Warriors of the Sun

[REMINDER: This is where I start mixing DxD and the Fate series into Awakens. At the same time, Ichigo is in the Akame ga Kill world and that will be covered in Ichigo Awakens: Soul Conviction. Burn the Witch is already a part of Bleach canon.]

(With Tatsuki)

"Okay... yeah... maybe you should've talked about this as soon as it was resolved Orihime." The fiery martial artist said in the conference call with her comrades from around the world. "Me? Oh yeah, I did forget to mention this. I'm getting trained by Sun Wukong... yes Uryu, that Sun Wukong. Apparently there's more to the world than we thought. ...No, he's not going to help us fight, it apparently breaks some rules. All he can do is teach me a few things I can bring back. ...So that's the plan for now? ...Kay. I'll check for anything in India, we're heading there anyway. Talk to you soon." She finished before hanging up her phone, turning to the famous monkey demon that was patiently waiting for her to finish.

"So, what's the plan you and your friends cooked up?" He asked, taking a drag from his pipe.

"The Vandenreich seem to be targeting people with heroic pedigrees," She answered, "or that's what it seemed like. So far seems to only be from the Christian influence, but it's the best lead we have on who and what they're targeting. Any notable Indian heroes?" Tatsuki asked, making the monkey stroke his beard in thought.

"Well, there is this one guy my boss really respected." Wukong admitted. "The latest heir should be an adult or in his late teens by now. There's no way he'd join the Quincy though... his rival on the other hand..." He trailed off before shaking his head. "We'll deal with that when we get there. For now, back to training. Get your weights on girl." She nodded and set about about putting on ankle and wrist bands that the monkey enchanted to grow heavier as she gets stronger so that she's always pushing herself. This process ended with Wukong transforming into a monkey and latching onto her back.

"Ngh! I know my weights are supposed to get heavier, but are you sure you're not putting on a few pounds monkey?" Tatsuki asked as she began jogging, focusing on drawing out her life force to power her movements. Their current location was in the Sichuan province of central China and Wukong was forcing Tatsuki to make her way to India on foot, using the intense physical act to make her draw out the power of Touki. The journey lasted for a couple weeks, managing speed techniques helps out greatly, before they actually reached the country. Her training was to run all day with heavy weights, occasionally striking a thick tree or large boulder into powder when the monkey ordered it, to sparring all night with Sun being particularly rough with the girl. Not even her Shunko gave her much help against him. Tatsuki only ever got two hours of sleep, one at dawn and the other at dusk. Her body was, oddly enough, mostly recovered after each hour and Sun had her repeat the process till they got to India while pushing her further every day.

"Well, here we are." Sun announced after they finally crossed the border, Tatsuki continuing to run as fast as she could. She managed to avoid any border agents and kept charging deeper into the nation. "Now, to find the latest descendant of Karna. I think he even has the same name."

"And that is?" Tatsuki asked, still running because Sun cracked her skull the last time she slowed down.

"He was a demigod son of Surya, Hindu sun god, hero of charity, and one of the few people my boss respects." Sun answered, tapping Tatsuki to signal her to stop. "He's an albino, the white hair, pale skin, but his eyes are blue. There should be a red gem in his chest, he wields a golden spear and should have golden armor. A little edgy, if I'm being honest." He described, slipping off her back and transforming back into his more human form. "Also a master fire user, so he could help you there... Now to find him." He scanned the distance, trying to sense some kind of trace of their target. The pair soon felt a great disturbances in the spirit energy around them, originating a few more miles to the south.

"Think that's him?" Tatsuki asked as they charged on, heading for what may be their best lead. What they came upon was a most fearsome duel; a man in a black formfitting body suit that Sun described as Karna fighting furiously against a dark brown colored man in what seemed like white Quincy robes, taking a more colorful floral tone near the bottom, a large metal case at his side, and a large bow with a string of blue and an odd clawlike protrusion on the body. Possibly what he shoots his arrows out of.

