Ch 829

This strike shook the sky, thousands of star fields were trembling, originally dim, and plunged into the eternal silence and darkness in front of the ancient city of Tongtian.

All creatures are desperate, swallowed by the Fallen Hole, their vitality is quickly fading away.

The light of the sun, the moon, and the stars are dissipating, the heavens and the earth are forever, and the wilderness is silent.

This is not a phantom, but a real scene, as if the world is extinct.

Even the half-step fairy king, in front of this kind of magical power, there is no way.

Jin Yuan roared, his body gushing with fairy light, and the avenue rune intertwined, trying to struggle out, but failed. He could only witness his own vitality passing fast, and then was swallowed by the fallen true hole.

Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others in the distance were also shaking in their hearts. I didn't expect that the fallen True Kong Immortal King would have such a terrible killer move.

They boast that in the face of such a killer move, they must be careful to avoid their sharp edges and cannot easily resist.

If it was swallowed by the Fallen Hole, even if it was them, it would be difficult to break through its body and rush out.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the current king of the foreign land, its body is already strong enough to break the universe at will.

The hardest Immortal fairy gold, in front of it, I am afraid that it will also have to be turned into powder.

"The Fallen True Kong Immortal King has been contaminated with the strange substance of the Origin Realm, causing its body to be Immortal. It is cast in the most terrible way. It is not afraid of any pain. It is equivalent to immunity to pain and full of vitality."

Immortal King Kunxuan sighed and said that he was a little envious of the fallen true hole Immortal King who possessed such a good fortune.

This kind of flesh is far beyond their level. In a certain way, the strength of the Fallen True Kong Immortal King is stronger than the three of them.

"No wonder Immortal King Kong, the depraved true punishment, is so confident that I dare to kill one person and snatch it from me."

Immortal King Qingming said, in his indifferent eyes, the meaning of shaking passed by, although he was transformed by a strange beast, he claimed to have the world's speed, surpassing time, and reach the other side of Qingming.

However, this is just a rumor. Although his physical body is strong, he can be crushed by time, but he knows that he is far less powerful than the Fallen Real Kong Immortal King.

The star field in front of Tongtian Ancient City was swallowed, and it became an absolute nothingness, an incomparable horror.

All this is very slow to talk about, but in fact it was only a matter of 24 in an instant. Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others came quickly, still with some vigilance in their hearts, and did not relax.

They are not stupid people who can get to this point.

The Fallen True Kong Immortal King dares to take such a risk because it has great confidence in its own body.


However, it was at the moment when the Three Kings were about to descend.

The dense black light exploded there, like a black sun blooming, shining light on the heavens.

The Fallen True Kong Immortal King groaned, then growled, and his huge body shook sharply, as if it was about to split apart.

"Do not

The complexion of the three kings suddenly changed, and they were about to take action, trying to help the fallen true hole fairy king.

At this moment, an arm was shot in the sky, as if it had been taken from the eternal age, and then it fell from the mouth of the fallen true hole fairy king, and the countless brilliance bloomed and sprayed.

The vast energy is like an endless Wang Yang, who will completely submerge that place.

The body of the Fallen True Kong Immortal King exploded and was torn apart. Its mouth was burst open, dripping with blood, and his injuries were terrifying. It was almost split and exploded from scratch.

Gu Changge stood there, his robe was never lifted, his eyes remained unchanged from beginning to end.

Cen Ji is profound and indifferent.

For some reason, at this moment, the Three Kings thought of the eternal will of Heavenly Dao, overlooking the vast ants.

They shuddered unexpectedly, which made them feel unbelievable and unacceptable.

As the existence of the fairy king, what else in this world can make them fear, uneasy, and even fear.

This makes them unacceptable.

"The body of the Fallen True Kong Immortal King was broken, I am afraid it has hurt the origin."

"Too overconfident, this consequence will only make things more difficult to resolve.

Immortal King Kunxuan noticed that he was caught by Gu Changge, and his face was changing drastically.

He came out with a seven-story pagoda, golden and brilliant, with seven floors. At this moment, it was as majestic as a continent, falling from a high altitude, shaking down, trying to rescue the fallen true hole.

Immortal King Qingming and another Immortal King are also taking action. The chain of billions of laws and gods converges here into the ocean, which is constantly boiling and surging, and is flooded towards Gu Changge.

