14. Bored

"Ah, what is Auntie's response?"

Tara lay down, tired from the day. Yes... He left the mansion at five in the morning and now it's five in the afternoon he can rest. Gosh... How many hours is that? Even his body felt like jelly from exhaustion. Ah, today was tiring.

Without waiting any longer, those curly hairy eyes closed together with soft snoring. Yes... Tara fell asleep on her back with her cell phone still in her hand, not hearing any incoming messages because she was already in another world. The modestly decorated room was lonely because only Tara occupied it, she had always been here alone and would continue to be.

While elsewhere, Aldrick is busy with calls from his girlfriend as well as taking care of his work. Don't think this is an easy job and can be abandoned at any time, and calls from his girlfriend are just to cheer him up so he doesn't feel tired. Yes... It's Sunday, where the office is off for tomorrow to see a lot of work again. Therefore he played with women all day and unfortunately had to be destroyed because Litara, his damn wife suddenly returned to the Mansion and bothered him. Oh, annoying? Not really, it's just that the girl's behavior made her uncomfortable until she kicked out her other lover.

Aldrick moved with his fingers working very fast on the keyboard. Meanwhile, beside the laptop, there is a cell phone that continues to be connected to a woman's phone without a name. Yes... She is Aldrick's fourth lover after three other women who always accompany his bed. Who would have thought that a successful man like himself was also aggressively playing in bed with women, even before getting married? Litara? The girl wasn't Aldrick's level when it came to bed considering her behavior and everything about her. He wasn't interested in a girl like that even though Tara had a body that many people coveted, especially men.

"You're still very old?"

A woman's voice was heard again with Aldrick still busy fiddling with his laptop. He did not respond and was still pursuing his target to quickly finish this work and be able to rest. Too tired to follow the girl and take her to the hospital. Ah, is that a little too much? It's not that he feels sorry for the girl, it's just that he doesn't want to be reported as not taking care of his wife properly so that he hits his forehead and still doesn't get treatment. Hey... Feelings? Seriously. There is no such term if the girl is a Litara Oneurmoufe.

"Honey... You heard me right? I didn't hear any sound."

"Yes. I heard," Aldrick replied curtly and continued to work on his report.

"Should I just hang up the phone? I'm bothering you aren't I?"

There was no answer because Aldrick continued to focus on the screen. After that, the phone was completely disconnected without Aldrick knowing. Let it go, he's not interested in the phone this time. I don't know... He previously accidentally saw the email and it turned out that there was work that had not been completed and this was the last day before a decision was made tomorrow. Yes... This is a report for a branch company that will be built and planned ahead of time. It's not that he doesn't have a representative to make this report, it's just that from the start he has decided to complete this work and whatever happens, must be finished before tomorrow without the help of others.

Still struggling with his laptop, not realizing that it was getting late and it was time for dinner and work wasn't over yet. Ah, it's because he's been playing women since yesterday until he forgets his job, which is just waiting for time to finish.

A knock made Aldrick turn his head. Although reluctant, he started to walk to open the door and see who was coming. "What is it?" he asked as soon as he saw who had come, it was one of the maids.

"Dinner time, sir. The lady has been waiting downstairs for a long time."

Aldrick took a deep breath as he thought for a while before answering. "Tell him to eat and don't wait for me, I'm still busy."

"But, Miss has been waiting for a long time."

"You argue?" Aldrick hissed disapprovingly as his cold gaze turned to the maid he had just worked with a few days ago.

The maid nodded. "Yes sir."

Aldrick came back in, ignoring the maid who would be annoyed with him being rude to an older man. He is still busy and can't leave his work until it's finished. His heart will not be comfortable if he procrastinates continuously. Just let the girl eat alone, usually never eat together either. Then? What made Tara suddenly want to eat in the dining room? So, why wait this time? After all, there will be no conversation before, during, or after eating. It was boring and Aldrick didn't like seeing the girl all the time. Let's just say his heart is frozen because he is not interested in a girl as beautiful as Litara, but that's how he feels right now. There was no feeling for the girl.

The maid sighed heavily and turned to leave, leaving her Master's room to accompany the Miss to dinner. It wasn't the Lady's wish to wait, it was her idea of wanting to unify the Master and the Lady a bit. But this ended badly and he felt guilty for the Miss for waiting. Why did the Master not want to be with Tara? While the girl looks good compared to the other ladies of her Master. Then?

"How about it, Auntie? You didn't make it, did you?"

A resigned shake of course was the maid's answer, she could see her Miss smiling but she felt even more guilty. Yes... It was all his fault for making that beautiful girl wait in vain. "Sorry, Princess."

"I know, but you don't have to apologize like that. It's not your fault and I knew from the start that you wanted Aldrick and me to improve, but we don't have any feelings, Auntie. So don't try again."

Every word that comes out is truly wise and full of meaning. Was it that easy for Tara? Married without any feelings and after that still hurt by the presence of Aldrick's other woman? How could he have such strong feelings? That's impossible.

"Sit down, and we'll eat. Don't worry about Aldrick because he'll take care of himself," Tara said, then handed a plate to the maid.

"No, princess. It's rude of me. I'll wait here if you don't want to be alone."

"No, I did invite you to eat not because I feel alone but I want you to eat at the same table as me."

The maid was moved. There was no girl like this he had met, even willing to share the main table with someone who had a lower caste. Ah, why is Tara so kind when her life isn't exactly smooth?

"Come on . . . Sit down, Auntie," said Tara because the maid instead of obeying her words froze on the spot.

"All right, princess. I obey you."