary significance. In the eyes of countless cultivator creatures, she is the most well-deserved first female emperor. After achieving the throne, she will not hesitate to speak for the future generations. Tao, leave Tao and Dharma.

Even in the era when the rest of the enlightened people suppressed the world and carried the destiny, they did not dare to be disrespectful to the Emperor Huang Yu.

In their eyes, the female emperor Huang Yu was the first practitioner. During the difficult period when enlightenment was most impossible, she pioneered Taoism and left a way for future generations.

Those enlightened people in later generations actually have to accept her kindness.

"Your Majesty, at this juncture, don't be indecisive. The forces that should go are all gone, and there are not many forces still in the Northern Dipper star field.

"As long as I still have the foundation of the Immortal Empire, there will be a day of resurrection. If I stay in the Northern Dipper star field for one day, there will be one more day of crisis. I hope your Majesty will not hesitate anymore."

"At that time, the Northern Dipper star field will be destroyed, nothing will exist, and everything will be turned into history. What can we worry about at that time?"

Below the palace, a group of ministers knelt down, with sorrows on their faces, all begging the emperor to leave.

In fact, they all knew the worries and worries of Emperor Feathered at this time.

"If the ancestors were still at this time, that would be fine…

The Emperor Yuhua sighed and said that the ancestor in his mouth was the first emperor of the Yuhua Immortal Dynasty and also the disciple of the Emperor Huang Yu.

He didn't want to bear the reputation of being subjugated, although none of this could be prevented.

But now that the Yuhuaxian Dynasty carries its heritage and travels far away, it means giving up all the land and people.

In the eyes of everyone, he is a subjugated king who has abandoned all his people and is weak and afraid of death!

This is going to be nailed to the pillar of shame and will be stinking for thousands of years.


Suddenly, a dazzling golden glow appeared in the depths of the Yuhuaxian Dynasty, like a flood of light and rain, where there are holy and terrifying fluctuations.


The ministers and the feathered emperor who were in the palace were stunned at this moment, with big eyes, looking towards the deepest part of the palace.

That is the forbidden area of ​​the Yuhuaxian Dynasty, even the old emperor and others cannot easily approach it on weekdays.

Everyone guessed that it was the place of Closed Door Training, the former ancestor of Yuhuaxian Dynasty.

But no one knows whether there are ancestors in it.

Since the Emperor Huang Yu became a Taoist, the descendants of the Yuhuaxian Dynasty have actually never given birth to an enlightened person.

The strongest is no more than a quasi-emperor, very close to that level, but after all, it can't be touched.

"Could it be that the ancestor has awakened?"

The emperor Yuhua and the others were extremely shocked, and at the same time surprised and excited, their eyes fixed on the place.

"This is not the breath of the Emperor Zhun

"Yu Huaxian heading in that direction, how could an enlightened person suddenly appear?

"This is not the breath of the emperor's resurrection, but a surpassing emperor. How is this possible? Didn't the Yuhuaxian Dynasty just give birth to an enlightened person 々 "?"

"And that's also something after the era of the Great Extinction, which is very far away.

At the same time, the Northern Dipper star field, some of the orthodoxy that have not moved out of this place.

The strongest person who has awakened now has a drastic change in expression, looking in the direction of Yuhua Xianchao in a shocking manner.

The brilliance there is really too great, like a beam of light tore through the sky, pierced through the Universe, and overwhelmed the wasteland, it was extremely terrifying.

There is no real enlightened person in the Northern Dipper star field today.

Only in those life forbidden areas, there are ancient existences with decayed blood and self-cutting swords, but their strength is still much worse than that of true enlightened people.

Of course, the Emperor Zhun was in front of them, but it was another matter.

Not to mention the Northern Dipper star field, even in the vast Kunji Universe, there is almost no aura of enlightened beings.

In the rest of the star field, some quasi-emperors existed, or self-slashed ancient existences, Qi Qi felt this wave of fluctuations, and his complexion changed drastically, which was unbelievable.