"That's definitely Karna... and Arjuna." Sun sighed out. "They hate each other." Arjuna drew his bow and aimed at Karna, releasing several energy shots and signaling the other archers to do the same. Karna's skill with his spear was immediately apparent as he dodged and deflected many of the spirit arrows. Many, but not all as Arjuna kept up a ferocious attack and sent a bolt clean through one of Karna's arms. "And the Quincy got to him. We need to help." Sun said as they assembled archers took aim again.

"I'll take the small fry. Ignite, Hidori!" Tatsuki quickly said before flashing to one of the Soldats and slamming her armored heel into the side of his head, the Quincy in question was sent flying into one of his comrades as a fireball. This surprised the rest of the Soldats and Tatsuki, taking advantage of the sudden shock, got to work. She flashed about the battlefield, moving like a comet, and striking each of the Soldats as fast as she could with each one flying away like fireballs from her hits. With all the Quincy down, she flashed in front of Karna. "You alright big guy?" The albino's own surprise passed as he looked at the girl that came to his aid.

"Yes, thank you." He said calmly while scanning Tatsuki with an analytical eye. "But I must ask, who are you?" Tatsuki remembered that Sun warned her to be truthful with Karna, people of that bloodline were terrifyingly good at spotting liars, but it never mattered with her since she's never liked lying anyway.

"Name's Tatsuki Arisawa," she answered, "and I'm here to recruit you to fight for the sake of the world." Karna saw one of the downed Quincy moving. "I can explain more, but first we need to get you-" The demigod threw her aside just as the Soldat fired a shot that nailed him in the stomach, piercing through his flesh with ease. "Karna!" The man grunted, but stayed standing. Gripping his lance tightly as the area around him grew hotter.

"Arisawa, are you fireproof?" He suddenly asked as Tatsuki finally noticed the temperature changed, some of the Soldats already trying to escape.

"I'm resistant enough." She answered as Karna exploded into fire, frying several of the Quincy. "That... that's a little more than I can do." The martial artist admitted in shock as the fire died down, smoldering bits here and there, but Karna was still badly injured and dropped to his knees. "Karna!" Tatsuki called out in concern, unsure of what to do since she was a fighter and not a medic. Thankfully, Sun was on them in seconds and he seemed to know what he was doing.

"Alright, let's patch you up first." He said, his hand glowing white as he placed it over Karna's wound. Tatsuki was impressed to see the two holes sealing up and came to a quick conclusion.

"Is this why you've been able to keep running me ragged despite everything you've had me do?" She asked as Goku finished his healing.

"It's called Senjutsu and it can do far more than just heal Tatsuki." He answered as he and Karna stood up. "It is controlling the flow and energy of one's life force to do things much like how Shinigami use their Reishi for Kido. Anyone that learns Senjutsu can use Touki, but it's faster to teach you a skill you're more familiar with than to train you in an entirely new skill set. Now then, where is your armor Karna?" The monkey asked of the demigod, who looked rather irritated by the loss of said armor.

"That coward Arjuna had it stolen while I bathed." The albino answered. "Then he attacked me with those weird archers. I'm surprised he even allowed me the chance to get dressed. Now my question, what fight and why me?"

"We'll explain as we move." Sun quickly said, turning back to a monkey and jumping onto Tatsuki's back. "I've got a mountain we can regroup at. Move Tatsuki! You've still got your weights on girl!" He ordered, smacking her into running. Karna shrugged his shoulders before joining his new allies.

(Wukong's Mountain)

"So there is a war brewing between the groups of the Soul Society and Vandenreich, Shinigami and Quincy, and instead of keeping it between your two groups, the Quincy are recruiting around the world while your side seek to either stop them or recruit your own allies. All the while, strengthening yourselves during your travels." Karna surmised from what Tatsuki told him, getting a nod from the martial artist. "And as for the 'fate of the world' part, the leader of the Quincy is planning to do something that will cause the world to collapse and destroy itself unless he is stopped."

"That is the case." Tatsuki admitted before pointing at Goku. "And since, from what this monkey told me, other great powers from around the world avoid getting involved in each others affairs, we need to deal with this ourselves. But that doesn't mean you can't lend your help." Karna thought it over, judging the situation for himself. From the looks of it, Arjuna joined the opposite side of the people that came to him. Arjuna joined a side that aims to destroy the world. Was it just to kill him, was the hate between the demigod lines of Arjuna and Karna this dedicated to ending the other?

