The Game Begins

(With Ichigo's group)

The group of seven flew through the empty sky in the sphere of spirit power, heading straight for the dome of Seireitei. They focused on their tasks, their upcoming battles, their goals. Uryu and Chad said they had something to do for Kisuke and Orihime offered to go with them, Tatsuki said that there was someone that she wanted to meet for herself, and Ichigo had to find Yamamoto and Ganju refused to abandon his new family member. They agreed to split up when they enter Seireitei, allowing the others to perform their tasks and create as much disruption as they could, turning unwanted attention on some to others.

'Yamamoto.' Ichigo silently prayed. 'Please, listen to reason and what I have to say.' They collided with the barrier, fighting against the spirit dispelling force of the sekkiseki stone against the reishukaku sphere. The two forces struggled until Ichigo stomped down on their shield and forced their way through. This unfortunately cracked the barrier and it dispelled the moment they got in the Seireitei. "In a way, I should've seen this coming." Ichigo mumbled before a whirlwind of energy tried to throw them all over. Chad dove straight out becoming engulfed in flames as he fell towards Seireitei with his mission in mind. Uryu and Orihime held on long enough before falling out, Uryu controlling their descent with his Hirenkyaku. Tatsuki jumped out with a smile on her face the second she saw her target, leaving Ichigo with his teacher and cousin, before the blast separated Yoruichi from them as well.


Chad looked toward the ground, fearlessly bracing himself as he brought out his arm. No longer decorated with white and magenta lines, but an intricate pattern on a black arm with a long protrusion at his shoulder. As he neared the ground he cushioned the impact with a single Reishi blast, slowing his descent and allowing him to roll onto the ground and diffuse the force of impact.

'Ichigo throws me harder than that.' He thought to himself as he dusted himself off. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a case and GPS monitor which he turned on, finding himself standing on top of one of the locations on the screen. 'Oddly convenient.' He thought as he knelt back down and opened the case revealing stickers with a kido seal on them. He quickly attached one of the adhesive pictures to the ground his locator indicated preparing to head for the next location.

"It's over here!" He heard someone yell as he rose up, just in time for a small cell of five Shinigami to show up behind him. "Freeze ryoka!" The apparent leader yelled out as Chad moved toward them. "Stand down and come quietly! Don't make... us... get..." His earlier confidence fading as he felt Chad's spirit pressure and stature. "This might've been a mistake." He mumbled as Chad cracked his knuckles.

(Ichigo and Ganju)

Ichigo took some time to worry about his friends as they ended up flying in different directions. This was by unanimous choice, but he could still worry about them. The other few seconds were spent being annoyed as his Shiba cousin struggled to get in some position by pushing against Ichigo.

"Ganju, what are you doing?" Ichigo asked over the rushing wind and fiery friction.

"Just give me a second." He respond before drawing a circle with an open palm. "Turn to sand! Seppa!" He yelled, sending the spell down and creating a pit of sand.

'I don't think so.' Ichigo thought dryly before skating down normally on a flow of Reishi, landing just fine while Ganju slammed into the sand and ended up buried. "You know, I think that should've ended differently than it did." He snarked as Ganju tried to recover from the rough landing.

"Oh shut up!" He yelled, finally able to talk again. "If you could land so easily, why didn't you help me?"

"Because I doubt Kukaku wants to hear that her brother needed his hand held all the time." Ichigo quickly countered. "You're supposed to be a tough guy now start acting like one." He said, feeling two strong Soul Reapers appear on the wall behind him. "The sooner the better." He turned to face the newcomers.

"Woo hoo! What luck!" The bald one cheered as the two jumped down. With him was a more elegant looking guy with what seemed to be eyelash extensions. "Can you believe this? First we skip out on guard duty, and now the ryoka we were expecting came right to us." He said before hopping around, singing about his luck. "Now, let's have some fun!"


