Ch 835

Except for the northern fairyland, in fact, the other fairyland are also in a similar situation.

The fall of the Four Kings is a rare event in ancient and modern times, and terrible visions emerge in all universes.

Because of this incident, Western Xianyu completely restored its rare peace.

All ethnic groups in the foreign land evacuated one after another and returned to the foreign land, not daring to stay for a long time.

Even some true immortals with unfathomable Taoism feel terrified when passing through the borders of the Western Immortal Territory, and can feel the unwilling and regretful emotions left behind by the fairy king. Inter-domain.

If you are not steadfast in your mind, you will definitely be eroded by those emotions.

I can imagine how tragic the battle was at that time. The four kings of the foreign land came here, and they were so powerful that they thought they could sweep through, but in the end they all fell here with hatred.

The sensation caused by this battle was even more terrifying than the barrier of the Western Immortal Territory was breached by a foreign land.

For a while, rumors appeared everywhere in Xianyu, and some people claimed to have witnessed the scene at that time.

There was a pouring rain of blood from the world, and the most terrifying visions of all ages were emerging. The world was drowsy, leaving only endless silence and darkness.

Some people also say that the existence of killing the four kings of foreign land comes from the realm of origin, and that coming through that door is an indescribable taboo existence in Samsara.

It is also said that it is actually the peak powerhouse from the rest of the real world, not the creatures of the origin world.

In short, there are all kinds of arguments and speculations.

The Southern Immortal Territory, Moon King Mansion, is located in the depths of the void.

As the only remaining two immortal kings in the southern immortal domain, the Moon King is supreme, and the Moon King Mansion is the representative of Sacred.

The whole mansion is filled with misty fairy light, and chaotic air is circling everywhere.

However, on weekdays, no one dared to approach here, even the true ancestors of some Taoist forces can only look respectfully in the distance.

At this moment, in the depths of the Moon Palace, a futon fell in the void.

A flawless and white figure that looked like a bright moonlight, sitting there, his face was very fuzzy, and his slender hands were all radiant, like the finest immortal jade.

She wore a hazy moon veil, flowing like water, and her hair was even more misty.

"There are taboos"

At this moment, the Moon King spoke, as if he had lived hundreds of millions of years ago. Although his voice sounded like a natural sound, there was no emotional fluctuation. The whole person was natural and ancient, and was overwhelmed by the chaotic energy.

Below, Jin Yuan waited respectfully, bowed his head, and replied, "What I saw at that time, everything is true, I dare not deceive the Moon King".

"Unexpectedly, I was just a word of wooing, but in the end I had to abide by it.

The Moon King spoke softly, his tone couldn't hear many waves, but he still had some regrets.

She raised her bare hand, and the fairy king jade tea cup on the white jade table in front fell in her hand, and then cracked and collapsed into ashes.

It can be seen that her mood at the moment is not as calm as on the surface.

Jin Yuan didn't dare to speak, after witnessing everything in front of Tongtian Ancient City, his heart was full of fear and trembling now, and he did not dare to mention some of them at all.

When it comes to the existence of taboos, every word and deed may lead to Karma.

Even the Immortal King was killed casually, what did he count as a half-step Immortal King?

He couldn't bear the terrifying Karma.

"If it is the taboo you mentioned, then why does he ask for the territory of the Southern Immortal Territory?"

Moon King ignored Jin Yuan, Dai frowned and seemed to mumble to herself, guessing what Gu Changge was thinking at the time.

The reason why she would say the words of the world is to win over an immortal king of unknown origin, so as to maintain the stability of the southern immortal domain as much as possible.

Otherwise, sooner or later, she will follow the footsteps of the Western Immortal Territory and be attacked by the Immortal King of the Foreign Territory, and she will not escape the end of death.

She is the supreme existence of the Southern Immortal Territory, ruling the Southern Immortal Territory today, and the Bodhisattva only cares about the survival and death of the Buddha Kingdom, and has not been manifested for tens of millions of years.

The last time Moon King saw him, it was still several epochs ago.

"He said that next time he descends to the Immortal Territory, he hopes I will get everything ready?"

The Moon King spoke again, his gaze seemed to penetrate the vast chaos, falling into the unknown void space.

"That Taboo Lord really said that." Jin Yuan replied, not daring to conceal anything.

