Ch 799

In the past, the upper realms each went to the Orthodox forces to dominate their respective star domains, according to their own rules and regulations, and regarded ordinary cultivator creatures as ants.

Some supreme figures with exhaustion of vitality and blood will even go to some ancient stars of life when their lifespan is exhausted, devour countless creatures, and delay their own aging.

However, after the establishment of the Dark Heaven Court, new rules and orders appeared, which no longer made the former cultivator forces aloof. Ordinary cultivator creatures were also protected by the rules of the Dark Heaven Court.

Those supreme who have started the dark chaos, dare not be as open as they used to be, unable to control their eyes, and regard ordinary cultivator creatures as blood food.

This is actually a good thing for ordinary cultivators. After the turmoil, the environment becomes stable and peaceful, and they will naturally benefit.

On the contrary, those supreme Orthodox and Immortal forces are subject to the most restraint, and they don't have the freedom and freedom they used to do.

The birth of a fairyland has formulated new rules, which even they must abide by, this is an irrefutable fact.

"Seven Six Zero" Gu Changge had told people around him very early that he would re-establish the rules later, which is actually very important for him to develop the believers of the Dark Heaven Court.

The power of faith is extremely special, originating from the piety of the soul, even in Gu Changge's current Realm, it is impossible to say clearly what the power of faith is.

The countless cultivator creatures among the heavens and domains of the upper realm can generate the power of faith, and the power of faith will not be affected by the strength of the Cultivation Base.

Therefore, Gu Changge is so concerned about ordinary cultivator creatures. After all, these ordinary cultivators are the most numerous among the universe.

He is naturally extremely proficient in this kind of thing to win over people's hearts.

The Tao Village at night is extremely peaceful, the starry night is like water, filled with misty glow, and the entire wilderness has an unspeakable tranquility and tranquility.

The fierce beasts in the distance were quiet, and there was no roar.

Because of Gu Changge's arrival, the villagers in Tao Village have prepared a lot of wine and beasts and meats, and set up a flame. Many beautiful women sang and danced in the meantime, very happy and lively.

Gu Xian'er and Gu Changge were very close, hugging her legs, with a small face on her knees. In her beautiful and moving eyes, she was looking at everything in a dazed manner.

All the blue silks danced with the night breeze, and some of them were blown on Gu Changge.

"Is the immortal realm about to border the upper realm, so you have to leave?"

Suddenly, Gu Xian'er's words suddenly sounded, making Gu Changge who was grilling the meat every day startled.

He couldn't help but laughed, and said, "Isn't it a good thing that the immortal realm and the upper realm have begun to border? For many cultivators, the opportunity of Immortal Ascension is one step closer. In a few hundred years, the upper realm will be able to return to its former prosperity. No longer separated."

"I will go to Xianyu, but at least it's still far away.

"Does that also mean that the existence in the fairyland can affect the upper realm?"

"I heard that after the Forbidden Era, the fairyland and the upper realm separated. The previous fairyland existence, even the existence far beyond the fairyland, went to the fairyland, and spent a long time in it. Cultivation Base has long been I don't know how deep it is."

Gu Xian'er lowered her eyes, looked a little sad, and thought of many things.

"You said, after the realm of the immortal realm borders the upper realm, can you beat those people now?"

She has not asked Gu Changge's true identity, but judging from his many layouts and actions, she can guess that Gu Changge's purpose is not just as simple as Immortal Ascension.

He planned a lot, and certainly included a more long-term plan.

But it is undeniable that Gu Changge's calculation of the heavens and domains will soon be revealed to the world.After the immortal domain borders the upper realm, how will those who have truly entered the fairyland view this matter?

Among them, I am afraid that there will be Gu Changge's previous enemies, right?

After all, he was from the taboo era, reincarnated and reborn in this era, and why did he reincarnate because of what happened?

This cannot be for no reason.

"So this is your mind?"

"You don't need to worry about these things. You just need to understand that there are very few people in this world who can do anything to me. Or, in my opinion, they have not appeared.

