First Steps to a New Era

(Squad 1: Ichigo's Office)

"The good news is that they managed to push back the Khaos Brigade and Odin was willing to listen to me explain the full situation." Azazel said, talking to Ichigo through a similar projector that Michael and Sirzechs used and keeping the promise of informing Ichigo of the present situation. "They agreed to attend a meeting of the various faction leaders when the time comes, an invite I'm extending to every other connection I have. I'm hoping to hear back from Olympus and Svarga soon, Zeus and Indra can be a real pain to deal with." Word of the Peace Summit, the resulting treaty being called the 'Kuoh Accord', and the reveal of the Khaos Brigade was spreading throughout the world at a rapid rate. Pretty soon the mythical world would find itself embroiled in war so it was vital to build alliances and weed out the potential threats as soon as they could.

"I passed through Greece seven years ago when I was training, try mentioning me and see if that gets you anywhere." The hybrid suggested, idly wondering if Demeter and Aphrodite were still mad at him. "Never got to India so I can't say I really know any of the major Hindu figures." That's when he felt his Oken scar pulsate as the Soul King spoke to him. "Can't you circumvent Indra and just aim for any of the Triumvirant? Stopping the Khaos Brigade should attract Vishnu's attention at the very least since he's the Preserver and all, or am I missing something about that? Again, never met that group." Azazel put a had to his chin as he thought.

"That might help to get that faction to show up, but would definitely make things harder with Indra." The Angel admitted. "He's not the strongest of that faction but is still the leader and also a bit of an egomaniac. He once tried fighting the Biblical God because he didn't like anyone else being called the 'Ruler of Heaven'. That didn't end so well for him. And on that note we should probably keep God's rebirth a secret from him."

"Still, we should do whatever to get them to attend." Ichigo argued back. "Like I said, the Khaos Brigade isn't something we can just ignore. If Indra chooses to ignore that, than he's a fool"

"Alright. I'll give that a try, but in exchange I want you to deal with Indra if he's going to be a nuisance at the meeting."

"Fine. Keep me up to date on any other attendees you guys think of. Also, when can Soul Society expect their copy of your Sacred Gear research notes?" Ichigo asked, earning a somewhat mocking smirk from Azazel.

"I thought you considered Sacred Gears boring."

"To me, they are." Ichigo admitted with no hesitation. "There's a difference between boring and non-threatening and I didn't dismiss the threat they represent." At that, Azazel nodded in agreement.

"At least you're aware of their potential, even if you don't care for them." The Fallen Angel said with a smile. "I'll be having one of my men send it to the Soul Dragon Candy shop in Kuoh."

"Thank you. See you again later." Ichigo said as he ended the call, the projection fading to reveal Uryu sipping away at some tea with eyes in the Almighty state before blinking and returning to normal. "What now?" The Captain Commander asked as the Quincy leader set his tea down with a smile.

"Good news. Nothing we need to really prepare for." Uryu said, taking a huge weight off of Ichigo's shoulders. "The only really major thing is a Rating Game tournament among the current generation of young Devils like Rias and Sona. I see you attending since you end up engaged to Serafall." Ichigo hummed in approval as Kagetora came into the room with a few dossiers, the personnel and volunteers that he was thinking of sending to Kuoh. "I also think I saw a Dragon attacking you, but the more important thing was a familiar face. A student of yours that decided to misbehave." A few names crossed Ichigo's mind when Uryu said that; the Pendragon siblings and Jeanne, the child that inherited the spirit of the Maiden of Orleans.

"I suppose I'll be showing whichever brat that is some discipline then." The hybrid said, looking over the names on the files and what roles they'd be likely to play. A silence fell over the cousins as Uryu seemed to be waiting for something that Ichigo was stalling on. "Seriously!? That's what you told Vali to do!?" The dam finally broke as they groaned and growled in frustrated disbelief. "What the actual fuck is wrong with Issei!?"

"We read the same reports, but I never actually thought it'd be that bad!" Uryu whined, slumped over the table. "And I keep seeing it popping up in some way! That Dress Break move can be useful for removing armor at the very least, but I've seen him create a move to actually talk to boobs!" Ichigo let out another groan, smacking his head on his desk while Kagetora felt her eye twitching.

