Yin Hong Match

Ming Yuan went to the backstage room. 'There's a candle light, we can use as the lightning source of this room! We must light the candle with match, then to solve this candle puzzle!' Tsao Man helped him. 'You should find the match first, by the shelf in this room! The match's under the table, there's too much!'

Ming Yuan lighted the candle. He whispered. 'Where's Mol, tell me?' Yin Hong appeared with sword. 'She's under my control, I need her for my Princess! You must come to my room, and we can deal about new government system. She's keeping crying missing you now, she's very rejected at the new people.'

Ming Yuan faced Yin Hong. 'You must the King of Qin dynasty also, in the past the brother of Tsao.' Yin Hong waved his sword, 'Fight with me, I wanna see your ability! You'll know all our secrets, about all the Qin dynasty family member.'

Ming Yuan fought with Yin Hong. 'You've treated Tsao badly!' Yin Hong debated him. 'Tsao's a bad man! You've trusted him much! You must be my next victim.'

Ming Yuan asked Yin Hong. 'What makes Tsao rebel you?' Yin Hong answered. 'How dare you make him rebel at Qin? He never rebels anyone without concern. He's a faith and gentle full man.'

Ming Yuan saw a past of Yin Hong. Yin Hong declared the Qixi Show. Ming Yuan confused. 'There are many candies here.' Yin Hong called Madam Yin. 'You take a role as the lost princess of Qin. Your rival's Nai, as the role of a young empress. My rival's Tsao, as a young King.'

Ming Yuan found the seat around the table. Ming Yuan found Molly, 'Dear, is Dad!' Molly kept silent. 'Sh, they don't want see you here!' Ming Yuan watched the show. 'I can't enjoy the show. It's a plan for killing Tsao. Save Tsao now!' Molly wandered around, 'You go to the backstage. Come on, save Uncle Tsao!'

Ming Yuan decided to save Tsao Man from the murder plan. Ming Yuan screamed out. 'Tsao Man, get out from here!' Tsao Man heard his scream. Tsao Man worried. 'Da Ge Yin tried to kill me. Thank you for saving me!'

Ming Yuan found a costume outside the backstage. 'You must camouflage with it.' Tsao Man surprised, 'I don't wanna be a clown.' Ming Yuan pressed him. 'You can use just this time. Trick them with clown costume!'

Ming Yuan tricked the assasins. 'How come the clown be in the Qi Xi?' Tsao Man felt so hot there, 'How can I stay? It's too hot use this costume. Open it later on! They know me, they can kill me now.'

Ming Yuan hid Tsao Man in the toilet. Ming Yuan threw the dirty bomb to assasin. 'The bom can explode easily. It can trick them.' Tsao Man laughed, 'You like kidding sometime. We must in hurry to save my family. Come on!'

Ming Yuan found the huge ballroom. 'I gonna have a match with you. You've planned to kill Tsao. Remember, that he's your own biological brother!' Yin Hong answered, 'He's sweet with Dai. Dai's only a stepbrother.' Ming Yuan debated him, 'Is the love based on the biological blood? You've too greedy to own all Tsao wealth. You wanna get a treasure from your own Dad! You jealous because 40% falling in the own of Tsao.'

Ming Yuan fought with Yin Hong. 'Come, let's finish you! I don't wanna you touched my friend. Tsao's under my protection!' Yin Hong laughed mocking. 'You wanna protect the weak man. He's a weak Emperor. He doesn't brave enough to lead China!' Ming Yuan pointed his sword, 'He's a kind Emperor. He's patient. He's a gentle man in the real life!'

Ming Yuan tackled down Yin Hong, 'Where are your strength? You're weak. You don't brave enough to fight me. You just an arrogant Emperor. China's shame on you.' Yin Hong gave up for the first time, 'I wait for you. I gonna kill you with Tsao. How can you find me? What if I kill Mol to you? You never dare enough.'

Ming Yuan found a gold after battle. 'Why I must use this gold? I must find another gold. I still have a puzzle with gold. I must in hurry. Grab me, please!' Flower grabbed him. 'Cure your wound first!' Ming Yuan answered, 'I gonna let me to die. You must take care of Tsao. He's a kind man living in sorrow way. He never finds any enemy in his life, except Hong, his own brother.'

Ming Yuan cured after a day. 'I must continue the match. Heal me first!' Tsao Man healed him. 'You must heal first time. Eat this grape and plum fruits!'

Ming Yuan walked again to the ponds and found the part of paper doll. Ming Yuan asked. 'What can I do with the body? Why don't you keep ease me? How come a body become a part of the puzzle? You play with me!' The black man appeared, 'How are you? Let's show it!' Ming Yuan tackled him down, 'I gonna shot you!'

Ming Yuan came to the meeting room. 'I must place it inside the prayer table. I'm not sure about something. I can face again the ghost. I hope not now.' Yin Hong appeared, 'What are you doing? You've disturbed my business.' Ming Yuan fought with him, 'How come I disturbed? Don't think negatively with me!'

Ming Yuan had a battle in the meeting room weakened by Yin Hong. 'Must save Tsao first! When I can find my daughter? I feel rather die here. I've to recharge again my energy.' Yin Hong mocked him. 'My sword gonna end you now! You must die now.'

Ming Yuan had nearly died to end. 'I give Mol to you, Tsao. You can be her Godfather. I don't wanna see her crying again. I feel so hurtful with this divorce life.' Tsao Man helped him. 'Go away, Da Ge Yin!'