Ch 860

862 It seems that it has been arranged, but in fact I am in the play without knowing it (please subscribe)

The time is long, and many waves crashed, and then disappeared silently, returning to peace.

Gu Changge's real body is sitting at the other end of the long river of time, his eyes are deep, and the fog is shrouded around him, covering everything, and his eyes are looking through the years.

"Ming Wu's truth may be the best choice for you guys," he whispered.

In front of him, two fragments of the long river of time were flying, which reflected the different time stages of Chan Hongyi and Taotian.

The sights they see are different, but they can be condensed into a timeline.

Gu Changge did not continue to interfere, whether it was what the maid Hongyi saw or what Taotian saw, it was the truth of that time.

However, this level of truth is not all truth, and many of these things are deliberately "exposed" in this way.

Gu Changge has said before that the eternal heavens and all kinds of floating life are actually a big drama.

Because of the interference of his real body, before the Era of Taboo, the second world-annihilation calamity came early, and the real world of mountains and seas could not bear this calamity, and it would definitely be destroyed and returned to the ruins.

In this regard, there is really no way. As the true spirit of Shanhai Zhenjie, Tsing Yi will discuss with him, and the two will deceive the heavens and perform a drama that turns enemies into each other.

As the Demon King, he attacked the real world of Collapsing Mountains and Seas, causing the world to collapse and return to hiding.

It is precisely because of this reason that the depletion of air in the real world of mountains and seas has prevented the second cleanup of the world's annihilation.

In this big scene, the reason why he and Tsing Yi turned against each other was on Chan Hongyi.

In order not to leave the slightest flaw, this drama started before Mu Hongyi was born.

In other words, from the very beginning, Chan Hongyi was a predestined piece in this chess game.

Birth, apprenticeship, cultivation, going down the mountain…

All these things were doomed long before she was born, but she didn't know it herself.

Later, as a master, he gradually developed a "love" with her in the day and night with his apprentice.

As for the relationship between Tsing Yi and him, he is also a confidant and a confidant, so naturally he is dissatisfied with him and secretly jealous.

Later, she pretended to be Gu Changge and dispatched bandits to slaughter the village where Chan Hongyi was born, and slaughter her parents.

When such a thing happened, Gu Changge was naturally not easy to deal with, no matter which side he favored, it was very inappropriate.

So he chose to hide the truth from Chan Hongyi and cut off communication with Tsing Yi.

Tsing Yi was dissatisfied with his choice and wanted to kill Mu Hongyi, but the two fell out and became enemies.

Later, it directly led to the destruction of the Asgard, the collapse of the heavens, and the annihilation of the era.

This so-called "truth" is forever buried in the taboo era. It is estimated that countless sentient beings in the real world of mountains and seas cannot guess that the truth will be like this, and they will feel shocked and incredible.

Of course, this is just an overall situation that Tsing Yi negotiated with Gu Changge in advance.

It is to make the battle of the catastrophe in the first battle reasonable, without leaving any flaws and anomalies.

Even those who are standing on the top of the extreme realm in the source world, it is difficult to see the abnormality through deduction.

This is also the only way that Tsing Yi can think of, to let Shanhai Zhenjie avoid the second calamity cleanup and leave a more stable and peaceful era for future generations.

Although the price of this is that the air of the real world of mountains and seas is exhausted, it will no longer be the peak of its former glory, and it will take a long time to cultivate.

In this process, it is also necessary to guard against the swallowing and merger of the rest of the real world, as well as various potential crises.

You must know that in the real world of mountains and seas at its peak, there were several heaven-slayers born, and they all went to the source realm.

"It all seems to have been arranged a long time ago. But even you, Tsing Yi, are actually just in the play without knowing it?"

Gu Changge's eyes were deep, without a trace of emotional waves, and he sighed softly.

In Tsing Yi's eyes, he was a sky hunter from the boundless vastness, who had participated in the battle to attack the source world, and even saved her life when she encountered a life-and-death crisis.

So Tsing Yi had almost no doubts about him.

And Chan Hongyi, after witnessing these truths in the fragments of the long river, I am afraid that he will no longer doubt him, but will feel guilty because of these many things.


Gu Changge's eyes were calm, he waved his sleeves, and the long river of time in front of him once again surged into the sky.

The vast fog surged away, covering the tranquil sea area, blocking the way for Mu Hongyi and Taotian to return to the world.

"But for the follow-up plan, you can't be allowed to return.

Gu Changge whispered.

The waves rose and fell, and the Immortal Boat of Fortune appeared at his feet, carrying the long river of time he left.

In the Temple of Destiny, a blurry long river phantom appeared, and then Gu Changge's figure came out of it.

He glanced at Xiao Ruoyin, who was waiting here, and asked, "How long has it been?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, half a month has passed."

Xiao Ruoyin replied that she took the Immortal Boat of Fortune that Gu Changge handed over in surprise. For some reason, she could see a trace of exhaustion from his eyebrows.

Such an expression appeared on Gu Changge's face, which made her feel incredible.

In her impression, Gu Changge is always calm and confident, with everything under control, as if there is nothing he can't do in this world.

Even if the sky collapses and the earth becomes ashes, it is impossible to see a trace of moving and discoloration from him.

