Ch 849

The black-robed old man was surrounded by thick black fog that could not dissipate, standing in the sky.

He crouched and looked extraordinarily old.

"NS "

"Why did you become like this? Who caused all this?"

He looked at the frosty girl in front of him, as if he couldn't believe it, and couldn't help but speak tentatively.

But Aman didn't change anything because of his words.

"At this moment, do you want to keep hiding from me?" Her eyes were cold.

"What are you hiding from you?"

"It seems that you have grown up, and you are no longer the little girl who would circle around Grandpa before." The black robe old man seemed to be unbelievable because of her words and couldn't help muttering.

"Do you think that this is the end of the matter, is it useful to continue to say this?" Aman's eyes were colder, without any temperature.

Hearing this, the black-robed old man was stunned and looked straight at Aman.

It seems to be certain that this was spoken through her mouth, and not by someone else.

"Ha ha "

Suddenly, he laughed very presumptuously and made no secret of it.

The face under the hood was like a dry tree trunk, with sunken eye sockets. It didn't have the gentleness known to Aman in the past, but now it is completely indifferent.

"I'm curious, how do you do all this"

The black-robed old man looked at the shocking, purgatory-like tragedy in front of him, his expression indifferent, he just looked at Aman and asked.

If it weren't for the chess pieces placed in the Barbarian God Sect, something went wrong, the breath of life disappeared, and he was disconnected.

It is impossible for him to rush over from the tribe, and it is even less possible for him to witness all this in front of him with his own eyes.

In his opinion, the girl who has always adhered to the rules and grew up in accordance with the established destiny, it is impossible for one day to discover the truth.

Not to mention the bloodbath of the entire God Savage Sect like today, and no one can contend here. There is a rain of blood and corpses everywhere.

This is absolutely incredible.

Aman's body was surrounded by blood, and at this moment, it was like a delicate flower bathed in a rain of blood.

Her white porcelain face was stained with blood, but her expression was indifferent and indifferent, "I'm even more curious, why have you always lied to me. My dear grandpa."

"I've been lying to you? What you said makes me a little bit incredulous."

"What am I lying to you? Or is it that your memories over the past ten years are all fake?"

"If you are honest and guarded, grow up according to the growth trajectory you should have experienced, then I will still be your grandfather of the Internet."

"But you shouldn't, you shouldn't, you know this in advance."

Hearing this, the black-robed old man suddenly grinned, but this smile, in Aman's eyes, was very ironic and mocking.

"It's still my grandfather? Is this the answer you gave me?" Some waves appeared in Aman's eyes.


"But for the sake of you calling me grandpa, I can tell you that no matter what the reason is, you know the truth in advance."

"But it is impossible for you to escape, the fate you have to go through."

"This is the fate you can't escape."

The black robe old man spoke coldly, and the smile at the corner of his mouth looked extremely cold.


Aman heard the word again, but her expression was still very cold, and there were not too many ups and downs because of it, "Deceiving me and letting me fall in love, is this your so-called fate?"

"You even know about the enchantment. It seems that you have restored your previous memories." The black robe old man smiled more and more ironically.

"Previous memories?" Aman's heart was shocked, but he didn't expect to hear this incredible thing again.

In other words, before this, she actually has other memories?

Or more distant?

At this moment, she only felt a splitting headache, as if the world in front of her was shattering, and many confused memories appeared to overlap.

False and true are constantly overlapping and reorganizing.

Aman doesn't even know what is real to her, and what is just a dream.

"Hehe, it seems you don't know yet.

"Indeed, how can you easily remember those?"

The black-robed old man sneered, his eyes pitying.

He walked down from a high altitude step by step, the terrible pressure fell like a vast sea, trying to attack Aman, correcting the chaos, and correcting the matter to the original trajectory.

However, the confusion in Aman's eyes only appeared for an instant, and disappeared in the next instant.

Her eyes were cold, and there was a gleam in her palms, and endless power emerged from the sky and the earth, like a burst of Star, attacking the black-robed old man in front of her.