After so many years, the emperor's prestige suddenly rose in the depths of the Yuhuaxian Dynasty.

The vastness and majesty caused countless cultivator creatures in this universe to tremble, kneel and kowtow.

"How can there be enlightened persons in this world? It is definitely not the resurrection of the imperial weapon, but the real enlightened person with Blood Qi monstrous."

"It's not that it's suddenly enlightened, it's that it's been sealed by secret methods, or other means, avoiding Deva's five failures.

All the powerful beings were shocked and immediately thought of the founder of the Yuhuaxian Dynasty.

If so, is Kunji Universe still saved?

"Impossible, let alone an enlightened person, even if it is an immortal Daoist thing, I am afraid it can't change everything. Compared with other ancient universes, the Kunji Universe is too weak."

"In other ancient universes, the number of enlightened people is often in double digits, and I only have one.

Many of the strongest people in the traditions smiled bitterly, and a glimmer of hope emerged in their hearts, which was broken again, and they didn't think that at this time, there was an enlightened person who recovered and could change anything.

But they still looked at the Northern Dipper star field.


The divine light rushed into the sky, and there seemed to be a seal broken there.Everyone saw a woman in the phoenix robes with a majestic grace.Her law body was extremely bright, standing in the sky above Yuhuaxian Dynasty, standing there naturally, but exuding The breath that shook the ten places of Nine Heavens.

It seems that this universe cannot contain her real body.

"The Emperor Huang Yu is indeed her figure."

"How did she live from that distant age to the present…"

"It's incredible. The first emperor once appeared at this time."

"Is this really the figure of Empress Huang Yu?"

Everyone was shocked, and the turmoil in my heart could not be recovered for a long time.

After all, this is the first existence after the era of arrogance and extinction. She has the blood of the fairy phoenix, and she has a terrifying talent. simple.

You must know that before the Great Extinction, all Taoism was obliterated, and the traces of practice between heaven and earth disappeared, but she was able to forcibly open up a path from it.

Such achievements and grandeur are enough to make countless people cherish the memory and admiration of future generations.

But at Kunji Universe, when the Empress Huang Yu appeared, she was shocked and felt incredible.

In the far depths of the Universe, the chaotic air exploded, and the sky full of brilliance resembled a sharp blade, tearing through the Universe tunnels, and the mighty upper bound army was approaching.

That kind of terrifying aura that swept across Nine Heavens ten places and a mighty time, made everyone terrified.

An ancient battleship of vicissitudes of life, draped in blood and bones, smashed into the sky, rolled over, and quickly approached the Kunji Universe.

Even if there are many crises in the middle, some chaotic seas are boiling and rioting, and flooding many large forces, but it is difficult to conceal the horror of this force.

After all, the upper realm is the middle intersection of the heavens and the ten thousand realms. There are too many ancient realms. Each universe is far older than the Kunji Universe.

It is not so much that the Upper Realm is killing the Kunji Universe, it is more that those universes are colliding with the Kunji Universe, and the accumulated inner strength is crushed.

"I have already felt the breath of the Era Tree, and as expected, I'm in the Universe, and it's not far away."

On the ancient warship, an ancient figure with a terrifying aura, eyes reveal hot light, spoke.

He stared at the vast chaotic energy ahead, and felt the regular atmosphere of heaven and earth diffused from it.

That kind of breath made him feel comfortable all over, every pore seemed to stretch out, greedily swallowing that kind of breath.

"I have to snatch the Era Tree in the first time. When the true ancestor of my clan achieves the immortal position, my clan will become the largest clan in the upper realm!"

"Era Tree I am waiting to win.

On this ancient warship, there are other horrible figures standing tall. Although they are not the characters in the background, the weakest existence is the quasi-emperor, with blood and blood, and they are at their peak.

They looked into the distance, with the terrifying breath of the vast sea surging in their bodies, and they came to explore the way as a vanguard army. Although there were signs of death, it did not hinder the confidence in their hearts.