"Captain, allow me to punish this enemy of all women." She said, reaching for her Zanpakuto as it turned into a long spear with seven pronged blades. "Such lust can only be considered evil towards women."

"Down Kagetora," Ichigo immediately ordered in a tired voice, "he's not evil, just stupid. I checked." The lieutenant hesitated, but ultimately reverted her blade back to its sealed state and sheathed it. "If that kid's going to play a vital role in the future, we need to make sure he can actually play that role."

"He can, but I don't think we should have to suffer the full potential idiocy of the... Oppai Dragon." Both Ichigo and Nagao looked to Uryu in disbelief. "I wish I was joking. We can mitigate it, but the only way to stop it completely is to find a new host for the Boosted Gear."

"Let's call that plan B." The hybrid decided as he went back to reading the dossiers.

(Kyoto Castle)

'So, these are the other girls.' The Leviathan Satan thought as she scanned the women in the changing room. Serafall and Gabriel arrived in the city on the third day after the Kuoh Peace Summit as per Rukia's instruction to meet with their prospective sister-wives. After they left the train station they were immediately intercepted by some Youkai who led the two of them to where the harem of the Shogun were gathered, into the realm of the Youkai and to the baths of Yasaka's castle. Rukia's order as the leading wife of the harem was that they'd bathe together, bonding in skinship and baring everything to one another. 'They're not lacking for size, that's for certain.' She thought as her eyes drifted to each one's different assets as they undressed. The first was the sizable busts of Yasaka, Tier Harribel, Neliel, and Orihime, with only Yasaka having any sag to her chest, as minor as it was. Serafall guessed that was due to most of them practicing swordplay while Yasaka was definitely more of a mage type. 'And he'll be getting another nice pair soon.' She thought as she looked at Gabriel's chest, an urge to reach out and fondle them bubbling inside of her while the Angel in question hummed happily, oblivious to Serafall's growing desire. She shook her head and went back to sizing up the other women. 'Not to say the rest are small either.' She checked out the rest of the harem; Esdeath, Bambietta, Candice, and Tatsuki. Her eyes drank in their more toned figures until they drifted to Senna and Rukia. 'Well, maybe those two are.'

"I'm heading in first. Can someone get my back?" Rukia asked as she went into the baths first, Serafall getting a full view of the Shinigami Captain's ass, as Bambietta offered to help Rukia.

'...That was a nice ass.' The Devil thought as they finished their stripping and went into baths. Each girl seemed to pair up as they washed their bodies, Bambietta getting Rukia's back, Candice and Harribel washing their hair, Esdeath and Tatsuki more focused on their musculature and comparing their work out progress, Nel and Senna basically playing with the water and soap, and Orihime and Yasaka talking about the kids having their playtime together. While Gabriel was marveling at the size of the baths, the calming herbal scent and atmosphere, Serafall gained a predatory look to her eyes as she placed a hand on the Angel's shoulder. "Come on, I'll help you wash up." She said with a sincere smile.

"Ah, thanks Serafall!" Gabriel said with an innocent smile as they went to one of the showers. The two sat next to each other as they washed away any dirt and sweat from their bodies before moving on to applying shampoo and conditioner to their hair. Serafall finished first while Gabriel was giving thanks to God for this pleasant experience and Serafall's kindness. The Satan had to ignore the spike of pain as she got behind the Seraph and started scrubbing away.

"Wow Gabriel, your skin feels so smooth." Serafall noted as she washed the Angel. "Is this an Angel thing to be so naturally soft?" That was a genuine question on her part, though her hands did start to drift ever so slightly to Gabriel's breasts.

"Hmmm, not to my knowledge." She admitted, not noticing Serafall's wandering feelers. "But my body was a gift to me by my lord, so I should try and cherish it every day." She said with a smile, before letting out a surprised gasp as Serafall took hold of her voluptuous mounds. "Serafall? I already got my front." Gabriel said, not trying to stop the Devil as her soapy hands rubbed the underside of her breasts as her body began to tingle a little.