But after traveling for a long time this time, what did he encounter that would make him show such a trace of exhaustion?

Is it mental fatigue?

Xiao Ruoyin did not see Tian and Taochan in red, guessing that they might have encountered something, and the eternal burial disappeared in the long river of time?

She was silent and didn't know what to say at this time.

"Has it only been half a month?"

Gu Changge also thought that this trek took a long time, and it was several years away from the present world. Because of many things during the period, the long river was blurred, and it was difficult for him to even judge the passage of time.

In the process of returning to the world, he saw thousands of light spots in the long river of time flying up, constantly floating, and wine entering various river areas.

Some were even taken by a vague path of light and disappeared into it.

"Your Majesty, do you want to return to the shrine?

Seeing Gu Changge looking at Tianyu outside the hall, Xiao Ruoyin couldn't see clearly in his eyes, she couldn't help asking softly.

In fact, the sky is already dark, but in the Temple of Destiny, close to the vast sea of ​​stars, it is impossible to distinguish the day.

"I won't return to the shrine tonight.

Gu Changge came back to his senses, rubbed his eyebrows, and wanted to go to Taocun to see Gu Xian'er, but after thinking about it, it was okay.

Although Gu Er was born in the third generation, she probably hasn't awakened the memory of the first generation yet.

And for her, she may not be willing to accept the memory of the first life.

Just as she gave up the part of the memory of her second life named Daoxian.

After the Upper Realm and the Immortal Realm gradually bordered, the speed of changes in the environment of heaven and earth became faster. Gu Changge had a hunch that some of the handwritings made by Tsing Yi would reappear.

Some people who lost their lives in the first battle to cut the sky and fell into reincarnation may choose to return in this life.

Ancient heroic spirits, those who were reincarnated into reincarnation.

Maybe some people around him will awaken the relevant memories, and the reincarnation circuit that was hidden in the past has once again been heard.

"The concubine will serve His Majesty and go to bed."

Xiao Ruoyin's face showed a rosy color, and she reached out and took off Gu Changge's coat.

Gu Changge retracted his thoughts, looked at the beautiful woman beside him, and the meaning in his eyes was unclear.

One night, the spring is infinite, and the clouds disappear and the rain falls.

In the following years, the heavens in the upper realms were as Gu Changge expected, and the fortunes of the gods were gushing forth and surging.

Everywhere in the great world and in the ancient universe, there are outstanding people born.

After the rules of heaven and earth became more and more complete, some outstanding figures of the past dynasties, like the second spring, were originally in shackles and restricted cultivation, and the tide rose.

Those Tianjiao who were the same generation as Gu Changge, such as Tianhuangnu, Wang Junyao of the Six Crowns, and others, have already entered the ranks of the supreme.

Some people are even starting to attack the Quasi-Emperor Realm and set foot on the Primordial Emperor Road.

In the shrine, Gu Changge watched Gu Xian'er leave Taocun and set foot on that road, and also saw some acquaintances in the past.

For example, Ye Langtian, the young master of the Primordial Ye Clan, should now be called the Ye family master, and his younger sister Ye Liuli.

The Taikoo Ye clan had long since surrendered to the kingdom of God, and had a good position in the court with a high status.

Ye Langtian embarked on that road this time, in fact, to seek an opportunity to become enlightened.

Although the Kingdom of God has such shortcuts as the immortal list, it can help many monks to ascend to the sky in one step, and directly become immortals enshrined by the incense of the faith of the Kingdom of God.

But many arrogant people are arrogant and unwilling to be shackled and bound by this, and rely on external things for their own Taoism.

That is tantamount to rootless duckweed. Once the kingdom of God collapses, it means that their Taoism will be reduced to a bubble overnight.

(Liao Nuo's) There are actually many people like Ye Langtian, even the once self-proclaimed Tianjiao, who lived with Gu Changge, but because of his existence, it was sealed again, and now he broke the seal and stepped on God road.

Gu Changge was in the kingdom of God, looking at many acquaintances, and embarked on that road.

Yan Ji, Hei Yanyu and others who had followed him.

Even the master of the demon world, Empress Guangyao, who was canonized as a demon concubine, was also on the road, trying to gain an opportunity.

This road is long and dangerous, some people die in the middle of the road, and some people have experienced many crises, and their cultivation will be further improved.

Gu Changge just watched, watching the changes in the fate of the thousands of worlds, and thoroughly refining the source and true blood that he had swallowed before going to the Immortal Realm.

On the immortal way, there are true immortals, immortal kings, and immortal emperors, on which is the threshold of detachment.

The difference between a true immortal and an immortal king is like a thread of ants compared to a true dragon, which cannot be compared, and the gap between an immortal emperor and an immortal king is even more terrifying and cannot be described in words.

The realm of the Immortal King can be accumulated with Taoism, years, and talents, but the Immortal Emperor is out of reach, and it is impossible to touch it with these.

Even if the talent is peerless and the spleen is out of ancient and modern, it will be stopped by that threshold.

A hundred epochs can give birth to an immortal king, but among a hundred immortal kings, there is only a 1% chance of being qualified to touch that road, knowing the dangers and horrors in it.