However, beside Gu Changge, there are ripples spreading, which are not obvious, like the mist aroused around the green lotus, and also like the stars that are inherited.

All the attacks disappeared silently in front of Ripple, and he couldn't touch him at all.

"Magic power immune

"Or Wanfa's non-invasion technique?"

Immortal King Kunxuan's heart was shaken again, this is an enviable magical technique.

He had also heard that an ancestor of an emperor in a foreign land seemed to possess such talented supernatural powers. All the descendants of the clan can use it, but it can only work in the Immortal Realm, because this is already the limit.

In the fairy king Realm, how is it possible to reappear?

He couldn't believe it. It was a sight he had seen with his own eyes, and he had never imagined it before.

"Does this person have something to do with the ancestor of the emperor?'

Immortal King Qing Ming was also shocked by this scene. He had never expected that a glimmer of light appeared beside Gu Changge, and he was immune to all the magical powers that attacked him.

This is the supernatural power of the fairy king level, destroying the universe at every turn, tearing the sky apart, and destroying the eight wilderness.

But in front of Gu Changge, like a mud cow into the sea, it couldn't stir the slightest waves.

"How did you do it"

True Fallen Hole opened his mouth, and his eyes were unbelievable. Gu Changge's body was caught, as if imprisoned and unable to move.

At this moment, there was a trace of fear in its eyes that even it felt horrified.

In this young man, it once again gave birth to an emotion called fear. It can't remember how many years have passed since it became the Taoist Fruit of the Immortal King.

But today, there is still fear.

Gu Changge looked at it calmly without explaining, then chuckled lightly and said, "You sent it to me by yourself, and I don't know how to thank you."

"What do you mean?"

Fallen True Hole kept bleeding from his mouth and roared. These are the blood of the fairy king, colorful, and one drop seems to contain thousands of worlds.

If it falls in the rest of the place, I am afraid that a single drop will be enough to destroy an ancient world.

The surrounding fairyland and alien creatures were born from death. Seeing the sky again, their souls were dissipated. They were so scared that they were still desperate and did not recover.

However, now I see that the unimaginably powerful and unimaginable fallen True Kong Immortal King was caught by Gu Changge and tried to escape.

But the body cracked like porcelain, all kinds of cracks spread quickly, and soon covered its body.

Such a horrible sight made them tremble with horror and horror.

I thought that this mysterious man would be swallowed by the Fallen True Kong Immortal King.

But never thought that he would break all this easily, and imprison the body of the Fallen True Kong Immortal King.

These methods have surpassed their imagination, and they can no longer describe their feelings with awe.

"My lord is so powerful"

Jin Yun's voice trembled slightly, and he became a half-step fairy queen. He thought he was already one of the best in the southern fairyland, overlooking the birth and death of immeasurable creatures and the universe.

However, today, she trembled like an ant, and once again experienced the insignificance when she first stepped into practice.

"You want to swallow me, but you can't even bite my arm."

"This is how confident you were just now?"

Gu Changge ignored the shock reaction of the people around him, just looked at the fallen real hole he had grasped, with a little intriguing eyes in his eyes.

The fallen true lonely roared, there was secret power in the body, and he wanted to break it away, but Gu Changge slapped it off, directly causing its skull to explode, blood of various colors spurted out, and the soul swayed and almost shattered.

"help me "

Fallen Zhenkong felt unconcealed fear, and he had no confidence before, shouting at the Immortal King Kunxuan and others, trying to get them to rescue himself.

Otherwise, it really feels that it might die here today and be killed by Gu Changge.


The vast power emerges, here is the light gushing again, the Kunxuan Immortal King, Qingming Immortal King and others, once again shot, all kinds of terrifying Taoist interpretations.

Even if they knew that Gu Changge could be immune to Magic power, they still took a strong shot. They felt it was impossible to always be immune. There was a limit.

As long as that limit is broken, Gu Changge can be injured.


However, Gu Changge didn't even turn his eyes to them, and there was a strong black energy flowing between his palms and his fingers, turning into a black light-shrouded avenue bottle.

A vast black light fell from the mouth of the bottle, like a waterfall.

The great aquarium condensed by the great rune flew out, flew towards the immortal king Kunxuan, the immortal king Qingming, etc., constantly zooming in, and then shrouded the world.