"Just making sure." Serafall countered while baring a catlike smile, mixing in a breast massage as she washed Gabriel's tits and playing with them to her heart's content. "You wouldn't believe how much sweat can accumulate under our big boobies."

"W-well, I guess that's true AH!" She gasped in shocked delight as Serafall pushed a finger into both of her nipples. "I don't think those were dirty Serafall."

"You sure? I thought they were inverted from how easily they took me in." The Devil continued as she rotated her fingertips, buried in Gabriel's nipples as the Angel tried to hold in a moan. She couldn't befoul the effort of a friend helping her wash with such an indecent sound, but there was only so much she could take. Then there was a whistle and a loud crack as a wood basin was thrown and smashed against Serafall's head, breaking apart on impact with Serafall now lying in a daze with blood squirting out of her head and nose.

"Keep the pervy stuff in the bedroom! Not the baths!" Tatsuki scolded, stomping over to the two before throwing Serafall into a pool labeled 'Cold Baths'. "Not like I can talk though." The martial artist muttered under her breath as she rinsed Gabriel off while the Angel was in shock at what happened to Serafall before helping her into the main bath with the rest of the girls.

"Well, now that we're all here, it's time to call this meeting of the Brides of Ichigo to order." Rukia announced, substituting a gavel smack with her hand on the water. Rukia wasn't the first girl in their husband's collection of lovers, but she was the first bride. That and the other options were Orihime or Tatsuki, everyone agreed Rukia was the best choice since she had that mix of familiarity with everyone and the ability to keep order among the sister-wives. "Vice Chair Yasaka, please remind everyone of the purpose of this meeting."

"Yes Chairwoman Rukia." The Youkai princess declared. Yasaka had the role of second in command since she had much of the same diplomatic leadership quality with greater experience but was still the newest bride out of the lot. "During the Kuoh Peace Summit three days ago, the factions agreed to political marriages to strengthen the ties between the groups in attendance and included our lord Shogun as a result. The Devils presented the Satan, Serafall Leviathan."

"C-can I p-p-p-please j-join you?" They heard the Devil ask as she stood up from the water, her nipples erect and body shivering from the cold. "I'm s-sorry about what I d-d-did. Also, w-w-why is this pool so c-c-c-cold?"

"Another two minutes at least you horndog." Tatsuki answered. "Besides, you should be thanking me. Hot to cold therapy does wonders for the blood flow and feels great."

"You threw me in the cold bath!" She angrily returned, forgetting the chill for a moment.

"I figured you needed a cool down first since you were so hot and bothered." Tatsuki teased with a smirk. "That being said, I'm not kidding about alternating between hot and cold. I'm getting in that bath pretty soon." Serafall pouted, but returned to the water and endured the polar plunge.

"And the Angels presented the Seraph, Gabriel." Yasaka continued as that ended. Attention went to the Angel who gave everyone a kindly smile.

"I hope we can all get along and you take care of me as your newest sister." She said, somehow radiating light.

"An innocent face and personality with a body built for temptation." Candice suddenly said, making the Angel gasp in shock before going teary eyed. "Reminds me of you two." The electric Quincy said, pointing to Nel and Orihime, both of whom pouted but couldn't protest since they remembered their forays into sexual debauchery.

"Is... is my body actually sinful?" The Angel asked, her light dimming as she hoped that her form wouldn't cause people to fall to sin. She was supposed to be a symbol of light and purity, not an idol of lust and depravity. As the girls saw this, Serafall sprang into action to cradle Gabriel's head.

"No, it isn't!" The Devil quickly claimed, hugging the Angel close to her.

"If anything, you can consider it as a tool to expose those weak to their lustful urges." Tier calmly stated. "Whether they give in or not is the test you can perform. Then you can, in turn, make them repent by exposing their weakness and guiding them back with your pure aura."

"Really?" Gabriel asked, her light getting brighter again.

"Yeah! You're so beautiful it actually makes me want to pray!" Serafall shouted as the Angel looked hopeful.

"Do... do you really mean that Serafall?" The Devil nodded, making the Seraph smile before taking Serafall's hands. "Then let's join in prayer my sister!" Serafall nodded as the implications of what she said started to dawn on her, filling her with regret.