"It's incredible, countless epochs have passed, how can such a character still exist in the world?"

Moon King was silent for a moment, thinking in her heart, in fact, she didn't have many choices now.

Gu Changge said to let her prepare, but did not say let her choose.

In other words, the next time Gu Changge appears in the fairyland, the southern fairyland needs to be handed over by her?

The Moon King ruled the Southern Immortal Territory for countless years, so she was somewhat unwilling to hand over the Southern Immortal Territory, but she also clearly realized that there was no room for rejection and maneuver in this matter.

"But on the other hand, this may also be an opportunity for me.

"Once destroyed the existence of the Supreme Immortal Palace."

The Moon King murmured, his figure blurred again and disappeared on the futon, where he fell into a dead silence.

Upon seeing this, Jin Yuan let out a sigh of relief, and then quietly retreated, worried that the Moon King couldn't figure it out.

The living examples of the fall of the four foreign kings are still in front of us.

Zhongxianyu is located in the central area of ​​the vast immortal field. The territory and the universe covered by it are vast and endless, and the border is invisible at all.

Even if it is the true fairy of Cultivation Base, if you want to exhaust its margins, it is basically impossible.

This is also today's Xianyu, the most prosperous place, it is the place where the Taoist Sect is inherited before the Xianyu split.

Even now, adding up the rest of the Immortal Territory, it is comparable to the scope of the Central Immortal Territory.

There are a large number of ancient Taoist families hidden in the Central Immortal Realm. Some of them can be traced back to the Forbidden Era, and there are immortal kings.

To put it bluntly, the rest of the immortal domains that exist today are no different from the desolate land in the eyes of the creatures in the middle immortal domain.

Of course, between the immortal realms, there is a sea of ​​chaos and a turbulent flow of nothingness. The real immortal is difficult to pass, and it can only come through the ancient teleportation array.

So on weekdays, the creatures among the immortal realms are also difficult to get in touch with.

At this moment, in an ancient fairy city in Zhongxianyu, a woman in white appeared here, with a dusty fairy charm, bright eyes and white teeth, and a complexion like jade. She was born extremely beautiful, and her face made God jealous.

*~Zijing Miss, don't embarrass the slaves and maids."

"The Western Immortal Territory is too far away from here. Even if you want to rush over, you must be guarded by the true ancestors, otherwise the power of the Trans-regional Teleportation Array will crush you."

Behind this white-clothed woman, there were many female cultivators who looked like maids following, they were all very detached, and there was fairy air.

"I heard that a portal to the realm of origin has appeared over there, I want to go home and have a look."

The woman in white opened the mouth, her expression was a little haggard, and she lost her former agility and vigor.

"Miss Zijin, your home is in Xianyu

The maids spoke with helplessness.

"My home is not here, I was just taken up inexplicably." The white-clothed woman shook her head, her tone very firm.

"But even if you can rush over, but in the western fairyland, there is a fairy king who has fallen. Moreover, behind that portal, there is such a terrible existence that even the fairy king was killed at will."

"The realm of origin may have been in chaos, and there has been a startling change. Even the fairy king has concluded that it is a forbidden place and it is unreliable.

"Don't embarrass the servants.

(Zhao Qian's)

A group of maids, following behind, said helplessly.

Hearing these words, the white-clothed woman was also a little startled, and then shook her head in disbelief.


At this moment, there was an ancient chariot across the universe, and then descended in this direction. Two Daoist shadows stood on the ancient chariot.

One of them was dressed in white, handsome in appearance, tall and straight, and his eyes were faintly golden, with a kind of detached temperament.

When you smile, it gives people a gentle meaning, and there is fairy air around them.

The figure next to him was slightly burly and tall, with a good appearance and magnificent appearance. His body was filled with a faint golden glow, and even his hair was like a god, flowing with golden brilliance.

"I have seen Master Wushang."

The moment they saw these two figures, the maids behind the white-clothed woman hurriedly saw Li Dao, respecting one of them extremely.

"Is cousin Zizhen planning to leave Luo Wangcheng?"

The white-clothed man on the ancient chariot greeted with a smile, and his eyes fell on the white-clothed woman.

"Luo Xuan met Girl Zizhen.

The tall man beside the white-clothed man also spoke at this moment, his eyes showing kindness. .