Ch 778

The big silver hand came down from the sky, like Star, which could be held in his hand, covering the sky and sun, directly facing the land of the god ruins.

The Sun Moon Star trembled, and the divine light was billions of strands, like a boiling ocean.

The terrifying aura makes all the cultivator creatures in the Northern Dipper star field tremble to the extreme.

Some of the former dominances in the Northern Dipper star field have launched dark turmoil in the restricted area.

Those who have the same expressions of horror, sacrificed all the Magical Items, hid in the restricted area, did not dare to show up, for fear of being hit by such fluctuations, they would be destroyed directly.

This is a true enlightened person, Blood Qi is monstrous, terrifying, and it is at the peak.

"Once in the God Ruins, a world-famous aura appeared. Someone tried to rush into the God Ruins, but they were slapped to death, and the imperial artifacts were also photographed."

"There are both unprovokable existences. If a war breaks out, it will definitely destroy the world.

They were extremely frightened and felt that the existence of the Cultivation Base in the God Ruins absolutely surpassed the ordinary emperor realm, and they did not know if it was the rumored Lord of the God Ruins.

But even if it is not, it is by no means comparable to the average enlightened person.

The enlightened person who came from the rest of the universe above the sky is scary enough.

But they didn't think he would be the mysterious opponent in the god ruins, and he would probably be slapped to pieces by a slap.


The next moment, with the shocking noise, it seemed that the heavens and the earth had collapsed.

The endless divine light burst, and a bright white jade palm was photographed from the land of the god ruins. Wang Yang-like fluctuations were undulating, and the palm that fell in the air was covered on the face.

This is a shocking scene, it is almost like there are hundreds of millions of suns, boiling there, the dazzling light sweeping all the surrounding stars.

Countless cultivator creatures couldn't help but close their eyes.

The aftermath swept away, and instantly the surrounding Stars were all turned into ashes.

"what "

A scream rang, and then disappeared quickly.

The enlightened man who shot just now has turned into a cloud of blood and disappeared in the sky. All the methods were not used. It was just that in the collision just now, his body and spirit were destroyed.

The blood of the emperor descended from the sky and spread everywhere, like a rain of blood, but it was devastating.

The energy contained in this drop of blood is vast and endless, enough to penetrate some stars.

This shocking scene made all the cultivator creatures who witnessed this scene be stunned.

Even those quasi-emperors who fled the Northern Dipper star field far away and headed towards the edge of the Universe were still in shock.


"What exactly is going on "

Outside the Northern Dipper star field, the figures standing on the ancient warships also had numb scalp at this moment, and the whole body was cold, extremely horrified.

The faces of the other three enlightened persons paled suddenly, their laughter stopped abruptly, and their eyes were full of fear.

Just a face-to-face, their companion was photographed to death, and even only had time to let out a scream, they did not have time to go to rescue.

Moreover, if they didn't perceive wrong just now, there are other peerless creatures in the place where the Era Tree is!

"A slap of an enlightened person is absolutely comparable to those who exist in the background." They were very horrified, and they kept swallowing their saliva.

"It's not good, we underestimate the enemy. Although there is no enlightened person in this universe, it does not mean that there is no such place. At the beginning, the era tree would be dug up, and there must be a supreme figure to take action.

They are not stupid either, just now they are extremely arrogant, because it is expected that this Universe will not be able to threaten their existence.

Now that they knew that there was a foundation in the ruins of the gods, they all retreated and planned to wait until the true ancestor of the clan descended.

Otherwise, relying on their strength, they can only go to death, and there can be no second result.

At this moment, all the creatures in the Northern Dipper star field heard a wave-like sound from the God Ruins. It was the vast Spiritual Qi rules that were ups and downs, beating the sky.

The mist was permeated and spread out, and a slender figure stood there.

Peerless and lonely, her hair is scattered, her eyes are as clear as water, and the mist is like yarn, which makes her hazy and still can't see through.

However, people can see that standing in the vanity embroidery is a beautiful woman, standing proud of the world, with a long body cultivator and a magnificent appearance.

Just now she shot and slapped an enlightened person to death with one palm, making him invincible.

No one can connect such a peerless woman with the cruel person just now.

