Queen Treasure

Ming Yuan saw Queen Room. He entered it, 'It must be the Queen Room, it's dark here, we must use the flashlight. I must find her treasure, all of them are jewelry, she's a luxurious Empress in China. It's titled Na Er there, she's very glamour, she decides to own all the wealth by her own.' Na Er appeared after the solving diamond puzzle. 'You must find the puzzle again, I need my jewelry back to me, I need also my make up set. It needs keys, you should find around my make up table, I gonna turn on the light.'

Ming Yuan asked Flower. 'How to solve the key puzzle, the light's so limited, I can't see well then? Why I should pass it, I can't count well, I must find my dear now? I give up, I need Flo for help, my mind's limited now. I must find my daughter now, I should walk around this palace, I must shout at somebody outside this mansion to help us escaped. Help me out and release freely from here, God! I never can do it without you, I must find Flo, he's smart in doing every puzzle.'

Ming Yuan opened the gun room. He found a lot of bullets. Flower reminded, 'We must take all the bullets, solving the puzzle together, and escaping together too.' Na Er appeared, 'Don't take my weapon, it's Tsao's, he gonna angry to you!' Ming Yuan shouted to death, 'Help me, I must shoot at evil ghosts, I can't think back!' Flower took the shotgun. Flower shot her to heart, 'I gonna let you free from devils, you're my friend, you must free from this mansion. I gonna help you in the name of God, Qin's vanished now, they only leave a history here with Floral Palace. Follow me, go upstair now, we must hide there!'

Na Er trapped Ming Yuan. 'Let me get closer to you, you must face Tsao after this, sword battle!' Ming Yuan shot Na Er, 'Help me releasing from this devil and satan, God!'

Ming Yuan closed the door in the cupboard. Na Er brought him to the past. 'I see some beautiful jewelry served by all the servants here, I should choose at mine, they must wear this along my noble as Empress. I gonna give it to my baby girl my lovely daughter and the only child, Xiang. I name her beautiful diamond from Qin, a Princess born here, the heir of this Kingdom.'

Ming Yuan saw a beautiful baby girl. Ming Yuan held her. 'You're very beautiful as Mol, you've dimpled, I love with your dimples. I kiss your cheek, you must be Mol in the future, beautiful girl. You'll be my girl, I gonna take you back home, I wanna hold you now. Your name means knight in the diamond, protecting Dad from danger, always in my heart.'

Ming Yuan gave her a beautiful diamond. Na Er was proud of him. Na Er smiled to Xiang, 'Uncle gives you a diamond again, there'll would be 3, you must keep it, till you grow as teenager!' Ming Yuan found the 2 again, 'Where's it, the 2 others, I must search for the diamonds? Is it there in the hole of the wall, what's it, is it for saving the corpse again?' Flower gave a clue, 'There's a wedding room, Tsao and Er room, belong to the tradition of Qin. Open it with a diamond key, I bring it for you, you gonna see some story behind this door! You'll be seen something, as your consciousness, then turning into real life!'

Ming Yuan found the wedding room. He unlocked it. 'Look at the beautiful rose there! It's in a glass!' Na Er appeared. 'You shouldn't touch it. It's ours!'

Ming Yuan put the diamond key on the bed. 'I put it here! I gonna go to the next mission! I hope I found something new.'

Ming Yuan found the last room, 'What's called?' Flower answered, 'It's called the shower room!' Na Er answered. 'Find the shower puzzle!'

Ming Yuan found the Queen Make over room. 'This must be a make up room!' Na Er answered. 'Is there a shower to complete the shower puzzle?' Flower pointed out at a shower pipe. 'There's a pipe there! We must finish it! I gonna help you also Na! We go back to the shower puzzle.'

Ming Yuan found a room connected to the shower puzzle. He found the shower puzzle. 'Let's finish it now!' Flower put the pipe connection to another. 'Let's do it together! Na's helped us! She wanna to take the baby shower! We must help her.'