She ran through the walled pathways of the Seireitei, taking small breaks in available hiding places. She was excited, she knows the danger she's in being a trespasser in a military base, but she couldn't quell the burning excitement. Finally, a new opponent she could spar with and go all out against. Yoruichi only left it to a training level, Ichigo was someone she always spared with, and Orihime just started. Now she had a chance to fight someone for real and not some mindless beasts. Yoruichi spoke fondly of her quarry, making Tatsuki all the more determined to find the elusive bee.

'Just you wait Soi-Fon senpai.' She thought, dashing through the streets. 'I can't wait to fight you!' Challenging her fellow disciple of the Flash Goddess was on the forefront of her mind, but there was something else that made her want to find the captain of the second division. All the while, she was completely unaware that she was being watched.

'I recognize those movements.' She thought, watching the fireball run.

(Uryu and Orihime)

The duo landed safely on Orihime's shield, demonstrating how much control and will she gained to effectively use her powers, in some kind of storage yard away from the others. Uryu handed Orihime a case containing the same kind of stickers while he fished for the locator he's supposed to have.

"Uryu?" Orihime asked, feeling concerned for their friends. "Do you think they'll be alright?"

"I think it'll take a lieutenant class, minimum, to take one of us in." He said, finally finding the device. "However, we should try to avoid getting noticed. No telling if what that captain from earlier said is true."

"Maybe we can ask politely?" Orihime asked. Uryu could only look at the ditzy girl with a dry expression.

"If you want." He said, relenting to the girl's puppy eyes. "Try to do so before we knock them out." He said before getting a set of coordinates. "Let's go." He said as they charged towards their destination, unaware of the Soul Reaper that was spying on them.

(Back to Ichigo)

"So, can you handle yourself in a fight?" Ichigo asked his Shiba cousin, purposefully ignoring the bald man's dance and song about his luck.

"Of course I can!" Ganju defended. "I'm the toughest in all of West Rukon!"

"Good." Ichigo said, ignoring the fact that Kukaku was the real toughest. "Then you can run along while I take care of this." Ganju was in a mix of shock and insult.

"Are you telling me to run? That I'm weak?" He growled, mostly angry and hurt a little.

"If you can handle yourself then you can go on ahead." The hybrid said, flash stepping in front of the dancer as he finished and delivered a strong elbow strike to the man's chest and sending him flying into a wall. "Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end." He chanted, keeping his hands clasped as five glowing orbs rose from his hands. "Bakudo, #75. Gochutekken." He called out, raising his hands above his head and down on the other Shinigami.

'What beautiful execution.' He thought before being knocked down by Ichigo bringing his fists down on his head followed by five large pillars pinning him in place. Ganju was amazed by Ichigo's power and ability. Rather than complain about having to leave, he decided to put faith in his cousin. He turned and ran off, off to the Repentance Cell, off to confront Rukia.

"Sorry about your friend, but I'd rather he not be followed." Ichigo said, turning to face the other Shinigami who finally came back. "Think he'll be alright?"

"Tch, Yumichika will be fine." He said, having confidence in his long time comrade. "That was a little rude of you, interrupting my pre-fight dance like that."

"Blame my teachers." Ichigo retorted, stretching his arms out. "And that Gin Ichimaru guy. I just wanted to have a friendly little chat with the Head Captain, then he comes and tries to kill me." He slowly shifted into a position more suited for fast reactions.

"Oh yeah." He said, remembering what happening yesterday. "He was out of line, you were meant to be escorted directly to the Commander, Ichigo Kurosaki." He regained his battle hungry smirk as he continued to inform the hybrid of the events on the side of Seireitei. "However, captain Ichimaru saw it as an opportunity to test the efficiency of the 13 Court Guard Squads, so now we have to capture you and bring you in. The name's Ikkaku Madarame, 3rd seat of Squad 11!" He said, unsheathing his Zanpakuto. "Pleased to meet ya Ichigo."

"Likewise." Ichigo said, taking out his own blade and settling into his relaxed stance. He never did take any single style, just acted on instinct, fluid, flexible, and most importantly, unpredictable.