"Is this the mysterious master of the ruins

"Could she really have survived from the era of the Great Extinction to the present, how is this possible, is she already Immortal Ascension?"

There was an uproar in the Northern Dipper star field, and everyone was shocked, unimaginable, and unimaginable.

This survival time is too long, I am afraid it will take countless years to count.

Can the life matter in Kunji Universe support her to live so long?


"Is that the Lord of the God Market? The person you are looking for?"

In the Yuhuaxian Dynasty, the feathered emperor felt the bright white skull on the platform, trembling slightly, and mental fluctuations reappeared again, very weak, conveying a kind of emotion.

He said with a trembling voice, kneeling under the platform, feeling that the Emperor Huang Yu did not really disappear, but still remained here, supported by a huge obsession.

"Who is senior?

"The Era Tree is the treasure of my upper realm. It is related to the fate of my upper realm. I hope that the senior can return it. Although you can easily kill me, the true ancestor of my waiting is still on the way to come. No one's strength is weaker than you."

"Furthermore, there are innumerable forces like our clan in the upper realm. When they all come, you can only drink hatred if you have great means for seniors.

Above the sky, the remaining three enlightened persons quickly calmed down and looked directly at the figure outside the Shenxu, trying to make her understand the gap, and don't try to resist.

This is the power of the entire upper realm. No force can stop it. No, no universe or ancient realm can resist.

Upon hearing this, all the cultivator creatures in the Northern Dipper star field were even more desperate.

This vanguard army alone is enough to destroy this universe, and there are even more terrifying existences to befall behind.

What did they do wrong, why should they encounter such a devastating disaster?

"Senior, I still hope to understand that with your strength, you can't keep the Epoch Tree

The three enlightened persons opened their mouths again, and a great rune appeared on the surface of the body, with brilliance lingering, one after another, extremely astonishing and vigilant.

They had an unknown premonition. The white-clothed woman standing outside the God Ruins seemed to have chuckled slightly just now.

That voice was so demon-burning, like a peerless fairy, messing with all living beings, but with unabashed mockery and disdain.

In a daze, they saw a splendid peach tree in full bloom, peach blossoms, falling in the sky, with amazing beauty.

"According to the rumors, the Lord of the God Ruins once planted a peach tree."

"Could it be her?"

This scene made the sentient beings in the Northern Dipper star field tremble and horrified, suddenly thinking of a rumor, and their eyes widened.


"This piece is called the Forbidden Zone in the God Ruins, and the owner's? Is this just a peach tree he planted?"

And these voices caused the three enlightened people above the sky to change their complexions again, and the premonition of indeterminateness in their hearts increased again.

If this is the case, doesn't it mean that the Era Tree was brought from the upper realm and planted here by the Lord of the God Ruins?

The peach tree he planted has grown to a level comparable to a figure in the background?

Their scalp was numb, and they didn't have the confidence they had before speaking. If the Lord of the God Ruins still exists in the world, Cultivation Base has definitely reached the point where it can reach the sky.

But why does he want to snatch the era tree?

Many doubts were born in their hearts, but at this moment, there was no chance for them to think.

"Taste, taste,

In the ruins of the gods, the brilliance of rushing into the sky once again appeared, submerged in the sky, extremely splendid, like a huge chain,-the lower child was connected to an unknown area.

The terrible rune, burning in the virtual space, reflected the Universe, and it was shining brightly, and there were astonishing fluctuations surging there.

"this "

"The existence in the ruins of the gods intends to use me to refining medicine to continue my life, no, this is a ruthless guy."

Seeing this scene, the three enlightened persons above the sky changed their expressions drastically, and they turned around and wanted to escape.

Suddenly, they thought of some rumors. In the oldest time, the environment of the world had not changed drastically, and those immortals would use the means of refining medicine in the world to extend their lives and prolong their lives.

Those runes lie horizontally in the air like the sun, sinking into the void, as if they were gathering some kind of energy.

Then it turned into a chain and lashed towards them suddenly, like a rune lightning, quickly disappearing out of thin air, without giving them a chance to react at all.

