Purple bras *past 2*

~Vicious prosparative~

why am i so addicted to her, wait am i falling in love with her, no!! i can't fall in love "Vicious!!!"(someone yelled from outside) "What the hell"(i cursed) immediately shutting the off button of shower, and stepped out of the shower before i could have time to wear my clothes, i heard another yelling "Vicious!!!!"

"Ah!, coming"(i muttered) and quickly took a towel and wrapped the towel around my lower abdomen before opening the door, i scanned the room to find one who disturbed me in shower, "Vicious, hu hu" I looked in the direction from where i heard the whimpering soon to be filled with rages of anger, i immediately went close to her, kneeling on knees to match the height, only to be trapped by the echantress, she quietly dugged her face in the crook of my neck, i slowly held the arms which were caging me and freed myself only to ask her looking deep into eyes "June what happened" she slowly raised her head to see me i looked at her face almost red like apple, she must be drunk as she wasn't somebody who would easily break into tears, then my gaze moved to her torned dress seems someone had torned it intentionally, but who could dares to do so, suddenly i retreated my gaze again on her face, that s' when i saw her swelled cheeck, i immediately cupped her face and asked "June who slapped tell me i'll kill them" they dared to slap her, i will not spare them even if they'll hide in the hell nobody can save them, my focus again fall back on her as my palms felt something warm dribbling from them, she shooked her head trying to hide the tears "Why am i so weak" (she said under her breath) "June, you're not weak, you're the most strongest person i have ever met" "why!, why are you lying from me, you don't have to care about hurting my feelings just say the truth in my face"(she cried) smaking me and then bursting down in the tears, i slowly held her hands which were smaking me, caged her into my embrace "cry as much as you can today, but promise me you'll never cry again tommorow"(i whispered in her ears) she gradually wrapped her arms around my neck while burring her face in my chest, i felt warm drops water continuosly wetting my chest, she started screaming against my chest while burrrying her nail in the crook of my neck i gently raised my hand and caressed her head, i used to think what pain she must be hidding under those bright green eyes, but today my queries were cleared, soon she gradually calmed down and placed her head on my chest like baby, tired of crying "do you know crying is not a weakness, it s' actually good for ourselves to express our feelings"(i uttered) kissed her head "hmm"(she nodded) i hold her legs carrying her up in bridal look and started taking her to her dressing room, (actually girls have a extra room attached with their bedroom, that room is there dressing room + closet along with the bathroom) she slightly went along with me like a obedient kid as soon as i entered there i carefully make her sit on the couch and i unsteadily took out a white night gown for her and gave her that "go and change your clothes" "no i don't want to"

(she said like a stubborn kid) i stared at her and then went close to her then sat behind her "what are you doing behind, come in the front" i said nothing as i know she still had the effect of alcohol so nevermind!, i quickly unzipped her dress then let it fall down off her shoulder "huh! what are you doing, taking advantage of me" (June said panickly getting up from her place) while her hands covering the breast which were covered with bras still "you have already shown me that you like to wear purple colour of bras, then what s' the point of hiding" (i said shrugging off) and with that i went near to her and pelted the gown from her head she frowned at me for a second then said "i have brought you some chicken soup" with a gloomy face "huh!, how did you know that i was hungry" (i said with a shocked face) "i heard your stomach growling" with a grin i again hold her up and started taking her to the bed "wait, don't tell me you're sleeping with me" "well i am my lady" i said tucking her with the blanket "no, a boy cannot sleep with a girl" but that was already too late, i was already drunk in her scent, subconsciously i pulled her closer to me, she pouted with anger while me enjoying her cuteness soon she realised that nobody can change my mind, she gently touch the muscles of my arms with the tips of her fingers and whispered "you seem to be really strong" "i am indeed" "Vicious, if i didn't able to find a perfect king for me will you marry me" I couldn't heard of anything aspect of those words 'will you marry me' rang in my ears like a siren, my fast heartbeats and her words ringing in my ears was giving thunderstrikes i looked at her, her eyes shone in the hope almost like a child asking for candies, seeing her hopes and her eyes i couldn't denied it thus i noded she brightly grinned at my nod and slept while hugging me, i drove my hands to her waist pulling her closer to my chest while she snuggled in my tight embrace.

patience reader, patience i know you might be thinking why female lead is so weak alway getting bulied in her present life as well as in previous life, so let me tell you that this is jyst begining, character developing takes time and believe me she'll become strong, by the way i have drop the image of the gown June was wearing