Ch 838

The High Priest of Destiny, this is the former master of the Temple of Destiny in the Immortal Palace.

In his hands, he has the treasure, good fortune, immortal boat, which can cross the long river of time and reverse the past.

Hearing Tao Tian's words, Chan Hongyi obviously moved a little too, his eyes were dark, falling into the teacup.

"When will you get up?"

She raised her eyes and asked, her tone calming down.

Tao Tian was not surprised by her reaction at all. Compared to her, Cicada Red would definitely want to know what happened in that ancient period.

Why did it lead to the destruction of the fairy palace, Gu Changge's shot, the collapse of the heavens, and even the closest person around him.

Another point is that Chan Hongyi wants to know the real reason Gu Changge adopted her.

Of course, the most important thing is that she wants to truly understand her master, and she wants to know many secrets that she never knew.

This even became her obsession.

"You can get up at any time." Tao Tian said.

"Let's go then." Chan's red clothes didn't muddle through, the red clothes flashed, and the figure had disappeared on the top of the mountain.

Taotian was not surprised when he saw this, moving in a vaguely void, and leaving here with Chan Hongyi.

The Temple of Destiny is located on the east bank of the Kingdom of God, near the vast sea of ​​stars.

Many islands in the "Seven-eight-Three" are floating, the surrounding mist is misty, very vague, and they are in a cold tone for years and months, and no brilliance is shining.

In the center of this place, a large hall called the Temple of Sacrifice is located, magnificent and solemn, revealing the ancient atmosphere.

A woman with an extremely beautiful appearance, now wearing the moon-white robe of the chief priest, is calculating something on a Feng Shui compass.

Her silk is like a waterfall, her expression is plain and unwavering, she has the breath of non-cannibalistic fireworks, and she is more like Fairy in Guanghan Palace above Nine Heavens.

Of course, she is also the master of this place, and now the destiny high priest of the Kingdom of God is also respected as the Empress Ruoyin.

Suddenly, Xiao Ruoyin seemed to feel something. He raised his eyes and looked at the nothingness outside the Temple of Destiny.

"I wonder why two distinguished guests are visiting?"

As a figure in the taboo era, she naturally knew the existence of Taotian and Cicada Hongyi, and asked softly, the words were cold and alienated.

"I didn't expect to borrow from the Great Temple of Destiny, now there is only you, not even a maid serving."

"Doesn't Empress Ruoyin feel cold here?"

A faint laughter came from the void, with a little coquettish, Chan Hongyi and Taotian appeared here, barefoot like snow, standing in the palace.

Hearing this, Xiao Ruoyin's eyes didn't fluctuate. He just said, "The two are here, shouldn't they be here to ridicule me?"

She also didn't think that the two would be so leisurely and said these words to her.

Even in the Forbidden Era, when the Immortal Palace ruled the heavens, the two of them were not familiar with her, and had never been in contact with them.

"We came to you to borrow the good fortune immortal boat." Tao Tian said, straight to the point.

"Borrow good fortune Xianzhou?" Xiao Ruoyin was stunned, then her eyebrows frowned slightly.

After all, good fortune Xianzhou is just Gu Changge returning to her, and wanting to take it back is just a matter of his.

Without Gu Changge's permission, if she lent the good fortune immortal boat to others, would it cause Gu Changge to be blamed?

After all, her current identity is just Gu Changge's concubine.

However, she also knew that Tao Tian, ​​Cicada Hongyi, and Gu Changge had some unspeakable relationship.

"If he blames him at that time, I will explain it.

"You can also rest assured about this."

Tao Tian seemed to see Xiao Ruoyin's worries clearly, and said.

However, having said that, she was actually ready to suffer a huge backlash and her death would disappear in a long river of time.

So to explain something to Gu Changge is just to talk about it.

Xiao Ruoyin was silent, knowing that with the strength of the two in front of her, even if she did not borrow, she would probably not be their opponent.


A burst of cyan radiance shrouded in the palm-sized good fortune fairy boat, which appeared in her palm, rusty and mottled with ancient aura.

"You take it," she said calmly.

"Thanks a lot.

Tao Tian smiled slightly, raised her bare hand, and took the good fortune immortal boat. Then she and Chan Hongyi disappeared in the Temple of Destiny and did not stay long.

Looking at the calm and cold palace again, Xiao Ruoyin sighed slightly, his eyes a little complicated.

"It's just a poor man like me."

She looked at the Feng Shui compass in her hand, her tone could not be heard.

Time is like flowing water, and several years have passed since Gu Changge returned from the fairyland. The heavens and the earth are operating in order, and the vast territory of the kingdom of God has expanded, and it has almost enveloped a large universe of heavens.

During this period, all the great masters ruled the family, guarded themselves, and prepared for the next flying immortal ceremony.

In ancient cities, various lists will be issued and updated every other year, from the list of Tianjiao, the most beautiful list, and the Divine Armament list, down to the list of heavenly materials, and the list of earth treasures.