…For flowers…

Even if they tried all means, they couldn't break away from the chain of the road. The Spiritual Qi all over their bodies seemed to be exhausted, and they couldn't use them at all.

"Senior forgive me"

"Senior, forgive me."

Shouts of horror reverberated in the sky, sweeping across the entire universe, causing the quasi emperors in many star regions in the distance to chill and feel that kind of fear and despair.

The rest of the cultivator creatures on the ancient warship also felt terrified. They thought that as the vanguard, they rushed to the Northern Dipper star field first, and could solve everything in the first time, thus capturing the era tree.

But never thought that such a terrible event would be encountered.

The method of refining medicine in the world has long been reduced to a taboo.

Even in the upper realm, no one dared to try, let alone use three enlightened persons to refine medicine. This is enough to describe the shocking world.

"It's terrible, the three enlightened ones, they couldn't move like this, they were bound in the void, and began to simmer them as great medicine.

"How terrifying is this?"

All the creature cultivators in the Northern Dipper star field were shocked by this scene, and got cold all over.


Along with the roar of the avenue, the three enlightened persons showed despair, screamed, and kept begging for mercy, as if they were suffering the most terrible torture in the world.

Their flesh and blood are disappearing, the fluctuations of their souls are dissipating, and they are constantly dimming like firelight.

Countless fragments of the avenue flew out, separated from the flesh, bones, spirit sea, and soul palace, arranged in the virtual space, recombined, and became like a flying fairy, extremely brilliant.

In the end, they exploded and turned into three extremely bright light clusters, which were their origin, just suspended in the void.

Everyone was stunned, and could not wait to rush over immediately, let the light rain rain, and collect the infinite avenue fragments in their bodies.

But no one dared to do this. They could only watch the rune keep burning, and then began to refine the medicine.

This process lasted for a long time, and then the three light clusters rushed together, colliding with the most dazzling light, and those avenue fragments also smelted together.

In that center, it condensed into a light group, the eyes were so big, blazing, and the compressed void was about to collapse.

Finally, in the shocking eyes of people, a big medicine took shape and metamorphosed into it, with an astonishing and strong fragrance permeating it.

This great medicine was formed in the void, like a little fairy phoenix, lifelike and extremely splendid.

It seemed to be spiritual. When it first transformed, it turned into a divine rainbow and went straight to the Yuhuaxian Dynasty. middle.


At this moment, a wave of life aura emerged, and the white skull became more and more bright and translucent, and then there was endless light rising up there, covering the surroundings completely.

It was vague and hazy, there was a bright light, and a fairy rhyme intertwined, and even some people heard the crisp call of the fairy phoenix.


The emperor of the Yuhuaxian Dynasty watched this scene blankly, and didn't react at all.

The existence in the gods' ruins collected the great medicine refined by the three enlightened persons, and used them on their ancestors, the Emperor Huang Yu?

In fact, not only the emperor of the Feathered Immortal Dynasty, but all the creature cultivators in the Northern Dipper star field were also stunned by this scene.

What kind of heaven-defying method is this, is it intended to use the lives of three enlightened persons to force herself to continue her life as the Emperor Huang Yu for another lifetime?

They couldn't even think about it. These methods can no longer be described in words. They are simply taking their lives against the sky.

From here, they also suddenly understood the many rumors they had seen, that the female emperor Huang Yu really followed the Lord who had encountered the God Ruins, and the person she was looking for must be the mysterious Lord of the God Ruins.

Otherwise, how could the Lord of the God Ruins use the three enlightened persons as medicinal materials to collect the human medicine for her?

In the ruins of the gods, Gu Changge sits crouched under the era tree, his eyes silent.

For him now, it is not difficult to do these things, not to mention that there is sufficient source of enlightened beings, collecting and refining the human world medicine is itself a process of refining and refining the source, eliminating the desolation and saving the bodhisattva.

In the process of tampering with the history of this universe, the female emperor Huang Yu herself existed as an odd number.

In the original timeline, she could not become an emperor, nor could she establish the Yuhuaxian Dynasty, and even in this life, there are still mental fluctuations.

If she had no mental fluctuations left, Gu Changge would not be able to resurrect her now. At best, it could only be regarded as repaying the Karma that she deserved. superior.