It seems that an invisible abyss emerges, which can swallow everything in the world, and even the rules of the avenue are cracking and cracking.

"what is this "

"It seems that I have seen it in a certain taboo classic

Immortal King Kunxuan's complexion changed drastically, staring at the treasure bottle carefully, but only the fuzzy outline could be seen.

There are a few lines intertwined in it, and it is hard to see clearly.

His pagoda was shaking, and at this moment was imprisoned by that majestic swallowing power.

Then there were some cracks, and the road marks inscribed on them were quickly disappearing, becoming a child's fan.

This made Immortal King Kunxuan blood dripping in his heart, and his Magical Item accompanied him throughout his life.

Even in the battle of the same level, the ancients have not been damaged.

Later, he used various rare gods to sacrifice and refine, which was indestructible.

Today, however, it is about to crack open, even the vague bottle can't be touched.

"I am also somewhat impressed. It may really be the thing in the taboo books. It is just an imitation, and it has such a supernatural power."

"can not imagine "

Immortal King Qingming's face was solemn, he was blocked by those black lights, even if it was extremely fast, he could not pass through.

There seemed to be a sea of ​​black energy gushing out there, the star field was submerged, and the three kings were isolated, and they couldn't pass through. Naturally, they couldn't rescue the fallen true hole fairy king.

What's more, what makes them difficult to accept is that Gu Changge just casually sacrificed such a replica of such a forbidden thing, and blocked them?

"what "

At this time, the screams of the fallen true hole came. As the immortal king, his determination was stronger than that of a hundred refined immortal gold.

What else is there in this world that will make it scream?

Even in the face of Death, it is impossible to humiliate a fairy king so much, it would be its shame.

But after 777 saw the scene over there, even if it was Immortal King Kunxuan and others, his hair was chilling, and his scalp was even tingling.

The fragrance of medicine wafted from the heavens and the earth, and the fire of the avenue was burning, constantly burning the degenerate truth.

It is being refined, being treated as a great medicine in the world, being swallowed and absorbed by Gu Changge, and in front of them, its origin is fading away quickly.

The immortal king Tao fruit is solid, and even condenses into the shape of a fruit.

It was a real hole that had shrunk several times, crystal clear, and filled with the fragrance of medicine.

Just a breath is enough to make an ordinary cultivator soar, and even reborn.

But now, it's just being eaten by Gu Changge as a big medicine and as an ordinary fruit.

He has a natural look, without any abnormality, and is extremely self-assured, as if these actions have been done countless times, and they have been branded in his bones and souls.

The body of the Fallen True Kong Immortal King burns in the flames, it is the real fire of Dadao, which can burn the Universe and destroy everything.

Now it is only used as a kind of fire, used by Gu Changge to sacrifice the origin of the fairy king, and then it is refined into Tao fruit for him to devour.

"what "

"help me.."

Immortal King Fallen True Kong screamed, and the pain and humiliation were hard to describe in words.

It has witnessed itself being refined, its own Taoism and essence have become nourishment.

In the fire of this avenue, being deconstructed and suffering has become a crystal clear medicine.

Then he was swallowed by Gu Changge unhurriedly, his eyes were natural, his manners were calm and gentle, and he even gave people a sense of grace.

But now, all the creatures in the foreign land were so shocked that they were screaming, which was unacceptable.

The invincible king in their minds turned into a big medicine nourishment?

This scene even made the scalp of the Immortal King Kunxuan, the Immortal King Qingming and others exploded, extremely frightened.

As the immortal kings, how honorable they are, it is the strongest arrogant born in the world over the countless years and overwhelming countless peers that they have come to this step.

They can die in battle, they can be killed by others, but they cannot die in such a humiliating manner.

This was the first time they saw that, as the Immortal King, even the flesh and soul became the medicine of the immortal material and was swallowed by people as the great medicine of origin.

"Don't worry, swallow it, it will be your turn soon."

Gu Changge ignored the fear and anger of Immortal King Kunxuan, Immortal King Qingming and others, and swallowed the origin of the fallen True Kong Immortal King unhurriedly.

I have to say that the origin of the immortal king is indeed not at the same level compared to the origin of the true immortal.

The fragments of Taoism rules contained can be described as massive and endless.

This kind of taste, even the day he entered Realm, cannot be compared.

This is indeed intoxicating.