"You sure are a dangerous one." Ikkaku remarked. Having years of experience told him that while Ichigo seemed like he had no defense, he was very much ready. "You're just waiting for me to drop my-" Ichigo flashed in front of Ikkaku and swung his blade, with his opponent just barely having time to block. The force of the blow sent the bald fighter flying back while trying to relieve the shocks in his arms. When he landed, he was faced with another onslaught of attacks from the hybrid. 'This feeling!' He thought, trying to defend against the ferocity he was met with. 'He's holding it back but I know this feeling!' The two finally separated as Ikkaku needed to catch his breath, Ichigo wasn't even winded. 'The sense of a monster, a beast far more terrifying than me!' Through Ichigo's calm and stoic facade, Ikkaku saw a version that was grinning savagely at the prospect of a challenge. 'He's like captain Zaraki!' Ikkaku took his chance to go on the offensive, swinging his blade for Ichigo's head. As predicted, Ichigo blocked the sword while almost unaware of Ikkaku's sheath coming for his side. Ichigo grunted from the impact before slamming his head against Ikkaku's and forcing distance between them again.

"Nice one." Ichigo said, rubbing his ribs as the pain alleviated. "But you won't get another hit like that." He created another blade to companion the one he already had and settled into his own dual wielding stance.

"What the-?" The third seat asked in surprise. "How did you do that?"

"Captain level technique." The hybrid explained. "Captains are required to control the form of their zanpakutos, otherwise they'd be swinging towers. I just took it a step further. To quote captain Isshin, 'When it comes to Soul Reapers, bitch I edit the wiki.'" He said, getting ready to charge.

"What the hell's a wiki!?" Ikkaku roared as they clashed again, sparks flying from their blades with every strike. Ichigo was on the defense as he slowly got used to Ikkaku's seemingly unpredictable style.

"It's a website with information on a given subject." Ichigo responded as they slashed and parried each other before separating. "Find me in the Living World when this is all over, I'll show ya." Ichigo said, slightly winded while Ikkaku was breathing heavier.

"Looks like the rumors were true." He said, giggling like a madman. "You did fight captain Ichimaru, you did injure him, and you definitely are a force to be reckoned with." He straightened himself up. "I don't see myself winning this, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit!" He connected his blade and sheath on opposite ends and called out his Zanpakuto. "Extend! Hozukimaru!" The sword and sheath was engulfed in glowing light as it turned into a spear with a red tassel. "Let's cut loose!" He charged, trying to catch Ichigo off guard. The hybrid just managed to dodge and ward off the onslaught of stabs, slashes, and swings. Finally he came down with a strong, heavy swing that made Ichigo use both hands to block, never knowing of the hidden danger in the attack. "Split!" Ikkaku yelled, separating the three part pole that was Hozukimaru. Ichigo barely escaped, having a diagonal cut through his face as the price for his folly. "I'm sorry. I'm supposed to capture you alive, but fighting you excites me so much it's hard to hold back." He said, standing a few feet from Ichigo as he wiped the blood away from his face.

"No worries, I understand." The hybrid said, already healing from the cut. "I just have to have to keep up." His swords transformed into the large Khyber form he obtained as a first release. "But I've had enough of this." He said, unleashing more of his Reiatsu. "I've got places to be." Ikkaku started to tremble, whether from primal fear or battle hungry excitement, he wasn't sure. "Well Ikkaku? What now?"

"You're amazing!" Ikkaku managed to say. 'What even are you?' He questioned as he charged, blade in one hand while spinning the opposite end. For a split second he saw Ichigo grunt in annoyed disappointment before he was slashed across his chest, his staff broken in half, as Ichigo then grabbed onto his face and slammed him into the ground. The warrior tried to move before Ichigo stomped down on his gaping cut.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one holding back." Ichigo said, applying more pressure on Ikkaku. "You knew about altering the size of the Zanpakuto, and you're a much more skilled fighter than you let on." He said while Ikkaku groaned in pain, still pinned by Ichigo's strength. "You should have been giving me so much more trouble than what you did." The hybrid removed his foot and hauled the 3rd seat to eye level. "Why did you hold back?"