"O-okay." She said before they were both splashed with water.

"Save that for after the meeting." Rukia said as she tried to return to the matter at hand. "Now Gabriel, Serafall already knows this, but there are rules until you are properly accepted into this group beyond being a trophy wife." Gabriel tilted her head in confusion while Serafall sighed.

"And I've abided by these rules since we started dating. I've only ever kissed him on the cheek when appearances demanded it of us. We've never done anything sexual despite all of the aphrodisiacs the elders have tried to drug us with." Serafall explained. "You know, none of you even explained why this was necessary. I figured, since there were ten of you, that you'd be more open minded."

"For two major reasons Serafall." Yasaka said. "One, you are both more loyal to your own factions instead of our husband. Even at the end of everything, if you were given an option, you would probably betray our trust if it meant furthering the Devils." The Satan wanted to argue, even if what they said was true, that they were working on making sure that wouldn't be the case.

"Two, there was supposed to be eleven." Orihime said as the mood darkened, Rukia, Tatsuki, and herself steeling their expressions. Ten years after it happened and they still mourn their sister.

"Her name was Rangiku Matsumoto." Tatsuki said, taking over. "She was basically the cheerful big sister of the group, sometimes lazy but was definitely an emotional rock if you needed one. Definitely could make a bad day seem decent just by her personality. But... she died during the Quincy Blood war ten years ago." Serafall deflated, this being the first time she's ever heard of the death of any of Ichigo's lovers. Gabriel was on the verge of tears, sensing the sadness the others felt.

"Ichigo never really forgave himself for not being there, falling for an obvious trap that lured him away." Rukia continued. "All the power that he possessed and a near flawless record, only for one day to remind him he's not all powerful and that we were too reliant on his strength. He still leaves dried persimmon offerings for her every year."

"That's why we're being more strict regarding ANY new sisters." Orihime said, her voice gaining an edge. "We don't want him to suffer through something like that ever again." Serafall was about to speak up again before Orihime continued. "We're not questioning your strength, you being a Satan proves your power, but the risk is still present. Especially since your death, the death of any of us, would be more than enough reason for Ichigo to rampage."

"And considering his powers now, he'd probably erase whoever was responsible from existence. It wouldn't be the first time he did that." Tatsuki said, shocking the Devil and Angel. "And it's not an exaggeration. Ever since he ended the Blood War, no one could recall the name of the first Quincy Emperor. Even the written records of his name were erased."

"No one should have that kind of power." Gabriel whispered, horrified that anything could do something like that. Serafall seemed to take a moment to steel her resolve before standing in front of the harem and summoning a parchment from a magic seal. She unfurled it and glowed with magical power.

"I, Serafall Leviathan, swear upon my names of Sitri and Leviathan to use this marriage to strengthen the bonds of friendship between the Devils and Soul Society." She promised while the parchment now covered in Devil script. "I will hide nothing that could harm this union and any child I bear will be safe from the political games of those that would seek to manipulate my husband or myself. All this, so long as Ichigo responds in kind." The paper flashed as the magic set. "Devils are bound by their contracts. So long as Ichigo does nothing to make himself an enemy of the Devils and protects our children, I'll be as devoted a wife as he could ever wish." Rukia stood up and took the parchment, planning to have Ichigo and Uryu read it over since they actually knew the Devil language.

"I'll be sure he gets this so you two can plan your... whatever Devils do for marriage ceremonies." She said before flashing to the changing room to put the contract with her clothes before flashing back to the baths. Gabriel watched Serafall, admiring the lengths she was willing to go there to honor this agreement and her future union with Kurosaki, while she questioned herself.

'Do... do I have that same resolve?' She thought as Serafall was being more accepted into the group, planning out a dating schedule and getting to know the rest of the girls better. 'Could I make a similar oath? Do I have the right to?' The Seraph thought as she remembered the utter devotion every non-Fallen Angel had towards God, that if her lord demanded it than she would betray Ichigo. Ichigo who, from the day he met Michael, was a valued friend to the Angels as he revealed the truth of the Hollows and how to cleanse them. How he helped better arm Heaven as a sign of trust in their building unity. That Ichigo was tough but ultimately fair as he treated both the Angels and Devils fairly, judging by actions to the whole rather than personal feelings. She shook her head, clearing her mind of doubts. 'Angels are supposed to protect and guide the just while punishing the wicked. And Ichigo Kurosaki is not wicked.' She thought as she moved to join the group. 'He is a righteous man.'

