Ch 857

"There is a god who raises the head three feet, but after all, it is just a rumor in the past. Why should the girl take it so seriously?"

"Could it be that you have actually been to the mountain in front and have seen that peerless demon?

Song Ming saw the girl in red in the direction she was leaving, she was on the same road with them, and couldn't help but smile, leading many juniors and younger sisters to chase after her.

However, the red-clothed girl did not answer, she was still very cold, and it seemed that she was already at her limit after saying the few words just now.

"It seems that the girl is also going to the Netherworld, just as we are on the same road."

"Demon is entrenched on the shore of the Nether, and there are many dangers. The girl goes alone. If there is any danger, then there is really no way. There are a lot of people here, and we are on the same road.


The bamboo forest is rustling, and there is heavy fog surging, like a fairyland.

Each bamboo has a purple pattern. Some bamboos that are more than a million years old will even be used by some practitioners as a particularly good material for rituals-Flying Sword.

"The Sea of ​​Clouds and Purple Bamboo Grove"

The soft whisper sounded in the depths of this vast and vast bamboo forest.

Chan Hongyi stood in the void with complicated eyes, like a person from outside the world, witnessing all this with his own eyes.

Especially in this familiar bamboo forest, many places still have traces of her practicing sword.

The bamboo pavilion where the group of young men and women who talked about her master was built by her own hands.

It's just that now she can only look at the past like a passer-by.

Watching the girl in red go away, watching the young man named Song Ming, chasing after him with many juniors.

For a long time, the river was in chaos, in that piece of Wang Yang shrouded in endless darkness and thick fog.

She is like a small boat that has been torn apart. The waves are surging to the sky. She is smashing the palace. She may be overwhelmed by the terrifying power at any time, and may be submerged at any time and buried in it forever.

In such a terrifying situation, even if it is the fairy king, it is very likely that the body and spirit will be destroyed.

Today, her Cultivation Base has never returned to its peak, not weaker than the Immortal King in certain respects, but after all, she still hasn't reached that level.

At that moment, Chan Hongyi thought he was going to die, and the Imprint of Soul and Soul was submerged by those thunder seas, and was directly destroyed in form and spirit, and truly disappeared from this world.

She was not desperate at the time, but her heart was surprisingly quiet, there was a kind of relief, and a touch of regret.

It is also a good choice to die on the road to the truth.

However, Chan Hongyi did not expect that at the moment she had been quietly waiting for Death, the entire turbulent and chaotic river would suddenly calm down, and even the real thunder that fell at the end of the sky disappeared.

Her body, which was already indulged in the sea, was actually supported by an invisible force.

It was not an invisible force, but it was like a pair of warm arms. She couldn't help but recall that when she was a child, this feeling was very familiar.

Chan Hongyi thought it was a flashback before her death. She tried to lower her eyes, but there was darkness in front of her and she couldn't see anything.

"Master, is that you?"

She could only mutter softly.

But no voice answered her. When she opened her eyes again and woke up, she was already in this familiar bamboo forest.

She went back to ancient times, back to the era she wanted to go back to, which made her feel incredible.

Cicada's mood was extremely complicated. She thought it was a dream of her own, just a reflection of her body.

But she was really hugged from the dead seabed.

Everything happened real, and it was not her dream or hallucination.

"But why did you save me again, and why did you send me back to this era?"

Standing in the void quietly, the cicada's red robes murmured softly, "I love and hate the Master the most."

She didn't understand why Gu Changge did this.

There was a long river of riots, and everything fell into chaos. This was obviously at the other end of the river, where a strong breath appeared, causing problems on this end.

So the only possibility is that Gu Changge also stepped into this long river of time, shot at the other end, smashed her and Tao Tian.

But later, why would he make another move and save her?

"Master, I suddenly discovered that I never seem to really see through you."

Chan Hongyi's mood has never been so complicated at a time. This contradictory mood has tortured her for countless years.

When the town was sealed in Demon Burying Abyss, she kept counting in her heart, when the light outside the Yuan disappeared, it meant that the outside world had passed a day.

So it goes round and round.

She has counted countless years, from the taboo era, spanning the middle several epochs, to getting out of trouble.

In the middle, she even made her crazy, maddened in her mind, and became a real demon with only hostility, with only the idea of ​​killing the heavens.

...For flowers…

After getting out of trouble from Burial Demon Abyss, he washed the upper realm with blood and slew all the way to where Gu Changge was.

The deeper the love, the deeper the hate.

Cicada Hongyi felt that it was not an exaggeration to describe her, but later, as her Cultivation Base recovered, her temperament gradually became stable, and she could control her own temper.

Although he was still enchanted, he would not lose his mind like at that time and only have the idea of ​​killing.

"What is the truth I want to pursue

Chan's red figure disappeared. She was like a passer-by. She followed behind the red-clothed girl, watching her walk towards the netherworld, watching her warn the disciples of the Divine Sword Dao Sect not to follow her.

He also looked at the young man named Song Ming, trying to draw him closer to the girl in red.

As a result, the red-clothed girl was very cold, she didn't look at him straight at all, she had been patient, wishing to take out the long sword and slaughter her.

Chan Hongyi looked at what she used to be, and her face couldn't help showing a bit of softness.

She just thought that this was just the young man who met for the first time. It was very annoying and didn't think much about it.

Looking at it now, I understand that this young man named Song Ming had a lot of affection for himself at the time.

Although he only met himself for the first time.

And at the time, I didn't think about it, I just thought this guy was very annoying, but his mind was not bad, he even took a shot and solved a few demons for himself on the shore of the nether.

When asked about her origin, she said that she came from that mountain, but no one believed it and thought she was joking.

Later, after she told Master about this matter, it made him a little unhappy, so she seldom interacted with these Sect disciples.

So the next day, I saw an ancestor-level figure from Song Ming's master, came to the foot of the mountain and knelt there with Song Mingchang.

Chan Hongyi thought these memories were blurred, but now she discovered that she had chosen to forget all these memories.

Now when I return to this era, it becomes extremely clear.

Her figure, passing through this sea of ​​forest, continues to walk forward along the time line, although for the vast river of time, the time and space she is in is just a tiny fragment.

But for people in this space and time, it is thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even longer time. Several.