Chapter 19 Physics Overpowered

Two days passed like this...I tried altering chant plates in every shape nothing happens on the noon of the third day same thing happened and my mana got zero again after using the spell...

After that I waited for my mana to three passed and night came but I only focused on one thing...

Why does my mana reduced to zero...?

I have done some research and I found out that these magic Circles works similar to an electric circuit back on earth...

I was a little bit wrong back then...they are not like cars...

Chant are like machines and circles are like wires who supplies them with just enough amount of mana to work properly...

But until now I am using a heavy machine(Octagonal Chant Plate) on a thin wire(Circle around the Chant Plate)...

Means you can't use double or triple chanting with same magic circle used for single chanting.

When I made an octagon chant plate I used it with only single circle to supply mana to it...

My magic circle broke down due to over means my chants are big but my circles are very small to supply them mana...

That's why all my mana got sucked out in a second of time.

At last I found out a single conclusion...

I need two magic circles to supply mana in the chant...

But I want a proper amount of mana... neither more nor less...then I need something that can step up my mana when it's low and step it down when it's too high...just like a....TRANSFORMER.

A smile appeared on his face he suddenly lightened the candle and started drawing a magic circle in his notebook...

yes that's the answer that's why my mana got zero.

It was worth it to read physics in my previous life...

A transformer can step up electricity when it's low and it can step it up when it's too using it's two coils....Just like two circles in my spell.

Aaron this time drawed the same octagonal chant plate but this time it was inside two circles...

Firstly I will give mana to the first circle then it will amplify it and supply it to the second circle...then the second circle will amplify it more and give to the chat plate...

Aaron stood up from his bed and strated chanting the newly magic circle...

But he suddenly opened his eyes...and thought to himself...

Should I try it here...? I can blow up the house too if it really worked.

Aaron silently opened the window of his room and jumped out of it...

"Wow...what a beautiful night view it is..."

Aaron looked in the sky where countless stars are twinkling with two is small then the other one but brighter and other one is little dimmer but bigger in size.

Hah... it's freezing out here...

Hmm...I can't try it in about there.

Aaron looked towards the jungle and started walking.

Under a tree he stopped and looked around...

It was silent all around him and only crickets are making sounds.

Aaron closed his eyes and started chanting...

Firstly...give mana to first circle...then second...then simple chants...first for collection...second for compression...third for combustion with oxygen...fourth for maintenance...repeat the order again until 8th chant.

After 10 seconds Aaron opened his eyes and spoke slowly...


"Hmm..? Nothing I thought another failu..."

Before he could complete his sentence he felt heat gathering on his hand...



Suddenly a huge blue coloured beam got discharged from his hands which pierced through clouds and heavens.

The forest glowed up from the light and village too...

"What...the hell is this...?"

Aaron saw the beam with an opened mouth...but suddenly spoke...


Everything around him got silent nothing ever happened.

Suddenly Aaron heard noises of villagers.

When Aaron looked he saw people came out of their houses and started talking about the light they just saw now...

Aaron started running towards his home....

So that was the full power of the fireball spell... Aaron thought to himself as he ran.

He ran towards his house...

But when he reached home he saw his mother and father looking out for him...

"Aaron where are you...?" Ronald and Hilda shouted.

Aaron approaches them suddenly and started speaking...

"Mom...Dad I am here..."

"Oh...dear where were you ?...we have been looking for you all around..." Hilda spoke as she hugged Aaron.

I don't think they will buy it...but let's try...

"Mom I saw that blue light so I came out from the window...."

"What...? Never do that again it can be very dangerous..." Ronald spoke.


What they bought it again...? Why are they so innocent ?

"Mom do you know what was that...?"

"Yes darling do you know what it was...?" Asked Ronald.

Hilda looked at the sky where clouds made a ring type shape...just like something pierced through them.

Hilda made a shocked face but then spoke slowly...



"It was a spell... A very powerful that."

Suddenly sweat covered both of thier faces.

"H-How powerful..?" Ronald asked with a worried expression.

Yes...I would like to know that too.

Hilda didn't replied for a while...

Aaron and Ronald both stared at Hilda who continued to stare at the giant cloud ring.

Ronald then putted his hand on Hilda's he spoke again.

"Hilda...I asked how powerful...?"

That was the first time I heard him say mom's name.

Ronald looked so stressed and afraid that he called Hilda's name outloud.

As Hilda felt his hand she came out of her hazzy state and spoke...


"I asked how powerful was that spell...?"

"Powerful enough to erase kingdoms in the blink of an eye."

Whaaaat...? Was it really that powerful...?

I should level down its amplification.

There are three levels of amplification in this spell..

Level 3...Where I give mana to 1st circle then second circle and finally to the chant plate. By doing this my spell's intensity will be 3x of the normal one.

Level 2...Where I give mana to only 2nd circle(inner circle) and Chant plate By doing this my mana will only be multiplied by 2x then the normal spell.

Level 1...In this spell I will only give mana to the 1st circle(outermost circle) then it will consume some mana and pass the rest to the 2nd circle(inner circle) then again it will consume some mana and pass the rest to the chant plate.

I will use level one in the battle until anything out of ordinary happens.

As Aaron was thinking about it a sound came...

"Aaron go get your things we are going to the city... tomorrow early in the morning."