(Soul Society: SRDI)

Ichigo flashed in front of the gates to Squad 12, eager to get all of his work done so he could proceed with something he actually wanted to do; spend time with his family. That's why he took the more proactive approach whenever he could and just get the reports and paperwork directly instead of waiting in the office for someone to deliver it. Today he was expecting a report on Sacred Gear related research after sending Azazel's notes to the 12th Division. On top of that, there was another reason why he chose this moment to arrive at Squad 12 as Yuushiro rounded the corner.

"Hey boss man! How's it going!?" He shouted excitedly while other members of the 2nd Division brought along Katerea, bound and gagged with a dead look in her eyes. "You could've told me you weren't going to be in your office before I sent a messenger to your office with the written report."

"I'll look it over when I get back. Give me the cliff notes version." Ichigo ordered as he and the Shihouin walked side by side into the Research Institute of Soul Society.

"Well, she was being rather tight lipped about everything so talking didn't work much." He said, sounding disappointed with his lack of success. "So we popped out some holy water and used some 'advanced' interrogation methods. We managed to pry this odd energy out of her," he held up a glass canister that held a black snake that emitted a dark energy, "and pretty much everything regarding the Old Satan Faction's numbers and secret supporters in the new Devil government, and some of the other factions that make up the Khaos Brigade. A group for mages, like the ones that attacked during the Kuoh Summit. One comprised of humans that inherited the spirits of 'heroes'.

"Like the ones that helped us in the Quincy War?" Ichigo asked. "Achilles, Atalante, Medea, and Karna?"

"Yes, but this group also possess Sacred Gears. Leader is some guy called Cao Cao. And then there's the Qlippoth group and something about 'the True King', before she went into this brain dead trance." He said, pointing to the unresponsive Devil. "I told them to be careful with that bucket but they still ended up dousing her completely. Almost didn't get her to Unohana in time."

"We'll make do. Take her to Mayuri and see if he can't finish the job." He ordered before turning down a separate corridor toward the newest lab labeled 'Sacred Gears'. Ichigo opened the doors to see that gemstone from Vali's armor that he stole being scanned with Urahara examining some notes. "What do you got?" He asked his old mentor.

"He's certainly a scientist after my heart." Kisuke said, putting the notes down. "They're immaculately detailed on the powers, the dangers, and even some possibilities that each one could be capable of if the user gets the right idea." A machine started beeping and printing out a graph and number. One of the other researchers took it and brought it to Kisuke as he immediately read through the results. "Interesting. Ichigo, could you get me a piece of the Boosted Gear's armor?"

"What did you find?"

"Nothing that Azazel didn't already, but I have a theory I want to test." Urahara said as he went to a board and drew a quick sketch of the two Heavenly Dragons, Albion and Ddraig, as they appeared in Dragon History books. "They have a similar power of gaining strength, but through completely contradictory means. Ddraig made himself stronger, but Albion makes everything else weaker. Did they desire things to be that way? Do they apparently hate each other solely because they're opposites or because their desires conflict?"

"Natural enemies then." Ichigo concluded as the reason why the two were destined to fight.

"Nah. They were just unrivaled, met up one day, and decided to fight each other since no one else could. That boosting and dividing was the result of trying to circumvent the other's ability. No hate, just a rivalry to push themselves to get stronger. They've been at it ever since. It's right here in Azazel's notes." The hybrid had to repress the sudden urge to strangle his old mentor, forgetting that he liked messing with people. "But, both he and I are curious about what would happen if they could actually combine like Issei attempted to do before you knocked his lights out?" Ichigo raised an eyebrow, wondering if that was really an idea worth pursuing. "I mean he could, but brute forcing it would've very likely killed him if not shave off 90% of his Devil lifespan. But, I'm willing to bet that I could make it possible and relatively painless by comparison"

"You think you can easily merge together two completely antithetical powers?" Ichigo asked, questioning the logic behind attempting this, even if it could help.