"Arjuna said he was now a Sternritter." The fire master said, surprising Tatsuki before she sighed in exasperation. "Sternritter E, what does that mean?"

"Yhwach, the king of the Quincy, can empower those that drink his blood with his own soul." She explained, going off what she knew of the mechanics of the matter. "Doing so allows him to carve a letter into your own soul and that letter grants you greater powers, always connected to a word that starts with that letter. E could link to any number of things and any number of powers, but the power isn't a gift. It's a loan and paying it back means your life. He absorbs your soul." The weight in the room felt physically heavy as Tatsuki revealed the fate that awaited Arjuna.

"So no matter what, Arjuna will die." Karna sighed, making his decision. "This has always been between me and him, and now he threw that away for what? A better chance at beating me? I will side with the Soul Reapers, but on two conditions. One, I want my armor back. Arjuna has it and I will not suffer his possession of MY armor. I may be the Hero of Charity, but not to him. Two, Arjuna is mine. No one else can kill him." Tatsuki nodded in understanding.

"I'll help you get your armor, but I can't promise anything with Arjuna if you don't kill him here." She admitted, standing up and holding out her hand to shake. "I'm told the battlefield can be pretty chaotic."

"Then we have a deal." Karna said taking her hand and shaking it. "Now, for Arjuna's base."

(Arjuna's Home)

It was the next day when they assaulted Arjuna's home, a beautiful villa in the middle of nowhere that was immaculately designed with much artwork of a beautiful man with a bow and a four armed figure atop an elephant. Sun said that Arjuna was also the spiritual descendant of Indra, but selling his soul to the Quincy would drop him out of the god's favor so they could continue without worry. The plan was that Karna would fight Arjuna, both Sun and the demigod claiming that Arjuna was never a match for him without outside help and the power of the Quincy wouldn't make a difference. While that was going on, Sun would work on recovering Karna's golden armor and Tatsuki would keep any other Quincy occupied. It was simple; go in, ransack the place, steal a golden suit of armor, maybe kill someone if Karna could, and Soul Society would have a reliable ally.

"Come on you pricks!" Tatsuki roared as she threw fireballs at a mass of Quincy. The attack on the compound went as such. Karna and Tatsuki launched the equivalent of an artillary strike since the whole base was filled with a battalion of Quincy. The strike lured Arjuna and the others out with Karna immediately gunning for Arjuna and dragging him away from his allies and leaving Tatsuki with roughly fifty Soldats as her opponents. Meanwhile Sun infiltrated the house and began searching for the armor.

"Get out of my way, I'm getting that armor!" She shouted, throwing a kick with a trail of fire burning away a barrage of spirit arrows. Sun and Karna suspected that they'd priortize protecting Karna's armor since he was nigh invulnerable with it on. She began flashing around the battlefield as more and more Quincy converged on her position, many shooting arrows but some were deciding to take a more direct approach with more melee oriented weapons. It was only Tatsuki's speed and agility that allowed her to keep flying around the battlefield and avoid any damaging hits beyond a few scratches and scraps, but that was starting to wear out. Wukong never let her take the weights off, even now.

"The point of this training is to put you so close to the brink of death and so often that you become intimately familiar with the sense of life energy within yourself." She remembered Sun Wukong telling her when they started her training. "Until you can harness that power, those weights don't come off." She did feel something when he left her as a broken and bleeding wreck the tenth time they sparred and she spent every day trying to get that feeling back. Trying to focus on that and the ever increasing weight on her body as they grew heavier, was a sufficient distraction that ended with her getting shot through her leg.

