Climax of The Paper Doll House

Ming Yuan went to the paper doll room. Ming Yuan asked, 'What are they for, an experiment?' Molly screamed, 'Where are you wanna go, Dad? Why do you leave me? Can you accompany me?' Ming Yuan answered, 'Where are you, dear? How come I can't see you? I gonna let you free. We must go back to Hongkong. Where are you, darling?' Dai Ye saw him, 'Call her again! Where's she? Is she knowing you?' Ming Yuan took the axe to attack him. Ming Yuan angered. 'You've made all the people to paper doll convert. You make their corpse as decoration. The paper dolls only lock their spirit to Heaven. You must release them now. They need peace.' Dai Ye laughed, 'You decide to break with me. I've made them for gifts of my wife. Molly's my wife in future life.'

Ming Yuan destroyed some of the paper dolls. 'Where's my girl, you rat?' Song Hu angered at him, 'These all my family members, foreigners killed them. You've annoyed their rest, for the peaceful life. They take care of this room, they gonna disturb you. They gonna eat you, cutting into pieces. You've made spit in the Qin dynasty. You should leave now.' Ming Yuan answered, 'I gonna leave with my girl. I won't sell my girl to you. You're cruel.' Flower asked to Song Hu. 'Can you let Mol free?' Song Hu answered, 'I won't let my daughter in-law. I must protect her from savage.' Flower attacked him, 'You must return her now. She needs her own father. Go away, devil!'

Ming Yuan went to the tatami chair. 'I see my dear, I gonna let you go from here. Look at you, so painful!' Molly wore a Qin Empress uniform. Molly was so sad, 'I'm sorry to leave you, so lonely. Dad my lovely, I love you!' Ming Yuan chased her to the light. Ming Yuan screamed, 'Why you leave me so soon, dear?' Molly said goodbye, 'I must go to Heaven now. I'm lock here.' Ming Yuan started to destroy the spirit fence. 'What are you doing to my dear? I gonna destroy this ghost portal.'

Ming Yuan opened the spirit circle. 'I must let the spirit free. The spirit can take a rest peacefully. They must free from the imperialism.' The spirits were from the last slavery. Tsao Man amazed by his cleverness in controlling them. 'I can't believe, you can control them. You're the wise person, so they obey with you. You always amaze me since the begin.' Ming Yuan hugged Tsao Man. Ming Yuan asked. 'What can I do for you next?'

Ming Yuan followed Tsao Man. 'I must seek for the ghost portal!' Tsao Man gave a guide, 'You should close the portal with platinum shield.' Ming Yuan found the platinum shield. Ming Yuan asked. 'Is the shield?' Tsao Man shook his head, 'It's right. You must put it before the spirits come here. It's heavy, I gonna carry for you.' Flower carried the shield. 'It's to heavy, you must be careful. Please, take care of this leg!'

Ming Yuan put the shield. Tsao Man warned him. 'I warn behind you. You must be careful.' The spirits attacked him. Ming Yuan pulled out the shotgun, 'I know how to shoot them. We gonna shoot at once.' Flower helped Ming Yuan, 'They're too strong, you can't defeat them lonely. I gonna pull out my sword. I battle for Floral Palace peace. They ruin the calmness of Floral Palace.' Ming Yuan ruined their power. Ming Yuan asked. 'What do you wanna do? How come you steal my daughter again? Where's she?'

Ming Yuan straw the spirit. 'How can you drop me?' Tsao Man warned him again. 'How come you use the ghost bottle? Shall we use it now, is too dangerous?' Ming Yuan couldn't control the power of the bottle cleverly. Ming Yuan shouted. 'I gonna straw all. I must get out from here. I'm too weak.' Song Hu kicked him, 'You can't do anything. You gonna die. How are you, foreigner?'

Ming Yuan won the last paper doll puzzle. 'I gonna get my dear back after this. I must in hurry to get her. I feel she here.' Molly screamed, 'I'm here, Dad. I wanna get out here. We can go back to the house again!' Ming Yuan heard her sound. 'Dad hear your sound, dear. Say your purpose again!' Song Hu trapped him into cage, 'That's your dear, loser. Come then, loser man!' Ming Yuan angered. 'What you do with my dear? Why you trap her?'