Ch 840

A girl with an arrogant look and good appearance, holding a silver whip and bringing many servants, walked towards this place.

Along the way, use the long whip to destroy some surrounding bricks, crock pots, Medicinal herbs, etc.

"Song Qing'er, what are you going to do?"

Aman asked with a gloomy expression on his small face looking at the medicine field that had been destroyed by him in the distance.

These medicinal fields are all the painstaking efforts of her master. Song Qing'er is so ruined, if he learns about it, he will definitely be extremely angry.

In the end even she will be punished.

In any case, her master nowadays is her greatest trust in the Manshen Peak.

If Aman wants to stay in the Manshen Peak to practice, he can't make Master angry.

"Hehe, it's just an eye-catching thing, why are you so nervous?"

The young girl named Song Qing'er sneered and spoke with no regard for it.

Aman just looked at her blankly.

Behind Song Qing'er is a peak master, who is also a very famous second generation in God Barbarian Sect, arrogant and domineering.

Moreover, Song Qinger and Zhao Xuan, who has been pursuing her recently, are childhood sweethearts.

Aman only had Cultivation and Restoration Barbarians in his heart, and he didn't even care about Zhao Xuan at all, but he still clung to him like cowhide.

So it was for this reason that Song Qing'er kept coming to her troubles.

"Relying on a bit of beauty, I went to seduce Zhao Xuan, Big Brother, I think your face is pretty."

"If I were to have a few cuts today, I would have to forgive you for your offense.

Song Qing'er glanced across Aman's face, stayed on his delicate and beautiful features for a long time, passing a touch of jealousy.

Finally, he looked at his exceptionally slender legs, and his face was even more jealous.

I have to say that Zhao Xuan's vision is indeed good. Compared with ordinary human women, Aman's appearance and figure are much better.

It's like standing out from the crowd.

"Forget it, just interrupt your leg as well, otherwise it's hard to understand the hatred in my heart." Song Qinger sneered.

Aman still looked at her blankly, looking at the servants behind him.

She was thinking about how to solve this trouble today. If she was outside the Barbarian God Sect, she would definitely find a way to kill Song Qing'er.

But in the Barbarian God Sect, even if her master is here today, she can't kill Song Qing'er.

"Haha, don't look, I know that your master has left the Barbarian God Sect this morning and went to the outside world to find medicinal materials."

"It will take ten and a half days to come back at the latest. Who can protect you now 々 "?"

"You are only the Cultivation Base of the third stage, and the two servants behind me are both the Cultivation Base of the fourth stage.

"If you are smarter, don't resist, otherwise you will be worse off than death. The servants around me have not tasted the barbarian princess yet."

Song Qing'er didn't see the slightest panic or fear on Aman's face, she was even more angry, and she couldn't help but sneer and threatened.

Aman still looked at her blankly, thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that she has been panicked at the moment, but she is not.

In any case, Song Qinger humiliated her at best, and did not dare to kill her in the Barbarian Sect in an upright manner.

However, Song Qing'er's father is a great cultivator of the seventh realm.

The Barbarian God Sect is one of the most powerful forces on this continent.

In addition to some peak owners, there are also unfathomable Sect Leader and Taishang Elder.

It is said that there are super-powerfuls who almost entered the ninth realm, which can be compared to the barbarians of the barbarians.

Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee what powerful secret treasure Song Qinger has in his hands. For the sake of caution, Aman is not prepared to directly attack it.

"If you are really capable, then kill me. I really don't believe that your father can be in the Barbarian God Sect and cover the sky with only one hand."

Aman spoke at this moment, with a cold tone, like an ice spring falling on the jade plate, with an astonishing cold air.

"Hehe, I really dare not kill you, but I have a way to ruin you."

"The situation of the Barbarian tribe is not good now, you know, my father is the peak master of the Barbarian God Sect. He has many friends, and he can easily destroy several barbarian tribes by just finding a few.

"If you know what you are interested in, just be a little bit obedient. You can't beat me."