Because according to their perception, this place is extremely remote from the center of the upper realm, and these Universe world rules are extremely incomplete.Even if the era tree grows here, it is slowly repairing the world environment here, but it takes a long time, and it can't let these The birth of Universe gave birth to a sufficient number of strong men.

In other words, the strength of the strongest among these universes will never exceed the level, and there are not many.


Soon, the ancient warship rolled away all the way, lighting up countless bright runes, like a torrent, rushing open the chaotic energy ahead, tearing the barriers of the Universe, breaking a path, and directly piercing the Kunji Universe.

The mighty vanguard of the upper realm has finally arrived!

This is a terrifying force that makes the Kunji Universe tremble. It crushes the rules of the world and cannot bear it. Big stars collapse one after another, exploding into Heavenly Tribulation dust.

The ancient warship was too huge, like an ancient continent, falling in the sky, tearing through the barriers of space forcefully and coming here.

Above are all figures of cultivator creatures, densely packed, or holding heavenly swords, heavenly swords, or riding fierce beasts, like torrents, trembling horribly, and at first glance, there is no end in sight.

And this is just the vanguard, the army coming from behind is even more terrifying, enough to sweep any universe.

*~ The rules of heaven and earth in this universe are oppressing me, but that's all, it can only bear the existence of enlightened people, but after the true ancestor comes, one person can suppress this universe

"Hahaha, the era tree actually appears in such a place, isn't this just waiting for me to come and pick it?"

The terrifying figures standing on the ancient warship, after sensing the degree of the universe of the universe, they all laughed with confidence, and were not worried about the threat they would pose.

There is not even an enlightened person, so weak and small, it is simply unworthy to let the upper world be moved by the wind.

They swept away with divine thoughts without scruples, they were very arrogant, showing their aura of being enlightened, overwhelming the wasteland, and did not hide it at all.

At the moment, according to the news, they drove the ancient warship and drove quickly to the place where the Northern Dipper star field was located.

The star fields encountered along the way were ignored by them, and they didn't care about it at all, and didn't want to waste time.

Kunji Universe poses no threat to them, but the Orthodox forces that come from behind are not weaker than them, and there will even be characters from the background, so they must seize the time and snatch the era tree first.

"Extraterritorial forces have come

"This day has finally arrived, how can this make people contend with it? Just the enlightened aura that is revealed, not (Zhao Li's) next four statues.

In these star regions, many forces that have born enlightened people sacrificed their imperial weapons in the first time, revived them, and were ready to resist at any time.

However, what made them dared to despair was that on such an ancient warship, there were only four enlightened persons who showed their breath, not including the existence of the quasi-emperor and the army that followed up on this universe.

We must know that in the records of Kunji Universe, it is impossible for two enlightened persons to appear at the same time at the same time, because the environment of heaven and earth should not be allowed, and they cannot bear that kind of energy.

But today, there are four enlightened persons appearing at the same time. Just a ray of energy that diffuses out is enough to explode the whole world.

In front of the enlightened, all cultivator creatures are ants, and it is impossible to resist consciousness.

Even if the Emperor Zhun sacrificed the imperial weapon to fully recover it, I'm afraid it would be shattered.

This day, for Kunji Universe, is an absolutely dark day, a day like the last day.

All the cultivator creatures can't see the slightest hope, and their hearts are full of gloom and despair.

And at this moment, in the depths of the Yuhua Immortal Dynasty, the divine light is shining, there is Sacred light rain and the wine falls, and the female emperor Huangyu's dharma body emerges, eating and standing up in the sky, and I stand alone, showing the wave of the enlightened person.

However, the emperor emperor and others who rushed to this place saw the scene here, but Qi Qi was dumbfounded and dumbfounded, full of shock and disbelief.

The Yifang Daotai is located here, and among them there is only a skull that is crystal clear as jade!

The huge platform is shining, surrounded by avenue runes, there are wisps of rules intertwined, and a vast amount of chaos is hanging down.

There is no figure of the Emperor Huang Yu as they thought, but some are just a skull, in which a faint spiritual imprint spreads out, motivating the existing Dao law and law body, seeming to convey a kind of emotion and pursuit?