Ch 824

This area is full of vast chaotic fog, which hangs down one after another, and then floats and flows continuously.

The sky is even more bleak, like a land of extinction.

The magnificent and vast palace complex stands upright in the depths of this area, fading with the radiance of the heavens.

Even if a true fairy came here, he would feel his body about to explode, collapse and annihilate under this kind of aura.

"The ancient world of origin, once again opened the door, the people in Samsara, who have come from that road, are now in the western fairyland."

"I am far from its opponent. I am worried that there will be an accident. I also hope that the senior will be born and wait for me to plunder the battle to prevent this person from escaping.

Immortal King Kunxuan, with a Junior attitude, with a bit of humility and respect, came to this area and spoke to the vast palaces in front of him.

As a foreign immortal king, he claims to be invincible in the world, overlooking all living beings, sitting on the end of the sky, ignoring everything, millions of years are just flowing water, and there will be no waves in his eyes.

However, facing the existence of this palace group, Immortal King Kunxuan's posture was very low, holding the gift of Junior.

Although both are immortal kings, Daoxing Cultivation Base also has a huge gap, even an insurmountable gap.

For him, when he was still a small cultivator, this senior was already an immortal king, in charge of the disillusionment of sentient beings and the ups and downs of billions of stars.

After so many years, he has also become a supreme fairy king from the little cultivator he once was.

But in front of such seniors, he is still humble and respectful, knowing that the other party wants to obliterate himself, it is very easy.

This is the Cultivation Base Realm and Daoxing, the horror of the chasm-like gap is currently insurmountable.

Of course, in the vast expanse of foreign land, there are still many ancient existences like the senior in front of them, but they are too mysterious. .

Those ancient beings, even experienced the drastic changes in the rest of the real world, have existed since the birth of the mountain and sea real world, and those that came from the rest of the real world, survived the calamity, escaped to this world, and chose to avoid the world. of.

In short, in this vast alien universe, even Immortal King Kunxuan did not dare to be too arrogant, for fear that he would provoke those old monsters who have lived for countless epochs.

The Immortal King is not the end of Realm, and even the highest he knows, there is still an extremely long way to go.


And as the words of Immortal King Kunxuan fell, this area filled with the vast chaotic mist suddenly appeared shocking.

The sky was rumbling and trembling, and the surrounding star fields were trembling, as if they were about to fall.

A kind of terrifying breathing sounded in the hearts and minds of all the surrounding cultivator creatures, and the heavens and the earth were ups and downs because of this.

"Who wakes me up?"

The vicissitudes of ancient voice, with indifference, resounded here, echoing throughout the universe.

Immortal King Kunxuan's attitude became more respectful, and he said, "Junior Kunxuan, I have met senior."

The immortal kings who heard the news from other directions were also extremely surprised when they came here, and then their attitudes were respectful.

Even the immortal king, who is extremely proud and indifferent, with black wings on his back, has a tempered aura and waits here.

This piece of Universe is very extensive. It was already very difficult to accommodate the breath and way of an immortal king, but at this moment there was no collision. There was an unimaginable tranquility.

"I'm waiting to meet senior."

These immortal kings all understand what this place means. In front of this one, they are all Junior, and Cultivation Base Dao Fa is definitely far inferior to each other.

Being the same fairy king Realm, it is very difficult to decide the victory or defeat, but these veteran fairy kings are different. Their control of Taoism and origin is far beyond their understanding.

"Reappearance of the ancient world of origin?"

A mumbling old voice echoed here, and then the thick fog dispersed, and a figure dressed in a black robe appeared Xiangyan. His face was covered by the fog and could not be seen clearly.

But the terrible aura that made the road roar was permeated, and this world seemed unbearable.

"Return to Ming Wang senior, that is the case. Millions of years ago, I waited to break through the Western Immortal Territory and tried to find the entrance to that realm, but failed."

"I never thought that the portal reappeared recently, covering all directions, and from it is a king who seems to be Samsara, very young, I am not his opponent."

Immortal King Kunxuan said, respectful in words, to put things in a nutshell, including the fact that his law body was killed by the opponent's Sword Ray.

If he hadn't pulled out his spiritual thoughts in time, I'm afraid he would have suffered serious damage.

"The king who walked out of Samsara?"

The old man named Ming Wang suddenly shot two horrible sword lights in his eyes, almost splitting the universe.

His mind was turbulent, and he could no longer avenge and calm himself as before.

"Unexpectedly, I can still encounter the existence in Samsara in this life, maybe it will be an acquaintance I have seen in the past.

King Ming spoke slowly, flicking his big sleeves, and the universe in front of him roared, he tore it open, strode out, and headed towards the fairyland.