"It happened before didn't it?" Kisuke countered. "How else could you be standing before me?" Ichigo paused as he remembered that his soul was comprised of contradictions as Shinigami and Quincy were opposites with how they controlled Reishi while also possessing Hollow powers despite being whole.

"Good point. I'll see what I can do." Ichigo said as he turned and flashed away back to his office. He still had a mountain of paperwork and a desire to take his wife and daughter to the amusement park in West Rukon.

(Kuoh Academy: ORC Room)

"These are our new teachers." Sona said, gesturing to the new additions to the staff. Azazel, who now wore a three piece suit with the button shirt untucked and the collar open, Tatsuki who was wearing a red track suit with the jacket unzipped to reveal a white shirt underneath, and Yasutora 'Chad' Sado who was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a few rose designs on it and black pants. "Azazel will be teaching chemistry and joining Orihime as the ORC's advisor, Miss Tatsuki Arisawa who will be teaching gym, be the student council's advisor, and co advise the new mandatory 'Combat Training' club with Mister Yasutora Sado who's teaching music." The Devils of the Gremory peerage were surprised but Rias felt her eye twitch. "And they're here for the extra security, courtesy of Soul Society. Grimmjow, Bazzard Black, and Jackie Sado." She pointed to the group on the opposite side. Bazz-B was still wearing a punk style variant of the Quincy uniform with his red mohawk on proud display while Jackie was a black woman wearing tight pants, a gray shirt with a black jacket, shoulder length black hair, and heavy looking knee high boots.

"Sona, what's with this?" She demanded pointing to Azazel. "I know everyone else is here because of Ichigo's orders to up the Gotei presence here, but what's with him?" Sona calmly adjusted her glasses.

"Well, 'former Overseer' Rias," the crimson Devil felt another twitch at being reminded of her demotion, "Azazel happens to be our most learned asset when it comes to Sacred Gears and lord Sirzechs agreed he'd be an invaluable aid to helping all of us strengthen our Sacred Gears. Or are you going to complain?" Rias growled while Sona held a smug smile, enjoying the teasing of her rival.

"And the mandatory thing?" Rias managed to say, being further annoyed that they'll being forcibly commandeering her peerage's time. She admits she needs to get stronger, but there's a difference between doing something by choice and being forced to do it.

"Miss Tatsuki is a karate and hakuda master, being a martial arts instructor for new recruits in Karakura Town and Mister Sado was a punk turned world class boxer. They'll help us cover our regular fighting skills that, frankly, we've been neglecting." Sona answered while her glasses gained a menacing glint. "There are NO exceptions. I expect everyone of both peerages to attend. But on the bright side, lord Sirzechs informed me that Devil kind can once again expand our operations beyond Kuoh. An extra gift from lord Kurosaki after bugging us and managing to end the three-way war between the Biblical factions."

"I'm getting a sense of favoritism going on here." Rias complained.

"Also, Sirzechs has ordered that your peerage will be living together. Same with mine." Sona informed her, again shocking Rias who could only sigh. "After watching Issei and his fight with Vali, he realized how important close contact among the members of a peerage can be. This... was a decision I was against, but Azazel and Ichigo agreed. Something about the 'bonds of friendship' and such strengthening Sacred Gears."

"I'll need to renovate Issei's house." The Gremory heiress groaned, not looking forward to fighting with both Asia and now Akeno for Issei's attention.


Family Time

"It's good to see one's family being happy." Ichigo said with a smile, watching as Rukia and their daughter Hisana put on matching Chappy hoodies and freaking out over the soft and cuteness of the design.

"Agreed." Said the person to his right.

"It's definitely important to get all of one's work done so they can enjoy spending time with their family." Ichigo continued while the other person once more agreed. "And it's certainly irritating when someone else knows this but butts in anyway."


"So why the hell are you here Byakuya!?" Ichigo quietly roared at his brother in law.

"Like you said, spending time with family is important." The Kuchiki head answered calmly, while carrying a ton of plushies and clothing purchases while his sister and niece spent his money on more stuff. "Besides, I'm paying for everything."