This is the power that Gu Changge bestowed on her, allowing her to possess this almost vast invincible strength in the current world.

Even the strongest Elder in the Barbarian God Sect, オ was defeated in her hands just now.

"This is not your power. Behind you, who is helping you?"

The expression of the black-robed old man has changed. It is not as overlooking as he was just now. He swept around coldly, trying to detect clues.

Even if Aman restores Samsara's memories in the past, it is impossible to say that he has this kind of power in a short period of time.

In other words, in fact, there is a peerless expert hiding beside her.

That peerless expert not only made her understand some truths, but even gave her such a terrifying power.

For the black-robed old man, such behavior is tantamount to destroying the plan that obstructed him. Naturally, he can't wait to get this person out, and then take action to solve it.

"It turns out that you can't see the existence of senior."

Aman faintly guessed the truth through the look of the black-robed old man. After all, Gu Changge was standing in the void behind her at this moment, and his figure did not go away.

But her grandfather, since he came here, he seemed to be blind, and he couldn't see Gu Changge at all.

Thinking about it this way, she felt extremely stable in her heart. The strength and origin of senior can only be described as unfathomable and unimaginable.

Although Aman didn't know what kind of conspiracy and plan were waiting for her, he thought that senior was by her side at this moment.

Her mood became extremely stable.


Aman spit out words coldly from his delicate lips, like a female Shura bathed in a rain of blood, killing the black-robed old man.

"I don't know how to live or die, I really think that with the help of an expert, you can jump out of the river to which you belong?"

"You can't do it."

"You don't even know, what else is waiting for you."

The black-robed old man sneered and lifted it out with a big palm, covering the sky and the sun, covering the sky and the earth, and patted Aman.

At this moment, his breath has surpassed the so-called cultivator of the ninth realm in this world, but there is no cultivator here to witness all this.

As the place where the two people fought, the God of Manzong simply couldn't withstand this kind of destruction.

Heaven and earth trembled and trembled, there were rules and order that were shattered by touching it, and some runes were being wiped out.

The aftermath of the escape can be described as ruining the world, and large tracts of mountains were destroyed into ashes and ruins at this time.

The heavens and the earth change, the divine light is like a tide, and the vision sweeps through tens of thousands of miles. For ordinary cultivator creatures, this is a rare vision that has been seen in hundreds of thousands of years.

The fighting between the two was truly earth-shattering. Even the black-robed old man was shocked when he arrived behind him, a little unbelievable.

His strength has surpassed the existence of this world's ninth realm, but facing Aman today, he is extremely strenuous, and it is difficult to take her down for a while.

"Who is the person behind you?"

The black-robed old man was shouting, his eyes were faint, and a door appeared behind him, revealing a wild and ancient atmosphere, and the scene of the barbarian tribe where Aman was reflected in the door.

"You damn it."

Aman understood his actions at once, and had to stop the attack, his eyes frigid to the bone.

In her heart, she couldn't wait to see this old man who was most respected in the past as a grandfather-like figure to pieces.

"It's not a good thing to be too sad and indecisive. This is not your strength, and you can't keep the relatives behind you."

The black-robed old man sneered, somewhat proud.

He can be regarded as Aman's grandfather at any rate, and he understands her temperament very well, knowing that she cares about feelings, and it is impossible to let the tribe behind him ignore it.

"Tell me, you are the source of strength." A smile on his face narrowed and he became indifferent.

"Do you really want to know?"

Hearing this, Aman showed a bit of mockery on his face.

"What do you mean?" The black-robed old man was taken aback, and noticed Aman's mockery, which made his heart sink and had a bad premonition.

"Senior, he has always been here, can't you see him?" Aman looked at him mockingly.

The black-robed old man stunned, and he could see that Aman's words were not fooling him.

Is it true that there is a terrifying existence hidden in the dark that makes him unable to see the reality and the figure?

"It seems that your Excellency insisted on intervening in this matter?"

"Are you determined to be my enemy?" His eyes were cold, and he swept across the emptiness in front of him.