In addition, the Heavenly Dao stele appeared in the world, standing among the ancient cities of all ethnic groups in the upper realm, and it began to list the most powerful Tianjiao of the world, which also caused a sensation from all sides.

Countless Tianjiao started to fight in order to leave a name on it.

The great age is shining, the Tianjiao is shining like a star, and there are outstanding young people born in every family of Taoism.

Some ancient freaks that were sealed in other eras were also born one after another. This is a golden age of brilliance that shines on the world.

Those talents of the same generation as Gu Changge have now become the pillars of various races and forces.

Heavenly Dao Huanghuang, the rules have changed drastically, and it is more suitable for cultivator practice. Some roads that only appeared in ancient times appeared, and among them was the original imperial road.

Many cultivators, in order to seek opportunities for enlightenment, began to set foot on this emperor's road, and launched a fight among them.

Even Gu Xian'er left Tao Village and embarked on this road for enlightenment.

Gu Changge was in the depths of the kingdom of God, refining the passage of flying immortals, and finally succeeded.

The ancient immortal road in Immortal Continent was refined by his supreme means, leaving 108 Restrictions, the first 36 Restrictions, which can block immortal Daoist objects.

The last seventy-two Restrictions are to stabilize this passage and not to be affected by the rules of Xianyu.

During this process, the rules of the fairyland and the upper bound began to touch and converge. As long as it is a cultivator, you can feel the change.

Especially for the creatures in the kingdom of God, it is even more obvious that they can see the sky and the earth, there is a misty light falling in the wine, crystal clear like rain.

This is the most glorious era since the Kunji Rebellion, and the period from decline to prosperity is indescribable.

During this process, Gu Changge also personally gambled on some of the son of luck in the Universe. He grew rapidly, and the luck that drove the heavens was changing.

He sits cross-legged in the boundless emptiness, taking in this vast fortune, and sculpting the incomplete universe buried in the chaos in ancient times.

Gu Changge intends to use these incomplete universes to evolve the world of Yin and Void, and to reshape the six realms by taking Samsara by himself.

This is a long process, so he just left an incarnation here, the deity does not intend to waste too much time on it.

He did not hide some things about Xianyu from some people around him.

Yue Mingkong, Jiang Chuchu and others are all aware of the changes in the fairyland, so Gu Changge feels that during this period, letting them focus on the strength of Ascension and develop the kingdom of God does not actually need to be the first thing.

Because in Gu Changge's plan, the Kingdom of God will actually be like the second fairy palace, unifying the heavens in the true world of mountains and seas, rather than the current upper world.

The part that really needs to be considered is still in the fairyland.

Before that, he planned to send someone to find the secret treasure of the fairy palace.

Before, he and Yuemingkong gathered seven heavenly palm artifacts, and now Yuemingkong has condensed them into a key. As long as the location of the Immortal Palace's secret store is determined, the secret store can be opened.

In terms of Gu Changge's current status and strength, there is no need for him to do many things himself.

"We still have to find a suitable tool person, oh no, it's a successor."

Gu Changge actually doesn't want to accept disciples, but feels that he needs a suitable successor to handle some things he doesn't want to do personally.

There are still some things that he is not easy to show up, and at the same time he doesn't have so much energy to deal with.

Such as harvesting the vast luck in the universe

Although he can take in part of his luck, it is not all of his luck. You must know that many sons of luck in the universe carry more or less adventures.

He has a disrespectful personality, and he doesn't necessarily have much respect for the kingdom of God, and he doesn't necessarily have much respect for him as a god.

It is impossible for Gu Changge to harvest these son of luck leeks in person as before.

Thinking like this, his figure disappeared in the kingdom of God.

On the bright side of the kingdom of God, the heavens of the upper realm are unified, but in this vast universe, there are still many corners in 3.7, which can not be covered.

The candidates Gu Changge is looking for are in these areas.

His vast ideas flooded into the corners of these universes, and even some of the most remote lower realms were not let go.

In the quaint hall, a arrogant girl, in front of everyone, shouted to the junk boy that Halong does not live with the snake, and then tore off the marriage contract.

Gu Changge watched this scene, shook his head slightly, and then saw the picture of this proud girl being stepped under the feet of a junk boy three years later.

Fate is a long line, and he can easily see the future from this end.

"Retirement, betrayal, revenge, rebirth"

"These genres are all outdated.

Finding the universe from place to place, Gu Changge couldn't help but feel a little tired, and he didn't see the slightest sign of anomalous number.

After all, the anomalous number is an existence that is difficult to distinguish from many eras. The aptitude alone is far above any Tianjiao.

Although Gu Changge can change some things and artificially create anomalous numbers, it is only for comparison.

For him, this kind of anomaly that can see the future and understand his fate at a glance is no different from ordinary people.

Suddenly, noticing something, Gu Changge's face showed some surprise and interest.