Upon hearing this, Immortal King Kunxuan and the others were all in turmoil. They knew that this senior had existed before the Taboo Era, and then followed him, followed by four immortal kings.

They are now the well-deserved masters of the foreign land. They are all in charge of the Universe, and the people behind them are billions and billions of people.

In terms of identity, they are the lord of the royal family. In today's era, Shouyuan can also be described as endless, overlooking the era is more preferred.

But today they all dispatched to the fairyland, tearing open the big tunnel between the universe.

This incident caused great waves in a foreign land, and all the great royal clans sent true immortals to follow behind and kill them together to the western immortal land.

At this moment, in the western fairyland, the waves are still uneven.

All the alien cultivator creatures who arrived in front of the ancient city of Tongtian shuddered and did not dare to move.

I have witnessed Gu Changge's indifference and cruelty.

On the contrary, many descendants of Immortal Territory feel very excited. Seeing the people in the foreign land so frightened and uneasy, their hearts are full of joy.

The descendants of the fairyland have been hiding everywhere, worrying about being found by alien creatures. After the great battle millions of years ago, the western fairyland can be said to have fallen apart.

Now the cultivator of the Supreme Realm has disappeared, let alone enlightened people and true immortals.

The vast majority of the strong at the time all fled to the rest of the immortal domains, and the western immortal domains were reduced to abandoned land and occupied by foreign races.

Once upon a time, the Western fairyland was extremely prosperous, with various ethnic groups, and under the rule of the fairy king, it was full of vitality and tranquility.

The disaster a million years ago destroyed the Western Immortal Territory, and also destroyed all the tranquility. It made all the descendants of the Immortal Territory become mice crossing the street and flee everywhere.

Many people can only come to the barren hills and ridges to multiply and thrive here.

"I just don't know which immortal king was this lord?"

"Even the fairy king in the foreign land was taken away, and his strength is absolutely unfathomable."

"The realm of Origin is extremely mysterious. Maybe there are other powerful people besides this adult. If they all show up, they can definitely drive away the aliens."

"The restoration of the prosperity and peace of the Western fairyland in the past is just around the corner.

At this moment, many descendants of the Immortal Territory couldn't help but think about this scene, and their emotions could not be forced to become excited.

Gu Changge listened to the conversation of these descendants of the immortal realm, his face was extremely calm, without the slightest disturbance.

He looked at the sky quietly, and could feel the vast fluctuations coming from a distant area.

However, that is not the direction of a foreign land, but a fairy land in other directions.

"The rest of the immortal domain, there should be immortal kings

"They should also be aware of the fluctuations here, and want to come and have a look."

The big red bird couldn't help but said that although he had only existed as Gu Xian'er's tool spirit, it didn't mean that he was ignorant.

To know that when it was used as the sword of cutting the sky, there were countless immortal kings.

Gu Changge nodded, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "It's ridiculous to say, 773 they only dare to show up at this time. I only dared to hide in their respective realm."

"This is the king of Xianyu today."

He shook his head lightly, not mocking, just thought it was funny.

This is the fairyland that Gu Qingyi has always wanted to protect and protect.

But now, Gu Changge still doesn't know where Gu Qingyi is.

As the true spirit of the real world of Shanhai, it can be said that many people in this world, including the immortal land and the foreign land, were born and nurtured under her witness.

As the true spirit of this world, the meaning of her existence is actually the same as Heavenly Dao, except that the form of the true spirit means that she was born with will and can come into this world in the form of beings.

The battle between foreign land and immortal land, just like Yin & Yang, the existence of virtuality and reality, is the fate of Heavenly Dao, which plays the role of fettering each other's demise and maintaining balance.

However, Gu Qingyi, as a true spirit, obviously has partiality towards Xianyu.

But the Xianyu side, obviously did not improve under her favoritism, on the contrary, the internal fighting was quite serious.

Otherwise, how did this five-party immortal domain come from?

If there are not so many things, how can the foreign land break them one by one?

Although there is a foreign land, some ethnic creatures are secretly connected with the existence of the rest of the real world, or because of the connection with the original world.

But only a million years ago, Xianyu has declined to this day, and is even far behind the upper bound.

Gu Changge thought of the decision that Gu Qingyi had discussed with him, so he could only shake his head slightly in his heart.

As the demon lord, he stood on the opposite side of the fairyland, and crushed the heavens with only one hand. Although he planned to work with Gu Qingyi, he didn't have a little desire in it.

This decayed and dilapidated fairyland will die sooner, and perhaps it will be able to give birth to new vitality.

In this way, one or two anomalous numbers may be born before the next battle to cut the sky.