'CRAP!' She cursed as she slipped, twisted her ankle, and tumbled across the ground before slamming against a statue of an archer. She tried to get up but the statue itself soon collapsed and fell on her, burying her in the rubble. The Quincy were pragmatic enough to not simply assume her dead and stuck around, watching and waiting with their bows at the ready. Tatsuki herself felt... oddly warm. It was a sensation that was only slightly different from her own spiritual fires, but familiar. The same sensation when she nearly died to Sun's brutal sparring. 'Either this is that life energy Touki is from, or I'm dying.' She thought as she felt out that energy, feeling it wrap around her body like a soothing flame.

'Huh... it does feel like Shunko.' She thought before pushing herself to her feet, all the rubble flying off her body with explosive force. That was the signal for the Quincy as they released a barrage of arrows at her. To Tatsuki, the spirit missiles moved slowly as her senses went into overdrive. She barely felt herself move as she suddenly flashed into the center of the Quincy, her fist raised high for a move she hasn't used in a while. "Funka." She said before punching the ground, creating a deep crater that was soon engulfed in a bubble of flame before turning into a tornado of fire. The result of Tatsuki putting in more energy into that attack than she ever had before.

"RUN!" One among the Soldats cried out as he tried to run, not even making it five steps before Tatsuki burst from the flames and decapitated him with a kick. The other survivors got over their own shock to attempt to run and many were met with similar lethal strikes to their person by the empowered girl.

"HA!" She cried out, sending out massive fireballs at the fleeing targets. "See that you old monkey! I think I got it!" She then felt a hand on her head.

"Yes you did. Time to sleep." She heard before blacking out, Sun catching her with the gold armor in hand. "Now, let's heal you up so you can still move when you wake up." He said as he gently laid her down, her skin bruising all over from internal bleeding. "Pretty much all of your muscles got ripped up from activating that technique. This is going to take me longer than an hour to patch up." The monkey sighed, immediately getting to work as all the surviving Quincy fled. Another five minutes later and Karna reappeared in front of him, slightly injured but nothing too serious. "So, what happened?"

"I learned of his power, and then the coward fled." Karna said picking up his golden armor; not full plate armor, it seemed to cover his arms and legs with a spiked collar and red fur mane with two floating plates. He began placing on his body and the metal seemed to fuse to him, giving a sense of divine radiance. "He called it the Endowed and it looks like it healed him." He stayed silent for a moment, looking at the resting Tatsuki. "The power of Yhwach is a frightening thing, but I will not lose to him. I will fight for Soul Society in this war. I will kill Arjuna."

(Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers)

Divine Spanking

"Well, well, well, Arjuna. Someone's being a naughty little shit aren't they?" Wukong asked, interrupting the fight between the demigods while Tatsuki met with Karna. Arjuna drew his bowstring and shot a hundred bolts at the monkey, only for Goku to deflect each one with his staff. "Naught brats like you get punished. Extend." The staff in his hand shot forward like a bullet and smashed into Arjuna's nose.

"AH! Damn you!" The archer cursed, grasping his injured nose. "Fall back! We're outmatched!" He called out to his allies, quickly fleeing the scene. The great fighting Buddha merely scoffed.

"What a weenie."

Berserker Progress

"Is everything ready?" Urahara asked Nozomi as they readied the first official test run of the new 'Frankenstein' model. Mayuri was not present due to work with a 'volunteer' for Hollow based weaponry testing. The pervert's screams were heard throughout the entire building.

"After a lot of work, yes." Kujo admitted, pulling up the modsoul's chart. "Would probably be easier to just restart her, but I did what I could. She can register damage, but can't actually feel anything, and she can't really talk aside from grunts. I was able to give her enhanced speed, durability and strength."

"And the test you've designed?" He asked, looking at the maze Nozomi made with a large spikeless mace in the center with Hollows on the other end.

"A maze for standard intelligence testing and Hollows for combat testing. The thing in the center of the maze is called a Tonitrus, a heavy bludgeoning weapon that generates electricity from the user. I thought it would be fitting."

"Neat. Begin the test." Urahara ordered as they watched the girl go through the maze. "What does it say about her intelligence when she just runs through the wall?"

"That's.... debatable." Nozomi sighed, disappointed that her hard work essentially went to waste. "Either a simple moron, or a genius for taking the shortest route." There was a sudden bright flash. "At least she likes her new toy."