
A boy who looked in his early twentith, his face covered in bruise as if somebody has beaten him brutally, and his blood soaked shirt which was giving hint about bruises beneath his shirt. The man beside him, with a long beard asked in cruel voice "do you still love her" there was a deafening silence in dead air the huge crowd surrounded the ground franctically waited for his answer at the same time cursing him, the boy look up to meet eyes with his love the girl who also looked as the same age of him, tied up with the ropes, tears continuosly drowning from her eyes was stabbing his heart, "yes i love her even after i'll die" the king laugh viciously who was sitting in a throne just beside the ground and uttered "then start the show" as soon as words roll down from his tongue, the man beside the boy started whiping him ferociously, the girl started to cry more harder, the boy looked up to see the girl and said in voice covered with calmness trying to hide the pain "don't worry love it s' nothing" assuring her that he is not feeling pain, hearing that the man start to beat him more monstrously, but the boy continues to say that "please don't whip him, father i'll do anything you want but please don't beat him "(the girl begged to her father) who was sitting in the throne "ah..., you useless thing which thing i never give you, but what did you give me in return?? nothing, and you think i'll accept you when you have already lose your virginity over him"(he said in cold voice) the girl started to beg the man who was whiping him continuously but acted as he was deaf "this love birds are really irritating" , "i know a way to get rid of them, throw that bastard in the valley!!"(the king said devilishly smilling) "please father don't"(the

girl begged) struggling to get out from the grip of ropes, two soldier came carried the boy and started to take him close to the valley when they get closer to it they threw him in the valley, the girl s' scream echoed in that place "noooooooo!!!" the maid of the girl watching her struggling this much cut the ropes with knife, immediately girl ran towards valley the soldier ran towards her trying to catch girl but in next moment girl jumped from valley and landed beside the boy her body has no more power but remembering their love give her some power "open your eyes Vicious please" (The girl said to boy embracing him with her arms) "June, i don't have much time to stay alive" "promise me we'll again born and will again stay together" the boy nodded and smile warmingly "pinky promise"(she said taking out her little finger out) "yes pinky promise"..."huh!!!"( i jolted out from my dream) "again a nightmare" i mumbled, soon i realize my breath feeling

heavy covered with cold sweat i kept my hand on my chest to calm myself, feeling my chest moving up and down, i was still in that same metro train most of all in my life, today itself i got slap from my father and you know what was the reason because i was not eating like a lady "June, what happened did you get a asthma attack" Emma said with a concerning look on her face at the same time snapping me from thoughts "no, nor i would have been kissing my inhaler till now" i said and shrugged off, i look outside of window, while being silent i realize that i was getting migranes, not again!! i took out a box full of pills and medicines from my bag took the pills what will happen when you'll study whole night and gets a horrible slap= migranes simple!! . I know in this cold world nobody ever loved me even my own mom, but still there was a hope i don't know why?? whenever i tried to do suicide my mind, heart all went blank only a voice echoed in my ears "love you have to stay alive" who was he??, why does he want me to stay alive, and last not least "why does his voice always gives me this hope"