Song Qing'er still had a sneer, seeing the anger passing across Aman's face, her heart was even more relaxed.

"Song Qing'er, you are really mean and shameless."

"I have no grievances with you, why do you want to target me everywhere?"

Anger appeared on Aman's face, his small hands clenched tightly, as if hating him too much.

"Who made you have such a beautiful face, but also attracted the admiration of my sweetheart, can you blame me for this?"

Finally, on Aman's face, he saw the angry but helpless look.

Song Qinger's heart was full of joy, with a high smile, saying, "If you are interested, don't try to resist, maybe you can relax in a while."


But before she finished her words, Aman interrupted her, the anger on her face was swept away, only indifference.


Song Qing'er's face changed and she suddenly realized that something was wrong, her throat became very itchy, and it seemed that there were tens of millions of centipedes crawling.

She reached out and grabbed Own's neck, trying to vomit.

But this feeling has not diminished at all, on the contrary, it has become more serious.

She even started to scratch her throat with her nails, and her skin was torn.

The eyes are protruding, like a ghost.

Except for her, the few servants beside her were all hit, and they were constantly rolling on the ground, suffering incomparably.

"This is a kind of poison that I have researched out. It is called Broken Throat. When you spoke just now, you already inhaled it."

"If you don't have my antidote, you will keep tearing your own throat like just now.

"Until own throat is torn off. You can try to find your father and see if he can do anything about it."

"But you have to make sure that you can leave alive."

Amanyun's light and breezy words came, and that delicate and beautiful face carried a sense of indifference.

She was actually betting that Song Qinger was greedy for life and fear of death, and did not dare to make fun of her own life.

While talking, she threw a white porcelain bottle directly in front of Song Qing'er.

Song Qing'er looked like healed, and she didn't want to live in pain. At this moment, she didn't care about anything. She hurriedly poured out one of the small pills and swallowed it. Only then did she feel the terrible itching fading.

The whole person is simply a survivor.

"~Don't blame me for being vicious, you want to ruin me, am I still waiting to die?"

"You can go to your father to deal with me afterwards, but don't worry, you will only die uglier than me in the end. You won't get the second antidote either."

"I just want to practice quietly. It's you who bother me again and again. If you really want to die, I have a hundred ways to kill you.

Seeing Song Qing'er, who was limp on the ground, pale and full of fear, was constantly gasping for breath.

Aman walked over, squatted down in front of her, and then reached out and grabbed her hair. His calm face contained a deep sense of coldness and chill.

"You, you forgive me, I won't dare anymore, don't dare anymore"

After all, Song Qing'er only grew up in a greenhouse, and her expression was full of fear at the moment.

Where did you experience things like this today, and promised it eagerly, for fear that the promise would be slow.

"Go away with your people.

"By the way, remember to make up the ruined medicine field for me."

Aman loosened his hair and spoke indifferently, not at all softened by Song Qinger's fearful appearance.

(Zhao Qian is good) If it were outside, Song Qing'er nowadays would be a corpse.

Then, watching Song Qing'er and the servants who had taken the antidote hurriedly left, Aman was slightly relieved.

However, looking at the crock pots of Medicinal herbs that were destroyed all around, she frowned, a little helpless.

She can only use this method to frighten Song Qing'er.

Thanks to the grandfather of the tribe, who is proficient in various pharmacology.

Aman was very good at the medicinal properties of various Medicinal herbs under his teaching since he was a child, and his knowledge in drug production is extraordinary.

"who is it?"

However, when Aman returned to the courtyard, his expression suddenly became vigilant, staring at the closed door.

"It's really good.

The next moment, accompanied by a clear and gentle man's voice sounded.

The courtyard seemed to be trapped in a strange state, and wind, time, and space seemed to stagnate.

The door of the room opened on its own initiative, and a young man dressed in a simple cyan silk shirt appeared here.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth are stagnant because of his existence.

"Who are you?"

Aman's pupils tightened, and he had never seen such a strange and shocking scene before, and a huge wave was set off in his heart.