Gu Changge understood how unhappy and worried she was during this period of time, and couldn't help laughing.

But she didn't say anything.

In fact, he himself is not very worried about these things, because Xianyu and the upper bound are even bordering.

The fairyland in those fairyland exists, if you want to set foot on the upper realm, you have to spend a lot of price, it is impossible to really come.

What's more, Gu Changge has been refining and absorbing that drop of Demon Lord's true blood for decades.

In addition, we are also waiting for the real immortal road to appear, so that the physical body will be tempered by the light of the immortal way to truly condense the immortal body, thereby refining and absorbing the Tao fruit that Samsara Gu Tianzun left for him.

Those things, but Samsara Gu Tianzun prepared in order to condense the Immortal King Tao fruit, and finally made wedding dresses for Gu Changge disciples.

"Even if it is the king of immortals and the ancestor of immortals, it can't have any influence on me."

"Today's Upper Realm, I have to say it.

Gu Changge has many methods, and he is not worried about this kind of thing. On the contrary, he is a little curious about what the fairyland has become today.

After all, the real ruins of the fairy palace are within the immortal realm. At the beginning, the ten thousand realms collapsed, but since the fairy palace, the destruction suffered by the immortal realm is definitely greater than the upper realm.

"But, I always have an unknown hunch

"Something will happen.

Gu Xian'er raised her eyes and looked at Gu Changge very seriously, "If anyone has been waiting for you in Xianyu?"

"Waiting for me? Do you mean that there will be enemies waiting for me?" Gu Changge raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling that Gu Xian'er's words should not be a whim, but a real premonition.

But in his memory, he couldn't find the traces of this so-called enemy. There are really enemies in this world waiting for him? Knowing that he will return from the upper realm sooner or later?

Gu Xian'er's words made Gu Changge a little bit thoughtful, a little thoughtful.

The Daughter of Qi Luck fits into the number of Heavenly Dao's operations, and it is not impossible to see a ray of heavenly secrets in the dark.

In short, he still keeps a careful eye to avoid going overboard in the gutter in the future.

After avoiding this topic, Gu Xian'er's mood was obviously better than before, not so heavy, and restored to his former vivacious and arrogant, and even grabbed Gu Changge's roasted meat every day.

But on the other hand, I feel disgusted and feel that the taste is not as good as before. Gu Changge has forgotten his old barbecue skills.

What this said made Gu Changge couldn't help but want to knock her melon seeds on her head. No one in this world had such a good treatment and had her turn to give her a barbecue, but she was still not satisfied, and she really owed it a lot.

After spending some time in Tao Village, Gu Changge also found that Tao Yao had recovered a lot of strength, but it was actually not restored. It was because of the changes in the environment of heaven and earth that her strength was much deeper than before.

In Gu Changge's view, she is the real fairyland strength. The god 3.7 soul and body have reached the level of the fairyland.

In the following years, in the center of the upper realm, the whole picture of the dark Heaven Court appeared in front of the world for the first time. The majestic and majestic group of ancient palaces emerged from an ancient world, spreading without end.

Nantianmen, Beitianmen, Xitianmen, and Dongtianmen, the four heavenly gates crashed down in a sudden, quaint and vicissitudes of life, enveloping the celestial fog, seeming to be able to support the heavens and eight wastes, there are countless rules and order divine chains intertwined around, like a vast sea.

After that, the heavenly soldiers and generals who fought in all races and realms were reflected in the void, and the bright light rose up like a big sun, illuminating the heavens and domains.

On this day, the heavens and domains trembled together, and countless cultivator creatures heard the vast world sounds and sacrificial sounds, which came from there, overwhelming the world.

The Dark Heaven Court, self-reliant as the eternal Immortal Kingdom, held the first state sacrifice, the vast silver power of faith, gathered from all walks of life, above the dark Heaven Court, ignited the immortal fire and forged national artifacts. .