Although he couldn't see the existence of Gu Changge, he still vaguely noticed that there are some strange changes in this world.

"I'm just going to help this poor little guy."

"But, are you an enemy? You are not worthy."

A faint word came from the void, and Gu Changge's figure reappeared, white clothes surpassing the snow, Transcendent refined, abundance of gods like jade, like a god who lives in the world.

"Who are you?"

The black-robed old man shrank his pupils, feeling a little horrified in his heart, and did not perceive how Gu Changge appeared.

He stood there, as if there was no existence, and seemed to merge with the heaven and the earth, but in fact he was suppressing the heaven and the earth.

"Who I am, you don't deserve to know."

Gu Changge said lightly, and glanced at him lightly.

The black-robed old man was suddenly struck by lightning, and his whole body trembled.


Aman didn't expect that Gu Changge just showed up, making the black-robed old man look so terrified and afraid to move.

"I, I let the senior down, even with such a powerful force, I couldn't solve this matter personally." Her expression was a little sad and guilty.

She could feel that with her current strength, she could defeat the black-robed old man and even kill him.

However, he was fettered everywhere, and he was so strong that he could only play six or seven points, and was even threatened by him and had to stop his hands.

Gu Changge shook his head, and didn't blame her.

"You have done a good job. In the face of your former relatives, even if you know that he is deceiving and calculating yourself, how many people can kill them?"

"This is human nature. Although you are destined to be a demon, the real demon does not mean that you must obliterate your human temperament."

Aman was stunned, knowing what Gu Changge said was actually comforting her.

Prior to this, senior was not so gentle to her, on the contrary he was still very cold and severe.

She knew that this should be in front of her grandfather, Gu Changge didn't want to scold her and left her Face. 683

"Who on earth are you? Why do you want to come to this world and intervene horizontally?"

Aman's grandfather was shocked. He felt that he couldn't move at all, as if he was locked in by the space in front of him, he was plunged into the mud.

But what he can be sure of is that Gu Changge is not a figure in this world.

"I said, you are not qualified to know." Gu Changge glanced at him.

If it is divided according to the realm of the upper realm, the grandfather of Aman in front of him, in fact, does not even reach the holy realm.

However, in this remote lower realm, it can be regarded as an absolute existence, surpassing the so-called ninth realm. There are too many cultivators.

If it weren't for the anomaly of Aman, Gu Changge wouldn't have looked at Fang World again.

After all, he could destroy hundreds of millions of such worlds at his fingertips.

"You can ask him the truth you want to know." Gu Changge said to Aman.

At this point, he didn't intend to continue wasting time, even though Aman hadn't grown to the point where he was satisfied.

But only need to be polished, the jade will eventually shine, reflecting the heavens.

"The truth I want to know…"

There was a bit of struggle and hesitation on Aman's face.

Originally, she wanted to know this, but at this moment she hesitated, not as bold as she used to be.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you dare not accept it, or don't want to understand?" Gu Changge looked at her.

"I don't know, I feel my own mind is very confused, like there are many things I didn't know before. Aman shook his head, his eyes looked a little confused.

"Want to know, or don't want to know, this is your choice, and I will not force you." Gu Changge said.

After a moment of silence, Aman's expression gradually returned to calm.

"I think I have always lived in lies

"It's not just the present, it's like in the distant past, it's the same." Her voice was a little low.

Gu Changge stretched out his hand, landed on her head, and calmly said, "Since you have chosen to accept, then you have to have the courage to endure this. Whether it is beautiful or just a dream, there will be a moment to wake up after all… "

Aman nodded, her eyes became firm again, she raised her head and looked at the terrified grandfather who could not move in front of her.

"Aman, even if you kill me, it's useless, I was just ordered to do so…

Seeing the killing intent in Aman's eyes, he was extremely uneasy and tried to struggle, but soon became desperate, because he couldn't struggle at all, and his spirits were all imprisoned.

It was like a small bug that was pressed on the ground by a force of terror.


The next moment, Aman didn't let him finish speaking, and directly pierced the short sword in his hand into his heart. .