"You knew?" He asked surprised, with his strength slowing draining more and more. "How?"

"The people that trained me are still way stronger than I am," Ichigo explained before punching him in the face, "I know when others hold back." Another blow to Ikkaku. "So, why hold back?" He asked before cutting Ikkaku, all in places that looked like he fought. "Was it because you thought I was weak?"

"Hardly." Ikkaku managed to cough out. "I'm just content where I am, serving under my captain." He explained as Ichigo let him go and stumble against a wall. "He's the first man that ever really beat me, and set me on my path." He dropped to the ground, looking up at Ichigo and seeing a silhouette of his battle scarred captain next to him. "You remind me of him. If you're the strongest of your group, then he'll be looking for you Ichigo."

"Sounds like fun." The young Shinigami said as he reverted and sheathed his blade. "Tell him to meet me near the first division barracks." He was about to walk off before realizing he had no idea where those barracks were. "Which would be-?" Ikkaku chuckled at the short mindedness from someone that almost read him like a book.

"Off that way." He said, pointing off into the distance with his sword and took out his blood clotting ointment.

"Great. I'll head there after I find my idiot cousin." Ichigo said before pausing in front of Ikkaku one last time. "Never hold back again. Aim for victory. Say you lose when you die." He told the Soul Reaper before running off to find Ganju. Ikkaku again noted the similarities Ichigo had to his captain.

"He should be a good challenge for you, captain." He muttered before the last of his strength left, holding out long enough to patch up his bleeding wounds. "Maybe I should fight more seriously." He muttered before the darkness overcame him.

(With Uryuu and Orihime)

The duo hid away on the roof of a random building, staying out of the sight of the large man with ragged clothes marked by the kanji for eleven. Man being a generous term as he would probably fit the description of a beast much better. The main things out of place on him were the bells in his hair and the small girl on his shoulders.

"Looks like Baldy's sleeping." The pink haired adolescent said, oddly cheerful despite her company. "He must've lost too."

"To take out both Ikkaku and Yumichika is impressive." The man said in a deep rough tone. "But that fast is all the more exciting." He developed a snarling grin, growing more and more excited for the fight against the elusive Ichigo. "And he left a landmark to go to." He said, pointing to the five chained pillars, standing tall in the relative distance.

"Let's go Kenny!" The girl cheered as the duo charged for their target. Once they were out of sight, the humans rose from their hiding spot.

"Sounds like they're headed for Ichigo." Orihime said, worry for her lover coming through her voice.

"Seems like it." Uryu agreed. "Though, this might be for the better." He caught Orihime looking at him in confusion. "Ichigo has never really fought before." He tried to explain. "He's only ever had controlled sparring matches or was vastly superior to his opponent. He never had anyone to really push him to that kind of limit. There's something underneath that control, just waiting to come out."

"Are you saying that Ichigo is actually a very violent person?" She asked, feeling a little scared.

"No." Uryu said, looking off to where his cousin went. "He's a fighter, one that's burning to test and push himself." Uryu cursed that they needed to hold back, even now when they should be pushing themselves. But, according to his father, The Vandenreich watches from the Shadows. He wasn't sure what that meant beyond 'be careful' so for now, he'll focus on their mission. "Where's the next spot Orihime?" He asked turning to his companion.

"Umm, that way." Orihime said, looking at the device and pointing to the right, unaware of the Soul Reaper trying to strike at her. Completely on instinct, Orihime caught the giant man's wrist, slammed her elbow into his stomach, throwing him over her shoulder, stomping on his face while locking his arm in a ready position to dislocate his shoulder. All in the span of a second. "Opps. Sorry." She said sheepishly before kicking him unconscious. "I tend to react without knowing now."

'I think I should worry for Ichigo about her instead.' Uryu thought before they left.