"You're Hisana's teacher and they live in the Kuchiki Manor. I want to be involved in my daughter's life Byakuya." The other captain said nothing, not wanting to admit the dick move on his part. That's just how much he loved spoiling his niece. "As soon as we put Hisana to bed, I'm going to plow Rukia so hard she'll scream and I won't care if you're in the next room."

"I wouldn't mind another niece or a nephew." Byakuya added, making Ichigo sigh in defeat.

Later that night... because he promised

"H-hop! Hop!" Rukia panted out, wearing a pink bunny girl outfit with her tits out and her arms and legs wrapped around Ichigo as he furiously thrust into her. "Ch-Chappy loves her treat hop!" He held her by her ass as they stood with him bouncing her on his thick cock. "My little bunny oven is hot and empty! Fill me up~!" She moaned out, fully aware her voice was echoing throughout the Kuchiki manor, but didn't care as Hisana was put into a deep sleep with Kido. It was a useful practice when the parents needed some time alone and naps weren't lasting long enough.

"Here. It. CUMS!" He roared as he busted inside her, painting her baby room white. Rukia dug her nails into his back as her body seized up from her orgasmic high, slowly loosening her grip as she came down from that high with her tongue hanging out. "You're... on the pill... right?" Ichigo asked, letting his wife gently down on the floor.

"Yeah... fucking Khaos Brigade." She cursed, not minding another kid but knows how seriously Ichigo takes wartime protocol. "He still wants us to have another kid doesn't he?" Rukia asked, getting a nod from Ichigo and causing her to sigh. "We need to find him a wife."

Checking up on Emiya

"How much longer are we going to play nurse?" Grumbled Rin Tohsaka, a thin girl with long wavy brown hair tied up in twin tails with black ribbons, wearing a nurse uniform. "We came here to be Witches and master our powers but instead of that, they have us taking care of those Emiya kids."

"Well, we do have to pay off the cost of training." Said her sister Sakura, a girl with equally long brown hair but was left free and a noticeable bust in her nurse uniform. "Besides, this is training in the healing arts. The sooner we patch up his arms, the better that looks in terms of our skills. Right?" Rin looked to her sister, getting a feeling there was something else to this. "Besides, Shirou's a nice guy." She finished with a blush.

"I guess." Rin admitted, thinking about the red head and reflecting on their interactions. "Maybe we can convince him to lose the shirt this time." She said with a playful grin as Sakura turned scarlet as they reached the door. "Well, let's do this." She opened it to find Illya trying to feed her brother.

"Come on Shirou, say 'ah'." The albino requested as she tried to give him a piece of chicken, much to Shirou's annoyance.

"I can feed myself Illya." He protested, though he was straining to move his arms. Illya saw this and pouted.

"No way mister. The doctors told you to take it easy and that's what you're going to do. Now say 'ah'." The little girl demanded, causing Shirou to submit and open his mouth. "Now was that so hard?" Illya asked as she gave him his food.

"Aw, that's cute." Sakura said with a smile, finding the sibling interaction heartwarming. "A little sister being so caring for her big-"

"She's three years older than me." Shirou said, stunning the girls and causing Illya to pout. "I was told there was an accident that stunted her growth before her parents adopted me."

"Why'd you have to tell them!?" Illya complained. "I like playing the adorable younger sister!"

'She's older... and he's adopted?' The sisters thought, not entirely sure what to make of the situation as the siblings argued.

Because Why Not?

"Remind me, why did we volunteer for this hun?" Jackie asked as the two Fullbringers made their way to the Gotei bureau, Soul Dragon Candy. "Couldn't we have just asked for a lengthy vacation instead?"

"Budding global conflict Jackie," Chad said to his wife, "I'm not sure we can afford to do that." The entered the candy store to find Keigo reading to a young black child with wavy black hair wearing a small pair of boots, black shorts, and gray shirt depicting a black and white demon face on a shield. The kid looked up and smiled, rushing to the pair.

"Papa! Mami!" Jackie smiled and bent down to catch her 5 year old son, Miles Joaquin Sado in a hug. Seeing their kid was enough to make everything brighter as all of her earlier irritations just washed away.