Ch 802

Of course, in order to establish the Kingdom of God, Gu Changge did not hesitate to use the Kunji Universe as the prototype, and smelted a lot of broken universes to make this world.

Especially the Era Tree, being planted by him in the kingdom of God, holding up the Sun, Moon and Star, surrounded by the vast Chaos Sea, endless.

In this celestial palace, Gu Changge sat there, blurred and hazy, shrouded by the traces of the avenue, indistinctly, as if sitting high in the sky on the Ninth Stage, overlooking the eternal ages, not in the world.

There is only one kind of supreme coercion and brilliance immortal might permeate, the breath overwhelming the world, shocking the heavens and ten thousand domains.

The cultivator believers who came to the kingdom of God were all outside the temple at the moment. Seeing such a shocking sight, they couldn't help kneeling down.

The sky and the earth are full of human figures, and in the temples on both sides, there are many gods and star monarchs who come to worship, dominating the vast star field, and the territory can be described as endless.

The god generals are mighty and mighty, flooding this kingdom of gods, he can follow Gu Changge's orders at any time to patrol the heavens and domains.

"I will wait to see the Lord."

The many guests coming and going were all shaking, and then they came outside the Great Hall and met the Gu Changge cupped hands above.

Immortal God Kingdom was first built, especially an immortal Daoist, how can you make them disrespectful? Even if it comes with a heart of fear, I dare not say 763, choose to ignore it, and stay honestly in the clan land. Congratulations.

Especially the one in front of him, but the most ruthless person behind the Kunji disaster, how many secrets existed behind the scenes, calculated the entire upper realm behind the scenes.

Who is not guilty? Who is not afraid?

Among these guests, there are actually many younger generations, including people who were the same generation as Gu Changge, and many old acquaintances he knows.

There are also some young people in the world who are heroic and self-confident.

They looked at the figure above the kingdom of God in shock, knowing that this was the most invincible existence in the world, and the people who died tragically in their hands were innumerable.

Among the many guests, the ones with the most complicated expressions are those from the Changsheng Gu family and Wushuangxian Dynasty.

Over the years, Gu Changge's trail has been elusive, let alone the outside world, even the people of the Changsheng Gu family rarely saw him, so based on many rumors, they inevitably guessed.

There are many smart people in this world. Although Gu Changge never showed up in front of people from the beginning to the end, no one said that he was the Lord of the Dark Heaven Court.

But in fact, in the hearts of many Immortal orthodoxy and supreme forces, this is already a recognized matter.

In the vast Great Hall that resembles a universe, many guests have arrived, just like a grand gathering where the heavens came to worship in ancient times.

Everyone's expressions were a little tranced. They saw too many powerful people here. Some of the peak powerhouses in the extremely remote Universe also rushed over, with gifts and extremely respectful respect.

"You don't have to be polite."

And just when the minds of many guests were different, Gu Changge, who was sitting above the kingdom of God, got up.

He spoke slowly, his voice was very gentle and gentle, and there was no terrifying pressure. On the contrary, it was like a gentle spring breeze, which calmed his impetuous mood.

At the same time, the chaotic fog on his body slowly dissipated, revealing his true face.

On the face of Qingjun's as immortal, there is no trace of time, and the gods are like jade, unparalleled in the world, and it is hard to even think of the ruthless man who counted the heavens and killed the upper realm.

Seeing Gu Changge who showed his true face, in the large Great Hall, he suddenly fell silent.

Some cultivators who don't know the truth even opened their eyes in amazement, but they slammed their mouths to prevent them from making any noise.

Some were surprised that the young man and woman who looked very young, the god master suddenly opened his eyes, and was also full of amazement.

Because they all recognized Gu Changge, although it has been decades since the age of the young Tianjiao of the previous generation, it does not affect the many horrible rumors left by the Tianjiao of the previous generation.

One of the most eye-catching is naturally Gu Changge.

After more than twenty years of birth, (cedh) has reached the level of a character in the background, and even the general character in the background is far from its opponent.

Although it is because he is the reincarnation of a certain supreme being in the taboo era, relying on the fruit of the previous life, it is also shocking and unbelievable.

Many people have guessed whether Gu Changge has quietly Closed Door Training in a certain place during this period of time, trying to break through a higher Realm.

But I never expected that the Lord of the Dark Heaven Court would be him.

Of course, this is the thought in the minds of those cultivator creatures who have never guessed in this aspect before.

Those who have guessed before, but there is no evidence to prove that all the orthodox forces are shocking, complicated, and uneasy.

Compared with unfounded absurd guesses, after seeing the reality, it turns out that reality is actually even more absurd than guessing.

Because they didn't even know how Gu Changge did all this, and how he planned all this secretly under the aura of the first person of his generation.

This is something they will never figure out, but it does not prevent the shock in their hearts.

If it hadn't been for this period of time, many of Gu Changge's actions coincided with the actions of the Dark Heaven Court, I am afraid they would not be able to guess this fact.

Shock, shock, horror, fear

This is almost the same emotional thought in the hearts of everyone in Great Hall. Even the clansmen of the Changsheng Gu Family and Wushuang Xian Dynasty cannot calm down. They don't know what to say and what to show.

"Sure enough, it's Changge."

An ancestor of the Changsheng Gu family, with a complex expression, sighed in his heart, but he couldn't hide his fear of Gu Changge.

In any case, he is the ruthless person who turned the upper realm upside down with his own power.

Many people were even more pale, their legs trembling, and it was difficult to stand firm.

Gu Changge looked at the scene below the Great Hall, walked a few steps forward slowly, and then watched silently, seemingly thoughtful, without speaking.

The aura of the avenue on his body is very strong, extremely lofty and emptiness, as if it blends into the sky and the earth, not in the heavens and ten thousand domains, occasionally there are wisps of fairy light overflowing, colorful and dazzling, accompanied by fairy clouds, it seems that the clouds can rise at any time.

Everyone looked at him and couldn't help but backed away a few steps.

Gu Changge still didn't speak, his eyes slowly sweeping across everyone, there were familiar people as well as strangers.

Among them are his peers who have fought with him before, such as the six crown kings Junyao, Tianhuang Girl, and former followers, as well as the Elder of the former True Immortal Academy and the Elder of the Celestial Immortals Palace.

But no matter who it is, look at his eyes with fear.

Although he had anticipated this for a long time, Gu Changge's mood was still slightly complicated, except for the few beauties around him, he was truly lonely in the world.